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Solution Manual for Childhood and Adolescence

Voyages in Development 5th Edition by Rathus ISBN

1133956483 9781133956488
solution manual:
test bank:
Chapter 6—Infancy: Cognitive Development


1. Which theorist described children’s attempts to learn about their environments as “experiments in
order to see?”
a. Piaget
b. Vygotsky
c. Bronfenbrenner
d. Bandura
ANS: A REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Factual

2. Cognitive development in children is the process by which

a. children perceive and mentally represent the world.
b. intelligence is developed.
c. children learn to imitate others.
d. children learn strategies for developing short- and long-term memory.
ANS: A REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Factual

3. According to Piaget (1963), children’s cognitive processes develop

a. in a slow, continuous way from childhood to adulthood.
b. in an orderly sequence, or series of stages.
c. primarily by age 7, after which no new cognitive development occurs.
d. through a developmental sequence that varies greatly for each child.
ANS: B REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Conceptual

4. Wyatt has learned that his round ball is called a toy. When Wyatt sees an orange or a grapefruit, he
calls these toys as well. His thought process BEST represents
a. accommodation.
b. differentiation.
c. assimilation.
d. conceptualization.

Chapter 6

ANS: C REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Applied

5. Hazel got a puppy. She knows that puppies are animals. Her next-door neighbor has a cat. Hazel’s
mother tells her that both puppies and cats are animals. As a result, Hazel changes her scheme of
animals to include cats. Changing a scheme to incorporate new information is called
a. assimilation.
b. reaction range.
c. augmentation.
d. accommodation.
ANS: D REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Applied

6. Which of the following is the correct order of Piaget’s stages?

a. Sensorimotor, concrete operational, formal operational, preoperational
b. Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
c. Preliterate, literate, postliterate
d. None of these are correct
ANS: B REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Factual

7. Dylan picks up an object he has not seen before. He immediately puts it in his mouth. Dylan’s
behavior is representative of which stage of cognitive development?
a. Concrete operations
b. Oral-cognitive stage
c. Sensorimotor stage
d. Physio-emotive stage
ANS: C REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Applied

8. Which is the BEST example of a simple reflex?

a. Reaching for a rattle
b. Purposefully searching under a blanket for a toy
c. Looking to see where your mother is
d. Turning toward the source of a loud noise
ANS: D REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Applied

9. Which of the following is the most advanced substage in Piaget’s sensorimotor period?
a. Coordination of secondary schemes
b. Primary circular reaction
c. Secondary circular reaction
d. Tertiary circular reaction
ANS: D REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Factual

10. During which stage of cognitive development would you witness a tertiary circular reaction?
a. Sensorimotor
b. Preoperations
c. Concrete operations
d. Formal operations

Chapter 6

ANS: A REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Factual

11. Which of the following represents a primary circular reaction?

a. Kala accidentally touches her nose with her thumb and then repeats it
b. Jose turns toward the sound of the phone ringing
c. Lorenzo kicks his mobile over and over because it makes it move
d. Megan pulls her blanket so it will bring her teddy bear close enough to grab it
ANS: A REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Applied

12. What is a circular reaction?

a. A behavior that is repeated
b. A connection between an observation and a memory
c. A connection between a stimulus and a response
d. A simple reflex
ANS: A REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Factual

13. Can a 3-month-old child visually track objects?

a. No
b. Yes
c. Yes, but only if the object moves very slowly
d. Yes, but only if the object is very brightly colored
ANS: B REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Conceptual

14. In which substage of sensorimotor development would you first witness goal-directed behavior?
a. Simple reflexes
b. Secondary circular reactions
c. Primary circular reactions
d. Tertiary circular reactions
ANS: C REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Conceptual

15. By the end of the primary circular reaction substage, Piaget’s son Laurent was
a. discovering his hands by chance.
b. moving his hands in order to see them.
c. looking for toys that his father had hidden.
d. imitating his father’s facial expressions.
ANS: C REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Applied

16. Emma is 7 months old. She shakes a rattle so it will make a noise she likes. This is an example of
a. secondary circular reaction.
b. simple reflex.
c. primary circular reaction.
d. tertiary circular reaction.

Chapter 6

ANS: A REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Applied

17. How do primary and secondary circular reactions differ?

a. Primary involve only reflexes, whereas secondary involve thoughts
b. They are the same, one is just engaging in a more complex behavior
c. Primary focus on the body, whereas secondary focus on the environment
d. Primary involve more important behaviors than secondary
ANS: C REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Conceptual

18. Which of the following represents a secondary circular reaction?

a. Watching your foot pass before your eyes
b. Pushing a button on a toy to hear a sound
c. Imitating a face your mother makes
d. Opening a jar to get the cookies you saw your Grandma put in there
ANS: B REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Applied

19. When an infant visually tracks an object, what happens when the object moves out of view?
a. The infant will continue trying to find it
b. The infant will become visibly upset
c. What the infant will do depends upon the age of the infant
d. The infant will abandon the tracking without concern
ANS: C REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Applied

20. With coordination of secondary schemes,

a. the child can differentiate between how to achieve a goal and the goal itself.
b. the child is coordinating primary circular reactions.
c. the child engages in actions in a deliberate trial-and-error fashion to learn how things
d. the child is still engaging in most repetitions of behaviors by accident.
ANS: A REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Factual

21. If an infant reaches for a toy hidden under a cloth, what does this suggest?
a. What it means depends upon the age of the child
b. That the child has a mental representation of the object in mind
c. It is still random activity at this age
d. What it means depends upon the sex of the child
ANS: B REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Applied

22. Amir is 10 months old. He is able to push one toy aside in order to reach another that he wishes to
play with. He is also able to imitate the gestures and sounds his parents make when they play with
him. This is an example of
a. secondary circular reactions.
b. invention of new means through mental combinations.

Chapter 6

c. object permanence.
d. coordination of secondary schemes.
ANS: D REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Applied

23. By what age will a child demonstrate coordination of secondary schemes?

a. By 2-3 months
b. By 4-5 months
c. Not until 8-9 months
d. Not until 12-18 months
ANS: C REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Factual

24. By what age will a child demonstrate tertiary circular reactions?

a. By 2-3 months
b. By 4-5 months
c. By 8-9 months
d. Not until 12-18 months
ANS: D REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Factual

25. Which of the following is an example of a tertiary circular reaction?

a. Kala accidentally touches her nose with her thumb, it makes her laugh, she then repeats
the action, and it makes her laugh again
b. Jose turns toward the sound of the phone ringing
c. Lorenzo kicks his mobile over and over because it makes it move
d. After many tries, Megan turns her toy sideways and is able to pull it into the crib; now,
whenever she wants the toy, she turns it sideways to pull it through
ANS: D REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Applied

26. Which substage of sensorimotor development serves as a transition to the symbolic thought of the
next stage?
a. Tertiary circular reaction
b. Secondary circular reaction
c. Invention of new means through mental combinations
d. Coordination of secondary schemes
ANS: C REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Factual

27. With tertiary circular reactions,

a. trial and error is still used until an action accomplishes the goal.
b. trial and error is not needed.
c. the child will give up if something does not work the first time.
d. None of these is accurate
ANS: A REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Conceptual

28. A child wants a toy that is too big to be pulled straight through the bars of her crib. She studies the
toy for some time and then grabs it, turns it sideways, and fits it through the bars. This child is

Chapter 6

a. primary circular reaction.

b. invention of new means through mental combinations.
c. secondary circular reactions.
d. coordination of secondary schemes.
ANS: B REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1 DIF: Applied

29. At what age will a child begin to mentally represent objects?

a. 6-8 months
b. 18-24 months
c. 12-18 months
d. Not until 24-36 months
ANS: A REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 2 DIF: Factual

30. Object permanence refers to

a. an understanding that changes in shape do not change the object.
b. a realization that objects can look different, but still be the same.
c. recognition that things exist that cannot readily be seen.
d. None of these
ANS: C REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 2 DIF: Factual

31. What ability would be necessary for object permanence to occur?

a. Memory
b. Understanding the connection between what can be seen and not seen
c. The ability to form mental representations
d. All of these
ANS: D REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 2 DIF: Conceptual

32. Elliot left his backpack on the bus to school this morning. Even though his backpack is not at
school with him, he still knows it exists on the bus. This demonstrates which of Piaget’s concepts?
a. Accommodation
b. Object permanence
c. Deferred imitation
d. Shaping
ANS: B REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 2 DIF: Applied

33. According to Piaget,

a. children develop the skills that lead to object permanence by 3 months of age.
b. children develop an understanding of object permanence all at once.
c. children come to understand object permanence even without prior experience.
d. children develop object permanence before they develop emotional bonds to specific
ANS: D REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 2 DIF: Factual

34. What does the phrase “A not B error” mean?

a. Children will not search for hidden objects unless given an incentive
b. Children will randomly search for hidden objects, but will quickly become frustrated and
give up

Chapter 6

c. A child may reach for a hidden object where it has always been, yet still reach there even
when they see the toy hidden somewhere else
d. A child will search for a hidden toy but will quickly become distracted by other, more
interesting objects
ANS: C REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 2 DIF: Applied

35. If an infant cries when the mother puts her down and walks away, and then stops crying when the
mother picks the infant back up, does this represent an understanding of object permanence?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes, but only if the child is at least 2 months old
d. Not necessarily, it depends upon whether the child has a mental representation of the
ANS: D REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 2 DIF: Conceptual

36. What is the earliest age that a rudimentary knowledge of object permanence has been found?
a. At birth
b. 3.5 months
c. 8 months
d. 12 months
ANS: B REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 2 DIF: Factual

37. Research has found that infants as young as 3.5 months of age have a rudimentary form of object
permanence. Why then, do they not actively search for hidden objects until 8 months of age?
a. Coordination of acts does not occur until 8 months
b. Children do not “look in order to see” until 8 months of age
c. 8-month-olds do not yet perform primary circular reactions
d. 8-month-olds lack the ability to assimilate
ANS: A REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 2 DIF: Factual

38. Bettina Pollock and colleagues (2000) found that magpies

a. go from primary to tertiary circular reactions, bypassing secondary circular reactions.
b. hide food, but do not possess object permanence.
c. develop object permanence before hiding food.
d. use deferred imitation.
ANS: C REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 2 DIF: Factual

39. When we evaluate Piaget’s theory, we can conclude that

a. infant cognitive development occurs in discrete stages and at the ages put forth by Piaget.
b. his theory does not hold true cross-culturally.

Chapter 6

c. subsequent research shows children develop cognitive skills much later than Piaget
d. his theory has been supported cross-culturally in terms of the sequence and pattern of
ANS: D REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 3 DIF: Factual

40. Piaget may have underestimated infants’ cognitive competence. For example, more recent research
finds that infants develop object permanence, as well as _____________, earlier than Piaget
a. accommodation
b. deferred imitation
c. simple reflexes
d. trial-and-error problem solving
ANS: B REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 3 DIF: Conceptual

41. Piaget’s stages of cognitive development

a. have only been documented in Piaget’s own children.
b. apply more directly to the cognitive development of girls than boys.
c. apply more directly to the cognitive development of boys than girls.
d. have been documented in children cross-culturally.
ANS: D REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 3 DIF: Factual

42. A stage theory of cognitive development assumes that

a. development progresses according to discrete, age-based steps.
b. development occurs regardless of experience.
c. development is a continuous process that never ends.
d. development occurs at different ages for different children.
ANS: A REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 3 DIF: Factual

43. Jocelyn watches as her mother puts her toys in a basket. Two weeks later, after never having
engaged in this behavior, Jocelyn attempts to put her toys in the basket. This illustrates
a. memory.
b. recognition.
c. deferred imitation.
d. All of these
ANS: D REF: Information Processing OBJ: 4 DIF: Applied

44. Deferred imitation means

a. the child can mimic only within 5 seconds what he/she has seen.
b. children can imitate from the moment they are born.
c. a child has a mental representation in mind long before the behavior is imitated.
d. imitation is a more automatic process than was assumed in the past.

Chapter 6

ANS: C REF: Information Processing OBJ: 4 DIF: Conceptual

45. Leah, a 9-month-old infant, watches as her mother pushes a button on a toy and the toy beeps.
Several hours later, Leah pushes the button and the toy beeps. This is an example of
a. deferred imitation.
b. imitation.
c. instrumental learning.
d. classical conditioning.
ANS: A REF: Information Processing OBJ: 4 DIF: Applied

46. Wynn’s research on five-month-old infants using Mickey Mouse dolls revealed that infants
a. looked at the right and wrong answers equal lengths of time.
b. looked longer at the right answer than the wrong answer.
c. looked longer at the wrong answer than the right answer.
d. were capable of addition and subtraction.
ANS: C REF: Information Processing OBJ: 4 DIF: Factual

47. Neonates who are breast-fed are able to remember and recognize their mother’s unique smell.
What does this illustrate?
a. Imitation
b. Memory
c. Object permanence
d. Deferred imitation
ANS: B REF: Information Processing OBJ: 4 DIF: Applied

48. Which of the following is TRUE of infant memory?

a. Infants demonstrate memory for experiences they had while in utero
b. Infants do not demonstrate reliable memory until about 3 months of age
c. Infants can only remember after 6 months of age
d. Infants can memorize things with only one exposure
ANS: A REF: Information Processing OBJ: 4 DIF: Factual

49. When does the first dramatic improvement in infant memory occur?
a. Prenatally
b. Between 1-2 months of age
c. Between 2-6 months of age
d. Between 6-8 months of age
ANS: C REF: Information Processing OBJ: 4 DIF: Factual

50. Improvement in infant memory probably indicates

a. enhanced encoding of information.
b. less efficiency in retrieving stored information.
c. that older infants use more memory pruning.
d. All of these
ANS: A REF: Information Processing OBJ: 4 DIF: Factual

Chapter 6

51. Rovee-Collier and her colleagues (1993) tied one end of a ribbon to a brightly colored mobile and
tied the other end ties to an infant’s ankle. What did these studies measure?
a. Object permanence
b. Habituation
c. Memory
d. The age of onset of primary circular reactions
ANS: C REF: Information Processing OBJ: 4 DIF: Conceptual

52. How many days after learning a task can a typical 2-month-old remember it?
a. A few hours
b. 12 hours
c. Up to 2 days
d. Up to 3 days
ANS: D REF: Information Processing OBJ: 4 DIF: Factual

53. Zeena is 3 months old. She is taking part in a research study in which one end of a string is tied to
her wrist and the other end is tied to a screen. When she moves her hand, the screen lifts and she
can see a toy on the other side. How many days after learning this task will Zeena be able to
remember it?
a. 12 hours
b. 1-2 days
c. 3-4 days
d. More than one week
ANS: D REF: Information Processing OBJ: 4 DIF: Applied

54. In the studies of infant memory in which a mobile was tied to an infant’s ankle, infant memory
was improved by
a. priming.
b. increasing the number of times the infant was exposed to the memory item during the day
he/she learned it.
c. giving the infant a reward when she/he learns the memory task.
d. Infant memory cannot be improved over time
ANS: A REF: Information Processing OBJ: 4 DIF: Factual

55. Research studies have shown that infants can imitate adults opening their mouths and sticking out
their tongues. How early has this imitative behavior been observed in infants?
a. At 2 days of age
b. Less than 1 hour old
c. Not before 3 days of age
d. After 1 week
ANS: B REF: Information Processing OBJ: 4 DIF: Applied

56. If an infant sticks out his tongue, what has occurred?

a. Memory

Chapter 6

b. Imitation
c. A random act
d. Too little information to tell
ANS: D REF: Information Processing OBJ: 4 DIF: Conceptual

57. If a one-hour-old infant sticks out her tongue in response to an adult doing the same, what has
a. The infant observed the adult and then decided to stick out her tongue
b. Learning has occurred
c. Deferred imitation has occurred
d. Given the age of the child, this is most likely an imitation reflex
ANS: D REF: Information Processing OBJ: 4 DIF: Applied

58. Imitation is said to occur

a. when any act tried once is repeated.
b. only in response to another person engaging in the same behavior.
c. without thought.
d. only reflexively.
ANS: B REF: Information Processing OBJ: 4 DIF: Factual

59. Mirror neurons are activated by

a. performing an act.
b. watching another perform the same act.
c. performing an act or watching another perform the same act.
d. performing or watching another perform an act, but this is only true for monkeys.
ANS: C REF: Information Processing OBJ: 5 DIF: Conceptual

60. In contrast to Piaget, information-processing theorists focus on

a. unconscious desires and drives.
b. emotional development of the child.
c. how children manipulate or process information.
d. how reinforcements and punishments shape behavior.
ANS: C REF: Information Processing OBJ: 5 DIF: Conceptual

61. Moving from reflexive imitation to purposeful imitation requires

a. improvements in cognitive abilities.
b. just the passing of time.
c. significant effort on the part of the child over an extended period of time.
d. the emergence of genetic programming.
ANS: A REF: Information Processing OBJ: 5 DIF: Conceptual

Chapter 6

62. Why might newborns possess an imitation reflex?

a. It contributes to caregiver-infant bonding
b. It helps ensure survival of the newborn
c. It may be due to “mirror neurons” in the human brain
d. All of the above
ANS: D REF: Information Processing OBJ: 5 DIF: Factual

63. In terms of individual differences in intelligence among infants,

a. there are no individual differences in intelligence among infants.
b. infant intelligence develops in a discontinuous, stage-like process across childhood.
c. there can be a great deal of variability in intelligence among infants.
d. there is a genetic process of development that minimizes individual differences in infant
ANS: C REF: Information Processing OBJ: 5 DIF: Factual

64. Vygotsky’s theory focused on

a. how children come to learn from skilled caregivers and older children.
b. the infant’s ability to imitate what he/she sees.
c. how infants come to encode and store information from the environment.
d. levels of infant intelligence.
ANS: A REF: Social Influences OBJ: 5 DIF: Factual

65. A study by Robinson and colleagues (2008) found that in low-income mothers and children
a. maternal scaffolding had no effect on child performance in the “child alone” task.
b. mothers who provided the most scaffolding had children who performed best on the “child
alone” task.
c. mothers who provided the least scaffolding had children who performed best on the “child
alone” task.
d. maternal scaffolding predicted child intelligence levels.
ANS: B REF: Social Influences OBJ: 5 DIF: Factual

66. Which of the following is a measure of infant intelligence?

a. Apgar scale
b. Bayley scales
c. Vygotsky scale
d. Piaget scales
ANS: B REF: Individual Differences OBJ: 6 DIF: Factual

67. How is infant intelligence assessed?

a. By comparing the abilities of one infant to others of the same age
b. It is not possible to test infant intelligence
c. By comparing infant abilities to genetic norms
d. By monitoring brain wave activity while the infant is presented with visual stimuli

Chapter 6

ANS: A REF: Individual Differences OBJ: 6 DIF: Factual

68. Mai is 8 months old. She is being given an infant intelligence test composed of 178 mental-scale
items, 111 motor-scale items, and a behavioral rating scale. Which test is she taking?
a. Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale
b. Bayley scales
c. Stanford-Binet IQ test
d. Vygosky’s scaffolding test
ANS: B REF: Individual Differences OBJ: 6 DIF: Factual

69. Which of the following is one of the mental-scale items from the Bayley test?
a. The infant builds a tower of two blocks after the examiner demonstrates the behavior
b. The infant raises herself to a seated position
c. The infant attempts to pick up a sugar pill that is out of reach
d. None of the above
ANS: A REF: Individual Differences OBJ: 6 DIF: Factual

70. Which of the following is one of the motor-scale items from the Bayley test?
a. Infant glances back and forth from a rattle to a bell
b. Infant removes cup to obtain an item hidden underneath
c. Infant builds a tower with two cubes
d. Infant raises self to a sitting position
ANS: D REF: Individual Differences OBJ: 6 DIF: Factual

71. When would a child’s Bayley test scores be average?

a. There are no norms, so an average score cannot be determined
b. When the infant can complete 100% of the items for his or her age group
c. When the infant passes the test at the age at which 50% of other infants pass the test
d. It differs from child to child based upon genetics and environment
ANS: C REF: Individual Differences OBJ: 6 DIF: Conceptual

72. In its simplest sense, the Bayley scales measure

a. mental and motor abilities.
b. genetic influences on intelligence.
c. environmental influences on intelligence.
d. social and emotional development.
ANS: A REF: Individual Differences OBJ: 6 DIF: Factual

73. A main reason to test infant intelligence is so that we can

a. ensure that gifted children are enrolled in gifted academic programs.
b. try to detect early sensory or neurological problems.
c. predict adult intelligence test scores.
d. determine if infants in the current generation are more intelligent than infants from past
ANS: B REF: Individual Differences OBJ: 6 DIF: Applied

Chapter 6

74. How well do infant IQ tests, such as the Bayley scales, predict later school success?
a. Overall scores on the Bayley scales predict later school grades and IQ scores
b. Performance on the Bayley language items predict language skills at ages 6-8
c. The Bayley scales can predict math grades in elementary school
d. Items on the Bayley scales predict school success through college
ANS: B REF: Individual Differences OBJ: 6 DIF: Applied

75. Sensorimotor tests of infant development

a. are strongly related to subsequent IQ scores.
b. are highly related to verbal and symbolic scores obtained in later childhood.
c. are not really similar to the intelligence measures used in later childhood.
d. strongly predict childhood success in school.
ANS: C REF: Individual Differences OBJ: 6 DIF: Factual

76. Cognitive functioning in infancy

a. changes rapidly and is difficult to measure.
b. is very stable and should be used to assess potential areas for concern.
c. differs greatly depending upon the sex of the child.
d. accurately predicts success in later life.
ANS: A REF: Individual Differences OBJ: 6 DIF: Conceptual

77. Jasdeep can tell the difference between a video game he has played before and a new one. This
ability is referred to as
a. habituation.
b. sensory memory.
c. recognition memory.
d. classical conditioning.
ANS: C REF: Individual Differences OBJ: 6 DIF: Applied

78. A child is shown two objects for 20 seconds. After this, one of the objects is replaced and the
infant spends more time looking at the new object. What does this represent?
a. Visual recognition
b. Habituation
c. Memory
d. All of these
ANS: D REF: Individual Differences OBJ: 6 DIF: Applied

79. Higher visual recognition scores in infancy are related to

a. attention deficit disorder in later childhood.
b. creativity in later childhood.
c. better memory in later childhood.
d. higher IQ scores later in childhood.
ANS: D REF: Individual Differences OBJ: 6 DIF: Factual

Chapter 6

80. Susan Rose and her colleagues (2001) showed that visual recognition memory is
a. somewhat stable from age to age.
b. related significantly to brain myelination.
c. positively correlated with brain weight.
d. a good way to screen infants for sensory or neurological problems.
ANS: A REF: Individual Differences OBJ: 6 DIF: Applied

81. To date, it appears that the best predictor of later IQ scores is

a. the Bayley test.
b. parent IQ scores.
c. tests of visual recognition memory.
d. the Apgar test.
ANS: C REF: Individual Differences OBJ: 6 DIF: Factual

82. In terms of language,

a. children can only understand the words they can say.
b. its development is predetermined and independent of experience.
c. children can understand many more words than they can speak.
d. its development is linked very closely to the development of visual memory.
ANS: C REF: Language Development OBJ: 7 DIF: Applied

83. Language development is

a. unpredictable.
b. sequenced and step-like.
c. dependent entirely upon environmental stimulation, not genetics.
d. gender specific in its timing.
ANS: B REF: Language Development OBJ: 7 DIF: Factual

84. What is the earliest communicative sound a child makes?

a. Crying
b. Cooing
c. Saying “ma” or “pa”
d. It varies by cultural background
ANS: A REF: Language Development OBJ: 7 DIF: Factual

85. Vocalizations that do NOT represent objects or events are called

a. prelinguistic.
b. nonsensical.
c. random.
d. paralinguistic.
ANS: A REF: Language Development OBJ: 7 DIF: Factual

86. Is infant crying a primitive form of language?

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a. Yes, because crying represents language

b. No, because cries do not represent objects or events
c. It depends upon the type of cry emitted
d. It depends upon the sex of the child
ANS: B REF: Language Development OBJ: 7 DIF: Conceptual

87. During the first month of a child’s life, crying

a. is highly specific.
b. is activated by the vocal tract.
c. is non-distinct.
d. serves no useful purpose.
ANS: C REF: Language Development OBJ: 7 DIF: Conceptual

88. Infants begin cooing

a. at birth.
b. at one week of age.
c. during the second month of life.
d. during the fourth month of life.
ANS: C REF: Language Development OBJ: 7 DIF: Factual

89. Infant “ooh” and “aah” sounds, which are linked to pleasure or positive excitement, are called
a. positive cries.
b. cooing.
c. babbling.
d. echolalia.
ANS: B REF: Language Development OBJ: 7 DIF: Factual

90. Which of the following is MOST sophisticated?

a. Making no sound, which shows awareness that all is well
b. Cooing
c. Crying
d. Babbling
ANS: D REF: Language Development OBJ: 7 DIF: Factual

91. Sean is a 12-week-old infant. In terms of language development, which can Sean do?
a. Crying only
b. Crying and cooing
c. Babbling
d. He makes random noises only
ANS: B REF: Language Development OBJ: 7 DIF: Applied

92. Babbling

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a. appears between 6 and 9 months of age.

b. occurs before cooing.
c. is strongly related to words the child is trying to say.
d. occurs after the ability to use intonation.
ANS: A REF: Language Development OBJ: 7 DIF: Factual

93. When infants babble, they tend to babble

a. sounds they have heard before.
b. names for mommy and daddy.
c. vowel sounds only.
d. combinations of consonants and vowels.
ANS: D REF: Language Development OBJ: 7 DIF: Factual

94. Intonation involves

a. rising and falling speech patterns.
b. the repetition of consonants and vowels.
c. repeating what has been heard.
d. babbling sounds from all possible languages.
ANS: A REF: Language Development OBJ: 7 DIF: Factual

95. As baby Michael plays in his crib, his parents overhear him making repetitive sounds such as
“babababa” and “dadadada.” This repeating of syllables is called
a. cooing.
b. echolalia.
c. babbling.
d. intonation.
ANS: B REF: Language Development OBJ: 7 DIF: Applied

96. Echolalia involves

a. infants understanding more words than they can say.
b. infants speaking words they really don’t understand.
c. infants repeating syllables.
d. None of these
ANS: C REF: Language Development OBJ: 7 DIF: Factual

97. Theo is 10 months old. His parents overhear him talking to himself in his crib. His language
resembles adult speech in sound, with words rising and falling. This is called
a. echolalia.
b. intonation.
c. turn-taking.
d. vocabulary development.
ANS: B REF: Language Development OBJ: 7 DIF: Applied

Chapter 6

98. Which of the following supports the idea that babbling is innate?
a. Parents can encourage babbling by responding to their babies’ babbling sounds
b. Babbling is related to later language and reading skills
c. Deaf children babble using gestures that are similar to the babbling sounds of children
who can hear
d. Cultural background influences what sounds a child will babble
ANS: C REF: Language Development OBJ: 7 DIF: Factual

99. Which of the following is TRUE?

a. Receptive vocabulary generally exceeds expressive vocabulary
b. Expressive vocabulary generally exceeds receptive vocabulary
c. Receptive vocabulary and expressive vocabulary are always equal
d. Receptive vocabulary is determined by genetics, whereas expressive vocabulary is
determined by the environment
ANS: A REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Conceptual

100. The average 12-month-old child can speak ______ number of words and understands ______
number of words.
a. 5; 30
b. 8; 45
c. 13; 84
d. 22; 90
ANS: C REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Factual

101. When is an infant’s first word typically spoken?

a. Between 11 and 13 months of age
b. Usually by 10 months of age
c. Not before 24 months of age
d. It depends upon the child’s cultural background
ANS: A REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Factual

102. Brian and Tamara are concerned because their 12-month-old son has yet to speak his first word.
As an expert in child development, what do you tell them?
a. They should be concerned as most children speak their first word before their first
b. They shouldn’t be concerned because boys develop speech much later than girls
c. They shouldn’t be concerned because anywhere between 8 to 18 months of age is
considered normal for speaking first words
d. None of these
ANS: C REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Applied

103. After children speak their first words, verbal acquisition tends to be
a. fast, with children speaking 40-50 words within a month.
b. slow, with children speaking 10-30 words within 3-4 months.
c. fast, as expressive vocabulary outpaces receptive vocabulary.

Chapter 6

d. None of these
ANS: B REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Factual

104. In the following story, choose which word represents a general nominal: our dog, Sport, chased the
car down the street.
a. our
b. Sport
c. car
d. chased
ANS: C REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Applied
105. In the following story, choose which word represents a specific nominal: our dog, Sport, chased
the car down the street.
a. our
b. Sport
c. car
d. chased
ANS: B REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Applied

106. A specific nominal refers to

a. classes of objects.
b. personal pronouns.
c. proper nouns.
d. words longer than two syllables.
ANS: C REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Factual

107. The first words infants produce

a. are very similar across cultures.
b. tend to be objects that are brightly colored and shiny.
c. have no specific degree of predictability.
d. are mostly general and specific nominals.
ANS: D REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Conceptual

108. At about 18 to 22 months of age, there is a rapid burst in vocabulary. Approximately 75% of the
words added during this time are nouns. This vocabulary burst can be called
a. the expressive explosion.
b. the specific nominal explosion.
c. the naming explosion.
d. referential style.
ANS: C REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Factual

109. Referential language style focuses on ______, whereas expressive language style focuses
a. objects; social interactions
b. social interactions; objects
c. general nominals; specific nominals
d. things that move; things that are stationary

Chapter 6

ANS: A REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Factual

110. Linda Acredolo and Susan Goodwyn (2009) found that second graders who were encouraged to
use a signing system during their second year
a. were delayed in their language development.
b. showed advanced social skills compared to other children.
c. continued to use the signing system, as well as verbal means of communication.
d. scored 12 IQ points higher than those children who did not use a signing system.
ANS: D REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Factual

111. Research indicates that when hearing babies of deaf parents use sign language,
a. parent-infant communication can begin up to 8 months earlier.
b. parent-infant communication can be delayed by up to 3 months.
c. the children lag behind in their spoken communication skills.
d. the children more easily acquire other languages as well.
ANS: A REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Conceptual

112. The classic research of Eve Clark (1973; 1975) indicated that in terms of overextension,
a. babies born in the United States use overextension more than babies born in other
b. boys use overextension more than girls.
c. children use overextension to the same extent their parents use overextension.
d. its use is based upon perceived similarities in form or function between the original object
and the new one.
ANS: D REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Factual

113. Logan calls his favorite toy car “go-go.” Now whenever he sees anything with wheels such as a
bicycle, a train, or a grocery cart, he also calls it “go-go.” This is an example of
a. underextension.
b. referential language style.
c. expressive language style.
d. overextension.
ANS: D REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Applied

114. A child learns to call a dog “bow-wow” and now calls all animals he sees “bow-wow.” This is an
example of
a. telegraphic speech.
b. overextension.
c. egocentric speech.
d. morpheme.
ANS: B REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Applied

115. Telegraphic speech is characterized by

a. overextension.
b. lengthy sentences.
c. egocentric speech.
d. nouns, verbs, and some modifiers.

Chapter 6

ANS: D REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Factual

116. To the delight of her parents, 20-month-old Maya just exclaimed “Daddy go!” What does this
utterance best represent?
a. A holophrase
b. A morpheme
c. Telegraphic speech
d. MLU
ANS: C REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Applied

117. What is a morpheme?

a. A single word meant to represent an entire phrase
b. A single word meant to represent multiple objects
c. The total length of an infant’s utterance
d. The smallest unit of meaning in a language
ANS: D REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Factual

118. Mean length of utterance (MLU) refers to

a. the average number of morphemes a child uses in a sentence.
b. the total number of sounds a child makes when trying to express herself.
c. the average number of letters in the child’s usual utterances.
d. None of these
ANS: A REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Factual

119. To whom do we attribute the concept of mean length of utterance (MLU)?

a. Piaget
b. Chomsky
c. Bayley
d. Brown
ANS: D REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Factual

120. What is the relationship between MLU and chronological age?

a. As chronological age increases, MLU tends to decrease
b. As chronological age increases, MLU tends to increase
c. Chronological age and MLU are unrelated
d. Chronological age increases across time, whereas MLU remains the same across time
ANS: B REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Conceptual

121. What is a holophrase?

a. The first complete sentence that a child utters
b. A double-word utterance that a child speaks around 14 months of age
c. A single word utterance that expresses a complex meaning
d. A first word from the infant accompanied by physical gestures
ANS: C REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Factual

122. A child says “doggy!” This is an example of

Chapter 6

a. a morpheme.
b. a holophrase.
c. telegraphic speech.
d. mean length of utterance.
ANS: B REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Applied

123. By what age do most children begin using two-word sentences?

a. 12 months
b. 16 months
c. 24 months
d. 36 months
ANS: C REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Factual

124. Syntax refers to

a. the order in which words are used.
b. the number of syllables in a word that have meaning.
c. the fact that adjectives always come after the words they describe.
d. None of these
ANS: A REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Factual

125. The fact that Nina says “That dog” instead of “Dog that” indicates an understanding of
a. holophrases.
b. syntax.
c. MLU.
d. morphemes.
ANS: B REF: Language Development OBJ: 8 DIF: Applied

126. Behaviorists explain language acquisition in children as a process involving _______ of sounds in
the parent’s language and ________ of foreign sounds.
a. extinction; reinforcement
b. reinforcement; extinction
c. reinforcement; shaping
d. None of these
ANS: B REF: Theories of Language OBJ: 9 DIF: Factual

127. According to B.F. Skinner, when parents require that children’s utterances of words be
progressively closer to actual words before they are reinforced, this is called
a. grammatical construction.
b. expressive vocabulary.
c. shaping.
d. negative reinforcement.
ANS: C REF: Theories of Language OBJ: 9 DIF: Factual

Chapter 6

128. Natalie is 18 months old and mispronounces some words when she is speaking. Her parents are
quick to correct her pronunciation. According to research,
a. correcting her pronunciation will increase her language development.
b. correcting her pronunciation may slow her language development.
c. correcting her pronunciation will have no effect on her language development as language
acquisition is caused by innate or inborn prewiring.
d. There is no research on this subject
ANS: B REF: Theories of Language OBJ: 9 DIF: Applied

129. David is a new father and wants to know what he can do to enhance his child’s language
development. He reads a few research studies and finds that language growth in children is
enhanced when adults
a. ask questions of the child.
b. relate to the child’s utterances in a way that is “attuned.”
c. read to the child.
d. All of the above
ANS: D REF: Theories of Language OBJ: 9 DIF: Applied

130. Research on infant-directed speech indicates that

a. mothers are the only people to speak to infants in this manner.
b. it is not used cross-culturally.
c. it is used in many diverse languages.
d. its use varies by age and ethnicity of the parents.
ANS: C REF: Theories of Language OBJ: 9 DIF: Factual

131. According to psycholinguistic theory, language acquisition

a. is dependent upon resolving conflicts between the id, ego, and superego.
b. is primarily dependent upon stimulation from the environment.
c. is related to both inborn tendencies and environmental influences.
d. depends upon the length of one’s sensitive period.
ANS: C REF: Theories of Language OBJ: 9 DIF: Factual
132. What is the language acquisition device (LAD)?
a. A neural prewiring that allows children to learn grammar
b. A technique used to teach infants language skills
c. A sensitive period in which children acquire language
d. None of the above
ANS: A REF: Theories of Language OBJ: 9 DIF: Factual

133. Evidence for an innate tendency to acquire language is found in the

a. regularity of early production of sounds, even among deaf children.
b. many variations in the sequence of language development.
c. inability of children to understand grammar.
d. None of the above
ANS: A REF: Theories of Language OBJ: 9 DIF: Conceptual

134. Whereas Broca’s area is involved in language ____, Wernicke’s area is involved in language ____.

Chapter 6

a. comprehension; production
b. production; comprehension
c. syntax; grammar
d. grammar; syntax
ANS: B REF: Theories of Language OBJ: 10 DIF: Conceptual

135. The story of Genie

a. shows the effects of teaching ASL to young children.
b. provides evidence for the existence of a LAD.
c. proves that language acquisition is genetically determined and not dependent upon
d. supports the hypothesis that there are sensitive periods for learning language.
ANS: D REF: Theories of Language OBJ: 11 DIF: Conceptual

136. Simon showed grammatical mastery for the rules of American Sign Language, even though his
teachers (his parents and their friends) did not. This lends support for the idea that
a. there is no sensitive period for learning language.
b. ASL cannot be taught to children after the age of 9.
c. the tendency to acquire language is inborn.
d. a child can learn grammatically incorrect ASL, even if the parents model correct usage.
ANS: C REF: Theories of Language OBJ: 11 DIF: Conceptual

Chapter 6


Match the following:

a. average number of morphemes in an k. concept of the world
b. words the child can use l. modification of existing schemes
c. assesses mental and motor abilities m. “Car go!”
d. underlying meaning of a sentence n. communication through symbols formed
by moving hands and arms
e. discriminate known objects from novel o. items exist even when out of sight
f. one-word utterance that conveys a p. imitation of people or events that occurred
sentence of meaning in the past
g. words the child knows q. automatic repetition of sounds or words
h. learning language results from an r. characterized by impaired comprehension
interaction between the environment and of speech
an inborn tendency
i. repeat behaviors that affect the s. schemes are applied to specific situations
j. babbling t. period during which the brain is capable
of learning language due to its plasticity
1. Psycholinguistic theory 1. ANS: H
2. Mean length of utterance (MLU) 2. ANS: A
3. Accommodation 3. ANS: L
4. Holophrase 4. ANS: F
5. Expressive vocabulary 5. ANS: B
6. Secondary circular reaction 6. ANS: I
7. Scheme 7. ANS: K
8. Deep structure 8. ANS: D
9. Visual recognition memory 9. ANS: E
10. Telegraphic speech 10. ANS: M
11. Object permanence 11. ANS: O
12. Deferred imitation 12. ANS: P
13. Prelinguistic 13. ANS: J
14. Echolalia 14. ANS: Q
15. Tertiary circular reaction 15. ANS: S
16. Sensitive period 16. ANS: T
17. Receptive vocabulary 17. ANS: G
18. American Sign Language (ASL) 18. ANS: N
19. Wernicke’s aphasia 19. ANS: R
20. Bayley test 20. ANS: C


1. In the sixth substage of Piaget’s sensorimotor period, external exploration is replaced by mental

ANS: T REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 1

2. By two months of age, infants have developed object permanence.

ANS: F REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 2

3. Cognitive development has been found to be more gradual and less discontinuous than Piaget believed.

ANS: F REF: Cognitive Development OBJ: 3

4. Five-month-old infants can understand basic computational concepts such as more and less.

ANS: T REF: Information Processing OBJ: 4

5. The imitation reflex may contribute to caregiver-infant bonding and newborn survival.

ANS: T REF: Information Processing OBJ: 5

6. Central to information-processing theory is the concept of the zone of proximal development.

ANS: F REF: Social Influences OBJ: 5

7. Infant IQ scores reliably predict adult IQ scores.

ANS: F REF: Individual Differences OBJ: 6

8. Across time, visual recognition memory remains a fairly stable trait.

ANS: T REF: Individual Differences OBJ: 6

9. Babbling typically combines consonants and vowels.

ANS: T REF: Language Development OBJ: 7

10. Words expressing movement are rarely found in children’s early speech.

ANS: F REF: Language Development OBJ: 8

11. The mean length of utterance (MLU) is the average number of morphemes used in a sentence.

ANS: T REF: Language Development OBJ: 8

Chapter 6
12. Infants prefer infant-directed speech rather than adult talk.

ANS: T REF: Theories of Language OBJ: 8

13. Key biological structures that may provide the basis for the LAD are based in the right hemisphere for
most people.

ANS: F REF: Theories of Language OBJ: 9

14. Persons with Broca’s aphasia speak slowly and laboriously.

ANS: T REF: Theories of Language OBJ: 10

15. Before puberty, children suffering left hemisphere injuries frequently recover much of their speaking

ANS: T REF: Theories of Language OBJ: 10


1. How is it possible to assess cognitive development in children who are too young to talk?

The primary method for doing this research involves watching what infants do. For example, infants
tend to progress from random and accidental actions to increasing levels of purposeful behavior. A
child may kick her leg, which causes the mobile above her crib to move. If the infant repeats this
action, it may demonstrate that she is aware of a relationship between her behavior and the
environment. Piaget referred to these relationships as “circular reactions.” As the child gets older,
these reactions appear to become more purposeful and begin to be applied to specific situations with
the goal of creating a specific outcome.

OBJ: 1

2. How do secondary and tertiary circular reactions differ?

Secondary circular reactions are goal-directed behaviors. Over time, the child has learned that certain
behaviors cause environmental events. For example, a child may have learned that pushing a button on
a toy in her crib will cause it to make a beeping noise. With tertiary circular reactions, the child is able
to take knowledge of the relationship between his/her actions and the environment and apply it to
specific situations. For example, if Sarah has learned that pushing a button on a toy causes interesting
noises, she may attempt to push buttons on other toys.

OBJ: 1

Chapter 6

3. What is object permanence, and what abilities does it represent?

Object permanence is the term for an individual’s understanding that objects continue to exist even
when they can no longer be sensed. This is a major milestone in cognitive development and marks the
end of Piaget’s sensorimotor stage. This understanding suggests that the child has developed a scheme
of the world that things can exist that cannot be seen. It also represents a level of memory. In order to
understand that the object still exists and will return, the child would have to have memory for the
object. This ability also suggests that infants have developed the ability to form mental representations
of the world.

OBJ: 2

4. What does it mean to say, “Many of the cognitive capabilities of infants depend upon memory”?

Memory is essential for cognitive development. Children cannot form schemas, demonstrate
progression in circular reactions, or begin to use language without memory. The ability to
“experiment” by applying what has been learned to new and specific situations (the ability to perform
tertiary circular reactions), requires that the infant remember both the action and what happened when
that action was performed previously. The ability to form schemes in an effort to conceptualize the
world is also very memory-dependent. A child cannot learn to differentiate a kitten from a puppy, for
example, unless she can remember how they are similar and how they are different.

OBJ: 4

5. Describe the sequence of language development in children.

At birth and for the first month, infants show crying as their prelinguistic form of communication. At
around 12 weeks of age, infants add cooing to their repertoire. Cooing incorporates vowel sounds as
well as gurgling and squealing. Babbling, which incorporates consonants, appears around 6 months of
age. Single words, such as mama and ball, appear at the first birthday, but anytime between 8 and 18
months of age is developmentally appropriate. At 18 months of age, the child knows anywhere from 3-
50 words. By the time they are 2 years old, they will know more than 50 words and will be
spontaneously creating two-word sentences. Although the sequence of events in language development
is fairly similar across children, the age at which children develop these language skills can vary.

OBJ: 8


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