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In other words, significant discussions are vital for successful initiation of mentorship. Historically,
the process of developing expertise and career preparation has followed an apprenticeship model in
which a novice learns by working alongside an expert ( Lave and Wenger, 1991; Wenger, 1999 ).
However, the committee could not find reports of studies of any particular style or design of
mentorship in this context. For example, much of the research on mentorship in STEMM examines
mentorship in the context of research. Although this prior work contributed to the body of literature
on mentorship, these activities were not aimed at compiling, reviewing, analyzing, and presenting
research systematically and in a format that can inform and drive practice. The mentee may perceive
such omissions by mentors as an impression of their own incompetence or lack of belonging as
mentees. For example, if the mentee works in sales, a mentor could help them work on their cold-
calling skills. In addition, 41 percent of Entering Research students reported that this curriculum
helped them learn how to effectively communicate and interact with their research mentors ( Balster
et al., 2010 ). To better serve as a practical resource guide to enable institutions, departments,
programs, and individual mentors and mentees to create and support viable, sustainable, and
effective mentorship systems, the committee has created an online guide based on the content of
this report. For instance, a senior sales manager who excels at cold-calling might lack skills in using a
CRM. Scroll on to learn more and to find excellent examples of our mentoring plan template. Others
engage students for shorter periods of time but include forms of engagement that reflect mentorship,
such as the Maximizing Access to Research Careers Undergraduate Student Training in Academic
Research (MARC U-STAR) program. Mentoring refers to a relationship where a senior employee
takes up the responsibility of grooming junior or new employees in an organization (Elkin 2006).
Mentorship in medicine is discussed in Chapter 4. They generally include details such as the
company sellers name the list of items purchased the quantity and the items cost. Clinical profile of
paediatric patients with rheumatic heart disease at moi t. Eleven papers reported on the value of
mentorship for medical students in general. Crucially, seeking input from multiple mentors can help
to augment the influence of any single mentor on a mentee’s potential next steps. Informal mentoring
relationships, the organization assigns or. This study demonstrates that students, instructors, and
mentors all have different perspectives about a mentor’s role and how that role should be enacted” (
Colvin and Ashman, 2010 ). This way, teachers get to know their students better and offer
individualized support. Finally, organizations that support mentoring demonstrate their commitment
to the. Mentoring; a mirage but desirable tool in the practice of biomedical engineer. Therefore my
mentor encouraged me by informing me that I am able to do achieve my goal and I need to be
confident when attending the case. The main objective of mentorship is to help employees attain
psychological effectiveness and maturity and also get integrated into the organization. The
connection employees make with a mentor will also give them a feeling of belonging and show them
that they’re valuable. Keep in mind that sales receipts printing can also help you save time when
closing the sales at a later date. However after the cannulation process I changed to a democratic
leader as I wanted to make sure that I was correct in what drugs we would be administering to the
patient. As I began The Mentorship Program, I was delighted to find that the learning outcomes were
explicitly laid out. Findings from this study indicate that “even in programs where peer mentor
training is ongoing and established, assumptions cannot be made about the understanding of the
roles, risks, and benefits involved in such relationships.
Instead, we focus in this section on face-to-face and online education modules developed for and
tested with undergraduate and graduate mentees and their mentors. This limitation caused some
members of organizations to be excluded from mentorship programs. The limitations of traditional
mentoring caused its transformation from being an individual process into being a policy issue in the
20th Century. Practice of coaching aims to teach, encourage, develop, mentor, and stimulate teams,
employees and organizations to create the best achievable results within a particular context. As
documented by Chun, Sosik and Yun (2012) and Onchwari (2009), mentoring in learning
institutions boosts productivity, recruitment efforts, organizational communication and
understanding, succession and strategic planning and above all, cost effectiveness. In this
arrangement, it is the senior teacher who initiates a relationship with the new teacher believed to have
the required potential. Practically, theoretical integration of empowerment is only an area in the
whole context of nurse mentorship. Gardiner, M. (1999). Making a difference: Flinders University
mentoring scheme for. Rather, as with many commitments people voluntarily make, much of the
value arises from declaratively communicating to the other party a serious commitment and set of
intentions in support of the success of the mentoring relationship, the parameters and boundaries of
those commitments, and a mutual understanding of success in the context of the relationship.
Woodcock Faculty Fellow at the University of Pittsburgh. The requirements for entry into medical
school and progression through training are codified and made highly visible. 22 A similarly
structured process exists for applying to and being admitted to dental schools. 23 Colleges or
universities with a significant number of pre-medical students usually offer formal advising systems,
supported by the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions, 24 with those
advisors having their own strong professional identities. It explores the importance of mentorship,
the science of mentoring relationships, mentorship of underrepresented students in STEMM,
mentorship structures and behaviors, and institutional cultures that support mentorship. In the
reauthorization of the original document, Congress added a part G, in which mentoring was
described as a useful tool for addressing juvenile delinquency. There is an opportunity to contribute
to the literature on outcomes of graduate student peer-mentoring interventions. Looking for a
polished way to show proof-of-payment for goods or services. In this traditional sense, mentors are
those who use their status, power and knowledge to help proteges in developing their careers (Deb
2009). Throughout the case I alternated between autocratic and democratic leadership, and my
mentor alternated in-between Laissez-faire and democratic. A mentor review should be concise and
provide an overview of the mentee's progress. Moreover, the various levels of formality in STEMM
mentoring relationships may have different outcomes, a finding that echoes studies outside of
STEMM showing that formal and informal mentorship can provide complementary forms of support
( Desimone, 2009; Desimone et al., 2014; Erickson et al., 2009 ). In fact, Murrell posited, it may be
that the best mentorship programs are those that purposefully structure developmental challenges to
enable growth to take place in the safety of a holding environment. Written compacts can also ensure
that all mentees, regardless of their prior experience and socialization to STEMM, have equal access
to information regarding expectations. For all the effort the nation’s academic institutions have spent
formalizing the education and training of budding STEMM professionals, they have with a few
exceptions largely left mentoring to happen organically or on an ad hoc basis. For example, the grey
literature was consulted in the domain of online peer mentoring network communities for scholars of
color. In general, students have a range of talents, strengths, and assets, all of which an effective
mentoring relationship can capitalize on to facilitate their successful pursuit of and persistence in
STEMM career pathways. It is beyond the scope of this committee’s charge to compile them all and
report on their effectiveness. Else-Quest NM, Hyde JS, Clark R. (2003). Breastfeeding, Bonding,
and the Mother-. Here, the committee provides a summary of four such tools: individual
development plans (IDPs), mentorship compacts, mentorship maps, and mentoring plans. 10.
Importantly, the mentorship process improves on the practices of mentors as observed by the
Donnelley (2008). ITM also encourages the scholars to become mentors and develop mentorship
programs themselves ( SREB, 2018a, 2018b, 2018c ). For example, men were significantly more
likely than women and UR students were. Potential mentors are already available in work areas,
while costs for educational materials are reduced as focus is on interaction and skills enhancement.
In this light, mentoring program is founded on the theory of empowerment. This research illustrates
the value of having access to multiple mentors and how a program can facilitate access to
developmental networks ( Griffin et al., 2018; Tull et al., 2017 ). A 2005 study of health care and
technology employees examined the role of interpersonal comfort in mentoring situations ( Allen et
al., 2005 ). Institutions can integrate near-peer mentoring into their programs (see Box 4-4 ).
Coaching may be active within the mentee’s organization when a mentor assigns. Looking for a
polished way to show proof-of-payment for goods or services. A high proportion of the students go
on to Ph.D. or M.D.-Ph.D. programs, which is the goal of the program, suggesting that the
networked approach has a positive influence. 33 The authors of that study admit their analysis
cannot disentangle which elements of the network are most critical. Collective or group mentorship
configurations occur when a group of mentees work together with one or more mentors as a small
network, providing distinctive resources and information to one another, such as peer-to-peer advice
between mentees or guidance from multiple disciplinary perspectives ( Figure 4-1, panel C). Th?c
tr?ng ho?t d?ng marketing cong ty tnhh thuong m?i s?n xu?t thu?c thu y g. This interest was also
expressed at the second national conference on the Future of Bioscience Graduate and Postdoctoral
Training, which highlighted the desire for institutions to make it widely known among faculty,
students, and postdocs that mentorship education brings with it tangible benefits that can improve
the outcomes of and satisfaction with mentoring relationships ( Hitchcock et al., 2017 ). Some
potential talking points are highlighted in Box 5-3. Even so, there exists another form of mentorship
in organizations where a mentor and mentee match themselves voluntarily without the intervention
of a third party. This appreciates the importance of mentors participating in professional development
so as to learn the process and the expectations. This paper 'The Mentorship Program' tells us that no
formal model denotes standard implementation of nurse mentorship in health facilities. In the
evaluation of projected mentor outcomes, variables in job satisfactions are important clues for
strengths and areas of improvement. Or are they looking for advice and guidance to inform their
career decisions. For each mentorship structure, this chapter presents a general description of the
issues and parameters and then examples of specific studies. It is intended to distribute support and
information in a generational fashion. However, it is reasonable for mentors and mentees using these
tools to agree that the relationship itself is conditioned upon mutual commitment to the objectives
and milestones laid out. Future research should address this more directly by defining and
characterizing negative mentoring experiences in STEMM and investigating its prevalence and
impacts. The separation stage generally describes the end of a mentoring relationship. The. In
addition, not all mentees and research advisors consider their relationship to be mentorship (
Hayward et al., 2017; Schlosser and Gelso, 2005 ). Thus, the mentor teacher offers encouragement
to the new teacher and using the feedback from the mentee teacher advises appropriately.
Furthermore, isolating the evidence to support the effect of mentoring can prove difficult. Benefits
of Mentorship Thomas (2012) gives a critical observation in evaluating the benefits of mentorship,
noting that the process leads the protege to achieving the competence level of the mentor and further
grow beyond the set baseline together with the mentor. However, some considerations need to be
made for these students. The case study approach helps teachers to enhance their problem-solving
skills as a way of solving numerous problems that face them in the teaching profession. For example,
in reverse mentorship, a more experienced employee takes on the mentee’s role and is taught
something by the more junior employee. Over time mentors become known as counselors who are
willing to assist others and build up the company. In other instances, mentorship triads may manifest
more as dyads with interactions between pairs of individuals in the triad but not three-way
interactions, a structure described as an “open” triad. Each of these roles plays an important part in
helping the mentee grow from the experience. Custom Sales Receipt Books Custom Printed
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Remember to choose wisely and act decisively as soon as possible. Could you help me prepare?” By
asking questions like these, mentors can guide their mentee and help them determine how best to
address their challenges. Scholars, mentors, and mentees gathered to imagine how to realize an
evidence-based, online resource guide on mentorship; clarify the purpose and scope of the online
resource; identify users and use cases; and define the desirable functionalities of the final product.
Another example of when the presence of the ductus arteriosis allows for. While much of the
research on this mentee-centered structure has occurred outside of undergraduate and graduate
student career stages or outside of STEMM, they provide some insights that are likely to be
applicable for STEMM mentorship. Mentors execute any form of coaching, coaching being one of
their functions. Growing your network is a good goal to have in the long term, but it shouldn’t be the
only goal. This specific study provides a platform for safe methods and protocols to. Furthermore,
isolating the evidence to support the effect of mentoring can prove difficult. The committee focused
on the scholarship around elements or behaviors that support effective mentoring relationships
themselves and considered outcomes, such as assessments of mentee success, to be one type of
measure of effective mentorship. My mentor let me use my knowledge to make decisions, as laissez-
faire leaders let things happen rather than make things happen states Pullen and Richard (2016). This
allows for enhanced teaching methods and explanation on how to improve skills. Phase 5:
Redefinition - Redefinition is the fifth and final stage of a mentoring. Over the course of the study,
the committee sought to understand the current state of the science of mentorship; 6 identify gaps
and potential areas for future research on mentorship; and provide mentors, mentees, and mentoring
program directors with the evidence-based knowledge and skills necessary to ensure highly
productive and sustainable mentoring relationships. Even in teaching, experience serves as a critical
factor in selecting a mentor. Extended in appeal, the efficacy of nurse mentorship program in work
competency frequently carries the project beyond the targeted program elimination. The five career
functions identified by Kram (1985) are sponsorship, exposure and. I then administered the
appropriate treatment and transfer the patient to the nearest accident and emergency. One study, for
example, found that graduate students receive. A mentor is an experienced individual who provides
guidance, support, and advice to someone less experienced. There is a gap between what we know
about effective mentoring and how it is practiced in higher education. These benefits to the mentor,
mentee and the institution sum up to critical benefits of the training approach to the institution at
large. Emotional support is evidenced through role modeling. Report this Document Download now
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now Jump to Page You are on page 1 of 8 Search inside document. As two people grow more
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are handed out at the start of the program and before it ends, when nurses are off duty--done in less
than an hour. A timeline will come in handy so that you can know when it starts and when it ends.
Several steps are succinctly followed to determine overall reliance and appropriateness of proposed
structure. Practically, theoretical integration of empowerment is only an area in the whole context of
nurse mentorship.
They will help guide you and offer advice when needed, but ultimately allow you to grow and make
your own decisions. They might begin to test the limits of their relationship. Receipts come in
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hours ago Sales Receipt Books and Slips - Custom Printed Invoice Book Personalized. Project
Evaluation Measures Introduction The set project objective serves as gauge in predicting possible
study outcomes. Taking a relational and contextual perspective is another way to advance our
understanding of mentorship. For example, one study described the effect of peer mentorship on
women’s experiences and retention in engineering during their first year of college. Do they want to
follow in their mentor’s footsteps. It also discusses the importance of mentor and mentee education
as a means of inculcating effective mentor and mentee behaviors. Examining negative mentoring
experiences can help mentors and mentees address and avoid harmful mentoring behaviors. Other
workshop topics include defining one’s research identity, mentor mapping, doing fieldwork, and
workforce climate training. A 2014 review of undergraduate mentoring programs identified only
three studies that included some form of peer mentoring, only one of which used a quasi-
experimental design ( Gershenfeld, 2014 ). STEMM students reported that online mentorship forums
provided information, support, and problem solving that was otherwise not available to mentees
(“resource node” in Figure 4-1, panel D) or “lifted them up” when their local mentors were
undermining their self-efficacy, sense of belonging, or scientific identity. The answer to this key
question will inform the kinds of goals a mentee sets in a mentoring relationship. 1. Learn new skills
Skill sets for jobs have changed by 25% since 2015—a number that’s expected to double by 2027.
Should entrepreneurial mentors be trained or is experience enough. First, the committee presumed
that all mentorship at its core is a reciprocal and responsive social exchange among a specified group
of people with diverse individual attributes ( Eby et al., 2007 ). Accordingly, throughout the report
the committee emphasizes the relational nature of mentorship that includes contributions from both
mentors and mentees involved in this social exchange. A mentor can help a mentee identify specific
goals to take their career to the next level while also adding to their own resume. By following the
progress of both groups, this naturalistic experiment allows for some level of control of confounding
factors, such as self-selection into the program by participants. Qualities of an effective mentor are
patience, approachable, accessible, and willing to listen, a good communicator and willingness to
teach, compassionate, objective and fair. Written compacts can also ensure that all mentees,
regardless of their prior experience and socialization to STEMM, have equal access to information
regarding expectations. The first stage is where I and my mentor established my learning needs and
we set up a personal development plan, this plan consisted of me leading the case, I focused on the
treatment and history take (Klasen and Clutterbuck 2002). Flight conditions would change over the
course of their relationship and, at times, both would experience turbulence. Mentorship refers to a
collaborative learning relationship and working alliance, historically but not always between a more
experienced and less experienced individual, based on intentionality, responsiveness, reciprocity,
trust, and shared responsibility for the interactions in that relationship and the effectiveness of those
interactions. 3 Effective mentorship provides aspects of both. Indicatively, satisfactorily meeting
personal and professional conditions (organization fit and work environment) suggests reduction in
turnover intent. Further, elements of the six theories inform the behaviors targeted in mentorship
education that are known from theoretically informed research to contribute to student persistence in
STEMM. As using the democratic approach can provide me with support from my colleagues and
can also improve my knowledge from my colleagues input, especially on cases where I have little
knowledge or exposure. The initiation stage is a relatively short phase of the mentoring relationship,
but the first. This limitation caused some members of organizations to be excluded from mentorship
programs. The limitations of traditional mentoring caused its transformation from being an
individual process into being a policy issue in the 20th Century. The committee concluded that any
well-rounded study of a complex subject such as effective mentorship would involve a range of
perspectives and methods. Additionally, you’ll learn how to communicate sometimes difficult
feedback to your mentee. Mentoring has appeared in several legislation documents, from the
Reauthorization of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention of 1992 to the Juvenile
Delinquency Prevention Block Grant of 2005-2006 (Walker, 2007).
Learn more about how setting the right goals can mean the difference between success and failure in
your mentoring relationship. ? 6 Goals for Workplace Mentorship Programs An organization that is
developing a workplace mentoring program is usually looking to fix a problem, such as a high
employee turnover rate or lack of diversity. How Mentoring Is Beneficial For The Workplace As
Well As A. Ray JG, Urquia ML, Berger H, Vermeulen MJ. (2012). Maternal and neonatal. This
limitation caused some members of organizations to be excluded from mentorship programs. The
limitations of traditional mentoring caused its transformation from being an individual process into
being a policy issue in the 20th Century. SACNAS includes orientation sessions for students and
mentors, features mentorship workshops, and places specific emphasis on the importance of mentors
for scientists of color ( Arnette, 2003; Chemers et al., 2011; Collins, 2002; Hurle, 2003 ). Here's what
she had to say about organizational mentoring goals: 1. It explores the importance of mentorship, the
science of mentoring relationships, mentorship of underrepresented students in STEMM, mentorship
structures and behaviors, and institutional cultures that support mentorship. Learning the reason why
mentorship is needed will help you develop clear and concise action plans. The books can be in the
form of a pad or with a wrap-around back cover. If presented otherwise, new nurses tend to be
dissatisfied with their career, hence, high rate of turnover in clinical institutions. Crucially, seeking
input from multiple mentors can help to augment the influence of any single mentor on a mentee’s
potential next steps. While some of the studies cited when providing the general description are not
specific to STEMM fields, they provide relevant background. Informal mentoring relationships, the
organization assigns or. The direct people involved, mentors, mentees, administrative and support
personnel, consistently work up the conducive work conditions and modify identified weaknesses
with the entire training process. The committee incorporated the output of workshops and the
listening sessions throughout the report and in the online guide. This paper evaluates the application
of mentoring as a human resource function in the teaching profession. However, the committee could
not find reports of studies of any particular style or design of mentorship in this context. Several
steps are succinctly followed to determine overall reliance and appropriateness of proposed structure.
Box 4-1 highlights how theory may inform the concepts that are discussed. It is clear that mentorship
is one of the pillars of effective practice in developing the diverse generation of STEMM
professionals currently enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs, especially when paired
with other continuous improvement interventions, such as high-quality in-classroom pedagogy, and
utilization of evidence-based teaching and training practices ( Cohen, 1988, 1995; Plonsky and
Oswald, 2014 ). Rao, VSP 2008, Human resources management: text and cases, 2nd edn, Excel
Books, New Delhi. With slight disagreements or dissatisfaction in roles and function, turnover
intents increase; hence, the surveys are purposely created to assess risk patterns for turnover in
nurses. At the end of the course, participants develop an individualized mentorship action plan for
applying what they have learned. Negative mentoring experiences can refer to problematic aspects of
an otherwise positive relationship and do not necessarily mean that the entire relationship is negative
or harmful ( Kram, 1985a; Scandura, 1998; Simon and Eby, 2003 ). This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. From the committee’s evidence-
gathering activities, it is clear that many in the STEMM community believe that mentorship is an
expected, beneficial, and necessary function of the academic environment. This conceptualization
combined a characterization of relationships as having good or bad intent ( Duck, 1994 ) with a
categorization of mentorship as providing career and psychosocial support ( Kram, 1985a ) to create
a typology of what Scandura termed “negative mentoring” (see Table 5-1 ). Mentorship has been a
key component of research on employee development in organizations ever since seminal work in
1983 posited that mentoring relationships between more-senior-level and less-senior-level employees
were critical to shaping employee career development, career progression, and well-being ( Kram,
1983 ). In particular, mentorship associated with medicine is addressed in a section of Chapter 4
because of several distinct cultural characteristics of academic medicine. 9 The committee also
considered the literature on mentorship in STEMM postdoctoral positions, other postsecondary
higher education settings, and other sectors, such as industry, but did not include findings or
recommendations for these populations or contexts. Results showed that peer mentoring provided the
graduate students with both increased levels of psychosocial and career support, with peer mentors
providing higher levels of psychosocial support than career support.
During the redefinition stage, both mentor and mentee recognize that their relationship. Indeed, there
have been attempts to define the various forms of mentorship ( Huizing, 2012; Kroll, 2016; Mullen,
2016; Nicholson et al., 2017 ), and investigators have used a variety of terms to describe mentorship
configurations that involve more than one mentor and mentee, including the following. Typically,
mentoring takes place between a more experienced and a less experienced. For example, if the
mentee is a member of an underrepresented (UR) population in STEMM, 7 the mentor(s) may
encourage and support attendance at affinity-based conferences and workshops. Another study
found that e-mentorship modules that train graduate students for peer or near-peer mentorship
improve self-efficacy for women in STEMM, facilitate student success in STEMM programs and the
workplace, and increase persistence and graduation rates through college STEMM programs ( Wendt
et al., 2018 ). One study examined the risks and benefits for being a peer mentor or having one
mentor in a first-year undergraduate course. The mentor may be older or younger than the person
being mentored, but she or he. For those pre-medical students who participate in undergraduate
research opportunities, mentorship considerations in the context of research would be similar to or
the same as for other STEM undergraduates. Interpersonal, political and technical skills would be
conveyed from the more experienced employee in this relationship. The committee incorporated the
output of workshops and the listening sessions throughout the report and in the online guide.
Featuring Black individuals connected to STEMM, the community grew largely out of a perceived
need for and a willingness of individuals to occupy the mentor and mentee roles on a regular basis,
often simultaneously. The role that this business action plan plays is all about bridging the gap
between the mentor and mentee in the present. Growing your network is a good goal to have in the
long term, but it shouldn’t be the only goal. For example, one study described the effect of peer
mentorship on women’s experiences and retention in engineering during their first year of college. A
similar approach may be useful for delineating the particular benefits or affordances of mentorship
efforts that are embedded in larger programs ( Yip and Kram, 2017 ). Mentors also recognize the
influence they have as a professional role model. Those in the control tower could influence
relationships by providing professional development opportunities for the pilot and copilot to learn to
optimize their working relationship, by establishing accountability for both pilots in the relationship,
and rewarding the time they invest in their relationship that results in successful flights. It is intended
to distribute support and information in a generational fashion. The sample consisted of 135 mothers
and their prenatally diagnosed CHD. Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to go
directly to that page in the book. The ideals and expertise of the teacher should be shared with the
mentee teacher. If you have any questions give Print it 4 Less a call at 1-800-370-5591. Faculty
mentors, 17 percent of whom were members of UR racial or ethnic groups, and their junior faculty
and postdoc mentees, 43 percent of whom were members of UR racial or ethnic groups, reported a
positive effect on participants’ mentorship knowledge, skills, and behaviors ( Pfund et al., 2014 ).
This was the first randomized trial to show a positive effect on both mentors and mentees from a
research. Professional development provides teachers and other professionals with opportunities to
develop and learn specific task skills and leadership capabilities which can then be applied in the
teaching context to enhance teacher-student interaction. Mentorship that aligns with institutionally
defined paths to success often grants those in the mentor role with an implied trust by virtue of their
having attained a certain level of success in that career path. To learn how to keep your top talent
engaged while leading them into meaningful roles where they can make the most impact see our
white paper “ The Definitive Guide to High Potential Talent Programs.” SMART Suggestion: To
identify 20 high-potential employees by EoY. The committee concluded that any well-rounded study
of a complex subject such as effective mentorship would involve a range of perspectives and
methods. There is a gap between what we know about effective mentoring and how it is practiced in
higher education. This report and its complementary interactive guide present insights on effective
programs and practices that can be adopted and adapted by institutions, departments, and individual
faculty members. But due to me coming to the final months of my course, I decided that I need
experience leading cases without the input from others. Such teachers would share appropriate
knowledge amassed over years of being in the profession with the protege.

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