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1. Recognizing an ethical issue.

The first step is about finding or determining the ethical aspects at hand. Base on the video that was
provided, the ethical is the dignity of the daughter as a woman. This is an ethical issue in a sense that
aside from the fact that she is a woman, she barely know anything about her boyfriend and she decided
to live with that person in London. Giving the circumstances, it was never good for a woman or two
persons who barely know each other, were not even married to live together at such a young age.

2. Considering the parties involve.

The second step focuses on the person, or group of people that may be affected. On the video the
person who will be greatly affected by the decision is the daughter because whatever may happen, her
life and dignity as a person is at stake. Second is her parents, considering the path that their daughter is
taking whatever may happen to their daughter is the reflection of how they raise her.

3. Gather all of the relevant informati on

The third step of moral reasoning, talks about the all the pertinent information and potential sources of
it that would be relevant in making decision. Based on the situation given from the video, in order for
the mother to come up with the best decision, it would be best to talk to her daughter and the person
that her daughter considers as her boyfriend. Since her daughter is insisting on living with her boyfriend
on a foreign country, as a mother, she should at the very least checked whether her daughter would be
living with good person. Another person that she should ask for some advice or consultation is her
husband, because they are both the parents, and they should both hear each other sides about their
daughter leaving.

4. Formulate actions and consider alternatives

Using the Utilitarian approach, the action that will most likely produce the most good and do least harm
is by not letting her daughter leave. Considering the situation, a mother would most likely react like how
the mother from the video did, it is because, mothers tend to worry more and were hysterical when it
comes to their child, and having their children on the same place as them would make them less
anxious. On the other hand, if we are going to use the right approach, the action that respect the rights
of her daughter is by letting her go to London and live her own life. It is because even though you are a
mother and she is just your child, you can’t forever shield her from the world, you can’t always save
them and help them. They need to grow as a person, and that is by letting them make their own
decisions, made mistakes and learn from them.

5. Make a decision and considers it

From the possible actions along with their corresponding consequences, I believe that the mother
should use the right approach, and that is to let her daughter decide for herself. It was the best action
that addresses the situation because the daughter feels that all her life her mother made all the
decisions by herself and made her do the things that she don’t even like. So for once the mother should
at least give her daughter a chance to live her own life. If I am the mother, I believe I would feel good
with my decision because as a mother all I wanted the most in this world is happiness of my child.

6. Act

In spite of a very difficult decision that the mother is in, she should no matter what take action and
choose the best decision that she can to address the ethical situation they are in. As a mother, the best
thing that she could always do is support her child all through out.

7. Reflect on the outcome

According to newton’s law, in every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, this particular
phrase reminds us that in everything that we do, there is a corresponding consequence. Consequences
are inevitable, the least that we can do is make sure that we wouldn’t regret the decision that we made
later on. The result of my decision would make the daughter learn on her own, whether or not she made
a mistake, I strongly believe that she would learn a lesson from it and it would make her grow as a
person. Whatever the consequences later on, I would never change my decision, because I think that
everything happens for a reason, and that reason would probably serve as the greatest lesson of my life.

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