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Technical Manual
Section 5c - Polaris Radar/ARPA

Ship’s Bridge Simulator

Polaris, Technical Manual Section 5c - Polaris Radar/ARPA

Kongsberg Maritime SO-0681-D / 14-Mar-05

Ships Bridge Simulator

Technical Manual

Section 5c - Polaris Radar/ARPA

Geir Lilje (s) Terje Heierstad (s)

Author Approved


All rights reserved.
No part of this work covered by the copyright
hereon may be reproduced or otherwise copied
without prior permission from

Polaris, Technical Manual Section 5c - Polaris Radar/ARPA

Kongsberg Maritime SO-0681-D / 14-Mar-05

Issue No. Date/Year Inc. by Issue No. Date/Year Inc. by
A 12.03.98 HVE
B 01.04.98 HVE
B1 22.09.99 OAB/ ia
C 28.07.00 OAB
C1 19.08.02 ala
D 14-Mar-05 OAB/beba

Issue ECO Paragraph Paragraph Heading/
No. No. No. Description of Change
B SB-0060 3.1.4,, Added function in DISPLAY menu.
B1 All Std KNCSI template + grammar check.
C SB-0181 Removed technical specification. Upgrade
to SW 2.1.0
C1 New header
D SB-0366 All New screen dumps, Updated to Polaris SW
release 4.5

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Hazard Warnings
And Cautions
If a fire condition arises emission of toxic fumes can be
anticipated from burning insulation, printed circuit boards,

Dangerous Voltages
This equipment is not fitted with safety interlocks and lethal
voltages are exposed when the cabinets are open. Before
removing any sub-units or component all supplies must be
switched off. No user serviceable parts inside.

Electrostatic sensitive device

Certain semi-conductive devices used in this equipment are
liable to damage due to static voltage. Observe all precautions
for handling of semi-conductive sensitive devices.

ESD precautions
Refer service to qualified personnel. Turn power off prior to
opening any of the consoles. Whenever doing work inside the
consoles use an ESD protective wrist strap.
Whenever a printed circuit board is put aside it must be put
into an ESD protective bag or on a grounded ESD mat.
Non-conductive items such as synthetic clothing, plastic
materials, etc. must be kept clear of the working area,
otherwise they may cause damage.
Printed circuit boards must be kept in ESD protective bags at
all times during storage and transport. Only qualified

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personnel using ESD protective equipment as specified in this

section must open the bags.

Computer system
The simulator contains general-purpose computers. Running
non-Kongsberg Maritime software in any of them will void the
warranty. Connecting other keyboards, mice or monitors may
also void the warranty.

The information contained in this document is subject to
change without notice. Kongsberg Maritime shall not be liable
for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential
damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or
use of this document.

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Section Page

1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1
1.1 This Manual.....................................................................1
1.2 Emulated Radar ...............................................................1
1.3 The Human-Machine Interface ...........................................2
1.4 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations .............................3
2 GENERAL SYSTEM OPERATION ............................................... 5
2.1 The Radar Simulator Module ..............................................5
2.1.1 Pointing device Operations ................................................5
3 DETAILED FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ..................................... 8
3.1 The Radar Simulator. PPI and HMI ......................................8
3.1.1 Human-Machine Interface (HMI) ........................................9
3.2 The PPI......................................................................... 10
3.3 Range Selection and Mode of Operation............................. 11
3.4 ARPA functions .............................................................. 12
3.4.1 How to manually acquire a target ..................................... 13
3.4.2 Display Arrangement and Overlays ................................... 13
3.4.3 EBL and VRM ................................................................. 14
3.4.4 Target Data................................................................... 15
3.4.5 Gain, Tune and Clutter Rejection Controls.......................... 15
3.4.6 Alarms and Warnings...................................................... 16
3.4.7 Heading and Speed ........................................................ 18
3.4.8 Own Ship’s Data ............................................................ 18
4 MENUS .......................................................................... 20
4.1 ARPA ............................................................................ 20
4.1.1 Test Target ................................................................... 21
4.2 Radar ........................................................................... 21
4.3 Display ......................................................................... 22
4.4 Navigate ....................................................................... 23
4.5 Map ............................................................................. 25
4.5.1 Symbol ......................................................................... 25
4.5.2 Line ............................................................................. 26
4.5.3 Text ............................................................................. 26
4.5.4 To save a Line/Symbol/Text on the Polaris Radar/ARPA ....... 27
4.6 Trial ............................................................................. 27
4.7 Heading and Speed ........................................................ 29
4.8 Data Sail (Option) .......................................................... 30
4.8.1 Main DATA SAIL menu .................................................... 30
4.8.2 File .............................................................................. 32

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4.8.3 More ............................................................................ 32

4.8.4 Steer............................................................................ 33
4.8.5 Setting up a previously planned route ............................... 33
4.8.6 Setting up a Route ......................................................... 34
4.9 Sector Blank.................................................................. 36
4.10 Parallel Index ................................................................ 36
4.11 Reference POSITION....................................................... 37
5 BASIC OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES ...................................... 38
5.1 Starting the Polaris Radar/ARPA ....................................... 38
5.2 Initial Settings ............................................................... 38
5.3 Radar Display Modes ...................................................... 39
5.4 Date and Time ............................................................... 39
5.5 CPA and TCPA Limits ...................................................... 39
5.6 Target Tracking.............................................................. 39
5.6.1 Manual Acquire .............................................................. 40
5.6.2 Automatic Acquire .......................................................... 40
5.6.3 Target Data................................................................... 40
5.6.4 Cease tracking ............................................................... 41
5.7 Trial Manoeuvre Features ................................................ 41

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1.1 This Manual
This manual describes the use of the “POLARIS RADAR/ARPA” system, which is a part
of the “POLARIS” Ship’s Bridge Simulator, developed and supplied world-wide by
KONGSBERG MARITIME AS. The radar simulator can be operated as a stand-alone unit or a
sub-system of the extensive NORCONTROL simulation systems, well suitable for
education and training of radar operators.
The manual aims at facilitating the learning and training process as far as the ARPA
functions, implemented in the bridge simulator training courses are concerned. You will
find the following chapters:

Chapter 1. ‘Introduction’ gives a brief description of the Radar Simulator as it is

configured in POLARIS Simulators.
Chapter 2. Contains a general description of the operation as a software and
hardware system in the POLARIS family utilizing the Microsoft
Windows NT™ operation program.
Chapter 3. Contains the complete and detailed description of the radar system
functionality, including the buttons and menu controls of the emulated
radar PPI and the system’s HMI.
Chapter 4. This chapter deals with some basic procedures to be considered as
preparations for carrying out a training exercise.

1.2 Emulated Radar

The notion: “EMULATED RADAR” means a computer based system that physically looks
similar to - and functionally behaves like - real radar found on modern ship’s bridges. It
utilizes the well-proven ‘Radar Stimulation’ techniques previously used in conjunction
with ordinary radar systems in the "POLARIS" simulators. The emulated POLARIS
RADAR/ARPA is a learning tool that has interfaced many functions found on different

The Radar Simulator transmits video signals to the monitor, which then
displays the radar picture with all pertinent exercise details.

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O uts id e
up p e r v e r tic a l b e a m

U p p er v e r tic a l be a m

v id e o

v id e o
v id e o
O u t s id e
lo w e r v e r t ic a l b e a m
v id e o

U n d e r ho r iz o n
a nd s ha d o w e d
U n d er h o r iz o n
an d s h a d o w e d

v ide o v ide o v ide o

O n e ra d a r p u ls e
Illustration of the Radar Sweep

1.3 The Human-Machine Interface

The "Emulated Radar" Human-Machine Interface is based upon the most recent computer
developments in hardware and software, utilizing direct control on large monitor screens
instead of button controls and dedicated keys. The monitor contains the Radar PPI and all
HMI functions, which are obtainable with pointing device and interactions. In this manual
the word “radar screen” includes the radar PPI and HMI.

Tool tip: When the courser is placed on top of the buttons on the radar screen a tool
tip explaining the buttons function will pop up.

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1.4 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

3-D Three Dimensional
A/D Analogue/Digital (conversion)
AC Alternating Current
ARPA Automatic Radar Plotting Aid
AUX Auxiliary
BCPA Bearing to Closest Point of Approach
COG Course Over Ground
CPA Closest Point of Approach
EBL Electronic Bearing Line
ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information System
ECS Electronic Chart System
EMI Electro Magnetic Interference
ENC Electronic Navigational Chart
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
GANTS Global Automatic Navigational and Track-keeping
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
GPS Global Positioning System
HUP Head-Up Pulse
HW Hard ware
IS Instructor Station
KNC Kongsberg Norcontrol
KNCSI Kongsberg Norcontrol Simulation
LAN Local Area Network
Lat/Lon latitude/longitude
MMI Man-Machine Interface
NFU Non Follow Up (control)
NUP North-Up Pulse

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OS Own Ship
PC Personal Computer
PPI Plan Position Indicator
PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
RS Radar Simulator
RTS Radar Tracking System
s, ms, us second(s), millisecond(s), microsecond(s)
SART Search And Rescue Transponder
SOG Speed Over Ground
SW Soft ware
TCPA Time to Closest Point of Approach
UTC Universal Time Co-ordinator
VIDEO Radar echo
VRM Variable Range Marker
WP WayPoint
XTE Cross Track Error

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2.1 The Radar Simulator Module
The Polaris Radar/ARPA Simulator computer is built into the radar console and is not
available as a normal PC to the operator. It is connected to the Local Area Network (LAN)
and is working under the Microsoft™ operation system.
The computer is operated in direct interaction with the MMI on the screen with the
pointing device operations as described below.

2.1.1 Pointing device Operations

The Radar Simulator is operated with a mouse or a track-ball as “Pointing device”.
Basically the operations of the two devices are the same, with a built-in moving ball in
combination with two buttons to be pressed or clicked. The two buttons are the “Left
button” and the “Right button”.
In this manual expression “Pointing device” will be used.
The screen marker is positioned by operating the pointing device. Each movement with the
pointing device moves the marker in the same direction.

Basic Pointing device Operations

The left pointing device button: This button is used for selections.
The right pointing device button: This button is used for special purposes.

The most important pointing device operations are pointing, clicking and dragging as
described below: Left pointing device button

Definition Move the cursor/marker to the wanted screen location.
Common Use Prepare for selection or operation.
Definition Press and hold the button down.
Common Use Identify an object or function to be selected.
Definition Press and release the button without moving the pointing device.
Common Use Select cursor insert point, activate operation, activate/inactivate
Windows or controls.
Double Click
Definition Press the button twice without moving the pointing device.
Common Use A shortcut for common operations like activate icons, open files,
select words, select item or object.

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Definition Press and hold the button down while moving the pointing device
to a different position.
Common Use Move and reissue items, selecting a specific area. Right pointing device button

The right pointing device button is used to set the sweep centre in the PPI. When pointing
and clicking within a circular area - a little smaller than the PPI area itself - the sweep
centre is moved to that point. To reset the sweep centre, press the right pointing device
button while holding the <Shift> key. The video sweep centre is set to the PPI centre.
The right pointing device button is also used to move and adjust the EBL’s and the VRM’s
on the PPI, as described in a later chapter. Marker symbols

The marker has different shapes depending on where in the application window you are

Menu area.

Inside the PPI area.

Inside edit fields. This is the Insertion Point for editing of text and
data input.

This symbol pops up when moving to a push-button field.

Some parameters in the MMI must be entered or adjusted by clicking spin boxes with the
pointing device.

This Figure shows both types of spin box controls:

• The arrows , and the , buttons indicate that the

field value can be changed in both directions.

When clicking or pressing the spin-buttons for a short interval, the least significant
digit of the field value will change. When pressing continuously, the rate of change
will increase to higher decimals, allowing quick changes.

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Kongsberg Maritime SO-0681-D / 14-Mar-05 Special Commands

Special commands are used as combinations of keyboard keys or of pointing device
buttons and keyboard keys:

Right pointing device button Sets the sweep centre to the specified

Hold left pointing device button The sweep centre is reset to the PPI
while clicking the right pointing centre.
device button Parameter Input

When the marker enters an input field, it takes the shape of a bar (see the previous chapter),
whereupon the field value can be highlighted or erased and a new value entered from the

As a rule, all parameter inputs require a subsequent <Enter> to be inserted in the field. The
value will normally be checked against pre-programmed limits. If the value is within the
limits, it will be accepted by the system. Keypad input

A quick way of entering numeric values into an input field is to
double click within the field with the pointing device, calling a
small pop-up keypad as shown in the Figure. The value can be
edited and transferred into the field with <ENTER>.
This method is convenient when entering LAT/LON values.

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3.1 The Radar Simulator. PPI and HMI
The radar picture is displayed in the circular PPI view in the middle of the monitor, and the
MMI is built-up in the main window around the PPI view with various fields of data,
parameters, menus, buttons and controls.

The Radar Display. The window is maximized

The PPI can display:
• Radar video • Auto track zone • Racons & SART
• Targets, target history • Pointing device marker • Electronic bearing scale
and target course and • EBL and VRM • Parallel index lines
speed vectors
• Range rings • Map overlay information
• Heading marker (text, lines and symbols)
• Rain clouds
• Stern marker • Test Target
• Sea
• Route and Fairway
• Route and Fairway

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In the PPI a sailing situation is shown in Figure 3-1 above with coastlines, targets, EBL
and VRM, and range. The radar is in true motion north up mode with the own ship in the

The North direction on the bearing scale of the PPI is always related to the own
ship, even if it is positioned off centre of the PPI. The North direction will always
be straight north of the own ship.

3.1.1 Human-Machine Interface (HMI)

The HMI is built-up around the PPI view with various fields of data, display of parameters,
menus and controls. In this manual the HMI and PPI presentation is referred to as the radar
screen. The basic operations are performed by use of the pointing device (mouse or track-
ball) in direct connection with the Radar window. Detailed procedures are described in the
chapters below. Display of buttons

A dark button with readable text indicates an inactive state of its function.
Clicking with the left button of the pointing device activates the function.

A bright colored (highlighted) button with yellow text indicates that the
function is selected and active.
A flashing button indicates a “ready to perform” state. The function can be
performed by an adequate action, e.g. clicking once more. Radar screen Vital Information

Some of the data displayed and controls on the radar screen are vital for the operation of
the radar and consequently always present on the screen. Others are brought up when
needed by menu selections or exercise events.

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3.2 The PPI

The PPI can be switched to a Stand by modus where the radar picture is turned off and the
Kongsberg logo is displayed.

Next to the button on the Radar screen are the following parameters that can be
Vector Length OS and target course and speed vector
from 3 to 30 min
CPA Limit Maximum CPA warning limit for
alarm to be activated, from 0.1 to 12
TCPA Limit Maximum TCPA warning limit for
alarm to be activated, from 1 to 90
Below the field above, the marker position and Pencil function is displayed:
The marker data displays the position of the marker in
Lat./Long as well as the bearing and range from the
own ship to the marker on the PPI.

When activated the pointing device marker turns into a pencil when inside the
PPI and lines can be drawn, simulating a pencil used for manual plotting.
All lines drawn with the pencil marker are erased.
A dotted line is displayed from the PPI centre to the marker, as long as it
moves within the PPI. The line moves with the marker.

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3.3 Range Selection and Mode of Operation

These radar controls are placed at the upper right corner of the radar screen.

Click or with the pointing device to increase

or de-crease the PPI range. The range can be set from
0.125 to 96 nm.

The radar cross section (radar “reflex

ability”), environmental conditions etc will
determine the range of detection of

Select the mode combination as wanted:

The PPI is locked with North up. Ownship vector and land is
presented geographically correct.

The PPI is locked with the course held at the moment of selection
in Up position. The radar picture and Ownship vector is
geographically orientated with selected course as “up”.
This selection sets the ships heading fixed to up position Land
and other targets will “move” to present correct relative picture as
Ownship alter course.
Land is fixed on the PPI and Ownship centre is moving according
to course and speed (disabled for ‘Head Up’).

Ownship and target ships vector is displayed geographically


Ownship’s position on the PPI is fixed. Land and fixed targets

move on the PPI with the opposite course and speed of Ownship.

The course and speed vector of all tracked targets are presented
“as seen from Ownship”. Ownship course and speed vector is set
to 0.0 knots.

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3.4 ARPA functions

These controls are present when the radar is configured as an ARPA device, which is the
standard configuration.

“Remove all stored data and presentation of the target from the
radar screen”

Click . The buttons begins flashing. Put the cursor on the target
you want to remove and click the right mouse button.

Click the flashing to stop the operation.

The button will automatically stop flashing after 10 seconds after activated
or last ceased target.

When you hold the button down for more than 3 sec., tracking of all targets will

When activated a white target symbols is presented 1nm north of

Ownship and a white cross “X” begins flashing on the bottom of
the PPI. This function is to verify that the ARPA calculations are
correct. To sail the test target, see the ARPA menu and click

This button enables/disables the automatic detection and tracking

of targets inside the auto track zone, as specified in the ‘ARPA’
menu. When the button, is activated the auto acquire zone is

displayed on the PPI. Click the active on the ARPA

menu page to turn off the drawn auto acquire zone presentation.

This button enables/disables the display of track history for the

targets and Ownship. The track history symbol for targets is a
white circle while Ownship track history is a red circle. The
history log interval can be adjusted in the ‘ARPA’ menu for
targets and the ‘DISPLAY’ menu for Ownship.

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This button enables manual acquiring of targets. When activated,

click on the target you want to track.

3.4.1 How to manually acquire a target

• Click . The button begins flashing.

• Click on the desired target(s). 10 seconds after activating the button or no tracking
selected the button will de-activate itself.
• A flashing rectangle and a two-digit number – referring to target number - is displayed
on top of the target. The flashing stops when the radar is tracking the target.

It can take up to two minutes after a target is detected before correct target data is
• If a target is stationary (dead in water as a rock, buoy etc) the letter “z” is presented on
top of the target.

3.4.2 Display Arrangement and Overlays

The centre of the radar picture is at start up in the centre of the PPI
1st click: Moves the Ownship position on the
PPI backward along the ships heading marker.
This gives more “view” forward of the ship.
This feature only works in True motion.
2nd click: Ownship is moved to the centre of
the PPI.
Switches the Range Rings on the PPI On/Off.
The distance between the rings is shown below
the button when the button is activated. The
range rings will change automatically
according to the PPI range changes.
When activated a blue trail after targets will be
presented on the PPI.

Always active button. Press and hold the

button to suppress Ownship’s heading marker.

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Press and hold this button to suppress the

display of all synthetics information in the PPI,
leaving only the raw video.

3.4.3 EBL and VRM

Two EBL’s (Electronic Bearing Line) and two VRM’s (Variable Range Marker) can be
displayed on the PPI by using the corresponding buttons on the right side of the radar
screen. EBL1/VRM1 is displayed as a continues line while EBL2/VRM2 is displayed as a
dotted line in order to make a distinction between the two.
When activated the EBL and VRM’ are in
the centre, of Ownship and show the
direction and distance from there in nm.
The values appear to the right of the
corresponding buttons. Clicking on an
EBL1 & VRM1 is originating from centre of active EBL or VRM will set the off centre
Ownship while EBL2 and VRM2 are centred the EBL and VRM. A short text is
on a fixed point on the PPI. displayed on the button to indicate when
the VRM is off centre. To place the centre
of the EBL and VRM drag the centre
symbol of the EBL and VRM to desired

Both the EBLs and the VRMs can be moved and adjusted to the operator’s
convenience by using the pointing device drag function:

• Click and drag anywhere on the EBL line with the left mouse button to rotate the
bearing line around its origin.
• Click and drag anywhere on the VRM circle with the left pointing device button to
increase or decrease its range or use the / to increase or decrease the range.

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3.4.4 Target Data

The Target Data fields are only present when targets are tracked.

The Polaris radar/ARPA can simultaneous

display data for two targets. If more than
two targets are tracked, the two targets that
were selected last are shown. Selecting a
target implies clicking in the tracked target.
Two buttons are associated with each

Select this button to display the CPA on the PPI. A red X with cpa
xx (target number) is displayed on the PPI.
When the operator wants to monitor target data of one target. The
locked target’s data will stay fixed in the target data area. Only one
target can be locked at a time.
Click this button to get the relative bearing, speed and BCPA
readings on the target data field.

• Tracking mode, either manual or auto is displayed as text below.

• Warnings e.g. within CPA limit or lost target, are displayed in yellow flashing text at
the bottom at target data area. The collision warning will stay on, even when the
alarm is acknowledged.

3.4.5 Gain, Tune and Clutter Rejection Controls

These functions, located in the lower right area of the radar screen, are operated with the
pointing device drag function. In addition there are buttons to be operated either by press-
and-hold or as ON/OFF selections.

GAIN The gain can be adjusted from 0 to 100%. The more gain the
more radar signals are presented on the PPI.

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Increase gain when looking for small target with low radar reflection.
Decrease gain when there are too much noise on the PPI.

TUNE Tuning can be set between 0 to 100%. The effect of the

tuning is shown in the movable bar at the right of the slide.

The BOOST button increments the pulse length selection. If

it is normally short, it gets medium. If it is medium it gets
long. The button is highlighted when activated.

This button activates an algorithm that removes noise that

may come from other ship’s radar antennas close by.

SEA Sea clutter rejection can be set from 10 to 100 % rejection

manually with the slide rule, when not in AUTO CLUTTER
RAIN Rain clutter rejection can be set from 10 to 100 % rejection
manually with the slide rule, when not in AUTO CLUTTER
Enables/disables the automatic clutter rejection system. In
auto clutter mode, the sea and rain clutter rejection settings
are pre-set and can not be altered manually.

When increasing sea and rain clutter a “filter” is activated and allowing only radar
pulses with a certain strength to be presented on the PPI. Too much clutter can
prevent small targets like small boats, buoys etc to be presented on the PPI.

3.4.6 Alarms and Warnings

When a system alarm or a warning occurs, the

correspondent buttons start flashing red,
alternating with a yellow flashing field above,
indicating that a new alarm has occurred. An
audible alarms sounds:

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Click and hold to

acknowledge the alert and read a short description
of the cause above the button. If all alerts are
acknowledged, the flashing stops and the alarm
sound are silenced.

The following system alarms are present:

• Auto tracking maximum (50) targets • No Decca navigator interfaced
• Fixed target moving! Target #xx • No Echo sounder interfaced
• Trying to track outside limits • No Gyro signal
• Trial manoeuvre(s) time • Map element table full
• Fixed target lost! Target #xx • No such map element!
• No GPS navigator interfaced • GPS navigator interface lost!
• No Loran-C navigator interfaced • Loran-C navigator interface lost!
• Decca navigator interface lost! • Go to next waypoint!
• Echo sounder interface lost! • Outside port fairway!
• Missing trigger and antenna pulses! • Outside port fairway!
• De-activating the Data Sailing • This function is not installed.
• No heading, unstabilized display

When the tracking function of a target fails, will

flash, and the warning is repeated at the bottom line of the
actual target data fields. A flashing diamond is presented
on the PPI were the target was lost.

Click on or to delete the target and acknowledge the alarm.

When in mode and a new target enters the auto

track zone a warning is indicated by a flashing .

Acknowledge the alarm by clicking the button. See also

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When a target comes within the set CPA- or TCPA limit a

collision warning is given, and starts flashing.

The warning is repeated at the bottom line of the Target
Data fields. Acknowledge the alarm by pressing the

3.4.7 Heading and Speed

This field is located at the upper left corner of the radar screen. It shows
with large and easy readable figures the own ship heading and speed, and
their selected sensor sources, e.g. Gyro 1 and Log 1.

Heading sensors may be gyro 1, gyro 2 or magnetic compass, or the

heading can be set manually.

Log sensors may be log 1, log 2 or the speed can be manually set.

To select Gyro, Log or manual input, see the heading/speed menu.

3.4.8 Own Ship’s Data

This field is always present and located at the bottom
left corner of the radar screen. It displays the Own
Ship’s data.

LAT/LON position When a GPS or another navigation positioning aid is present; the
position, time, course and speed data are taken from this unit.
Otherwise the position is dead-reckoning, calculated from the own
ship’s data. The adjacent text indicates what means the position
data is derived.

To select different positioning aids, see navigation menu.

Time Time of day: [hh:mm:ss] is taken from the ship’s Clock. Activate
to displaying UTC time. The button is then highlighted.
Otherwise local time (LMT) is displayed.

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Date Day of the year: []. The data is derived from the settings
in the exercise.
Course In degrees, Depending on position aid used the ships course is
presented as COG or SOG.
Speed In knots. Depending on position aid used the speed is presented as
Depth below keel. Is displayed when activated and when an echo
sounder is included in the Bridge instrumentation.

If the radar display is configured as an ARPA, a fixed target mode can be selected
in the ‘NAVIGATE’ menu.

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There are two sets of menus on the right side of the radar screen. They are displayed in
white letters when selected. Click with the right mouse button with the pointing device at
the respective menu alternatives you want to open.
Upper menu line.

Lower menu line.

The individual menus are described in the following chapters. In chapter 5 some of the
complex functions utilizing the menus are described in more detail.

4.1 ARPA

This menu is only available when the

ARPA function is enabled.
It specifies the borders of the auto track zone,
within which the auto track function is
programmed to detect and track targets.

Click to open the second ARPA

ARPA page 1 page.

Click to display the auto track

zone on the PPI. It has a general form as
shown in the figure to the left.
Use the pointing device to adjust the
distances from the centre to the various
borders by scrolling up or down with the
and buttons.

The ‘AUTO TRACK ZONE has the

following borders:

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Click to return to the first ARPA


HISTORY INTERVAL in minutes can be set

for targets. To activate the track history on

the PPI, click in the ARPA button

ARPA page 2

When activated the tracking of

targets outside the track zone - when in auto
require mode - will cease.
4.1.1 Test Target

Activate the test target by clicking in the ARPA button column. Change course and
speed of the target by using and . Verify that the tracking performance and target data
are presented correctly.

Monitor the
tracking system. When activated the active
target on the PPI is displayed in green
indicating this is the target displaying tracker
performance data.

The tracker performance data is presented on

a separate page below the lower menu line.

The auto track zone will automatically change as border values are edited.

4.2 Radar
This menu controls the selection of radar
scanner and it displays some vital radar
parameters for these scanners.
The PULSE length can be set to SHORT,

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The number of RADAR selection buttons (#1, #2, ..) reflect available number of radar
scanners for this vessel. This is normally 2, (maximum 4). A short text below the selection
buttons shows the scanner type.
Selection of radar scanner to be displayed.

ON/OFF button for radar transmition.

When turned off the radar monitor display
When activated, “stripes” are drawn on the
radar monitor to allow viewing of the #radar
picture”. Use GAIN and anti CLUTTER to
tune the radar performance.

4.3 Display
This menu controls some of the display

Display menu page1

Select between day and night display
colours. Night colours are darker in order to
protect the bridge personnel’s night vision.
Enables/disables the displaying of the stern
marker. It appears as a dotted line in the
stern direction.
Enables/disables the displaying of the
circular bearing scale around the PPI.

When is activated, up to 10 red

circles will be presented in Ownship’s stern
wake according to set interval indicating
Ownship’s history.

Use and to increase/decrease the

Ownship track history marks.

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Press the button once to make it flash, twice

to confirm clearance of the Ownship history

rings. If stays active, the history

track will start over again.
Manual input for the course up display

mode when is activated. Use

and to select appropriate course up
When activated ships heading marker will
point at the bearing scale course 000 in
North- and Head up mode.
This menu controls the intensity of the
Range rings, Bearing scale, Head marker and
EBL/VRM on the radar screen. Use the
courser to drag the intensity bars to desired

Display menu page2

Click to return to display menu page 1

4.4 Navigate
This menu controls the mode of navigation
comprising one or more navaids, fixed
target and dead reckoning alternatives.
In navaid mode one or more of the
navigation instruments are activated.

In navaid mode the own ship LAT/LON position as presented in the Ownship Data part
(lower left) is derived from the selected navaid signals.

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If a navaid is selected, which is not present or not working, an alarm will sound and
the alarm button will flash.

If more than one of the navaids GPS, LORAN-C or DECCA

are activated, the position, course and speed presented in the
own ship data field will automatically be filtered, when this
button is pressed. This function gives a more accurate
position indication.
For an ARPA/PLOT configured radar display, a fixed target
mode is available. Select and acquire a non-moving target
with a known position (e.g. a buoy) with the pointing device
and then click this button. The button will start flash.

Enter the fixed target position by double clicking the

position and using the keypad. A reference to tracked target
used as fixed target is displayed next to the position. After a
while the own ship’s position is calculated based on bearing
and range from the fixed target, and the button turns to
steady light. The own ship’s position is updated and marked
with the text: Fixed target.
When no navaids are available you should go to dead
reckon position update, the centre of the PPI will be set to
0/0. The dead reckoning LAT/LON and time/date values
must be entered. Double click the pointing left button and
use the keypad.
The values are reflected in the Ownship Data fields. If
is activated, the values for COG and SOG are
now used for the navigational calculations.
Drift course and speed can be set as derived from current
maps or other sources.
Select the navaid to be used.

When selecting e.g. GPS the option of presenting ground

(activated) or sea stabilized vectors button pops up in the
lower left corner of the radar display.

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4.5 Map
This menu controls map overlays in the
form of symbols, text and lines.

Enables/disables displaying of
the map objects on the radar PPI.

Click to open an additional pop-up

menu in the second line of menus, the
‘FILE’ menu, as shown below.

This menu allows to , and

map overlay files. Use the
pointing device on the Up/Down arrows to
browse through available files. Or write a
new name to create a file (double click to
open the keyboard input window, see
below). Click to remove the
second Map menu and deactivate .
The control goes back to the ‘MAP’ menu.
The buttons listed below allow inserting a number of objects into the map. Selecting one of
them will bring up its parameters as follows:

4.5.1 Symbol
Use the arrows under TYPE to select the symbol to be inserted into the radar display. To
scroll through the different symbols use the arrows under POSITION to select symbol #

Anchor Circle Rectangle Time glass Torpedo

Triangle Wreck Buoy Oil Rig

Click + and select symbol. Put the cursor on the radar display were
the symbol is to be positioned and click the right mouse button to insert the symbol.

After you are finished inserting symbols click to go out of insert mode.

When a symbol is to be moved, put the courser on the symbol and click and drag the
symbol to its correct position or double click the position to open Keypad Input and
entering a new position.

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To enter a position of a symbol/line/text, put the cursor on the

letter/number to be inserted and click the left mouse button.
When the desired position is entered click ENTER on the
keypad input to allow the Polaris/ARPA radar to read the

4.5.2 Line
The following 5 types of lines are available:

Only a straight line can be increased in width.

Click + and select type of line to be drawn on the radar monitor. Set the
cursor in the position were the line is to start. Click and drag the cursor to the lines end
position. Repeat the procedure until all lines are drawn on the radar monitor. To change
type of line select the line that is to change type using the arrows for position. Select
desired type of line using the type arrows.

After you are finished inserting lines click to go out of insert mode.

4.5.3 Text
Write the text that is to be and position and click the right mouse were the texts is to be
inserted on the radar monitor.

Double click the text box to open

the Keyboard Input window. Put
the cursor on the letter/symbol/
number to be used and click the
left mouse button. When the text
is completed (max 20 characters)
click ENTER on the keypad Input.
The text is shown in the text box
on the MAP.

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Click and move the cursor to where the text is to be inserted on the radar screen.
Click the left mouse button to insert the text on the radar screen.

4.5.4 To save a Line/Symbol/Text on the Polaris Radar/ARPA

When all lines, symbols and text are inserted on the radar monitor then;
• Click to open MAP page 2
• Double click the file name box to open Keyboard Input window
• Write the name of the file to be saved and click ENTER on the Keyboard Input window
• Click to save the new file. The new file is put at the top of the list. Already
saved files are displayed under the file name field.

To insert a selected type of object, click which starts flashing.

Click in the PPI to insert the object in the marked position (click and drag
to draw a line).
After insertion, the object can be moved by drag-and-drop in the PPI
display. Map lines will stretch if dragged in one of the end points, and if
two map line’s end points are common, they will be connected to a

To delete an object from the map, click , which starts to flash

and point at the object of the selected type to delete it.

Click to remove all symbols, lines and text from the radar
monitor without deleing the file.

4.6 Trial
This menu controls trial manoeuvre operations

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This button enables/disables the display of trial manoeuvre track in the


A large red flashing “T” appears at the
bottom of the PPI and the word “TRIAL” is
flashing at the top of the radar monitor,
indicating the radar is set to a trial
manoeuvre mode and the time countdown is

Turn rate/radius and speed rate can be specified. Use the same values as set on the auto
When activating the TRIAL menu, the initial values for Course and Speed are the own
ship’s values taken from the gyro and the log. Time to manoeuvre is set to 6 minutes.
Course and speed changes can then be entered, and the resulting situations are displayed.

<TIME> Use and to set Time to perform the manoeuvre.

<COURSE> Use and to set Course to steer.


<SPEED> Use and to set Speed to keep.


Click to activate the second manoeuvre.

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Initially is highlighted, indicating

Time, Course and Speed to the first

trial manoeuvre. Clicking

enables the next manoeuvre. The
second set of parameters is shown
when clicking .

If the TIME (time to manoeuvre) is set different from 00:00:00 a “Trial Manoeuvre”
warning will be activated by the Alarm/warning system when the Time expires.

4.7 Heading and Speed

This menu controls the display of heading and
speed of the own ship. Select gyro 1 or 2, log 1
or 2 or manual heading/speed as appropriate.
If the radar display is configured with a
magnetic compass interface, there will be an
additional button for selecting that heading
source device.

Click , to activate the respective course and speed source.

Click to align gyro 1 and gyro 2. When activated use the and to
align the gyro.
The input made in this menu will immediately be reflected in the ‘Heading and Speed’
fields at the upper left area of the Radar monitor.

When in the course and speed must be updated after every

course/speed change.

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4.8 Data Sail (Option)

The Data Sail functions represent an option adding to the functionality of the simulator. It
permits the bridge crew to plan and create sailing routes the ship will follow automatically,

using on the steering system panel.

The operator defines a route and a fairway with specific sailing modes. The POLARIS
program will – when the <ACTIVATE> order is given – send signals to the track pilot so
that the own ship is navigated along the route and within the fairway.
All details necessary to plan a sailing route is accomplished in the ‘DATA SAIL’ menu,
which consist of the main menu and three sub-menus (See below).

4.8.1 Main DATA SAIL menu

The Data Sail function is operated by four
menus; three of them are displayed on
commands from the Main Data Sail menu.
The operator defines a route with
waypoints (WP1, WP2, ...) and fairways.
Sailing mode, turn radius and speed are
defined for each route leg, and ETA is
calculated according to these parameters.

[Route name] The name of selected route

Activate or deactivate the planned route.

This button will also affect . Both WP’s and

fairway are enabled/disabled.

Only the display of the fairways are enabled/disabled. The

WP’s are still present on the display.

Click to open the ‘FILE’ menu, as described next page.

Press once to enable clearing of the route. The button flashes.

Press once more to clear the whole route.

Click to enable inserting of WP’s. The button flashes. Click

with the pointing device in the PPI where you want the WP to

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be positioned. Click the button once more when finished. The

button stops flashing.

Click to enable deleting of WP’s. The button flashes. Click

with the pointing device in the PPI at the WP, that is to be
deleted. Click the button once more when finished. The
button stops flashing.

Click to call the ‘FAIRWAY’ menu, as described next page.

Click the illuminated button once more to remove the menu.

Click to call the ‘AUTO STEERING’ menu, as described

below. Click the button once more to remove the menu.

When the ship is closing next WP, the system alarm is

activated; “GO TO NEXT WAYPOINT”. The operator is
now supposed to confirm the course setting for the next WP
by clicking the flashing . The track pilot will turn the
ship to the next waypoint.
[NEXT WP] The next WP that the own ship is heading for is indicated in
yellow colour.
[WAYPOINT] The WP’s are continuously numbered as they are inserted.
Use the -/+ spin buttons to page through the planned WP’s.
The valid parameters for the displayed WP are shown in the
[WP(n) name]
A short text shows the status of the WP:
[TIME] The time to reach the actual WP from Ownship position when
sailing the route with the speed set in the SPEED field.
[COURSE] Course to steer from position to the WP.
[SPEED] The speed of approach on the leg. The speed can be changed
with the -/+ spin buttons. The [TIME] will change.
[DISTANCE] The distance from the WP to the next WP.
[POSITION] Position of the WP in LAT/LON.

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4.8.2 File

in the main menu activates the pop-

up ‘FILE’ menu

This menu allows to ,

and route files. Use to
browse through available route files. The route file may be given a maximum 2 x 32-
character name.
To enter a route name, double click on the line that displays the route name to open the
key-board window. Enter the route name using the courser and click the enter key to
insert the route name in the Type Route field

Click to remove the second menu and deactivate the button. The control
returns to the main Data Sail menu.

4.8.3 More
activates the ‘FAIRWAY’ menu,
where the fairway from the actual WP to
the next one can be set.
Use the -/+ spin buttons or double click to
display the keypad to set appropriate
values for the fairway width at the actual
To select a WP use the and on the
main Data Sail menu page.
Some additional parameters are indicated in the same menu:
<Remains to Waypoint #xx> TIME/DISTANCE from the present position.
<Remains of the route> TIME/DISTANCE from the present position.
<Estimated times of arrival> TIME and DATE for approaching the selected WP
and for the end of the route.

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4.8.4 Steer
activates the ‘AUTO STEERING’
menu, where steering data are entered.
The menu is displayed with a default set of
values for MODES, RATE OF TURN,

NFU The Non-Follow-Up function is used in DATA SAILING mode

when a deviation from the planned route is necessary because of
e.g. a collision situation. Press and hold either or to change
the course to port or starboard. The field showing the course will
change its value.

Press the button to set the course shown in the course field. This
value can be adjusted from the keypad, if wanted.
<MODES> Use the spin buttons to select the mode to use when turning and
calculating the route:

• Fixed rate of turn • Loxodrome

• Fixed turn radius • Great-circle
• Course • Rhumb Line Track
<RATE OF TURN> Use and or double click left pointing device button to
display the keypad to set a fixed rate of turn.

<TURN RADIUS> Use and or double click left pointing device button to
display the keypad to set a fixed turn radius.

<WHEEL OVER> Use and or double click left pointing device button to
display the keypad to set the time before reaching next WP the
Wheel Over alarm is to be activated.

4.8.5 Setting up a previously planned route

Do as follows:

1. In the ‘DATA SAIL’ menu click to display the ‘FILE’ sub-menu. The name
of the last saved route is shown in the [Route] field, with a list of earlier saved

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routes below. Up to 20 routes can be saved, of which the upper four are displayed
in the menu.

2. Scroll through the list with and to find the appropriate route.

3. When the wanted route is in the [Route] field, click to load the route onto
the PPI.

4. Click to return to the main ‘DATA SAIL’ menu.

5. Click to activate the Data Sail function.

4.8.6 Setting up a Route

Do as follows:
1. The ‘DATA SAIL’ menu is launched without Route name and WP01 name, and the
NEXT WP is set to #01, which is always the way point that is coming up next in
the route.
2. In the ‘DATA SAIL’ menu click . The button starts flashing, indicating that
away points can be inserted.
3. In the ‘DATA SAIL’ menu enter a [WP01 name], e.g., “Buoy1” by double clicking
the left mouse button to open the key-board window and write the name using the
cursor. Click <ENTER> on the key-board to enter the name.
4. Move the marker to the wanted position in the PPI and click. A cross marked WP01
is displayed.
5. It is now possible to call the sub-menu where the fairway can be specified.
6. Repeat #3 to #6 for the whole route.
7. On completion of inserting the route WP’s, click once more to deactivate
the inserting of new WP’s.
8. It is possible to adjust the route directly on the PPI by click and drag actions until
the route has the desired form. Adjustments can also be done by double clicking the
WP position (opening the numeric key-pad) and inserting the WP position.
9. If you want to save this route for later use, click to open the file menu,
enter a suitable name for the route (double click to excess the key-board window)
followed by <ENTER>, and then click
10. All data for the way points of the route can be displayed by scrolling the
[WAYPOINT #xx] back and forth ( , ), allowing reading of LAT/LON
<POSITION> and the TIME/COURSE/SPEED/DISTANCE parameters in the

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‘DATA SAIL’ menu. The status of the WP’s; such as “PASSED”,

“NEXT”,”COMING” and “FREE” are displayed next to the way point name. More
data can be found in the ‘FAIRWAY’ menu, clicking . Sailing the Route

When sailing the route it is convenient to keep the <AUTO STEERING> sub-menu
activated (click to open this menu) together with the ‘DATA SAIL’ menu.

1. In the ‘DATA SAIL’ menu click . The sailing route is activated, and
the own ship is navigating to the NEXT WAYPOINTS, which is always the #01.
2. If the own ship initially is positioned outside the fairway, or if it manoeuvres out
of it for some reason, an alarm is activated.
3. When closing in on the WP the set value for the WHEEL OVER is exceeded, and
the alarm sounds: “GO TO NEXT WAYPOINT”. The course to the next way
point is automatically set in the ‘AUTO STEERING’ menu, and the operator
must click in the ‘DATA SAIL’ menu. The actual WP is removed from the
route and WP02 is becoming NEXT WP #01, keeping the given WP name. Evasive Manoeuvres

On some occasions the operator must perform evasive manoeuvres while in Data Sailing
mode. It is possible to perform evasive manoeuvres instead of quitting the route altogether
using the NFU function shown in the ‘AUTO STEERING’ menu.
Do as follows:
1. Decide from the overall traffic situation and according to the rules of the road
what manoeuvre to perform.

2. Press and hold the appropriate spin button - to Port or to Starboard – and
observe the course change.

3. When a safe course is achieved, click to keep that setting.

4. Acknowledge eventual system alarms announcing “OUTSIDE PORT/STBD

5. When it is safe to return to the planned route, click to deactivate the

setting. The course to NEXT WP #01 will be set automatically, and the ship will
be steering back to the route in the set <MODE>.

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4.9 Sector Blank

The sector blanking function menu allows
to blank 4 sectors by specifying bearing to
sector <START> and <STOP>.

The activation of orients the

sectors to North up. Otherwise the
orientation relative.
The sector start and stop angles are adjusted
directly by entering the numerical values
from the keyboard in the selected fields.
Click to activate the set blank sector.

4.10 Parallel Index

This menu allows up to 4 parallel index
lines to be used for radar navigation. These
lines can be arranged according to the
following parameters:

Adjust with the and or double click in the heading window to open the numeric key-

Adjust distance from the centerline with the and in 0.001 nm increments or double
click in the heading window to open the numeric key-board.

Select Port or Starboard of centre for the parallel index lines using and .

Click to activate the set blank sector.

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4.11 Reference POSITION

This menu controls the reference position in
the radar PPI. The reference position is
marked with a cross with the text ‘RP’ next
to it. The ‘RP’ can be inserted in two ways:
• By clicking at the desired position in the
radar PPI with the left button of the
pointing device.
• By entering the LAT/LON position in the
from the keyboard.

Click to insert a reference position. When is flashing,

click at the wanted position for the reference position in the

Turns the display of the reference point ON/OFF.

When activated, a dotted line is displayed between the sweep

centre and the RP and from there to the pointing device
marker (if in the PPI).
Distance to the RP:
<CENTRE> (values relative to the centre)
<MARKER> (values relative to the pointing device marker)

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5.1 Starting the Polaris Radar/ARPA
The simulator will be prepared for training exercises by the Instructor, who will perform all
necessary initial adjustments concerning exercise objectives, exercise area, map editing
functions, participating parties, target allocation etc.
The radar operator or bridge personnel must prepare the total bridge instrumentation
equipment - including the Polaris Radar/ARPA system - for the conduction of the planned
exercise. To prepare the Radar/ARPA system, do as follows:
1. All computers on the bridge will normally be turned ON, so also the
Radar/ARPA computer. The radar screen appears on the monitor in the initial
condition, as prepared from the Instructor according to the exercise plans.

2. Click to start the PPI presentation of the radar video.

3. Adjust - if necessary - the Illumination, Color and Video Position of the
monitor until a suitable picture form and quality is obtained.
4. Adjust - if required - the controls for rain-, sea-clutter and gain located on the
radar screen as described later in this manual.

5.2 Initial Settings

When starting the POLARIS Radar/ARPA system the initial settings will be as follows:
STAND BY Activated
RANGE 6 nm
NORTH UP Activated
ARPA menu Activated
HEADING SPEED menu Activated
GYRO 1 Activated
LOG 1 Activated
If not done by the Instructor, align the gyro by entering correct gyro in the ‘HEADING
SPEED’ menu.
If not done by the Instructor, set the correct position according to the selected exercise area
in the ‘NAVIGATE’ menu.

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5.3 Radar Display Modes

Select appropriate radar display mode. Possible combinations are available:
Direction Motion Vector
North Up True True
North Up True Relative
North Up Relative True
North Up Relative Relative
Course Up True True
Course Up True Relative
Course Up Relative True
Course Up Relative Relative
Head Up Relative Relative
Head Up Relative True

Select ‘Display’ menu and adjust the display synthetics:

Activate if appropriate

Enable if wanted

Decide whether you want to display .

Adjust - if necessary - the [COURSE UP] value

5.4 Date and Time

Date and Time in the radar display are derived from the own ship’s clock. The Instructor
initiates these parameters at the Instructor Station according to the time set for the planned

5.5 CPA and TCPA Limits

Set appropriate values for the CPA limit, at which you want to be alerted. Use and
or double click the left pointing device button.
Set also the wanted time for being alerted (TCPA) when the CPA limit is reached. Use the
same technique as described above.

5.6 Target Tracking

The target acquisition can be manual or automatic, as set in the ARPA field on the radar

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5.6.1 Manual Acquire

Manual acquire can be performed anywhere within a radius of 54 nm from the own ship:

Click the button flashes.

Place the marker on the radar echo of the target to be tracked and click. The
radar echo is marked with a dotted square, indicating that acquiring and
calculations have started. The target data appears in the target data field with
incomplete data fields.
Reliable data are obtained after about 2min and a steady course and speed
vector is displayed on the target video and the target data fields are updated.
In case the target is a fixed one, a “Z” (Zero Speed) is displayed at the target.
If the target is used as a Fixed Target, an “F” is shown.
A text at the bottom of the target data area displays the tracking mode:
“Manual Acquire” turns into “Manual Tracking”. A <COLLISION
WARNING> alarm is displayed if the CPA- or TCPA limit is exceeded.
Upon acknowledging the alarm, the “Collision Warning” text is still
displayed below the target data fields.
Repeat the above procedures for all targets that you want to track. A
maximum of 50 targets can be tracked simultaneously.

5.6.2 Automatic Acquire

Automatic acquire is activated within the auto track zone, as specified in the ‘ARPA’
menu. When pressing the button, the auto track zone will be drawn in the PPI.
When a new target enters the zone, it is automatically marked with a dotted square, and the
target data fields are displayed. The text “Auto Acquire” shows below. After a while the
<NEW TARGET> alarm is activated, a vector is displayed, the target data fields are
updated and the text turns into “Auto Tracking”.
A <COLLISION WARNING> alarm is displayed if the CPA limit is exceeded. Upon
acknowledging the alarm, the “Collision Warning” text is still displayed below the target
data fields.

5.6.3 Target Data

Only radar echoes that are tracked by the system are displayed with their data in the Target
Data area (§ 3.1.11). Initially the two latest acquired targets with the two highest numbers
are displayed. To display the data of any other target, do the following:
Move the pointing device marker to the required target. Click the left pointing
device button to select the target.
The data fields of the selected target are displayed in the Target Data area.

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Kongsberg Maritime SO-0681-D / 14-Mar-05

To follow a specific target click to lock the target to the data area. It will stay
permanently in the target data area as long as is active.
In order to investigate a tracked target closer, click to display the CPA of that target
graphically as a red cross in the PPI.

5.6.4 Cease tracking

When in manual tracking mode the tracking of a target is no longer wanted, click

in the ‘ARPA function’ and put the courser on the target you want to cease
tracking and click the left button. The vector and the target data will disappear.

When in mode the targets inside the auto track zone will automatically be auto
required when cease tracking is performed. Targets outside of the auto track zone can

automatically cease tracking by activating (ARPA menu – more) tracking


5.7 Trial Manoeuvre Features

Target’s predicted

Target’s present

Own ship’s predicted


Own ship’s present


Typical Trial Manoeuvre

A flashing is displayed at the bottom of the PPI indicating that the radar is
operated in Trial mode.
The Trial Manoeuvre feature is useful for simulating manoeuvres in possible collision
situations. Course changes, speed changes or a combination of these can be simulated in
order to find the best way to avoid contingencies.

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Kongsberg Maritime SO-0681-D / 14-Mar-05

Other menus can still be used even when trial manoeuvre is activated.

Target vectors are moved away from their radar echoes while the trial manoeuvre is

Do as follows:
• Activate the ‘TRIAL’ menu.
• Adjust if necessary: RATE OF TURN, TURN RADIUS and SPEED RATE.
• While is active, enter new course and speed. Set time to manoeuvre.

• Click . A“ ” starts flashing in the PPI, and the predicted track is

• Click and to enter course and speed for the second manoeuvre. The new track is

• If you want to carry out the manoeuvre, click . The text starts
flashing close to . The time starts to countdown, and when the time is zero, the
system warning is activated, telling that the “Trial maneuver(s) time” is reached.
• Carry out the manoeuvre. The time countdown continues, until the time for the second
manoeuvre has come.
• On the second “Trial maneuver(s) time alarm, perform the intended second manoeuvre.

When the trial manoeuvre function is no longer needed, it should be turned off.

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