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Santiago Suarez Ferro

Student number: 239919

Task 1:

The charts illustrate the relationship between the average salary two years after leaving
education and the age on leaving full-time education. Both are from before the age of 16 to
after the age of 24. Overall, it is evident that if people are better qualified, they will get a
hifher average salary. Based on the details, there is a significant difference between ages
left-full time education, the highest percentage of people who dropped out of full-time is
the ages of 19 to 21 contributing to 54% while the lowest is before the age of 16 with a
percentage of 3%. In addition, the highest average salary two years before leaving
education is in the range of 22 to 24 years. However, there is no significant growth from
before the age of 16 to 24.
In a fact, people who leave left-full time education two years later have the highest average
salary of nearly 24 thousand.

Task 2:

Nowadays, the evolution of technology has been part of our daily lives. Technology has
benefits and problems based on the use we give to them, generating controversy between
whether they contribute to our lives or not. Currently all people handle technology of any
kind depending on the needs. In the following paragraphs, I will discuss both of these
points of view and express my opinion on the matter.

On the one hand, computers and other kinds of digital technology make life easier for
people. The evolution of technology has boosted the well-being of the human becoming a
basic tool because it satisfices people’s basic needs, quick access to information, facility
learning, breaks the barrier of distance, increase life expectancy, ease in jobs and others. In
addition, if we give it a positive use it can help to be the most efficient human being and be
able to fulfill the tasks in less time and with a higher quality. After the great change we
suffered in our lives thanks to the pandemic, technology was a fundamental tool to get out
and get on with our lives.
On the other hand, technology can make people live more difficult. The misuse of
computers and other kinds of digital technology can generate dependence, ethical
dilemmas, dehumanization, pollution and other. Today, people cannot live without
technology, changing the way people think and generating a different perspective to reality.
For this reason, people have social problems as behaviors that have serios consequences in
our lives.

In summary, People must have an education on the use of technology in order to take
advantage of the infinity of facilities it offers us and make our lives much easier and more
comfortable without affecting ourselves and what surround us.

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