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Katelyn Knoepke

Service Project- Professional

DOS 772: Clinical Internship II

For my professional service project, I volunteered to be a part of the student

subcommittee of the American Association of Medical Dosimetrists (AAMD). Professional
societies offer an opportunity to form a community with professionals from around the country
to network with and learn from. The AAMD helps to promote and support the medical dosimetry
profession. They provide educational and professional development opportunities, as well as a
forum for medical dosimetrists to share their treatment planning knowledge and expertise with
one another.
The AAMD has various committees that perform numerous functions within the
organization. Individuals may volunteer to take part in a committee that is of interest to them.
The student subcommittee is tasked with ensuring that students have the support and resources
that are required to succeed while completing their medical dosimetry education. Participation on
the student subcommittee involves attending a virtual meeting with other members every other
month to discuss current and upcoming projects and activities that student volunteers may be
involved with. The most recent meeting was held on July 10, 2023. We discussed ways to get
students involved in educational opportunities presented by the AAMD.

Being involved in the student subcommittee gives students an opportunity to experience

being involved within a professional society. This allows for an assessment of interest in
continued participation on volunteer committees. Involvement on the student subcommittee
allowed me to connect with other students and medical dosimetrists. I was also able to feel
involved within the profession and contribute to the goals of the organization. I have found that
the AAMD provides great value for medical dosimetrists as well as medical dosimetry students
and I have enjoyed being a part of the organization as both a student member and volunteer.

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