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Test Bank for College Physics A Strategic

Approach 3rd Edition by Knight ISBN

0321879724 9780321879721

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Q5.1. Reason: For an object to be in equilibrium, the net force (i.e., sum of the forces) must be zero. Assume that
the two forces mentioned in the question are the only ones acting on the object.
The question boils down to asking if two forces can sum to zero if they aren’t in opposite directions. Mental
visualization shows that the answer is no, but so does a careful analysis. Set up a coordinate system with the x-axis
along one of the forces. If the other force is not along the negative x-axis then there will be a y (or z) component that
cannot be canceled by the first one along the x-axis.
Assess: In summary, two forces not in opposite directions cannot sum to zero. Neither can two forces with different
magnitudes. However, three can.

Q5.2. Reason: Objects in static equilibrium do not accelerate and remain at rest. Objects in dynamic equilibrium do
not accelerate and move with constant velocity.
(a) The girder is moving at constant speed. We assume it’s being lifted straight up. If so, it’s in dynamic equilibrium.
(b) Since the girder is slowing down it is accelerating, and therefore not in static or dynamic equilibrium.
(c) Since the barbell is not accelerating and remains at rest it is in static equilibrium.
(d) Once the plane has reached its cruising speed and altitude the plane is moving with constant speed and direction. It
is in dynamic equilibrium.
(e) A rock in free fall is accelerating due to gravity. It is not in equilibrium.
(f) The box is accelerating since the truck is accelerating and the box is not sliding relative to the truck. The box is not
in equilibrium.
r r
Assess: For an object in equilibrium Fnet  0.

Q5.3. Reason: Assume you are sitting in a chair, and that you are at rest. (Parts of your body may be moving, but if
you model your body as a particle, then you generally aren’t moving much as you read.)
The two forces that act on you are the gravitational force of the earth on you directed down and the normal force of the
chair pushing up on you. These two forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction and so the sum (the net
force) is zero.
Assess: When you aren’t accelerating Newton’s second law says you experience a zero net force. So this analysis
would apply equally to the case of you reading this while sitting in a chair on a smoothly moving (constant velocity)

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5-2 Chapter 5

Q5.4. Reason: Weight is due to the pull of gravity on an object. Mass is a measure of an object’s tendency to resist
being accelerated.
(a) The mass of an object is independent of location. Whether the object is on the earth or the moon or in space away
from sources of gravity, its mass is the same.
(b) The weight of an object depends on the acceleration of gravity at the location. The weight of an object on the moon
is less than the weight of an object on the earth.
(c) Mass and weight are not the same thing in different units. Mass does not change depending on location, as in part
(a), while weight does, as in part (b).
Assess: Mass is an intrinsic property of an object. Weight depends on the acceleration due to gravity and so is not an
intrinsic property of an object.

Q5.5. Reason: The reading on the moon will be the moon-weight, or the gravitational force of the moon on the
astronaut. This would be about 1/6 of the astronaut’s earth-weight or the gravitational force of the earth on the astronaut
(while standing on the scales on the earth).
Assess: The astronaut’s mass does not change by going to the moon.

Q5.6. Reason: The rope and two rocks are in free fall. Consider the following free-body diagrams.

(a) Considering mass M first, Newton’s second law gives

T  wM  MaMy
Since the block is in free fall, the acceleration of the rock is aMy   g. The weight of the rock is wM  Mg. Solving
the equation for T, we have
T  wM  MaMy  Mg  Mg  0 N
The free-body diagram for block m along with Newton’s second law gives
T - wm = Mamy
With aMy   g and wM  mg. Solving for T gives
T  wm  mamy  mg  mg  0 N
This also follows from the fact that the tension in a rope is the same all along the rope.
(b) If the two masses are reversed, the results will be the same. The blocks and the rope are all in free fall. They all
have the same acceleration, so there will be no tension in the rope.
Assess: This answer makes sense. The blocks are accelerating at the same rate.

Q5.7. Reason: The normal force (by definition) is directed perpendicular to the surface.
(a) If the surface that exerts a force on an object is vertical, then the normal force would be horizontal. An example
would be holding a picture on a wall by pushing on it horizontally. The wall would exert a normal force horizontally.
(b) In a similar vein, if the surface that exerts a force on an object is horizontal and above the object, then the normal
force would be down. One example would be holding a picture on a ceiling by pushing on it. The ceiling would exert
a normal force vertically downward. Another example would be the Newton’s third law pair force in the case of you
sitting on a chair; the chair exerts a normal force upward on you, so you exert a normal force downward on the chair.
Assess: We see that the normal force can be in any direction; it is always perpendicular to the surface pushing on the
object in question.

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-3

Q5.8. Reason: During the upward part of the motion, the drag force and weight of the ball both act in the downward
direction. During the downward part of the motion, the drag force acts upward while the weight of the ball acts
downward. The net force accelerating the ball during the upward motion is greater than during downward motion, so
the ball takes a shorter time on the upward part of the trip, so a longer time to fall back down.
Assess: The force of air drag always acts opposite the direction of motion of an object.

Q5.9. Reason: Increasing the mass does increase the net force on the system, but it also increases the inertia.
a . Since both the net force and mass are increased they still cancel, leaving the acceleration the same.
Assess: The m cancels out of every term.

Q5.10. Reason: Each hand exerts a horizontal normal force on the box, but the two add up to zero. The downward
weight force is balanced out by the upward static friction force each hand exerts.

Assess: The net force on the box must be zero since it isn’t accelerating.

Q5.11. Reason: Before you slip the static friction is keeping you from sliding. But when you slip the friction is
kinetic friction, and it is less than the maximum static friction. Before slipping you must have been near the maximum
static friction or you wouldn’t have slipped, and the net force on you was about zero. So there is less friction on you
while sliding than when you weren’t sliding, so you will accelerate.
Assess: The static friction is not always the maximum possible amount, but it was close in this case.

Q5.12. Reason: Use the simple model in Section 5.6 and assume that
D» r Av 2
For object 1: A = 0.20 m ´ 0.30 m = 0.060 m2 ; v 2 = (6 m/s)2 = 36 m2/s2 ; so Av 2 = 2.2 m4 /s2
For object 2: A = 0.20 m ´ 0.20 m = 0.040 m2 ; v 2 = (6 m/s)2 = 36 m2/s2 ; so Av 2 = 1.4 m4 /s2
For object 3: A = 0.30 m ´ 0.30 m = 0.090 m2 ; v 2 = (4 m/s)2 = 16 m2/s2 ; so Av 2 = 1.4 m4 /s2
The density of air r is the same for all three objects, so it won’t affect the ranking.
Therefore, D1 > D2 = D3.
Assess: Note that because v is squared, object 3’s greater cross-sectional area did not produce the largest drag force.

Q5.13. Reason: The skydiver is falling with a constant velocity just before she opens her parachute. At this point,
the drag force on the diver is equal to her weight. When she opens her parachute, her effective area is increased, so this
increases the drag force on the diver. This will cause a net force on the diver in the upward direction, which is greater
than her weight and will decelerate her.
Assess: This makes sense. The parachute slows the diver down further.

Q5.14. Reason: Raindrops are not in free fall; air resistance is a significant factor. We can assume that the drops
reach terminal speed before hitting the ground.

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5-4 Chapter 5

Bigger drops experience a greater downward gravitational force than small drops because they have more mass.
However, bigger drops also experience a greater upward air resistance drag force because their cross-sectional area is
larger. But these two effects do not grow at the same rate; the mass (and hence the downward force) grows with r 3 ,
while the cross-sectional area grows with r 2 . Therefore, as the size of drops increases, the downward force grows
faster than the upward force. So larger, more massive drops fall faster than smaller drops.
Assess: Air resistance makes all the difference. If there weren’t any, all drops would have the same acceleration and
they would be going very fast when they hit the ground. Rain drops generally do reach terminal speed, but not every
drop has the same terminal speed. Larger drops have greater terminal speed.

Q5.15. Reason: As the plane’s thrust is decreased, the plane will start to decelerate. From Equation 5.12, as the
plane’s velocity decreases, so does the drag force on the plane. The plane’s velocity will decrease until the drag force
equals the thrust force. At that point, the plane will stop decelerating as it reaches a new equilibrium. If the drag force
continued decreasing, the thrust force would re-accelerate the plane to the point where it would stop accelerating, again
reaching the same equilibrium. Therefore the plane will travel with a constant velocity once the new equilibrium is
Assess: Drag force decreases with decrease in velocity.

Q5.16. Reason: If you only consider objects dropped from rest and accelerating up to terminal speed you might think
that is the maximum speed the object can go through the air. However, terminal speed is merely the condition when
the gravitational force and the air resistance force have the same magnitude and sum to zero. That doesn’t necessarily
mean it is the fastest possible speed.
It would be quite possible to throw or fire an object straight down from a high cliff at greater than terminal speed. The
higher speed would mean that the upward drag force is greater than the downward gravitational force, so the net force
would be up, the acceleration would be up, and the object would slow down to terminal speed, at which time the forces
would cancel and the downward velocity would be constant.
Assess: The direction isn’t crucial either; an object can also go up at faster than terminal speed, but the important
aspects of the issue are most easily shown in the case above.
It is also possible to start from rest and speed up past terminal speed if there is another force which makes the net force
non-zero and so acceleration can continue; an example of this would be a rocket-powered missile.

Q5.17. Reason: See the free-body diagrams below.

The object is in static equilibrium.

Newton’s second law for the 5 kg box gives T  mg  Fy  ma y  0 N. Then T  mg  49 N
Assess: This makes sense, since the object has a mass of 5 kg.

Q5.18. Reason: The tension is 49 N. It reads the same as it would if the rope were attached to the ceiling. The role
of the 5 kg mass on the left is to keep the system in equilibrium, but it doesn’t make the tension more than 49 N.
Assess: Apply Newton’s second law to the mass on the right; the upward tension in the rope must equal the downward
force of gravity. The scale reads the tension in the rope.

Q5.19. Reason: Consider the free-body diagrams below.

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-5

Since each object in the system is in static equilibrium, we can apply Equation 5.1. For m1 , T1  w1. For m2 , T2  w2 .
The pulley is massless, so it has no weight. The only forces on the pulley are the three tensions in the diagram, so
T  T1  T2 . The tension in the rope is the sum of the tensions in the ropes directly connected to the objects, which is
just the sum of their weights from the equations above. The tension is 98 N.
Assess: This makes sense, since the scale is effectively supporting two 5 kg objects.

Q5.20. Reason: This question is very similar to Question 5.18. The tension is 49 N. It is the same as if the rope were
attached to a wall on the left instead of the rope that goes over the left pulley. The role of the 5 kg mass on the left is
to keep the system in equilibrium, but it doesn’t make the tension more than 49 N.
Assess: Apply Newton’s second law to the mass on the right; the upward tension in the rope must equal the downward
force of gravity. The pulley (in our simple model) merely changes the direction of the force.

Q5.21. Reason: The kinetic friction acts in a direction to oppose the relative motion, so on block 1 the kinetic friction
is to the right and on block 2 it is to the left.
Assess: We would expect them to be opposite since they are a Newton third law pair and the forces in a third law pair
are always in opposite directions.

Q5.22. Reason: In this case there is not enough information to tell, because we don’t know which way the block
would go if the friction were reduced. Think of extreme cases to see this. If block 1 were much, much more massive
than block 2 it would slide down the ramp if friction were reduced sufficiently; in that case (if the friction weren’t
reduced) the static would have to be up the ramp to hold block 1 there. On the other hand, if block 2 were much, much
more massive than block 1 then block 1 would slide up the ramp if friction were reduced sufficiently; in that case (if
the friction weren’t reduced) the static friction would have to be down the ramp to hold block 1 there. Since we don’t
know the masses we don’t know which extreme case is closer to our situation. So the answer is D.
Assess: By examining limiting cases we get a good feel for the situation. From the figure it looks like block 1 is more
massive than block 2, but we aren’t told, and there isn’t enough information to decide which way it would slide if
friction were reduced.

Q5.23. Reason: The ball is in equilibrium. We will use Equation 5.1.

See the free-body diagram below.

In the vertical direction we have

T sin(50°) - w = T sin(50°) - mg = 0
Solving for T, we obtain
mg (2.0 kg)(9.80 m/s2)
T= = = 26 N
sin(50°) sin(50°)
The correct choice is D.
Assess: Note that we did not need to use the horizontal components of the forces.

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5-6 Chapter 5

Q5.24. Reason: We will employ Newton’s third law in part (a) and Newton’s second law in part (b).
(a) Newton’s third law says that if object A (you) exerts a force on object B (the ceiling), then object B (the ceiling)
exerts a force with equal magnitude and opposite direction on object A (you). Therefore the ceiling exerts a force of
100 N on you. The correct choice is B.
(b) This part is trickier; we must use the fact that while standing still, you are in equilibrium (i.e., the net force on you
is zero). The individual forces on you are: the downward gravitational force of the earth on you (your weight), the
downward force of the ceiling on you (which we just found to be 100 N), and the upward force of the floor on you
(which we want to know). These must sum to zero. In other words the magnitude of the upward force of the floor must
equal the sum of the magnitudes of the two downward forces, 690 N (your weight) and 100 N. The correct choice is
Assess: Especially note that in part (b) the magnitude of the force of the floor on you is not the same as the magnitude
of the earth’s gravitational force on you, as it would have been if you hadn’t been pushing on the ceiling.

Q5.25. Reason: We will use Equation 5.2 since neither the dog nor the floor is in equilibrium.


From the free-body diagram above, we have n - w = ma y.

Solving for the normal force,
n = w + may = mg + may = (5.0 kg)(9.80 m/s2) + (5.0 kg)( -1.20 m/s2) = 43 N
The correct choice is B.
(b) The normal force on the dog is the force of the floor of the elevator on the dog. The force of the dog on the elevator
floor is the reaction force to this. The correct choice is D.
Assess: This result makes sense; the normal force will be less than the weight of the dog, which is 49 N.

Q5.26. Reason: We must remember the east-west coordinate is independent of the north-south coordinate. The
eastward component of velocity (4.5 m/s) will remain constant.
(a) We treat the northward component of the motion as a constant acceleration problem. First we use F = ma to solve
for a  F/m  (6.0 N) (3.0 kg)  2.0 m/s 2.
Then we use Dv = aDt, remembering that vi = 0.0 m/s. So the northward component of the velocity is

vf = aDt = (2.0 m/s2 )(1.5 s) = 3.0 m/s

The correct choice is C.
(b) We have a northward component of 3.0 m/s and an eastward component of 4.5 m/s.
v = (vnorth )2 + (veast )2 = (3.0 m/s)2 + (4.5 m/s)2 = 5.4 m/s
The correct choice is B.
Assess: This question is reminiscent of projectile motion problems with a constant velocity in one direction and a
constant acceleration in a perpendicular direction.
A puck with a mass of 3 kg is quite heavy, much more so than a hockey puck.

Q5.27. Reason: This is still a Newton’s second law question; the only twist is that the object is not in equilibrium,
i.e., the right side of the second law is not zero.

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-7

The forces on Eric are the downward gravitational force of the earth on him w, and the upward normal force of the
scale on him n (which we want to know).
We note that a  1.7 m/s 2 and w  mg  (60 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )  5.88 N.

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5-8 Chapter 5

This is a one-dimensional question in the vertical direction, so the following equations are all in the y-direction.
Fnet  ma
n  w  ma
n  ma  w  (60 kg)(1.7 m/s 2 )  588 N  486 N  500 N
The correct choice is C.
Assess: Because the elevator is accelerating down, we expect the scale to read a bit less than Eric’s normal weight.
This is the case.
It is important that neither the question nor the answer specify whether the elevator is moving up or down. The elevator
can be accelerating down in two ways: It can be moving up and slowing (such as the end of a trip from a low floor to
a high floor), or it can be moving down and gaining speed (such as the beginning of a trip from a high floor to a low
floor). The answer is the same in both cases.

Q5.28. Reason: For the two blocks to remain stationary, they must be in static equilibrium. We will use Equation 5.1.
Refer to the figure below. We label the block on the left Block 1 and the block on the right Block 2.

For the 10 kg block,

T = m1g sin(q1 ) = (10 kg)(9.80 m/s2)sin(23°) = 38 N
For the block on the right,
T = m2 g sin(q2 ) = 38 N
Solving for the mass of the second block,
T 38 N
m2 = = = 6.1 kg
g sin(q 2 ) (9.80 m/s2 )sin(40°)
The correct choice is B.
Assess: This makes sense, since the angle of incline of the second block is much greater.

Q5.29. Reason: We will assume a constant direction so that plus the “constant speed” means no acceleration. The
sled is in equilibrium and the net force on it must be zero.
In the horizontal direction there are two forces on the sled: the football player pushing on it, and kinetic friction acting
in the opposite direction. These two must have the same magnitude.
Equation 5.8 tells us that f k  k n, but we don’t yet know n.
Independently analyzing the vertical direction reveals that the magnitude of n is the same as the magnitude of
w  mg  (60 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )  590 N.
So the kinetic friction force is f k  k n  (0.30)(590 N)  180 N. And that must also be the magnitude of the football
player’s pushing force.
The correct answer is C.
Assess: Choices A and B don’t seem very strenuous for a football player, but choice D seems like too much. Choice
C is in the right range.

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-9

Q5.30. Reason: Friction will slow down and stop the sled once the players stop pushing. The only horizontal force
on the sled while it is slowing down is the force of kinetic friction. See the diagram below.

In the vertical direction, Equation 5.1 gives n = w. The force of kinetic friction is given by Equation 5.8.
f k  k n  k mg
The net force in the horizontal direction is Fnet = f k. We can find the acceleration of the sled using Newton’s second
- f k - mk mg
ax = = = - mk g = -(0.30)(9.80 m/s2 ) = -2.94 m/s2
m m
Additional significant figures have been retained in this intermediate calculation.
We can find how far the sled slides before stopping using kinematic equations. We have the initial velocity of the sled
is v1  2.0 m/s. The final velocity of the sled is vf  0.0 m/s. Using Equation 2.13 and solving for x,
(vi )2 (2.0 m/s)2
Dx = = = 0.68 m
2ax 2(2.94 m/s2 )
The correct choice is B.
Assess: This result is reasonable. The sled would be expected to stop in a short distance.

Q5.31. Reason: For the Land Rover claim to be true, the vehicle must be able to at least sit on the hill motionless
without slipping. So we’ll draw a free-body diagram with the vehicle stationary. We use tilted axes with the x-axis
running up the slope.

First apply Fnet = ma in the y-direction.

n  w cos  0
Then apply Fnet = ma in the x-direction.
fs  w sin   0
With fs = ms n we rearrange the pair of equations into
sn  w sin 
n  w cos
Now the key is to divide the top equation by the bottom one. (This is mathematically legal, because the two sides of
the bottom equation are equal to each other, then we are really dividing both sides of the top equation by the same
sin 
thing.) Remember that cos 
 tan  .
s  tan 

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5-10 Chapter 5

Insert q = 45° and we have ms = tan 45° = 1.0.

The correct choice is D.
Assess: The answer to this question is independent of the mass of the Land Rover! An equivalent way to express this
is that w (and n) cancelled out.
Also notice that by solving the equations with a variable  and only inserting the value of 45 at the end, we are able
to solve for the required minimum s for any angle.

Q5.32. Reason: Friction will slow down and stop the truck once the truck starts to skid. The only horizontal force
on the truck while it is skidding is the force of kinetic friction. See the diagram below.

In the vertical direction, Equation 5.1 gives n  w. The force of kinetic friction is given by Equation 5.8.
fk = mk n = mk mg
The net force in the horizontal direction is Fnet = f k. We can find the acceleration of the truck using Newton’s second
- f k - mk mg
ax = = = - mk g = -(0.20)(9.80 m/s2 ) = -1.96 m/s2
m m
Additional significant figures have been retained in this intermediate calculation for use later.
We can find how far the truck skids before stopping using the kinematic equations. We have the initial velocity of the
truck is vi  30 m/s. The final velocity of the truck is vf  0.0 m/s. Using Equation 2.13 and solving for x
(vi )2 (30 m/s)2
Dx = = = 230 m
2ax 2(1.96 m/s2 )
The correct choice is A.
Assess: A speed of 30 m/s is almost 70 mph. Note that the truck takes nearly a quarter of a kilometer to skid to a stop.


P5.1. Prepare: The massless ring is in static equilibrium, so all the forces acting on it must cancel to give a zero net
force. The forces acting on the ring are shown on a free-body diagram below.

Solve: Written in component form, Newton’s first law is

( Fnet ) x   Fx  T1x  T2 x  T3 x  0 N ( Fnet ) y   Fy  T1 y  T2 y  T3 y  0 N

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-11

Evaluating the components of the force vectors from the free-body diagram:
T1x  T1 T2 x  0 N T3 x  T3 cos 30
T1 y  0 N T2 y  T2 T3 y  T3 sin 30
Using Newton’s first law:
T1  T3 cos 30  0 N T2  T3 sin 30  0 N
T1  T3 cos 30  (100 N)(0.8666)  87 N T2  T3 sin 30   (100 N)(0.5)  50 N
Assess: Since T3 acts closer to the x-axis than to the y-axis, it makes sense that T1 > T2.

P5.2. Prepare: The massless ring is in static equilibrium, so all the forces acting on it must cancel to give a zero net
force. The forces acting on the ring are shown on a free-body diagram below. Note that the diagram defines the angle

Solve: Because the ring is in equilibrium it must obey Fnet = 0 N. This is a vector equation, so it has both x- and y-
( Fnet ) x  T3 cos   T1  0 N  T3 cos   T1
( Fnet ) y  T2  T3 sin   0 N  T3 sin   T2
We have two equations in the two unknowns T3 and . Divide the y-equation by the x-equation:
T3 sin  T 80 N
 tan   2   1.60   tan 1 (1.60)  58
T3 cos  T1 50 N
Now we can use the x-equation to find
T 50 N
T3  1   94.3 N
cos  cos 58
The tension in the third rope is 94 N directed 58 below the horizontal.
Assess: Since T2 > T1 , it makes sense that the angle is more than 45 below the horizontal. The lengths of ropes
1 and 2 are irrelevant.

P5.3. Prepare: We assume the speaker is a particle in static equilibrium under the influence of three forces: gravity
and the tensions in the two cables. So, all the forces acting on it must cancel to give a zero net force. The forces acting
on the speaker are shown on a free-body diagram below. Because each cable makes an angle of 30 with the vertical,
  60  .

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5-12 Chapter 5

Solve: Newton’s first law for this situation is

( Fnet ) x  Fx  T1x  T2 x  0 N  T1 cos   T2 cos   0 N
( Fnet ) y  Fy  T1 y  T2 y  wy  0 N  T1 sin   T2 sin   w  0 N
The x-component equation means T1 = T2. From the y-component equation
w mg (20 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 ) 196 N
2T1 sin q = w  T1      110 N
2 sin  2 sin  2 sin 60  1.732
Assess: It’s to be expected that the two tensions are equal, since the speaker is suspended symmetrically from the two

P5.4. Prepare: The forces acting on the beam are shown on a free-body diagram below. You can model the beam as
a particle and assume Fnet = 0 N to calculate the tensions in the suspension ropes.

Solve: The beam attached to the ropes will remain in static equilibrium only if T  Tmax , where Tmax is the maximum
sustained tension. The equilibrium equations in vector and component form are
Fnet = T + T + w = 0 N
(Fnet ) x = Tx + Tx = 0 N
(Fnet ) y = Ty + Ty + wy = 0 N
Using the free-body diagram and w  mg yields:
mg (1000 kg)(9.8 m/s 2 )
2T cos   w  0 N  T    5660 N
2cos 2cos30o
So the ropes break.
Assess: The above approach and result seem reasonable.

P5.5. Prepare: The femur is in static equilibrium. We can use Equation 5.1.

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-13

Solve: See the free-body diagram below.

The direction of the force the femur exerts on the patella is indicated roughly on the previous diagram. The sum of the
x-components of the forces must be zero. This gives
TQ = TP sin(42°) + Fx
Solving for Fx ,
Fx  TQ  TP sin(42)  60 N  (60 N) sin(42 )  20 N
The sum of the y-components of the forces must be zero also. This gives
Fy  TP cos(42)  (60 N) cos(42 )  45 N
The magnitude of the force by the femur on the patella is then
F = (Fx )2 + (Fy )2 = (20 N)2 + (45 N)2 = 49 N
Assess: This result is reasonable in magnitude, considering the magnitude of the forces exerted by the tendons and
their directions.

P5.6. Prepare: In all three cases (stationary and lowered or raised at a steady rate) the acceleration is zero, so the net
force must be zero. In the stationary case, Fnet  T  Fbuoy  mg  0  T  mg  Fbuoy  6000 N .
Solve: (a) When the craft is being lowered the drag is upward, so it is positive in the equation.
Fnet  T  Fbuoy  D  mg  0  T  mg  Fbuoy  D  6000 N  1800 N  4200 N
(b) When the craft is being raised the drag is downward, so it is negative in the equation.
Fnet = T + Fbuoy - D - mg = 0 Þ T = mg - Fbuoy + D = 6000 N +1800 N = 7800 N
Assess: The buoyant force means the tension in the stationary case is less than the actual weight of the craft, but it
contributes the same amount in each of the three cases.

P5.7. Prepare: The tension in the more vertical of the two angled ropes (the right one) will have a greater tension, so we
apply Newton’s second law and set Tright = 1500 N and solve for m. Tleft will be less than 1500 N and will not break.
SFx = Tright cos 45° - Tleft cos 30° = 0
SFy = Tright sin 45° + Tleft sin 30° - mg = 0
There are various strategies to solve such a system of linear equations. One is to put the two Tleft terms on the left side
and then divide the two equations.
Tleft sin 30° = mg - Tright sin 45°
Tleft cos 30° = Tright cos 45°
Now dividing these two equations cancels Tleft on the left (since we don’t need Tleft ) and leaves tan 30.
mg - Tright sin 45°
tan 30° =
Tright cos 45°

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5-14 Chapter 5

Solve for m and set Tright = 1500 N.

Tright (tan 30 cos 45   sin 45 )
(1500 N)(tan 30  cos 45   sin 45 )
m= = = 170 kg
g 9.80 m/s 2
Assess: The answer seems reasonable, since if there were only one vertical rope it could hold
(1500 N)/(9.80 m/s 2 ) = 153 kg and here we have the left rope to help.

P5.8. Prepare: The piece of rope under the student’s foot is in static equilibrium, so the net force is zero. The sum
of the forces in the y direction must be zero.

Solve: The only forces on the piece of rope under the student’s foot are the two tension forces and the downward
weight of the student.
mg (65 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )
Fy = 2T sin   mg  0  T    930 N
2sin  2 sin 20
Assess: The tension is greater than the student’s weight so the slackline needs to be sturdy.

P5.9. Prepare: According to Newton’s second law F  ma, the force at any time is found simply by multiplying the
acceleration by the mass of the object.
Solve: We multiply each acceleration on the graph in Figure P5.9 by m  0.5 kg and obtain the following force-
versus-time graph.

Assess: Since m is constant, the force and acceleration are directly proportional to each other so the graphs have the
same shape.

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-15

P5.10. Prepare: The free-body diagram shows three forces acting on an object whose mass is 2.0 kg. The force in
the first quadrant has two components: 4 N along the x-axis and 3 N along the y-axis.
Solve: Applying Newton’s second law to the diagram on the left:
(F ) 4 N2 N
ax  net x   1.0 m/s 2
m 2 kg
Assess: The object’s acceleration is only along the x-axis.

P5.11. Prepare: The free-body diagram shows five forces acting on an object whose mass is 2.0 kg. All the forces
point along x- or y-axes. We will first find the net force along the x- and the y-axes and then divide these forces by the
object’s mass to obtain the x- and y-components of the object’s acceleration.
Solve: Applying Newton’s second law:
(F ) 4 N2 N (F ) 3 N 1 N  2 N
ax  net x   1.0 m/s 2 a y  net y   0.0 m/s 2
m 2 kg m 2 kg
Assess: The object’s acceleration is only along the x-axis.

P5.12. Prepare: We assume that the box is a particle being pulled in a straight line. Since the ice is frictionless, the
tension in the rope is the only horizontal force on the box and is shown below in the free-body diagram. Since we are
looking at horizontal motion of the box, we are not interested in the vertical forces in this problem.

Solve: (a) Since the box is at rest, ax  0 m/s 2 , the net force on the box must be zero or the tension in the rope must
be zero.
(b) For this situation again, ax  0 m/s 2 , so Fnet = T = 0 N.
(c) Here, the velocity of the box is irrelevant, since only a change in velocity requires a nonzero net force. Since
ax  5.0 m/s 2 ,
Fnet = T = max = (50 kg)(5.0 m/s2 ) = 250 N
Assess: For parts (a) and (b), the zero acceleration immediately implies that the rope is exerting no horizontal force
on the box. For part (c), the 250 N force (the equivalent of about half the weight of a small person) seems reasonable
to accelerate a box of this mass at 5.0 m/s 2.

P5.13. Prepare: The force of friction between the crate and the horizontal floor surface is proportional to the crate’s
mass. Specifically, fs max  s n  s mg  max . That is, the acceleration as the crate slows down is unchanged. We can
now use kinematics equations to find the stopping distance.
Solve: (a) The block will slide the same distance d. The acceleration is the same as before and the velocity is the same
as before, so from Equation 2.13 the distance traveled d remains the same.
(b) The block will slide a distance of 4d. Because the acceleration is unchanged, but the velocity is doubled, Equation
2.13 yields a stopping distance of 4d.

P5.14. Prepare: We assume that the seat belt supplies all the force necessary to decelerate the driver (that is,
Fseatbelt  Fnet ), and that the deceleration is constant over the time interval of 0.10 s. Set up a coordinate system with
the car traveling to the right along the x-axis.

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5-16 Chapter 5

We use the kinematics equations from Chapter 2 to solve for the constant acceleration, and then Fnet = ma (with
m  70 kg) to solve for the force exerted by the seat belt.
Solve: The definition of acceleration says
Dv 0.0 m/s - 14 m/s
ax = x = = -140 m/s2
Dt 0.10 s
where the negative sign indicates that the car (which is traveling to the right) is slowing down.
Fseatbelt = Fnet = max = (70 kg)(-140 m/s2 ) = -9800 N
where the negative sign shows the force acting in the negative x-direction (the same direction as the acceleration).
Assess: 9800 N is quite a bit of force, but so it is in a head-on collision at a significant speed. You can see from the
equations above that if the crash had taken more time the force would not be so severe; save that thought for a future

P5.15. Prepare: We must first find the astronaut’s mass on earth and then multiply it with Mars’s acceleration due
to gravity to find his weight on Mars.
Solve: The mass of the astronaut is
wearth 800 N
m   81.6 kg
gearth 9.80 m/s 2
Therefore, the weight of the astronaut on Mars is
wMars = mgMars = (81.6 kg)(3.76 m/s2 ) = 310 N
Assess: The smaller acceleration of gravity on Mars reveals that objects are less strongly attracted to Mars than to the
earth, so the smaller weight on Mars makes sense. Also, note that the astronaut’s mass stays unchanged.

P5.16. Solve: (a) The woman’s weight on the earth is

wearth  mgearth  (55.0 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )  539 N
(b) Since mass is a measure of the amount of matter, the woman’s mass is the same on the moon as on the earth. Her
weight on the moon is
wmoon = mgmoon = (55.0 kg)(1.62 m/s2 ) = 89.1 N
Assess: The smaller acceleration due to gravity on the moon reveals that objects are less strongly attracted to the moon
than to the earth. Thus the woman’s smaller weight on the moon makes sense.

P5.17. Prepare: The true weight of an object and its apparent weight are connected by wapp  m(g  ay ). After the
box, with a passenger inside, leaves the rubber band (still moving upward), the box as well as the passenger are falling
freely and their acceleration is equal to  g .
Solve: The passenger’s apparent weight will be (75 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )  ( 9.80 m/s 2 )  0.
Assess: The apparent weight is always zero for objects in free fall.

P5.18. Prepare: The astronaut and the chair will be denoted by A and C, respectively, and they are separate systems.
The launch pad is a part of the environment. In the following free-body diagrams for both the astronaut and the chair
are shown at rest on the launch pad (top) and while accelerating (bottom).

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-17

Solve: (a) Newton’s second law for the astronaut is

( Fon A ) y  nC on A  wA  mA aA  0 N  nC on A  wA  mA g
By Newton’s third law, the astronaut’s force on the chair is
nA on C  nC on A  mA g  (80 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )  780 N
(b) Newton’s second law for the astronaut is
( Fon A ) y  nC on A  wA  mA aA  nC on A  wA  mA aA  mA ( g  aA )
By Newton’s third law, the astronaut’s force on the chair is
nA on C  nC on A  mA ( g  aA )  (80 kg)(9.80 m/s 2  10 m/s 2 )  1600 N
Assess: This is a reasonable value because the astronaut’s acceleration is more than g.

P5.19. Prepare: The passenger is subject to two vertical forces: the downward pull of gravity and the upward push
of the elevator floor. We can use one-dimensional kinematics for the three situations.

Solve: (a) The apparent weight is

 a   0
wapp  w 1  y   w 1    mg  (60 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )  590 N
 g   g 
(b) The elevator speeds up from v0y  0 m/s to its cruising speed at vy  10 m/s. We need its acceleration before we
can find the apparent weight:
v 10 m/s  0 m/s
ay    2.5 m/s 2
t 4.0 s

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5-18 Chapter 5

The passenger’s apparent weight is

 a   2.5 m/s 2 
wapp  w 1  y   (590 N) 1  2 
 (590 N)(1.26)  740 N
 g   9.80 m/s 
(c) The passenger is no longer accelerating since the elevator has reached its cruising speed. Thus, wapp  w  590 N
as in part (a).
Assess: The passenger’s apparent weight is his normal weight in parts (a) and (c), since there is no acceleration. In
part (b), the elevator must not only support his weight but must also accelerate him upward, so it’s reasonable that the
floor will have to push up harder on him, increasing his apparent weight.

P5.20. Prepare: The true weight of an object and its apparent weight are connected by wapp  m( g  ay ). We need
to add the 4g acceleration to the g in the equation.
Solve: (a) The rider’s apparent weight will be (60 kg)(5)(9.80 m/s 2 )  2900 N.
(b) The rider’s apparent weight will be (60 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )  ( 9.80 m/s 2 )  0.
Assess: The apparent weight is always zero for objects in free fall.

P5.21. Prepare: We’ll assume Zach is a particle moving under the effect of two forces acting in a single vertical
line: gravity and the supporting force of the elevator. These forces are shown in Figure 5.9 in a free-body diagram.

Solve: (a) Before the elevator starts braking, Zach is not accelerating. His apparent weight is
 a  0 m/s 2 
wapp  w 1    w 1    mg  (80 kg)(9.80 m/s )  784 N

 g  g 
or 780 N to two significant figures.
(b) Using the definition of acceleration,
v vf  vi 0  (10) m/s
a    3.33 m/s 2
t tf  ti 3.0 s
 a  3.33 m/s 2 
 wapp  w 1    (80 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 ) 1  2 
 (784 N)(1  0.340)  1100 N
 g  9.80 m/s 
Assess: While the elevator is braking, it not only must support Zach’s weight but must also push upward on him to
decelerate him, so the apparent weight is greater than his normal weight.

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-19

P5.22. Prepare: The true weight of an object and its apparent weight are connected by wapp  m( g  ay ). The true
weight of the baby is w  mg  (0.51 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )  5.0 N .
Solve: The baby’s apparent weight will be wapp  m( g  a y )  (0.51 kg)(9.80 m/s 2  30 m/s 2 )  20 N . This is 4 times
the baby’s actual weight.
Assess: Enduring 4gs on a regular basis would be hard for most people, but kangaroo babies are used to it.

P5.23. Prepare: The passenger is acted on by only two vertical forces: the downward pull of gravity and the upward force
of the elevator floor. Referring to Figure P5.23, the graph has three segments corresponding to different conditions: (1)
increasing velocity, meaning an upward acceleration, (2) a period of constant upward velocity, and (3) decreasing velocity,
indicating a period of deceleration (negative acceleration). Given the assumptions of our model, we can calculate the
acceleration for each segment of the graph.
Solve: The acceleration for the first segment is
v  vi 8 m/s  0 m/s  a   4 m/s 2 
ay  f   4 m/s 2  wapp  w 1  y   ( mg ) 1  2 
t f  ti 2 s0 s  g   9.80 m/s 
 4 
 (75 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 ) 1    1000 N
 9.8 
For the second segment, a y  0 m/s 2 and the apparent weight is
 0 m/s 2 
wapp  w 1    mg  (75 kg)(9.80 m/s )  740 N

 g 
For the third segment,
v3  v2 0 m/s  8 m/s
ay    2 m/s 2
t3  t2 10 s  6 s
 2 m/s 2 
 wapp  w 1  2 
 (75 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )(1  0.2)  590 N
 9.80 m/s 
Assess: As expected, the apparent weight is greater than normal when the elevator is accelerating upward and lower
than normal when the acceleration is downward. When there is no acceleration the weight is normal. In all three cases
the magnitudes are reasonable, given the mass of the passenger and the accelerations of the elevator.

P5.24. Prepare: In each case the frog is in equilibrium (Fnet = 0).

Solve: (a) The two forces on the frog act in the vertical direction: the weight (gravitational force of the earth down on
the frog), and the normal force of the log up on the frog. The two must have equal magnitude; since
w  mg (0.60 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )  5.9 N.
(b) Draw a free-body diagram for the frog. Use tilted axes with the x-axis running up the log.

Apply Fnet = ma in the y-direction.

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5-20 Chapter 5

n  w cos   0
n  w cos  mg cos  (0.60 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 ) cos 30   5.1 N
Assess: The answer is less in part (b) than in part (a), as we would expect. The static friction force is also helping hold
up the frog in part (b).
Notice that we solved the problem algebraically before putting numbers in. This not only allows us to solve a similar
problem for a different frog or log, but it enables us to check our answer in this case for reasonableness. Take the limit
as q ® 0; the slope approaches zero and the conditions revert back to part (a) as cos  1. Then take the limit as
  90  and the normal force decreases to zero as the log becomes vertical and there is no normal force on the frog.

P5.25. Prepare: We apply Newton’s second law to solve for the value of the normal force.
Solve: (a)

(b) Use tilted axes with the x-axis running down the incline. Apply Fnet  ma in the y-direction.
n  w cos   0 
n  mg cos  (23 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )cos 38   180 N
Assess: The answer is less than the child’s weight of 225 N, as we would expect, since only part of the weight is in
the y-direction. The value seems to be in the right ballpark. Notice that we solved the problem algebraically before
putting numbers in. This not only allows us to solve a similar problem for a different child or incline, but it enables us
to check our answer in this case for reasonableness. Take the limit as q ® 0; the slope approaches zero and n tends
toward the child’s weight as cos   1. Then take the limit as   90  and the normal force decreases to zero as the
incline becomes vertical and there is no normal force on the child.

P5.26. Prepare: We assume that the safe is a particle moving only in the x-direction. Since it is sliding during the entire
problem, the force of kinetic friction opposes the motion by pointing to the left. In the following diagram we give a
pictorial representation and a free-body diagram for the safe. The safe is in dynamic equilibrium, since it’s not accelerating.

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-21

Solve: We apply Newton’s first law in the vertical and horizontal directions:
( Fnet ) x  Fx  FB  FC  f k  0 N  f k  FB  FC  350 N  385 N  735 N
( Fnet ) y  Fy  n  w  0 N  n  w  mg  (300 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )  2940 N
Then, for kinetic friction
fk 735 N
f k = mk n Þ m k =
= = 0.25
n 2940 N
Assess: The value of k  0.25 is hard to evaluate without knowing the material the floor is made of, but it seems

P5.27. Prepare: The truck is in equilibrium. Below we identify the forces acting on the truck and construct a free-
body diagram.
Solve: The truck is not accelerating, so it is in equilibrium, and we can apply Newton’s first law. The normal force
has no component in the x-direction, so we can ignore it here. For the other two forces
( Fnet ) x  Fx  fs  wx  0 N  fs  wx  mg sin   (4000 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )(sin 7.0 )  4800 N

Assess: The truck’s weight (mg) is roughly 40,000 N. A friction force that is 12% of the truck’s weight seems

P5.28. Prepare: The car is undergoing skidding, so it is decelerating and the force of kinetic friction acts to the left.
We give below an overview of the pictorial representation, a motion diagram, a free-body diagram, and a list of values.
We will first apply Newton’s second law to find the deceleration and then use kinematics to obtain the length of the
skid marks.

Solve: We begin with Newton’s second law. Although the motion is one-dimensional, we need to consider forces in
both the x- and y-directions. However, we know that a y  0 m/s 2 . We have
( Fnet ) x  f k ( Fnet ) y n  w n  mg
ax   a y  0 m/s 2   
m m m m m
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5-22 Chapter 5

We used ( f k ) x   f k because the free-body diagram tells us that f k points to the left. The force of kinetic friction
relates f k to n with the equation f k = mk n. The y-equation is solved to give n = mg. Thus, the kinetic friction force
is f k = mk mg.
Substituting this into the x-equation yields
 k mg
ax    k g  (0.6)(9.80 m/s 2 )  5.88 m/s 2
The acceleration is negative because the acceleration vector points to the left as the car slows. Now we have a constant-
acceleration kinematics problem. t isn’t known, so use
(40 m/s)2
vf2  0 m2 /s 2  vi2  2ax x  x    140 m
2(5.88 m/s 2 )
Assess: The skid marks are 140 m long. This is  430 feet, reasonable for a car traveling at  80 mph. It is worth
noting that an algebraic solution led to the m canceling out.

P5.29. Prepare: The pig is acted on by two opposing forces in a single line: the farmer’s pull and the friction. The
pig will be subject to static friction until (and if!) it begins to move; after that it will be subject to kinetic friction. We
give below an overview of the pictorial representation, a free-body diagram, and a list of values. We will calculate the force
of maximum static friction and compare it with the maximum applied force.

Solve: Since the pig does not accelerate in the vertical direction, the free-body diagram shows that n = w = mg. The
maximum friction force is
fs max  s mg  (0.8)(120 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )  940 N
The maximum static friction force is greater than the farmer’s maximum pull of 800 N; thus, the farmer will not be
able to budge the pig.
Assess: The farmer should have known better.

P5.30. Prepare: Assume the car is on level ground. From Table 5.2 we find the coefficient of static friction between
rubber and concrete is 1.00. We use the coefficient of static friction because we assume the tires are not skidding (if they
were, the friction would be less and the acceleration would be smaller and it would take longer to get to 60 mph). Converting
60 mph to SI units gives 26.82 m/s.

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-23

Solve: Since the car does not accelerate in the vertical direction, the free-body diagram shows that n = w = mg. The
maximum friction force is fs max  s mg ; since ms = 1.00 the maximum friction force is mg, and, as shown on the
diagram, that is the net force.
Fnet = f s max = ms mg Þ a = = ms g
The definition of acceleration a   v/  t gives
v v 26.82 m/s
t     2.7 s
a s g (1.00)(9.80 m/s 2 )
Assess: This is a very short time to get up to 60 mph, but this is a world-class racecar. We also see that the smaller the
static friction coefficient, the longer it would take to get up to speed, as implied by the problem statement.

P5.31. Prepare: We show below the free-body diagrams of the crate when the conveyer belt runs at constant speed
(part (a)) and the belt is speeding up (part (b)).

Solve: (a) When the belt runs at constant speed, the crate has an acceleration a = 0 m/s2 and is in dynamic
equilibrium. Thus Fnet = 0. It is tempting to think that the belt exerts a friction force on the crate. But if it did, there
would be a net force because there are no other possible horizontal forces to balance a friction force. Because there is
no net force, there cannot be a friction force. The only forces are the upward normal force and the crate’s weight. (A
friction force would have been needed to get the crate moving initially, but no horizontal force is needed to keep it
moving once it is moving with the same constant speed as the belt.)
(b) If the belt accelerates gently, the crate speeds up without slipping on the belt. Because it is accelerating, the crate
must have a net horizontal force. So now there is a friction force, and the force points in the direction of the crate’s
motion. Is it static friction or kinetic friction? Although the crate is moving, there is no motion of the crate relative to
the belt. Thus, it is a static friction force that accelerates the crate so that it moves without slipping on the belt.
(c) The static friction force has a maximum possible value ( fs )max   n. The maximum possible acceleration of the
crate is
(f ) mn
amax = s max = s
m m
If the belt accelerates more rapidly than this, the crate will not be able to keep up and will slip. It is clear from the free-
body diagram that n = w = mg. Thus,
amax  s g  (0.50)(9.80 m/s 2 )  4.9 m/s 2
(d) The acceleration of the crate will be a  k g  (0.30)(9.80 m/s 2 )  2.9 m/s 2.

P5.32. Prepare: Assume the locomotive is on level ground and the acceleration is constant.

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5-24 Chapter 5

Solve: Since the locomotive does not accelerate in the vertical direction, the free-body diagram shows that
n = w = mg. The friction force is f r  r mg.
Fnet = f r = mr mg Þ a = = mr g
The definition of acceleration a   v/  t gives
v v 10 m/s
t     510.2 s  500 s
a r g (0.002)(9.80 m/s 2 )
We now use the kinematic equation to find how far the locomotive will move during this time.
1 1
x  a(t ) 2  (0.002)(9.80 m/s 2 )(510.2 s) 2  2550 m  3000 m
2 2
Assess: We are impressed, but not surprised, by the long time it would take the locomotive to coast to a stop without
brakes. And it covers almost 3 km in that time. The mass was irrelevant in this problem.

P5.33. Prepare: We will need to apply Newton’s second law in both the vertical and horizontal directions. We want
to use the coefficient of static friction since we want the box to stay stationary.

Fy = n  F  mg = 0  n = F  mg
Fx = 125 N  fs = 125 N  s n = 125 N  s ( F  mg ) = 0
Solve for F.
125 N 125 N
F=  mg =  (30 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 ) = 63 N
s 0.35
Assess: 63 N is about half of the force on the rope; this seems reasonable given ms .

P5.34. Prepare: We can find the drag force using Equation 5.12.
Solve: Using Equation 5.12, D  14  Av 2 with   1.22 kg/m3. The area of the car is A  (1.6 m)(1.4 m)  2.24 m 2 ,
where an additional significant figure has been kept in this intermediate calculation.

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-25

(a) D  (1.22 kg/m3 )(2.24 m 2 )(10 m/s) 2  68 N
(b) D  (1.22 kg/m3 )(2.24 m 2 )(30 m/s) 2  610 N
Assess: Note that the drag increases with the square of the speed, so that at 30 m/s, the drag force is nine times what
it is at 10 m/s.

P5.35. Prepare: The bowling ball falls straight down toward the earth’s surface. The bowling ball is subject to a net
force that is the resultant of the weight and drag force vectors acting vertically in the downward and upward directions,
respectively. Once the net force acting on the ball becomes zero, the terminal velocity is reached and remains constant
for the rest of the motion. An overview of a pictorial representation and a free-body diagram are shown later.

Solve: The mathematical equation defining the dynamical equilibrium situation for the falling ball is
Fnet = w + D = 0 N
Since only the vertical direction matters, one can write
Fy  0 N  Fnet  D  w  0 N
When this condition is satisfied, the speed of the ball becomes the constant terminal speed v = vterm . The magnitudes
of the weight and drag forces acting on the ball are
w  mg  m(9.80 m/s 2 )
D    Avterm   0.25 ( R 2 )vterm
1 2 2
 (0.25 )(1.22 kg/m3 )(0.11 m) 2 (77 m/s) 2  68.7 N
The condition for dynamic equilibrium becomes
68.7 N
(9.80 m/s 2 )m  68.7 N  0 N  m   7.0 kg
9.80 m/s 2
Assess: The value of the mass of the bowling ball obtained above seems reasonable; it’s about 19 pounds.

P5.36. Prepare: We can find the drag force using the equation in the text. From Example 5.14 we’ll assume the cross
section area of the runner is 0.72 m2 . Converting 18 min to SI units gives 1080 s.
Solve: Using Equation 5.12, D  14  Av 2 with   1.22 kg/m3. We need to compute the speed of the runner from the
5000 m
data given. v   4.63 m/s.
1080 s
D  14  Av 2  14 (1.22 kg/m3 )(0.72 m 2 )(4.63 m/s) 2  4.7 N
This is about 0.80% of the weight of the runner.
Assess: The drag force is fairly small because the speed of the runner is small.

P5.37. Prepare: We assume that the skydiver is shaped like a box. The following shows a pictorial representation of
the skydiver and a free-body diagram at terminal speed. The skydiver falls straight down toward the earth’s surface, that

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5-26 Chapter 5

is, the direction of fall is vertical. Since the skydiver falls feet first, the surface perpendicular to the drag has the cross-
sectional area A  20 cm  40 cm. The physical conditions needed to use Equation 5.12 for the drag force to be satisfied.
The terminal speed corresponds to the situation when the net force acting on the skydiver becomes zero.

Solve: The expression for the magnitude of the drag with v in m/s is
D  14  Av 2  0.25(1.22 kg/m3 )(0.20 m  0.40 m) v 2 N  0.0244 v 2 N
The skydiver’s weight is w  mg  (75 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )  735 N. The mathematical form of the condition defining
dynamical equilibrium for the skydiver and the terminal speed is
r r r 735 N
Fnet  w  D  0 N  0.0244vterm
N  735 N  0 N  vterm  =170 m/s
0.0244 kg/m
Assess: The result of the above simplified physical modeling approach and subsequent calculation, even if
approximate, shows that the terminal velocity is very high. This result implies that the skydiver will be very badly hurt
at landing if the parachute does not open in time.

P5.38. Prepare: We can find the drag force using the equation in the text. From Example 5.14 we’ll assume the cross
section area of the runner is 0.72 m2 . We’ll also assume the skydiver’s mass is 75 kg, as in the example.
Solve: Follow Example 5.14 with   (0.043)(1.22 kg/m3 ).
4mg 4(75 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )
vterm    280 m/s
A (0.043)(1.22 kg/m 3 )(0.72 m 2 )
This is almost five times faster than the terminal speed at sea level.
Assess: We expect the terminal speed to be much higher where the air is so thin.

P5.39. Prepare: The car and the truck will be denoted by the symbols C and T, respectively. The ground will be
denoted by the symbol G. A visual overview shows a pictorial representation, a list of known and unknown values, and
a free-body diagram for both the car and the truck. Since the car and the truck move together in the positive x-direction, they
have the same acceleration.

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-27

Solve: (a) The x-component of Newton’s second law for the car is
å(Fon C ) x = FG on C - FT on C = mC aC
The x-component of Newton’s second law for the truck is
å(Fon T ) x = FC on T = mT aT
Using aC  aT  a and FT on C  FC on T , we get
 1   1 
( FC on G  FC on T )    a ( FC on T )  a
 C
m  mT 
Combining these two equations,
 1   1   1 1   1 
( FC on G  FC on T )    ( FC on T )    FC on T     ( FC on G )  
 C
m  T
m  C
m m T   mC 
 mT   2000 kg 
 FC on T  ( FC on G )    (4500 N)    3000 N
 mC  mT   1000 kg  2000 kg 
(b) Due to Newton’s third law, FT on C  3000 N.

P5.40. Prepare: The SUV and the truck will be denoted by the symbols S and T, respectively. Since the SUV and
the truck move together in the positive x-direction, they have the same acceleration. The maximum possible
acceleration is when the friction is zero, so make that assumption too.
Solve: (a) The forward force on the truck must accelerate both vehicles together as a system.
FT +S 18000 N
aS = aT = a = = = 3.9 m/s2
mT + mS 4600 kg
(b) Due to Newton’s third law, the force of the SUV’s bumper on the truck’s bumper is the same as the force of the
truck on the SUV, which is the net force on the SUV.
Fnet on S = mSaS = (2400 kg)(3.9 m/s2 )=9400 N
This is also the force of the SUV on the truck.
Assess: These numbers seem like real-world numbers.

P5.41. Prepare: The blocks are denoted as 1, 2, and 3. The surface is frictionless and along with the earth it is a part of the
environment. The three blocks are our three systems of interest. The force applied on block 1 is FA on 1  12 N. The
acceleration for all the blocks is the same and is denoted by a. A visual overview shows a pictorial representation, a list of
known and unknown values, and a free-body diagram for the three blocks.

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5-28 Chapter 5

Solve: Newton’s second law for the three blocks along the x-direction is
( Fon 1 ) x  FA on 1  F2 on 1  m1a ( Fon 2 ) x  F1 on 2  F3 on 2  m2a ( Fon 3 ) x  F2 on 3  m3a
Adding these three equations and using Newton’s third law (F2 on 1  F1 on 2 and F3 on 2  F2 on 3 ), we get
FA on 1  (m1  m2  m3 )a  (12 N)  (1.0 kg  2.0 kg  3.0 kg) a  a  2.0 m/s 2
(a) Using this value of a, the force equation on block 3 gives
F2 on 3 = m3a = (3.0 kg)(2.0 m/s2 ) = 6.0 N
(b) Substituting into the force equation on block 1,
12 N  F2 on 1  12 N  (1.0 kg)(2.0 m/s 2 )  F2 on 1  10 N
Assess: Because all three blocks are pushed forward by a force of 12 N, the value of 10 N for the force that the 2.0 kg
block exerts on the 1.0 kg block is reasonable.

P5.42. Prepare: The man (M) and the block (B) are interacting with each other through a rope (R). We will assume
the pulley to be frictionless and the rope to be massless. This assumption implies that the tension in the rope is the same
on both sides of the pulley. The two systems are the man and the block. A visual overview shows below a pictorial
representation, a list of known and unknown values, and a free-body diagram for both the man and the block. Clearly
the entire system remains in equilibrium since mB  mM . The block would move downward but it is already on the

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-29

Solve: From the free-body diagrams, we can write down Newton’s second law in the vertical direction as
( Fon M ) y  TR on M  wM  0 N  TR on M  wM  (60 kg) (9.80 m/s 2 )  590 N
Since the tension is the same on both sides, TB on R  TM on R  T  590 N.

P5.43. Prepare: A visual overview shows below a pictorial representation, a list of known and unknown values, and
a free-body diagram for both the ice (I) and the rope (R). The force Fext acts only on the rope. Since the rope and the
ice block move together, they have the same acceleration. Also because the rope has mass, Fext on the front end of the
rope is not the same as FI on R that acts on the rear end of the rope.

Solve: (a) Newton’s second law along the x-axis for the ice block is
å(Fon I ) x = FR on I = mI a = (10 kg)(2.0 m/s2) = 20 N
(b) Newton’s second law along the x-axis for the rope is
å(Fon R ) x = Fext - FI on R = mR a Þ Fext - FR on I = mR a Þ Fext = FR on I + mR a = 20 N + (0.5 kg)(2.0 m/s2 ) = 21 N
Assess: We see that the massless rope approximation is really an aproximation that may not always be good.

P5.44. Prepare: We show below a free-body diagram for the two ropes (1 and 2) and the two blocks (A and B).

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5-30 Chapter 5

Solve: (a) The two blocks and two ropes form a combined system of total mass M  2.5 kg. This combined system is
accelerating upward at a  3.0 m/s 2 under the influence of a force F and the weight Mg. Newton’s second law applied
to the combined system is
(Fnet ) y = F - Mg = Ma Þ F = M(a + g) = 32.0 N
(b) The ropes are not massless. We must consider both the blocks and the ropes as systems. The force F acts only on
block A because it does not contact the other objects. We can proceed to apply the y-component of Newton’s second
law to each system, starting at the top. Each has an acceleration a  3.00 m/s2 . For block A:
( Fnet on A ) y  F  mA g  T1 on A  mA a  T1 on A  F  mA (a  g )  19.2 N
(c) Applying Newton’s second law to rope 1:
(Fnet on 1 ) y = TA on 1 - m1g - TB on 1 = m1a
TA on 1 and T1 on A are an action-reaction pair. But, because the rope has mass, the two tension forces TA on 1 and TB on 1
are not the same. The tension at the lower end of rope 1, where it connects to B, is
TB on 1 = TA on 1 - m1 (a + g) = 16.0 N
(d) We can continue to repeat this procedure, noting from Newton’s third law that
T1 on B = TB on 1 and T2 on B = TB on 2
Newton’s second law applied to block B is
( Fnet on B ) y  T1 on B  mB g  T2 on B  mBa  T2 on B  T1 on B  mB (a  g )  3.20 N

P5.45. Prepare: Since each block has the same acceleration as all the others they must each experience the same net
force. Each block will have one more newton pulling forward than the force pulling back on it from the blocks behind.
(a) 1 N
(b) 50 N
Assess: Since 100 N accelerates 100 blocks then n newtons accelerates n blocks.

P5.46. Prepare: Look at each block as the trailing block in turn. For the trailing block the net force on it is the
tension in the string since there is no retarding friction force.
Both blocks will have the same acceleration a regardless of which is the leading and which is the trailing block because
on the whole system F = (mA + mB )a.
Solve: Use Newton’s second law separately on each trailing block.
block A: mA a = 18 N
block B: mBa = 24 N
Divide the first equation by the second and cancel a.
mA 18 N 3
= =
mB 24 N 4
Assess: The ratio of the masses is the ratio of the tensions (net forces) since they have the same acceleration.

P5.47. Prepare: Because the piano is to descend at a steady speed, it is in dynamic equilibrium. The following shows
a free-body diagram of the piano and a list of values.

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-31

Solve: (a) Based on the free-body diagram, Newton’s second law is

(Fnet ) x = 0 N = T1x + T2x = T2 cos q - T1 cos q1
(Fnet ) y = 0 N = T1y + T2 y + T3y + wy = T3 - T1 sin q1 - T2 sin q 2 - mg
Notice how the force components all appear in the second law with plus signs because we are adding vector forces.
The negative signs appear only when we evaluate the various components. These are two simultaneous equations in
the two unknowns T2 and T3. From the x-equation we find
T1 cos q1 (500 N)cos 15°
T2 = = = 530 N
cos q 2 cos 25°
(b) Now we can use the y-equation to find
T3 = T1 sin q1 + T2 sin q2 + mg = 5300 N

P5.48. Prepare: Note that the medal would hang straight down if the car were going at a constant velocity, so the
deviation from vertical only occurs while the car is accelerating. We apply Newton’s second law.

Solve: (a) Because she accelerates onto the highway we assume she is accelerating forward so the medal hangs away
from the windshield.
(b) Use Newton’s law in vertical and horizontal directions. In the horizontal direction there is only one (component of)
force, but there is an acceleration.
SFx = T sin q = max
There is no acceleration in the y-direction.
Fy = T cos   mg = 0  T cos  = mg
Divide the first equation by the second and cancel m and T .
sin  ax
=  ax = g tan  = (9.80 m/s 2 )(tan 10 ) = 1.7 m/s 2
cos  g

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5-32 Chapter 5

Assess: This is a reasonable acceleration for a car.

P5.49. Prepare: To find the net force at a given time, we need the acceleration at that time. Because the times where
we are asked to find the net force fall on distinct slopes of the velocity-versus-time graph, we can use the constant slopes
of the three segments of the graph to calculate the three accelerations.
Solve: For t between 0 s and 3 s,
Dv 12 m/s - 0 s
ax = x = = 4 m/s2
Dt 3s
For t between 3 s and 6 s, vx  0 m/s, so ax  0 m/s 2 . For t between 6 s and 8 s,
vx 0 m/s  12 m/s
ax 
  6 m/s 2
t 2s
From Newton’s second law, at t  1 s we have
Fnet  max  (2.0 kg)(4 m/s 2 )  8 N
At t  4 s, ax  0 m/s 2 , so Fnet  0 N.
At t  7 s,
Fnet  max  (2.0 kg)(  6.0 m/s 2 )  12 N
Assess: The magnitudes of the forces look reasonable, given the small mass of the object. The positive and negative
signs are appropriate for an object first speeding up, then slowing down.

P5.50. Prepare: We will assume constant acceleration so we can use the kinematic equations. Assume the baseball
is initially moving in the positive x-direction.
We list the known quantities:

m = 0.14 kg
(v x )i = 30 m/s
Dt = 0.0015 s

Solve: (a) With (vx )f = 0 m/s, we solve for a from (vx )f = (vx )i + ax Dt.
-(vx )i -(30 m/s)
ax = = = -20,000 m/s2
Dt 0.0015 s
The magnitude of this is 20,000 m/s2 or 2.0 ´ 104 m/s2.
(b) Apply Newton’s second law: SFx = max where the force of the body on the ball is the only force (and is therefore
the net force).
å Fx = max = (0.14 kg)(-20,000 m/s2) = -2800 N
The magnitude of this is 2800 N. This force is exerted by the body the ball hits.
(c) By Newton’s third law if the body exerts a force on the ball, then the ball exerts a force equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction on the body. Therefore the ball applies a force of 2800 N to the object it hits.
(d) This force of 2.8 kN is less than 6.0 kN, so the forehead is not in danger (although it would still hurt and maybe
raise a lump). This force of 2.8 kN is greater than 1.3 kN, so the cheek is in danger of fracture.
Assess: This is a nice real-life problem that employs the definition of acceleration and Newton’s second and third
laws. The data provided are typical of real baseballs and real pitching speeds, so the conclusion is also true-to-life.
Catchers, whose faces are in the line of fire, wear masks for this reason.

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-33

P5.51. Prepare: The box is acted on by two forces: the tension in the rope and the pull of gravity. Both the forces
act along the same vertical line which is taken to be the y-axis. The free-body diagram for the box is shown below.

Solve: (a) Since the box is at rest, a y  0 m/s 2 and the net force on it must be zero:
Fnet  T  w  0 N  T  w  mg  (50 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )  490 N
(b) The velocity of the box is irrelevant, since only a change in velocity requires a nonzero net force. Since
ay = 5.0 m/s2,
Fnet = T - w = ma y = (50 kg)(5.0 m/s2 ) = 250 N Þ T = 250 N + w = 250 N + 490 N = 740 N
Assess: For part (a) the zero acceleration immediately implies that the box’s weight must be exactly balanced by the
upward tension in the rope. For part (b) the tension not only has to support the box’s weight but must also accelerate it
upward, hence, T must be greater than w.

P5.52. Prepare: The fish is acted on by two forces: the tension in the line and the pull of gravity. Both the forces act
along the same vertical line which is taken to be the y-axis. The free-body diagram for the fish is shown below. The
fish could rise at a constant velocity (and the two forces would have equal magnitudes), but the fisherman can get it up
more quickly by accelerating it (so the tension is greater than the weight). First apply Newton’s second law and then
the kinematic equations.

m = 5.0 kg
Tmax = 54 N
Dy = 2.0 m


Solve: Since we want the shortest possible time we’ll use the maximum tension, which produces the maximum
T 54 N
Fnet  Tmax  mg  mamax  amax  max  g   9.80 m/s 2  1.0 m/s 2
m 5.0 kg
Now use the kinematic equations for constant acceleration for an object starting from rest.
1 2Dy 2(2.0 m)
Dy = amax (Dtmin )2 Þ Dtmin = = = 2.0 s
2 amax 1.0 m/s2
Assess: This seems like a reasonable amount of time to raise a fish two meters.

P5.53. Prepare: The box is acted on by two forces: the tension in the rope and the pull of gravity. Both the forces
act along the same vertical line which is taken to be the y-axis. The following shows the free-body diagram for the box.

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5-34 Chapter 5

Solve: (a) Since the box is rising at a constant speed, a y  0 m/s 2 and the net force on it must be zero:
Fnet  T  w  0 N  T  w  mg  (50 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )  490 N
(b) Since the box is slowing down, a y  5.0 m/s 2 and we have
Fnet  T  w  ma y  (50 kg)( 5.0 m/s 2 )  250 N
 T  250 N  w  250 N  490 N  240 N
Assess: For part (a) the zero acceleration immediately implies that the box’s weight must be exactly balanced by the
upward tension in the rope. For part (b), when the box accelerates downward, the rope need not support the entire
weight, hence, T is less than w.

P5.54. Prepare: Use the kinematic equations twice. The first time find out the velocity of the rider at the end of the
2.0 s and then use that as the initial velocity during the second part to compute the acceleration.
Solve: During the free fall phase the initial velocity is zero, so
vf  at  (9.80 m/s 2 )(2.0 s)  19.6 m/s
then, as the rider slows,
v 0 m/s  (19.6 m/s)
a   39.2 m/s 2
t 0.50 s
This is an upward acceleration. The apparent weight is
wapp  m( g  a y )  (65 kg)(9.80 m/s 2  39.2 m/s 2 )  3200 N
This is 5.0x the rider’s actual weight.
Assess: We would say the rider experiences 5g’s, which is a significant acceleration, but it lasts for only a short while.

P5.55. Prepare: We can assume the person is moving in a straight line under the influence of the combined
decelerating forces of the air bag and seat belt or, in the absence of restraints, the dashboard or windshield. The
following is an overview of the situation in a pictorial representation and the occupant’s free-body diagram is shown
below. Note that the occupant is brought to rest over a distance of 1 m in the former case, but only over 5 mm in the

Solve: (a) In order to use Newton’s second law for the passenger, we’ll need the acceleration. Since we don’t have the
stopping time,
v 2  vi2 0 m2 /s 2  (15 m/s 2 )
vf2  vi2  2a( xf  xi )  a  f   112.5 m/s 2
2( xf  xi ) 2(1 m  0 m)

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-35

 Fnet  F  ma  (60 kg)(112.5 m/s 2 )  6750 N

The net force is 6800 N to the left.
(b) Using the same approach as in part (a),
v 2  vi2 0 m2 /s 2  (15 m/s 2 )
F  ma  m  f  (60 kg)  1,350,000 N
2( xf  xi ) 2(0.005 m)
The net force is 1.4  106 N to the left.
(c) The passenger’s weight is mg  (60 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )  590 N. The force in part (a) is 11 times the passenger’s
weight. The force in part (b) is 2300 times the passenger’s weight.
Assess: An acceleration of 11g is well within the capability of the human body to withstand. A force of 2300 times
the passenger’s weight, on the other hand, would surely be catastrophic.

P5.56. Prepare: Assume no air resistance. Also assume the ball is caught at the same height it was thrown from.
Solve the x- and y-equations for the time and set them equal. This gives a standard formula for the range of a
projectile with no air resistance and the final and initial heights the same.
Solve: (a) The range of a projectile is
2v02 sin  cos v02 sin 2 g x (9.80 m/s 2 )(70 m)
x    v0    26.2 m/s  26 m/s
g g sin 2 sin 90o
(b) Use another kinematic equation to find the acceleration during the the throw, with vi  0.
vf2 (26.2 m/s 2 )
vf2  vi2  2ax  a   343 m/s 2
2 x 2(1.0 m)
The last step is to use F  ma. The force on the ball must be
F  ma  (0.42 kg)(343 m/s 2 )  140 N
Assess: A good quarterback can exert that much force on the ball.

P5.57. Prepare: The rocket is moving along the y-axis under the influence of two forces: the rocket’s thrust and the
force of gravity. Its free-body diagram is shown, which, along with Newton’s second law (and using the rocket’s initial
mass), will help us find its initial acceleration. At 5000 m the acceleration has increased because the rocket mass has
decreased. Utilizing the free-body diagram, Newton’s second law, and the increased acceleration, we can determine
the decreased mass of the rocket.

Solve: (a) The y-component of Newton’s second law is

(F ) F  mg 300,000 N
a y  a  net y  thrust   9.80 m/s 2  5.2 m/s 2
m m 20,000 kg

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5-36 Chapter 5

(b) Solving the equation of part (a) for m gives

Fthrust 300,000 N
m5000 m    18,990 kg
a5000 m  g 6.00 m/s 2  9.80 m/s 2
The mass of fuel burned is mfuel  minitial  m5000  1010 kg or 1000 kg to two significant figures.

P5.58. Prepare: Your body is moving in a straight line along the y-direction under the influence of two forces:
gravity and the support force of the scale. The free-body diagrams for you for the following three cases are shown
below: no acceleration, upward acceleration, and downward acceleration. The apparent weight of an object moving in
an elevator is wapp  w(1  ga )  a  ( w
 1) g

Solve: (a) When accelerating upward, the acceleration is

 170 lb 
a   1 (9.80 m/s 2 )  1.3 m/s 2
 150 lb 
(b) When braking, the acceleration is
 120 lb 
a  1 (9.80 m/s 2 )  2.0 m/s 2
 150 lb 
The magnitude of this acceleration is 2.0 m/s 2.
Assess: A 10–20% change in apparent weight seems reasonable for a fast elevator, as the one in the Empire State
Building must be. Also note that we did not have to convert the units of the weights from pounds to newtons because
the weights appear as a ratio.

P5.59. Prepare: The child is not accelerating in the y-direction, so we can use Equation 5.1 for the forces
perpendicular to the incline.

There are three forces with components in the y-direction, the normal force, the weight of the child, and the force of
the rope. Equation 5.1 gives
n  F sin( )  w cos( )  0
Solving for the normal force, we have
n  w cos( )  Fsin( )  mg cos( )  F sin( )  (23 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )cos(38)  (30 N)sin(38)  160 N

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-37

Assess: This is less than the child’s weight, as expected. Note that the force from the rope acts to decrease the normal
force on the child since it tends to pull the child away from the incline.

P5.60. Prepare: Assume no air resistance. The strategy will be to first find the speed when the impala leaves the
ground from the height of the leap, then use that to find the acceleration during the jumping motion.
Solve: Solve the kinematic equation in the y-direction to find the initial speed with the final speed at the top being
vf 2  vi 2  2 gy  vi  2 gy  2(9.80 m/s 2 )(2.5 m)  7.0 m/s
Use another kinematic equation to find the acceleration during the the jump, with v1  0.
v 7.0 m/s
  33.3 m/s 2
t 0.21 s
The force of the impala on the ground is the same as the force of the ground on the impala.
Fnet  n  w  n  Fnet  w  ma  mg  (45 kg)(33.3 m/s 2  9.80 m/s 2 )  1900 N
That answer is 4.4 times the impala’s actual weight.
Assess: These seem like reasonable numbers.

P5.61. Prepare: The length of the hill is x = h/sin  . The acceleration is g sinq .
Solve: First use the kinematic equation, with vi = 0 m/s at the top of the hill, to determine the speed at the bottom of
the hill.
(vf )12 = (vi )12  2ax  (vf )12 = 2( g sin  )( h/ sin  ) = 2 gh
Now apply the same kinematic equation to the horizontal patch of snow, only this time we want Dx. To connect the
two parts (vf )1 = (vi )2 . The final speed is zero: (vf )2 = 0.
(vf )22 = (vi )22 + 2aDx = (vf )12 + 2aDx = 2gh + 2aDx = 0
The friction force is the net force, so a = - f k / m. Note fk = mk n = mk mg. Solve for Dx.
2 gh  gh gh h 3.0 m
x = = = = = = 60 m
2a  f k /m k mg/m k 0.05
Assess: It seems reasonable to glide 60 m with such a low coefficient of friction. It is interesting that we did not need
to know the angle of the (frictionless) slope; this will become clear in the chapter on energy. The answer is also
independent of Josh’s mass.

P5.62. Prepare: Assume during the slowing phase that the net force is the drag force.
Solve: Find the acceleration from the slope of the velocity-versus-time graph.
Dv 0 m/s - 0.70 m/s
a= = = -3.5 m/s2
Dt 0.40 s - 0.20 s
The magnitude of this is 3.5 m/s 2. The net force or drag force is then F  ma  (1.8 mg)(3.5 m/s 2 )  6.3 N. The
ratio of the drag force to the copepod’s weight is 0.36.
Assess: This is a big drag force compared to the weight, but still tiny relative to big creatures like us.

P5.63. Prepare: We will use Newton’s second law with mk = 0.20 given in Table 5.2. We also orient our coordinate
system so the x-axis runs down the ramp.

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5-38 Chapter 5

Fx = mg sin   k n = 0
Fy = n  mg cos  = 0
Solve the second equation for n and insert into the first.
mg sin q - mk mg cos q = 0
tan  = k   = tan 1( k ) = tan 1(0.20) = 11 
Assess: The slope of the ramp seems shallow, but probably OK for the low coefficient of friction given.

P5.64. Prepare: The force plate reads the normal force n of the plate on the woman. The other force on the woman
is her weight (the gravitational force of the earth down on her). The net force will be the sum of these two and will be
different at different times as the normal force of the force plate changes according to the graph. Since the graph is
piece-wise constant, the acceleration will be constant during (within) each phase of the jump.
We can do a preliminary calculation to find the woman’s mass. During the standing still phases, the force plate reads
500 N. During these equilibrium phases the force plate reads the same magnitude as her weight (so w  500 N); hence
her mass must be w  w/g  (500 N) /(9.80 m/s 2 )  51 kg.
We will assume air resistance is negligible during all portions of the problem.
Solve: (a) We now know m and the normal force during push-off (1000 N). Apply the second law:
 Fy  n  w  ma y
n  w 1000 N  500 N 500 N
ay     9.8 m/s 2
m 51 kg 51 kg
This result looks familiar, but it is not the acceleration of an object in free fall for two reasons: (1) she is not in free
fall, and (2) this acceleration is up while objects in free fall accelerate down.
(b) After she leaves the force plate she is in free fall, so her acceleration is a   g or, in other words, 9.8 m/s 2 , down.
(c) During the landing phase the normal force of the plate on her is 1500 N while her weight is still 500 N. Apply the
second law:
 Fy  n  w  ma y
n  w 1500 N  500 N 1000 N
ay     20 m/s 2
m 51 kg 51 kg
This acceleration is positive, or up (opposite the direction of motion, as she is slowing down).
(d) We’ll assume she accelerates from rest. We are given that the push-off phase lasts Dt = 0.25 s. We’ll use the
answer from part (a) for a y.
(v y )f  (v y )i  a y t  0.0 m/s  (9.8 m/s 2 )(0.25 s)  2.45 m/s
or 2.5 m/s to two significant figures.
(e) After she leaves the force table she is in free fall (see part (b)). What was the final velocity in part (d) becomes the
initial velocity now. Use Equation 2.13 with (v y )f = 0.0 m/s.

(v y )2f = (v y )2i + 2ay Dx

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-39

Solve for Dy:

-(v y )2i -(2.45 m/s)2
Dy = = = 0.31 m
2a y 2(-9.8 m/s2 )
Assess: All of these results appear reasonable. The accelerations are within the expectations of daily life experience.
The result of part (d) is used in part (e), so we kept a third significant figure to use in the last calculation, but still
reported the answers to two significant figures. The last answer is kind of a check on the previous ones, and it is quite
reasonable: 31 cm is just over one foot.
Also review each calculation to verify that the units work out.

P5.65. Prepare: The book is in static equilibrium so Equation 5.1 can be applied. The maximum static frictional
force the person can exert will determine the heaviest book he can hold.
Solve: Consider the free-body diagram below. The force of the fingers on the book is the reaction force to the normal
force of the book on the fingers, so is exactly equal and opposite the normal force on the fingers.

The maximal static friction force will be equal to fs max  s n  (0.80)(6.0 N)  4.8 N. The frictional force is exerted
on both sides of the book. Considering the forces in the y-direction, the weight supported by the maximal frictional
force is
w  fs max  fs max  2 fs max  9.6 N
We now find the mass of a 9.6 N book.
w 9.6 N
m  0.98 kg
g 9.80 m/s 2
Assess: Note that the force on both sides of the book are exactly equal also because the book is in equilibrium.

P5.66. Prepare: Assume the drag force is zero, the initial speed is zero, and assume constant acceleration. Assume
each officer exerted the same force. Call the force of the officers pulling P. The coefficient of rolling friction is
mr = 0.02

Solve: First use the kinematic equations to find the acceleration of the plane.
1 2Dx 2(100 m)
Dx = a(Dt)2 Þ a = = = 0.0712 m/s2
2 (Dt)2 (53 s)2

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5-40 Chapter 5

Next use Newton’s second law. From the y-equation (no acceleration) we see that n = mg
SFx = P - f r = ma Þ P = ma + f r = ma + mr n = ma + mr mg = m(a + mr g)
P  m(a  r g )  (200 000 kg)(0.0712 m/s 2  (0.02)(9.80 m/s 2 )  53 400 N
53 400 N/60  890 N
Divide the total force by 60 to see how much each officer was exerting.
Assess: It is possible for an officer to pull with 890 N.

P5.67. Prepare: We show below the free-body diagram of the 1 kg block. The block is initially at rest, so initially
the friction force is static friction. If the 12 N pushing force is too strong, the box will begin to move up the wall. If it
is too weak, the box will begin to slide down the wall. And if the pushing force is within the proper range, the box will
remain stuck in place.

Solve: First, let’s evaluate the sum of all the forces except friction:
 Fx  n  Fpush cos 30  0 N  n  Fpush cos 30
 Fy  Fpush sin 30   w  Fpush sin 30   mg  (12 N)sin 30   (1 kg) (9.80 m/s 2 )  3.8 N
In the first equation we have utilized the fact that any motion is parallel to the wall, so ax  0 m/s 2 .
The two forces in the second y-equation add up to -3.8 N. This means the static friction force will be able to prevent
the box from moving if fs = +3.8 N. Using the x-equation we get
fs max  s n  s Fpush cos 30  5.2 N
where we used s  0.5 for wood on wood. The static friction force f s needed to keep the box from moving is less
than fs max . Thus the box will stay at rest.

P5.68. Prepare: We let the x-axis run along the ramp and show below a visual overview of the situation that includes
a pictorial representation, a motion diagram, free-body diagrams, and a list of values. The motion diagram shows
decreasing velocity vectors as the block moves uphill, so the acceleration vector is opposite the direction of the velocity
vector. But, for the downhill motion, the acceleration and the velocity vector are in the same direction. The block ends
where it starts, so x2  x0  0 m. We expect v2 to be negative, because the block will be moving in the – x-direction,
so we’ll want to take | v2 | as the final speed. Because of friction, we expect to find |v2 |  v0 .

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-41

Solve: (a) The friction force is opposite to v , so f k points down the slope during the first half of the motion and up
the slope during the second half; w and n are the only other forces. Newton’s second law for the upward motion is
(F ) -w sin q - f k -mg sin q - f k
ax = a0 = net x = =
m m m
(F )
net y n - w cos q n - mg cos q
a y = 0 m/s2 = = =
m m m
First solve the y-equation to give n  mg cos  Use this in f k = mk n to get f k  k mg cos . Now substitute this result
for f k into the x-equation:
mg sin   k mg cos 
a0    g (sin   k cos  )  (9.80 m/s 2 )(sin 35   0.20 cos 35 )  7.23 m/s 2
Kinematics now gives
v 2 - v 02 0 m 2/s2 - (10 m/s)2
v12 = v02 + 2a0 (x1 - x0 ) Þ x1 = 1 = = 6.92 m
2a0 2(-7.23 m/s 2 )
The block’s height is then h  x1 sin   (6.92 m)sin 35  4.0 m.
(b) For the return trip, f k points up the slope, so the x-component of the second law is
(Fnet ) x -w sin q + f k -mg sin q + f k
ax = a1 = = =
m m m
Note the sign change. The y-equation and the friction equation f k = mk n are unchanged, so we have
a1 = -g(sin q - mk cos q ) = - 4.02 m/s2
The kinematics for the return trip are
v22 = v12 + 2a1 (x2 - x1 ) Þ v2 = -2a1x1 = -2(-4.02 m/s2 )(6.92 m) = -7.5 m/s
Notice that we used the negative square root because v2 is a velocity with the vector pointing in the –x-direction. The
final speed is v2  7.5 m/s.

P5.69. Prepare: With no friction, the only forces along the incline are the tension T and a component of the weight,
mg sinq . Since the blocks aren’t accelerating then T = mg sin q .
Solve: For tension 1:
T1 = (5 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )sin 20  = 16.76 N
or 17 N to two significant figures.

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5-42 Chapter 5

For tension 2 the mass is the sum of both blocks:

T2 = (5 kg  3 kg)(9.80 m/s 2 )sin 20  = 26.81 N
or 27 N to two significant figures.
Assess: We would expect T2 > T1 .

P5.70. Prepare: We can find the drag force using the equation in the text. From Example 5.14 we’ll assume the cross
section area of the runner is 0.72 m2 .
Solve: Using Equation 5.12, if he were outside the drag force would be D  14  Av 2 with   1.22 kg/m3.
D  14  Av 2  14 (1.22 kg/m3 )(0.72 m 2 )(4.5 m/s) 2  4.45 N
The component of his weight down the ramp is mgsinq.
D  D   4.45 N 
mg sin   D  sin      sin 1    sin 
2 
 0.43o
mg  mg   (60 kg)(9.80 m/s ) 
Assess: The angle of incline is very small because the drag force is fairly small.

P5.71. Prepare: Call the force we seek F, and the mass of one block m. The maximum force without slippage is
when the friction force between the blocks is maximum: fs = ms n = ms mg.
Solve: For the two-block system F is the net force.
F = (2m)a
Considering only the top block, f s is the net force, so fs = ma.
fs = ms n = ms mg = ma
Now insert our latest expression for ma into the equation for the two-block system.
F = 2ma = 2( s mg ) = 2( s mg ) = 2(0.35)(9.80 m/s 2 )(2.0 kg) = 14 N
Assess: 14 N seems reasonable.

P5.72. Prepare: Since the block comes to rest for an instant, we use the coefficient of static friction for wood on
wood: ms = 0.50.
SFx = mg sin q - ms n = 0
SFy = n - mg cos q = 0
Solve the second equation for n and insert into the first.
mg sin q - ms mg cos q = 0
tan  = s    tan 1 ( s )  tan 1 (0.50)  27 
Assess: From experience, 27° seems like a reasonable tilt for the block to slide back down.

P5.73. Prepare: The Ping-Pong ball when shot straight up is subject to a net force that is the resultant of the weight
and drag force vectors, both acting vertically downward. On the other hand, for the ball’s motion straight down, the
ball is subject to a net force that is the resultant of the weight and drag force vectors, the former in the downward and
the latter in the upward direction. An overview of a pictorial representation and a free-body diagram are shown below.
The Ping-Pong ball experiences a drag force equal to 1
r Av 2, as modeled in the text with vterm as the terminal velocity.

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-43

Solve: (a) Imagine the ball falling at its terminal speed. The ball’s weight is directed down and the resistive drag force
is directed up. The net force is zero because the magnitude of the drag force is equal to the magnitude of the weight,
D  w. When the ball is shot upward at twice the terminal speed, the drag force is four times the terminal drag force.
That is, D  4 D  4w.
Since all the forces are down, the y-component of Newton’s second law is
 Fy   D  w   4w  w   5mg  ma  a   5 g   49 m/s 2
(b) The ball is initially shot downward. Therefore D is upward but w is down. Again D  4 D and the
y-component of Newton’s second law is
 Fy  D  w  4w  w  3mg  ma  a  3g  29 m/s 2
That is, the ball initially decelerates at 3g but as v becomes smaller, the drag force approaches the weight so the
deceleration goes to zero and v approaches vterm .
Assess: Dis very large and with w yields a large initial deceleration when the ball is shot up. When the ball is shot
down w opposes D so the ball decelerates at a lesser rate.

P5.74. Prepare: Call the 2.0 kg block m2 and the 1.0 kg block m1. Assume the pulley is massless and frictionless.
Solve: On block 2 fk = mk n = mk m2 g.
SFx = T - mk n = T - mk m2 g = m2 a2
Block 1 is also accelerating.
SFy = T - m1g = m1a1
The acceleration constraint is (a2 ) x = -(a1 ) y = a. Solve for T in the second equation and insert in the first.
T = m1 (g - a).
m1 (g - a) - mk m2 g = m2 a
m1g - mk m2 g = m2 a + m1a
g (m1  k m2 ) (9.80 m/s 2 )(1.0 kg  (0.20)(2.0 kg))
a= = = 2.0 m/s 2
m1  m2 1.0 kg  2.0 kg
Assess: The answer seems reasonable.

P5.75. Prepare: Call the 10 kg block m2 and the 5.0 kg block m1. Assume the pulley is massless and frictionless.
Solve: On block 2 use tilted axes.
Fx = T  m2 g sin  = m2a2
Block 1 is also accelerating.
SFy = T - m1g = m1a1
The acceleration constraint is (a2 ) x = (a1 ) y = a. Solve for T in the second equation and insert in the first.
T = m1 (g - a).

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5-44 Chapter 5

m1 (g - a) - m2 g sin q = m2 a
m1g - m2 g sin q = m2 a + m1a
g (m1  m2 sin  ) (9.80 m/s 2 )(1.0 kg  (2.0 kg)sin 40 )
a= = = 0.93 m/s 2
m1  m2 1.0 kg  2.0 kg
Or 0.93 m/s2 , down the ramp.
Assess: The answer depends on  ; for a shallow angle the block accelerates up the ramp, for a steep angle the block
accelerates down the ramp. This is expected behavior.

P5.76. Prepare: We will assume that the rope is massless and the pulley is both massless and frictionless. We will
use the constant-acceleration kinematic equations for m and M ( 100 kg) because the two masses move together with
the same magnitude of acceleration. A visual overview shows a pictorial representation, list of values, and free-body
diagrams for the two masses.

Solve: Using yf = yi + (v y )i (tf - ti ) + 12 aM (tf - ti )2,

(1 m)  0 m  0 m  aM (6.0 s  0 s) 2  aM   0.0556 m/s 2
Newton’s second law for m and M is
( Fon m ) y  TR on m  wm  mam ( Fon M ) y  TR on M  wM  MaM
The acceleration constraint is am = -a M . Also, the tensions are an action-reaction pair, thus TR on m = TR on M . With
these, the second law equations are
TR on M - Mg = Ma M
TR on M - mg = -ma M
Subtracting the second from the first gives
 g  aM   9.80 m/s 2  0.0556 m/s 2 
 Mg  mg  MaM  maM  m  M    (100 kg)  2   99 kg
 g  aM   9.80 m/s  0.0556 m/s 

Assess: Note that am  aM  0.0556 m/s 2 . For such a small acceleration, a mass of 99 kg for m compared to
M = 100 kg is understandable.

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Applying Newton’s Laws 5-45

P5.77. Prepare: We can use Newton’s second law to calculate the force needed to bring the stone up to speed.
Solve: Ignoring friction, the only force on the stone is the force the curler applies. Using Newton’s second law, we
can calculate the force given the acceleration and mass of the stone. The acceleration of the stone is given by the
definition of acceleration.
v 3.0 m/s
ax  x   1.5 m/s 2
t 2.0 s
The force on the stone is then
Fx = max = (20 kg)(1.5 m/s2 ) = 30 N
The correct choice is C.
Assess: We will check that ignoring friction is a reasonable assumption in Problem 5.79.

P5.78. Prepare: While the coefficient of friction is low, it is not zero, or the stone would never stop. It is the kinetic
friction force that slows the stone.
Solve: Since sweeping can in fact lengthen the travel of the stone it must be that sweeping decreases the kinetic friction
force (by decreasing the coefficient of kinetic friction).
The correct choice is A.
Assess: Examine the alternate choices. If sweeping increased the coefficient of friction then the stone would stop
sooner, not later. As for C and D, sweeping the ice does nothing to change the fact that the stone is in motion. As long
as the stone is moving we are talking about kinetic friction, not static friction.
Since sweeping decreases the coefficient of friction, it is probably accomplished by making the ice smoother.

P5.79. Prepare: We can use the kinematic equations to find the acceleration of the stone and then use Newton’s
second law to find the approximate magnitude of the force of friction on the stone.
Solve: Using Equation 2.13 with vf  0 m/s, vi  3 m/s, and Dx = 40 m, we have
(vi )2 (3 m/s)2
ax = -= = 0.1125 m/s 2
2Dx 2(40 m)
where additional significant figures have been kept in this intermediate result.
The force on the stone is then
Fx = max = (20 kg)(0.1125 m/s2 ) = 2 N
The correct choice is B.
Assess: Compare to Problem 5.77. The force of friction is much less than the force the curler applies, so ignoring
friction in Problem 5.77 is reasonable.

P5.80. Prepare: Let’s draw a free-body diagram. Assume the stone is moving in the positive x-direction on level ice.

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5-46 Chapter 5

Solve: Newton’s second law in the vertical direction tells us that n = w so n = mg. Now apply the second law in the
horizontal direction.
Fx  max
 f k  max
 k n  max
 k mg  max cancel m
  k g  ax
Since m canceled we see that the deceleration is independent of m. Therefore the distance the stone travels will be the
same as before if it has the same initial velocity (which it does). This eliminates choices A and B.
The coefficient of friction between two substances only depends on the microscopic makeup of the substances and
does not depend on the normal force or the speed (in our simple model) of the two surfaces relative to each other. If it
were otherwise, then tables of the coefficient of friction would have to have entries for different normal forces and
speeds. This eliminates choice C.
The only choice left (and the correct one) is D; however we actually already knew that when we first wrote
f k  k n  k mg. The mass appears in the equation and tells us that in this scenario the friction force is proportional
to the mass.
Assess: Although the friction force is greater in the 40 kg case, so is the inertia (which tends to keep the stone moving),
so the acceleration remains the same.

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