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1. An ethical theory is ____________ when it puts primary consideration and emphasis on the ______ or ______
that an act or conduct brings rather than on the _________ or ____________ that the agent may have.
2. Unlike in natural law ethics, utilitarianism disregards the _____ ___________ as the basis of morality
3. In assessing whether an act is good/bad, a consequentialist looks into the _______________
4. What matters in utilitarianism is the deed itself (T/F)
5. Actions, for them (utilitarianism), do not have _________________ (3 words)
6. For utilitarianism, morality has only an ____________ value; merely a means to an end
7. Element of utilitarianism that puts emphasis on the pleasure and happiness/contentment that one can get from
doing an act
• This element abhors happiness or pleasure as possible effects in the performance of actions. (T/F)
• For utilitarians, what should be avoided when this element is in mind?
8. Who are the 2 proponents of utilitarianism?
• What was the title of the book of J.B.?
• According to him, nature has placed mankind under the governance of 2 sovereign masters
• What are the 2 sovereign masters?
9. Right and wrong are dependent on the _______ or ______ that an act will bring or result to
10. The principle which emphasizes that nobody in his right mind (masochists excluded) will do something to inflict
pain and suffering upon himself.
11. This theory advocates a philosophy that holds that the primary reason for living is to seek for pleasure or
happiness and to avoid pain and suffering as much as possible.
• In this theory, it claims that good life is one that is spent for the pursuit of ________ pleasures
12. This principle denotes that the essentially determining element whether an act can be good or right is its utility
or usefulness (value) – to bring about desirable results.
• Who specifically coined this phrase/principle?
• The term “utility” is equated with =
• Does utilitarianism believe in an objective or subjective morality?
• Utility = serves some _______ or _________
13. Utilitarianism, as expounded, aims at consequences, which are good, that everybody wants, and this is
happiness. Because of this, utilitarianism is also known as _________________
14. What is the utilitarian maxim/phrase that puts emphasis on the social dimension of happiness?
• Who formulated this phrase?
• J.S. Mill insists that utilitarianism has been presupposed by all ethical philosophers starting from these 2
ancient Greeks:
15. This scientific method/scheme is used for determining morality by measuring the exact amount of pleasure and
pain, happiness and unhappiness
• Who made this method?
• He claims that what truly matters in the end is the ________ of pleasure and __________ of pain
• “Hedons” is a ________ term which means =
• Calculus =
16. What are the 7 elements of the scientific method?
• The more intense the pleasure, the better =
• The greater the possibility that the pleasure that one can derive from an act will be followed by more
pleasures, the better =
• The more certain the pleasure, the better =
• The purer the pleasure, the better =
• The greater the number of people who can experience pleasure, the better =
• The nearer, closer, or more often that pleasures occur, the better =
• The longer the pleasure lasts, the better =
17. A model that has adopted this scientific method of calculation (analysis)
• Cost = Benefits =
18. What are the 2 types of pleasures?
19. J.B.’s formulation of the quantitative calculation of the value of different pleasures put him under the level of
________ hedonist
20. Who claimed that there are 2 types of pleasure?
• The pleasure of the mind are lower than pleasures of the flesh and body (T/F)
• “it is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied” (T/F)
• It is better to be a fool dissatisfied than Socrates satisfied” (T/F)
21. Give 2 strengths of utilitarianism

22. Give 2 weaknesses of utilitarianism

23. A situation where no action or where no one can be made better off without making someone else worse off –
Duterte’s method that put utilitarianism in question
24. What are the 2 arguments against the utilitarian doctrine?
25. The 1st argument is based on (determine what part of the constitution):
- No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall an person be
denied of equal protection of laws
- No person shall be held to answer for a criminal offense without due process of law

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