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Balkumari, Lalitpur

(Affiliated to Pokhara University)

A Lab Report On

Subject:- Web Technology .

Lab Report # 5 .
Title: - Imagemap and Frame .

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Name: - Shikshya K.C Instructor: - Simanta Kasaju
Roll No: - 211541 Department of IT
Faculty: - IT Submission Date: - 2080/03/05
Semester: - 3rd
HTML Iframe Syntax
The HTML <iframe> tag specifies an inline frame.

An inline frame is used to embed another document within the current HTML

<iframe src="url" title="description"></iframe>

Iframe - Set Height and Width

Use the height and width attributes to specify the size of the iframe.

The height and width are specified in pixels by default:

Iframe - Target for a Link

An iframe can be used as the target frame for a link.

The target attribute of the link must refer to the name attribute of the

 The HTML <iframe> tag specifies an inline frame

 The src attribute defines the URL of the page to embed
 Always include a title attribute (for screen readers)
 The height and width attributes specify the size of the iframe
 Use border:none; to remove the border around the iframe

Image Maps
The HTML <map> tag defines an image map. An image map is an image with
clickable areas. The areas are defined with one or more <area> tags.
How Does it Work?
The idea behind an image map is that you should be able to perform
different actions depending on where in the image you click.

To create an image map you need an image, and some HTML code that
describes the clickable areas.

The Image
The image is inserted using the <img> tag. The only difference from other
images is that you must add a usemap attribute:

<img src="workplace.jpg" alt="Workplace" usemap="#workmap">

Create Image Map

Then, add a <map> element.

The <map> element is used to create an image map, and is linked to the
image by using the required name attribute:

<map name="workmap">

You must define the shape of the clickable area, and you can choose one of
these values:

 rect - defines a rectangular region

 circle - defines a circular region
 poly - defines a polygonal region
 default - defines the entire region

You must also define some coordinates to be able to place the clickable area
onto the image.
HTML Image Tags

Tag Description

<img> Defines an image

<map> Defines an image map

<area> Defines a clickable area inside an image map

<picture> Defines a container for multiple image resources

Question 1:-> Source code
Question 3:->Source code
Question 4:-> Source code
Question 5:-> Source code

Question 7-> Source code

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