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ROLL NO: 2K20/MTH/99
DATE: 19/07/2020
Memories Of A Best Friend
I carry many things in my treasure box at home. It contains my pocket money
savings, a golden ring, a letter from a friend and lots of other valuables. There is
one thing however, which I value above all my possessions. It is a photograph. It is
small and the photographer was not good. That does not matter. What matters is
the person in the photograph. His name is Farhan.

We first meet almost two years ago when I moved to Hyderabad from my quiet
village. It was my first day and the school was very large. I was nervous. I walked
into my first class slightly late. I took a seat. Looking around, I noticed several
people staring at me. That made me very uncomfortable as I don't like to be
stared at.

Since it the first day school, our teacher made each Of us introduce ourselves to
the class. We played a few games and made quite a noise. Soon, it was time for
and found myself being escorted to the lunch room by a friendly, tall boy from my
class. He talked very politely and made me feel like we had known each other
since childhood.

During our games period, he picked me for his team and We played enjoyable
game of football. Farhan was a strong player. He played well and helped our team
win the game. He seemed Very friendly and supportive, That day was the start of
a friendship that I value till today. Before I met Farhan, I used to be very nervous
whenever I did something new. With Farhan’s support, I developed a Sense Of
confidence. I grew in so many ways. Yes, Farhan was a good influence on me.
We remained friends for the next three years till I returned to my village. I lost
touch With him Of the distance that separated Often think Of him and the
wonderful times we shared.

So, that little picture is my valuable possession. It reminds me of my best friend.

Whenever I see it, I think of Farhan and wish that his life will always be a happy

The End

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