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Solution Manual for College Physics 1st Edition by

Freedman ISBN 1464135622 9781464135620

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Test bank:
Chapter 6
Work and Energy

Conceptual Questions
6.1 Equation 6-2 is W 5 F cos 1 u 2 d. The work done on an object can be equal to zero
if (a) the force is zero, (b) the distance is zero, or (c) if the force and distance are

6.2 Most household appliances list the power they consume rather than the energy.

6.3 Stepping on the log would require raising the body, which would require doing work on
it. Most of the work would not be recovered when coming down off the log.

6.4 (a) Conservation of mechanical energy would imply that the ball comes back to exactly
the same height at which it was released. The small amount of mechanical energy lost as
heat through friction implies it can come back no higher than this. (b) You might be hit
by the ball if you push it ever so slightly rather than just releasing it.

6.5 (a) Yes. (b) No. She is dissipating energy inside herself in the futile attempt to move the

6.6 Zero. Your roommate does positive work on the block as she lifts it (she exerts an
upward force in the same direction as the displacement). Assuming she sets the block
down gently on the floor, she does an equal amount of negative work in setting the
block down (she exerts an upward force, but the block moves downward). Similarly,
your roommate must exert a horizontal force in the direction of motion, doing positive
work to begin to move it across the room. But she must do an equal amount of negative
work to stop the block’s horizontal motion. So she does no net work on the block.

6.7 If the surface is moving, yes. Otherwise, the distance over which the force is applied is
zero, so the work will be zero.

6.8 No, kinetic energy can never be negative. Kinetic energy is related to the mass of an
object, which is always positive, and the square of the object’s speed. If you square a real
number, it will always be positive. Therefore, kinetic energy will always be positive.

6.9 Yes, every time kinetic energy decreases from one positive value to another smaller
positive value, the change in kinetic energy is negative.
6.10 A nonconservative force changes the mechanical energy of the system. The work done
by a nonconservative force depends on the path of the object. Three examples of
nonconservative forces are kinetic friction, air drag, and a push.

6.11 The snowboarder walks to the top of the mountain, which requires converting stored
chemical energy into heat and kinetic energy, which in turn is converted into
gravitational potential energy and more heat (if the snowboarder rides a lift, the source
220 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 220

will also include wherever the lift gets its energy). Then, riding down, the gravitational
potential energy and some chemical energy will be converted into kinetic energy, which
is in turn dissipated into heat.

6.12 This allows the person to change his or her gravitational potential energy (by doing
work) gradually rather than quickly.

6.13 The orbital path is along the circle, and the gravitational force points along the radii; the
edges of circles are perpendicular to their radii.

6.14 (a) The kinetic energy of the heavier rocket is equal to the kinetic energy of the lighter
one. They both start with the same amount of fuel (that is, chemical energy). (b) The
launch speed of the heavier rocket will be less than the launch speed of the lighter one.
Because their kinetic energies are equal, a larger mass will translate into a smaller speed.

6.15 (a) When it reaches the bottom. (b) When it reaches the bottom (but it’s been close to
that speed for a while).

6.16 Yes. The reference value for height is set arbitrarily. If you’re working from the ground
level, going underground yields a negative gravitational potential energy.

6.17 You have more gravitational potential energy at the top of the hill since you are at a
higher altitude.

6.18 The person does work on the toy gun by pulling the trigger in order to generate the
energy to launch the dart over and over again.

Multiple-Choice Q uestions
6.19 C (3). Tension, gravity, kinetic friction.

6.20 (d) , (b) , (c) , (a). The work in case (d) is negative. The work in case (b) is zero. The
work in cases (a) and (c) is positive in both cases, but the angles are different.

Case (a)

Case (b)

Case (c)

Case (d)

Figure 6-1 Problem 20

221 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 221

6.21 C (decreases). As u increases to 90°, cos(u) approaches zero.

6.22 E (first decreases, then increases). The car needs to slow down and stop before changing

6.23 E (0). The tension is always perpendicular to the motion of the ball.

6.24 D (2k). It will be harder to stretch the two “half-springs.”

6.25 C (They have the same kinetic energy.) Each twin starts with the same gravitational
potential energy and falls the same distance.

6.26 D (All balls have the same speed). All three balls have the same initial kinetic energy
and gravitational potential energy. They will all have the same speed if they fall the same

Estimation/Numer ical Analysis

6.27 An 8-kg suitcase being lifted into the trunk of a car that has an elevation of 0.75 m will
gain 60 J, but that energy is not the minimum required to get the suitcase in the trunk.
The lip of the trunk is 1.1 m off the ground, so the suitcase will, at one point, have 90 J
of energy.

6.28 A 50-lb toolbox adds an extra 3% to the weight of a 1600-lb car . Most gasoline engines
are only around 20% efficient, which means for every 1 gallon of gas, only 0.2 gallon is
converted into useable energy. That means:
100% gas
3% useable energy 3 5 gas
20% useable energy
6.29 A standard estimate of the power of hard jogging is 7–8 kcal/kg/h. For a runner who is
80 kg and who runs for 25 min, the energy is roughly 1 MJ.

6.30 Part a) A commercial jet has a mass on the order of 105 kg and touches
down at a speed of around 70 m/s. The kinetic energy of the plane will be
1 m 2
K 5 1105 kg 2 a70 b 5 2 3 108 J.
2 s

Part b) Most of the energy is converted into heat.

6.31 A cue ball has a mass of 0.17 kg and a speed of 1.5 m/s. The translational kinetic energy
of the cue ball is around 0.2 J.

6.32 The work done in carrying the backpack up one flight of stairs is equal to the change in
the backpack’s gravitational potential energy. The mass of a backpack is around 10 kg
and a flight of stairs is around 3 m. The work done is around 300 J.

6.33 Pumas have been seen to leap 5.4 m. If the puma’s average mass is 62 kg, the maximum
kinetic energy is about 3000 J.
222 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 222

6.34 The 102nd floor tower of the Empire State Building is 373 m above the ground. Thor
(m , 70 kg) probably rides to the top around 100 times in a day. If he works 5 days
a week for 50 weeks for 40 years, he works for around 104 days in his life. Therefore,
the total number of trips he makes is N 5 106. Setting the total gravitational potential
energy equal to kinetic energy and solving for the speed:
Nmgh 5 mv 2

m m
v 5 "2Ngh 5 2 1 106 2 a9.80 b 1 373 m 2 < 90,000

Å s2 s

x(m) F(N)
0.00 0.00
0.01 2.00
0.02 4.00
0.03 6.00
0.04 8.00
0.05 10.00
0.06 10.50
0.07 11.00
0.08 11.50
0.09 12.00
0.10 12.48
0.11 12.48 Force vs. distance
0.12 12.48 14.00
0.13 12.60
0.14 12.60
0.15 12.70 10.00
0.16 12.70 (N) 8.00
0.17 12.60

0.18 12.50 6.00

0.19 12.50 4.00
0.20 12.50
0.21 12.48
0.22 9.36 0.00
0.23 6.24 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
0.24 3.12 Distance (m)
0.25 0.00
Figure 6-2 Problem 35
The work done by the force is equal to the area under the force versus distance curve. All
answers are given to three significant figures.
Part a)
1 1
W0 S 0.1 5 1 0.0500 m 2 1 10.00 N 2 1 1 0.0500 m 2 1 1 10.00 N 2 1 1 12.48 N 2 2 5 0.800 J
2 2
223 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 223

Part b)

W0 S 0.2 5 W0 S 0.1 1 W0.1 S 0.2 5 1 0.800 J 2 1 1 0.100 m 2 1 12.60 N 2 5 2.06 J

Part c) We found this in part (b).

W0.1 S 0.2 5 1 0.100 m 2 1 12.60 N 2 5 1.26 J

Part d)
W0 S 0.25 5 W0 S 0.2 1 W0.2 S 0.25 5 1 2.06 J 2 1 1 0.050 m 2 1 12.50 N 2 5 0.237 J

Set Up
A crane slowly lifts a 200-kg crate 15.0 m directly up into the air. Because the crane is slowly
lifting the crate, we can assume that the crate is moving at constant velocity, which means
the force of the crane onthe crate is equal to the weight of the crate. Both of these forces are
constant. The force of the crane on the crate is parallel to the displacement of the crate, while
the force of gravity is antiparallel to the displacement.
Work done by the crane:
Wcrane 5 Fcraned cos 1 0° 2 5 mgd 5 1 200 kg 2 a9.80 2 b 1 15.0 m 2 5 29,400 J 5 30,000 J
Work done by gravity:
Wgravity 5 wd cos 1 180° 2 5 2mgd 5 2 1 200 kg 2 a9.80 2 b 1 15.0 m 2 5 229,400 J 5 230,000 J
The forces are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. Therefore, the work done by each
force should have the same magnitude but opposite sign.

Set Up
A weightlifter lifts 446 kg a distance of 2.0 m. If the mass is moving at constant velocity, then
the magnitude of the force of the weightlifter on the mass is equal to the weight of the mass.
Both of these forces are constant. The force of the weightlifter on the mass is parallel to the
displacement of the mass.
Wweightlifter 5 Fweightlifterd cos 1 0° 2 5 mgd 5 1 446 kg 2 a9.80 2 b 1 2.0 m 2 5 8.7 3 10 3 J
224 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 224

We are only allowed two significant figures in our final answer since d has two significant
figures. The force and the displacement are in the same direction, so we expect W to be

Set Up
A 350-kg box is pulled with an external force of 5000 N. The box moves 7.00 m up a 30°
inclined plane with no friction. The three forces acting on the block are the external force,
gravity, and the normal force. The external force is parallel to the displacement of the block.
Because gravity acts straight down, the angle between the displacement and the force of
gravity is (30° 1 90°) 5 120°; this means the work done by gravity should be negative
because cos(120°) is negative. The normal force acts perpendicular to the motion of the block
for all time.
Part a)
Wext 5 Fextd cos 1 0° 2 5 1 5000 N 2 1 7.00 m 2 5 3 3 104 J

Part b)
Wgravity 5 wd 1 120° 2 5 mgd cos 1 120° 2 5 1 350 kg 2 a9.80 b 1 7.00 m 2 cos 1 120° 2
5 21.2 3 10 J

Part c)
Wn 5 nd cos 1 90° 2 5 0

The potential energy of the box has increased so it makes sense that the net work on the box
should be positive.

Set Up
Three clowns are pushing a 300-kg crate a distance of 12.0 m across a frictionless floor. Moe
pushes to the right with a force of 500 N, Larry pushes to the left with a force of 300 N, and
Curly pushes down with a force of 600 N. The net force on the block will push it to the right,
which means Moe’s force is parallel to the displacement, Larry’s is antiparallel, and Curly’s is
WMoe 5 FMoed cos 1 0° 2 5 1 500 N 2 1 12.0 m 2 5 6 3 103 J

WLarry 5 FLarryd cos 1 180° 2 5 1 300 N 2 1 12.0 m 2 1 21 2 5 23600 J 5 24 3 103 J

WCurly 5 FCurlyd cos 1 90°2 5 0

225 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 225

The work done by Curly’s force is zero because not only is it acting perpendicular to the
displacement, but the displacement in the vertical direction is zero as well. If there were
friction involved, Curly’s force would increase the normal force and, therefore, the frictional

Set Up
A person carries a 30.0-kg cooler down a distance of 20.0 m at a constant speed. Because it
is moving at a constant speed, the acceleration of the cooler is zero, which means the force
of the person on the cooler is equal to the weight of the cooler. We’ll assume that the person
is pulling straight up on the cooler, which is antiparallel to the displacement. The force of
gravity is parallel to the displacement of the cooler.
Part a) m
180° 2 5 2mgd 5 2 1 30.0 kg 2 a9.80 b 1 20.0
Wperson 5 Fpersond cos 1 s2 m 2 5 25.88 3 103 J
Part b)
Wgravity 5 wd cos 1 0° 2 5 mgd 5 1 30.0 kg 2 a9.80 b 1 20.0 m 2 5 5.88 3 103 J
The work done by gravity is not always negative because the force of gravity points
downward. It depends on the direction of the displacement of the object.

Set Up
A 150-kg crate is moving down a 40.0° incline. The coefficient of kinetic friction between
the crate and the ramp is 0.54. A museum curator is pushing against the crate with enough
force that the crate does not accelerate. We can use Newton’s second law to determine the
magnitude of the curator’s force and the magnitude of kinetic friction. Once we know the
magnitudes and directions of all of the forces acting on the crate, we need to determine
the angle between each force and the displacement of the crate before calculating the work
done by each force.

µ = 0.54


Figure 6-3 Problem 41

226 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 226

Free-body diagram of the crate:


Fgravity S crate Figure 6-4 Problem 41

Part a)
wgravity 5 wd cos 1 u 2 5 wd cos 1 50.0° 2 5 mgd cos 1 50.0° 2

5 1 150 kg 2 a9.80 2 b 1 3.0 m 2 cos 1 50.0° 2 5 2.8 3 10 3 J
Part b)
Newton’s second law:

a Fext,' 5 n 2 w' 5 n 2 mg cos 40.0° 5 ma' 5 0

1 2

n 5 mg cos 1 40.0° 2

a Fext, 5 w 2 Fcurator 2 fk 5 mg sin 1 40° 2 2 Fcurator 2 mkn

i i

5 m g sin 1 40.0° 2 2 Fcurator 2 mk 1 mg cos 1 40.0° 2 2 5 ma 5 0


Fcurator 5 mg 1 sin 1 40.0° 2 2 mk cos 1 40.0° 2 2

Calculating the work:
Wcurator 5 Fcuratord cos 1 180° 2 5 2mg 1 sin 1 40.0° 2 2 mk cos 1 40.0° 2 2 d

5 2 1 150 kg 2 a9.80 2 b 1 sin 1 40.0° 2 2 1 0.54 2 cos 1 40.0° 2 2 1 3.0 m 2 5 21.0 3 10 3 J
Part c)
Wfric 5 fkd cos 1 180° 2 5 2 1 mkn 2 d 5 2mk 1 mg cos 1 40.0° 2 2 d

5 2 1 0.54 2 1 150 kg 2 a9.80 2 b cos 1 40.0° 2 1 3.0 m 2 5 21.8 3 10 3 J
Part d)

Wn 5 nd cos 1 90° 2 5 0

Remember that the angle used when calculating work is the angle between the force vector
and the displacement vector, not the angle of the inclined plane.
227 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 227

Set Up
A 1250-kg car has an initial speed of 20.0 m/s. The engine does work in order to increase the
car’s speed to 30.0 m/s. Assuming this is the only force that does work, the net work required
to increase the car’s speed is equal to the change in the car’s kinetic energy.
1 1 1
Wnet 5 DK 5 K f 2 K i 5 mv f2 2 mv i 2 5 m 1 v2f 2 v2i 2
2 2 2
1 m 2 m 2
5 1 1250 kg 2 a a30.0 b 2 a20.0 b b 5 3.12 3 105 J
2 s s

Even though the car is only increasing its speed by 10 m/s, the work required depends on the
mass (which is large) and the difference in the squares of the speeds.

Set Up
A 0.25-g bumblebee is moving at a speed of 10 m/s. We can calculate its kinetic energy
directly from these quantities.
1 1 m2
K 5 mv 2 5 12.5 3 1024 kg 2 a10 b 5 1 3 22
2 s

The speed has one significant figure, so our answer has one significant figure.

Set Up
A 2100-kg truck has an initial speed of 22.0 m/s. We want to calculate the net work necessary
to decrease the car’s speed to 12.0 m/s, which is equal to the change in the car’s kinetic energy.
1 1 1
Wnet 5 DK 5 K f 2 K i 5 mv f2 2 mv i 2 5 m 1 v2f 2 v2i 2
2 2 2
1 m 2 m 2
5 1 2100 kg 2 a a12.0 b 2 a22.0 b b 5 23.6 3 105 J
2 s s

A net work of 3.6 3 105 J is required to slow the truck from 22.0 m/s to 12.0 m/s.
The negative sign in our solution means that the net force must act opposite to the
displacement of the truck.
228 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 228

Set Up
A 2.00-kg block, which is initially at rest, is pushed by a force of 40.0 N for 22.0 m over a
frictionless surface. This is the only force that does work on the block because the normal
force and the force due to gravity are perpendicular to the displacement of the block. The net
work on the block is equal to the change in its kinetic energy; this allows us to calculate the
block’s final speed.
at rest v=?
2 kg
2 kg
40 N
22 m

Figure 6-5 Problem 45

Wpush 5 Fpushd cos 1 20.0° 2 5 1 40.0 N 2 1 22.0 N 2 cos 1 20.0 ° 2 5 267 J

Wnet 5 DK 5 K f 2 K i 5 1mv f2 2 1mv i 2 5 1 m 1 v2f 2 v2i 2 5 mv f2 2 0
2 2 2 2

2Wnet 2 1 827 J 2 m
vf 5 5 5 28.8
Å m Å 2 kg s

The final speed would be larger if the force were applied at an angle closer to 0.

Set Up
A 10.0-kg block starts at rest on level ground. A force of 200 N pushes the block and acts
over a distance of 4 m. Kinetic friction also acts over this same distance; the coefficient of
kinetic friction between the block and the floor is 0.440. Both of these forces are constant.
The net work acting on the block is the sum of the work due to the push and the work due to
kinetic friction. It is also equal to the change in the object’s kinetic energy through the work–
kinetic energy theorem.
Calculating the net work:
Wpush 5 Fpushd cos 1 0°2 5 1 200 N 2 1 4 m 2 5 800 J

Wfric 5 fkd cos 1 180° 2 5 2mknd 5 2mkmgd 5 2 1 0.440 2 1 10.0 kg 2 a9.80 b 1 4 m 2 5 2173 J
Wnet 5 Wpush 1 Wfric 5 1 800 J 2 1 1 2173 J 2 5 627 J
Calculating the final speed:
1 2 1 2 1 2
Wnet 5 DK 5 K f 2 K i 5 mv f 2 mv i 5 mv f 2 0
2 2 2
2Wnet 2 1 627 J 2 m m
vf 5 5 5 11 5 10
Å m Å 10.0 kg s s
229 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 229

The work done by kinetic friction is negative since kinetic friction opposes the motion of the
object. The final speed if the surface were frictionless would be 12.6 m/s.

Set Up
A bicycle starts at rest. An applied force of 1200 N then pushes a bicycle forward, while a
force of 800 N due to air resistance pushes against it. These forces act on the bicycle over a
distance of 20.0 m. The bicycle is traveling on level ground, which means the forces are
parallel or antiparallel to the displacement. We can calculate the work done by each force,
determine the net work done, set this equal to the change in the bicycle’s kinetic energy, and
solve for the final speed of the bicycle.
Wpush 5 Fpushd cos 1 0° 2 5 Fpushd 5 1 1200 N 2 1 20.0 m 2 5 24,000 J

Wdrag 5 Fdragd cos 1 180° 2 5 2Fdragd 5 2 1 800 N 2 1 20.0 m 2 5 216,000 J

Wnet 5 Wpush 1 Wdrag 5 1 24,000 J 2 1 1 216,000 J 2 5 8000 J

1 1 1 1
Wnet 5 DK 5 K f 2 K i 5 mv f2 2 mv i2 5 m 1 v2f 2 v2i 2 5 mv f2 2 0
2 2 2 2

2Wnet 2 1 8000 J 2 m m
vf 5 5 5 13 5 10
Å m Å 90.0 kg s s
around 30 mph, which seems like a reasonable speed
A speed of 13 m/s is
calculated the net force on the bicycle (5400 N) in order for a bicycle. We
could have first to calculate the net
5 F d cos 1 0°2 5 1 400 N 2 1 20 m 2 5 8000
Wnet net J

Set Up
A baseball of mass m is thrown at a wall with a speed vi. The ball bounces off the wall with
a speed of vi/3. We can calculate the initial and final kinetic energies of the ball and then
compare them to determine the change in the ball’s kinetic energy.
1 2
Ki 5 mv
2 i
1 2 1 2 1 1 2
1 1
K f 5 mv f 5 ma vi b 5 a mv i b 5 K i
2 2 3 9 2 9

The final kinetic energy is one-ninth of the initial kinetic energy, which means the
kinetic energy has decreased by a factor of 8/9 1 approximately 89% 2 . This energy is
230 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 230

converted into sound and heat .

231 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 231

The exact mass of the baseball was not necessary to answer this question because it remained
constant and we were just looking for percent change.

Set Up
A book of mass m slides across a carpet with an initial speed of 4.00 m/s. The book comes
to rest after it travels a distance of 3.25 m. The only forces acting on the book are friction,
gravity, and the normal force. Since the block is not accelerating in the vertical direction,
the magnitude of the normal force is equal to the weight of the block. These forces are
perpendicular to the displacement of the book and, therefore, do no work. The net work
is equal to the work done by kinetic friction. This is also equal to the change in the book’s
kinetic energy through the work–kinetic energy theorem. This will allow us to calculate the
coefficient of kinetic friction between the book and the carpet.
Wne t 5 Wfric 5 fkd cos 1 180° 2 5 2 1 mkn 2 d 5 2mkm gd

1 1 1
DK 5 mv 2f 2 mv 2i 5 0 2 mv 2i
2 2 2
Using the work–kinetic energy theorem:
2mkmgd 5 2 mv i2
m 2
a 4.00 b
v 2i s
mk 5 5 5 0.25 m
2gd m
2a9.80 2 b 1 3.25 m 2

This is a reasonable value for the coefficient of kinetic friction. Remember that coefficients of
friction are positive, dimensionless, and usually less than 1.

Set Up
A 0.325-kg model boat, initially at rest, is floating on a pond. The wind provides a force
on the boat of 1.85 N at an angle of 25° north of east. The drag force of the water on the
boat has a magnitude of 0.750 N and points to the west. These forces act continuously as
the boat travels east for a distance of 3.55 m. We can calculate the work done by each force,
determine the net work done, set this equal to the change in the boat’s kinetic energy, and
solve for the final speed of the boat.
Wwind 5 Fwindd cos 1 25°2 5 1 1.85 N 2 1 3.55 m 2 cos 1 25°2 5 5.95 J

Wdrag 5 Fdragd cos 1 180° 2 5 2Fdragd 5 2 1 0.750 N 2 1 3.55 m 2 5 22.66 J

232 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 232

Wnet 5 Wpush 1 Wdrag 5 1 5.95 J 2 1 1 22.66 J 2 5 3.29 J

1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2
Wnet 5 DK 5 K f 2 K i 5 mv f 2 mv i 5 m 1 v f 2 v i 2 5 mv f 2 0
2 2 2 2
2Wnet 2 1 3.29 J 2 m
vf 5 5 5 4.50
Å m Å 0.325 kg s

The final speed is 10 mph, which seems like a reasonable speed for a small model boat that
weighs less than a pound.

Set Up
A 0.145-kg baseball is initially traveling at a speed of 44.0 m/s when it is caught by a catcher’s
glove. The glove slows the ball to rest over a distance of 0.125 m. The net work on the ball is
equal to the work done by the glove on the ball. The force of the glove on the ball points in
the opposite direction to the ball’s displacement. We can use the work–kinetic energy theorem
to calculate the magnitude of the average force of the glove during the catch.
1 1 1
DK 5 mv 2f 2 mv 2i 5 0 2 mv 2i
2 2 2
Wnet 5 Wglove on ball 5 Fglove on balld cos 1180°2 5 2Fglove on balld
Using the work–kinetic energy theorem:
2 mv 2i 5 2Fglove on balld
m 2
1 0.145 kg 2 a44.0 b
mv 2 s
Fglove on ball 5 5 5 1.12 3 103 N
2d 2 10.125 m 2

The force of the glove on the hand will be slightly less than the force of the glove on the ball
because the glove will compress somewhat and absorb energy.
The force of the glove on the ball may not necessarily be (and probably is not) constant. The
average force, however, is constant.

Set Up
We are given a plot of force versus distance for a variable one-dimensional force. The work
done by the force is equal to the area under this curve. We can split the plot up into simple
geometric shapes, such as a trapezoid and a triangle.
233 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 233

F (N)

x (m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 6-6 Problem 52

1 1
W0S10 m 5 W0S6 m 1 W6S10 m 5 1 100.0 N 2 1 1 6.0 m 2 1 1 3.0 m 2 2 2 1 4.0 m 2 1 100.0 N 2
2 2
5 250 J

Recall that an area under the x-axis is considered to be negative.

Set Up
An object is attached to a spring with a spring constant k 5 450 m . The
object starts at a position
x1 5 0.12 m from equilibrium and is pulled to a position x2 5 0.18 m on
from equilibrium. The
1 2 1 2
work done by the object the spring in stretching it is given byW 5 object
kx 2 kx . The work
2 2 2 1
is equal in magnitude to this but opposite
done by the spring on the in sign.

Solve 1 1 1
5 2 a kx 22 2 kx 12b 5 2 k 1 x22 2 x21 2
2 2 2
1 N
5 2 a450 b 1 1 0.18 m 2 2 2 1 0.12 m 2 2 2 5 24.1 J
2 m


The magnitude of the work done by the spring increases nonlinearly as the object is pulled
farther and farther from equilibrium. For example, the magnitude of the work done in moving
the object from x 5 12 cm to x 5 18 cm will be less than the magnitude of the work done in
moving the object from x 5 18 cm to x 5 24 cm, even though the displacement is 16 cm in
both cases.

Set Up
A 5.00-kg object is attached to a spring that is fixed to a wall. The spring constant k 5 250 N/m.
The spring is compressed 10.0 cm from its equilibrium position and then let go. The spring
will push the object back toward equilibrium, which means the force of the spring on the
234 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 234

block points in the same direction as the displacement of the block; this is the only force that
does work on the object. We can use the work–kinetic energy theorem to relate the work done
by the spring over the various displacements to the kinetic energy (and, therefore, the speed)
of the object.
DK 5 Wnet
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
mv 2 mv 5 kx 2 2 kx 1
2 f 2 i 2 2

mv 2f 2 mv 2i 5 kx 22 2 kx 21

mv 2f 2 m 1 0 2 2 5 mv 2f 5 kx 22 2 kx 21

k 2
vf 5 1 x 2 x 12 2
Åm 2
Part a)
N m
vf 5 a250 b
m 24
ã 1 1 0.100 m 2 2 2 1 0.0800 m 2 2 2 5 0.4 s
5.00 kg

Part b)

N m
vf 5 a250 b 12
ã m s
1 1 0.100 m 2 2 2 1 0.0500 m 2 2 2 5 0.6
5.00 kg
Part c)

a250 N b
m m
vf 5 1 1 0.100 m 2 2 2 1 0 m 2 2 2 5 0.707
ã 5.00 kg s
As the spring relaxes to its equilibrium length, we expect the stored potential energy to convert
into kinetic energy, which means the object should move faster and faster. The maximum
speed of the object will occur as the object passes through the equilibrium position.

Set Up
A 1.00-N apple is 2.50 m above the ground. The gravitational potential energy of the apple
relative to the ground is equal to the product of its weight and the distance above the ground.
DUgravity 5 mgDy 5 1 1.00 N 2 1 2.50 m 2 5 2.50 J
235 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 235

Remember that only the difference in potential energy is physically meaningful.

Set Up
A 2000-kg object is dropped from rest from a height of 18.0 m above the ground. Its final
position is 2.00 m above the ground. The change in the object’s gravitational potential energy
is equal to the final potential energy minus the initial potential energy.
DUgravity 5 mgDy 5 1 2000 kg 2 a9.80 2 b 1 1 2.00 m 2 2 1 18.0 m 2 2 5 23 3 105 J
The gravitational potential energy of the object should decrease since its final position is
closer to the ground.

Set Up
A 40.0-kg boy glides down a hill on a skateboard. He ends up a vertical distance of 4.35 m
below his initial location. The change in his gravitational potential energy is equal to this
change in height multiplied by his weight.
DUgravity 5 mgDy 5 1 40.0 kg 2 a9.80 b 1 24.35 m 2 5 21.71 3 103 J 5 21.71 kJ
The boy’s initial gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as he glides
down the hill.

Set Up
A spring has a spring constant k 5 15.5 N/m. We are asked to calculate the difference in
potential energy stored in the spring stretched by two different amounts. The spring begins
stretched 10.0 cm from its equilibrium position. It is then stretched to 15.0 cm from its
equilibrium position. The potential energy of a spring is proportional to the square of the
stretched distance.
1 1 1 1 N
DUspring 5 kx f2 2 kx i2 5 k 1 x2f 2 x 2i 2 5 a15.5 b 1 1 0.150 2
2 1 0.100 m 2 22 5 0.0969 J
2 2 2 2 m


The spring is stretched more in the final state than the initial, so it makes sense that the
difference between them should be positive.
236 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 236

Set Up
A spring with spring constant k 5 200 N/m is resting vertically on the ground. A 2.00-kg
object is placed on the upper end of the spring, which compresses the spring, and everything
comes to rest. The net force on the object is zero at equilibrium, which means the force due
to the spring acting on the object is equal in magnitude to the object’s weight; this will tell us
the amount by which the spring compresses, which we can then use to calculate the potential
energy store in the spring.
Part a)

a Fext,y 5 Fspring 2 w 5 kDy 2 mg 5 may 5 0

kDy 2 mg 5 0

1 2.00 kg 2 a9.80 b
mg s2
Dy 5 5 5 0.1 m
k N
a200 b

Part b)
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 N
DUspring 5 2 ky f 2 2 ky i 5 2 ky f 2 0 5 2 a200 m b 1 0.1 m 2 2 5 1 J

The potential energy of the spring has increased because the object did nonconservative work
on it.

Set Up
A 3.50-kg box is pushed 5.00 m up a frictionless ramp to an overall height of 3.00 m. This
applied force acts parallel to the surface of the ramp (that is, parallel to the displacement of
the box). We are told the box travels at a constant speed, which means its acceleration parallel
to the ramp is zero. We can use Newton’s second law to calculate the magnitude of the applied
force. We can multiply this force by the distance it travels up the ramp to calculate the work
done by the applied force on the box. The change in the box’s gravitational energy is equal to
the product of its weight and its change in height.
Part a)
Newton’s second law:

a Fext, 5 Fapplied 2 w 5 Fapplied 2 mg sin 1 u 2 5 ma 5 0

i i i

Fapplied 5 mg sin 1 u 2
237 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 237

3 3 m
Wapplied 5 Fappliedd cos 1 0° 2 5 1 mg sin 1 u 2 2 d 5 mga bd 5 a b 1 3.50 kg 2 a9.80 2 b 1 5.00 m 2 5 103 J
5 5 s
Part b)
DUgravity 5 mgDy 5 1 3.50 kg 2 a9.80 2 b 1 3.00 m 2 5 103 J
The work done by the applied force on the box is equal to the box’s change in gravitational
potential energy.
The applied force is nonconservative, which means the work done by it is equal to the change
in the box’s mechanical energy. Since the kinetic energy of the box remains constant, the work
will be equal to the change in the box’s gravitational potential energy.

Set Up
A 0.0335-kg coin is initially at the ground level of a building and then carried up to a height
of 630 m. The change in the coin’s gravitational potential energy is equal to its weight
multiplied by the difference in its vertical position.
DUgravity 5 mgDy 5 1 0.0335 kg 2 a9.80 2 b 630 m 2 0 m
11 2 1 2 2 5 2.1 3 102 J
Technically, the answer will be a little less than this since g decreases with height.

Set Up
A 65.0-kg person walks along a walkway that is 356 m above the surface of the Earth. His
potential energy relative to the surface of the Earth is equal to his weight multiplied by his
height above the Earth.
DUgravity 5 mgDy 5 1 65.0 kg 2 a9.80 2 b 1 356 m 2 5 227,000 J 5 227 kJ
The CN tower is the tallest structure in the Western Hemisphere.

Set Up
A spring is compressed a distance of 0.125 m from its equilibrium position. We are told
that the potential energy stored by the spring in this configuration is 3.33 J. We can use the
definition of the spring potential energy to calculate the spring constant of this spring.
238 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 238

1 2
Uspring 5 kx
2Uspring 2 1 3.33 J 2 N
k5 2 5 2 5 426 m
x 1 0.125 m 2

The larger the spring constant, the “stiffer” the spring.

Set Up
A ball is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 15.0 m/s. We can use conservation of
energy to calculate the height of the ball when its speed is one-half of the initial speed. We’ll
define the initial position to have a potential energy of zero.
Ui 1 K i 5 Uf 1 K f

1 1
0 1 mv 2i 5 mgy f 1 mv 2f
2 2
1 1 1
v2 i 5 gyf 1
2 a vi b 2
m 2
b a 15.0
3 v 2i 3 s
yf 5 5 5 8.61 m
8g 8 m
a9.80 2 b
This corresponds to a height of 28 feet, which seems reasonable because the ball was launched
at a speed of around 34 mph.

Set Up
A water balloon is thrown straight down with an initial speed of 12.0 m/s from a height of
5.00 m above the ground. We can use conservation of energy to calculate the speed of the ball
right before it hits the ground. We’ll define the ground to have a potential energy of zero.
Ui 1 K i 5 Uf 1 K f

1 1
mgyi 1 mv i 2 5 0 1 mv2f
2 2
m m 2 m
vf 5 "2gyi 1 v 2i 5 2a9.80 b 15.00 m 2 1 a12.0 b
Å s2 s s
239 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 239

This is the same answer we would get if we used the constant acceleration equation
v 2y 2 1 v 0y 2 2 5 2ay 1 Dy 2 .

Set Up
A gold coin of mass m is dropped from a height of 630 m above the ground. We can use
conservation of energy to calculate the speed of the coin right before it hits the ground under
the assumption that air resistance is ignored. We’ll define the ground to have a potential
energy of zero.
Ui 1 K i 5 Uf 1 K f

1 2
mgyi 1 0 5 0 1 mv f
m m
5 "2gyi 5 2a9.80vf 2 b 1 630 m 2 5 110
Å s s

The answer is independent of the mass of the coin.

Set Up (total mass m) slides down a frictionless 15.0° incline. m/s.
A child riding a sled Although we are not given her initial height At the bottom of
the hill, her speed is 7.00 conservation of energy—all of her initial gravitational
above the ground,
we can calculate it usingkinetic energy at the bottom of the hill. We can potential
energy is converted to using the sine of the angle. calculate the distance
she slid down the incline
Ui 1 K i 5 Uf 1 K f

1 2
mgyi 1 0 5 0 1 mv
2 f
m 2
a7.00 b
v 2f s
yi 5
5 m 5 2.50 m
2a9.80 b
sin 1 15.0° 2 5
RefleCt sin 1 15.0° 2
240 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 240

2.50 m
5 9.66 m
sin 1 15.0° 2

The mass of the child 1 sled was not necessary since it cancels out in the solution.
241 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 241

Set Up
Carl Lewis jumped to a maximum height of 1.2 m. At this height he was still moving with a
speed of 6.6 m/s. We can use conservation of energy to determine Carl’s initial speed. We’ll
define the initial gravitational potential energy (before he’s jumped) to be zero.
Ui 1 K i 5 Uf 1 K f
1 1
0 1 mv 2 5 mgy 1 mv 2
i f f
2 2

m m 2 m
vi 5 "2gyf 1 v 2f 5 2a9.80 2 b 11.2 m 2 1 a6.6 b
Å s s s
This corresponds to 18 mph, which is a reasonable running speed for an Olympic athlete.

Set Up
A pendulum is made of a ball of mass m and a string of length L 5 1.25 m. The ball is lifted
to a height such that the string makes an angle of 30.0° with respect to the vertical. All of the
ball’s initial gravitationalpotential energy is converted to kinetic energy at the bottom of its
swing. Applying conservation of mechanical energy, we can determine the speed of the ball
at the bottom of its swing. We will measure the gravitational potential energy relative to the
lowest part of the pendulum’s swing. We can use trigonometry to relate the initial height yi to
the length L.

1.25 m


Figure 6-7 Problem 69


L L cos (30°)


Figure 6-8 Problem 69

yi 5 L 2 L cos 1 30.0° 2 5 L 1 1 2 cos 1 30.0° 2 2
242 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 242

Conservation of energy:
Ui 1 K i 5 Uf 1 K f

1 2
mgyi 1 0 5 0 1 mv f
1 2
gL 11 2 cos 130.0°2 2 5
2 f
m m
vf 5 "2gL 1 1 2 cos 1 30.0° 2 2 5 2a9.80 2 b 11.25 m 2 11 2 cos 130.0°2 2 5 1.81
Å s s

The mass impacts the speed only in that if the mass is too small, air resistance and the mass of
the string will become significant.
The tension in the string is always perpendicular to the ball’s motion; thus, the work done by
the tension will be zero.

Set Up
An ice cube of mass m starts from rest at a height yA 5 5.0 m and slides down a track without
friction. This initial gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy (and vice
versa) as the ice cube slides on the track. We can use conservation of mechanical energy to
determine its speed at the marked locations.
yA = 5.0 m C yE = 4.0 m
yB = 3.0 m yD = 3.0 m
yC = 2.0 m

Figure 6-9 Problem 70

Point B:
UA 1 K A 5 UB 1 K B

1 2
mgyA 1 0 5 mgyB 1 mv
2 B
m m
vB 5 "2g 1 yA 2 yB 2 5 2a9.80 2 b 1 1 5.0 m 2 2 1 3.0 m 2 2 5 6.3
Å s s
Point C:

UA 1 K A 5 UC 1 K C

1 2
mgyA 1 0 5 mgyC 1 mv
2 C
m Å s2
vC 5 "2g 1 yA 2 yC 2 5 2a9.80
243 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 243

b 1 1 5.0 m 2 2 1 2.0 m 2 2 5 m
244 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 244

Point D:
UA 1 K A 5 UD 1 K D

1 2
mgyA 1 0 5 mgyD 1 mv
2 D
m m
vD 5 "2g 1 yA 2 yD 2 5 2a9.80 2 b 1 1 5.0 m 2 2 1 3.0 m 2 2 5 6.3
Å s s
Point E:

UA 1 K A 5 UE 1 K E

1 2
mgyA 1 0 5 mgyE 1 mv
2 E
m m
vB 5 "2g 1 yA 2 yE 2 5 2 a 9.80 2b
1 1 5.0 m 2 2 1 4.0 m 2 2 5 4.4
Å s s
anything, we can determine that the ice cube will
Without calculating lowest point in the track. Points B and D will be traveling the fastest
at point C since it is thesame height. Point E will have the smallest speed.
have the same speed
because they are at the

Set Up brakes and skids to a stop over a distance of 88.0
A driver slams on her the tires and the road is 0.480. We can use the m. The coefficient of
kinetic friction between initial speed of the car. The force of kinetic work–kinetic energy
theorem to determine the on the car, is constant and antiparallel to the friction, which is the
only force that does work
accelerating in the vertical direction, which means displacement of the
car. The car is not the weight of the car. We will call the mass ofthe magnitude of the
normal force is equal to the car m.
DK 5 Wnet
1 1
mv 2 2 mv 2 5 W 5 f d cos 1 180° 2 5 2 1 m n 2 d 5 2m 1 mg 2 d
f i fric k k k
2 2
0 2 mv 2 5 2m mgd
2 i k

m m
vi 5 "2mkgd 5 2 1 0.480 2 a9.80 2 b 188.0 m 2 5 28.8
Å s s

Kinetic friction is a nonconservative force and the only one that does work on the car, so the
work done by kinetic friction is equal to the change in the car’s mechanical energy. Because
the potential energy remains constant, the change in the mechanical energy is equal to the
change in the kinetic energy. This is an equivalent statement to the work–kinetic energy
theorem in this case.
245 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 245

Set Up
A 65.0-kg woman steps off a 10.0-m-high diving platform and drops straight into the water.
The water exerts a force on her and she comes to rest at a depth of 4.50 m. The force of the
water on the diver is the only nonconservative force that does work on her, which means we
can set this equal to the change in her mechanical energy. She falls a total distance of Δy 5
214.5 m and begins and ends at rest. The force of the water only acts over the distance d 5
4.50 m that the diver is in the water.
Wnonconservative 5 DU 1 DK 5 DUgravity 1 0 5 mgDy

Wnonconservative 5 Wwater 5 Fwaterd cos 1180°2 5 2Fwaterd

2Fwaterd 5 mgDy

mg m
Fwater 5 2 1 65.0 kg 2 a9.80 b 1 214.5 m 2 5 3 103 N
dDy s2
52 5 2.0
4.50 m

The average magnitude of the force of the water on the diver must be positive. It should
be reasonably large because she comes to rest in 4.50 m; this force is about three times her

Set Up
A skier leaves the starting gate at an elevation of 4212 m with an initial speed of 4.00 m/s.
The end of the ski slope is at an elevation of 4039 m. We are told that air resistance causes a
50% loss in the final kinetic energy (compared to the case with no air resistance). We can use
conservation of mechanical energy to first determine the skier’s final speed in the absence of
air resistance (that is, the ideal case) and use this to calculate the skier’s final speed taking air
resistance into account (that is, the real case).

4 m/s
GPS elevation = 4212 m
120 m
145 m
GPS elevation = 4039 m
Figure 6-10 Problem 73
Conservation of mechanical energy:
Ui 1 K i 5 Uf 1 K f
246 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 246

1 1
mv 2 1 mgy 5 mv 2 1 mgy
i i f,ideal f
2 2
v2 2
f,ideal 5 v i 1 2g 1 yi 2
yf 2
Considering air resistance:

K real 5 K ideal
1 2 1 1 2
mv f,real 5 a mv f,ideal b
2 2 2
v2 v2
f,ideal i 1 2g 1 yi 2 yf 2
vf,real 5 5
Å 2 Å 2

m 2 m
a4.00 b 1 2b
1 14212 m 2 2 14039 m 2 2
s s m
5 2a9.80 5 41.3
ã 2 s
the middle of the skier’s trip are not important
The specifics regarding since the surfaces are
told the change in energy caused by air resistance.
frictionless and we are

Set Up dropped from rest from a hot-air balloon floating
An 18.0-kg suitcase was the final speed of the suitcase right before it at a height of
yi 5 385 m. We are told initial gravitational potential energy is converted
hits the ground is
30.0 m/s. Not all of the work on the suitcase. We can use conservation into kinetic energy
because air drag is doing
final kinetic energy of the suitcase and take a ratioof mechanical energy
to determine the ideal
energies to find the percentage of energy that was of the ideal to the
actual final kinetic “lost.”
Ideal final kinetic energy:
Ui 1 K i 5 Uf 1 K f

mgyi 1 0 5 0 1 K f,ideal

K f,ideal 5 1 18.0 kg 2 a 9.80 b 1 385 m 2 5 6.79 3 10 4 J
Actual final kinetic energy:
1 2 1 m 2
K f,actual 5 mv f,actual 5 1 18.0 kg 2 a30.0 b 5 8100 J
2 2 s
Percent energy “lost”:

K f,actual K f,ideal
247 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 247

8100 J
5 5 0.119
67,900 J

The final kinetic energy is 11.9% of the initial kinetic energy, which means
88.1% was “lost” to air resistance .
248 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 248

If we didn’t calculate the intermediate kinetic energies, we would see explicitly that the mass
of the suitcase was not necessary:
a mv 2f,actual b
K f,actual 2 v 2f,actual
5 5
K f,ideal mgyi 2gyi

Set Up
A bicyclist travels d 5 20.0 m up a 10.0° incline at a constant speed. The combined mass of
the person and the bike is m 5 90.0 kg. The work done by gravity is equal to the negative of
the bicyclist’s change in gravitational potential energy because gravity is a conservative force.
We can use trigonometry to represent the final height of the rider in terms of d. The only other
nonzero work is the work done by the person. (The normal force is perpendicular to
the displacement for all time and, therefore, does no work on the system.) We can use the
work–kinetic energy theorem to relate the net work to the change in the bicyclist’s kinetic
energy, which is zero since he remains at a constant speed.
Work done by gravity:
Wgravity 5 2DUgr avity 5 2mgDy 5 2mg 1 d sin 1 10.0° 2 2

5 2 1 90.0 kg 2 a9.80 b 1 20.0 m 2 sin 1 10.0° 2 5 3.06 3 103 5 3.06 kJ
Work done by the person:
Wnet 5 Wgravity 1 Wperson 1 Wn 5 DK 5 0

Wgravity 1 Wperson 1 0 5 0

Wperson 5 2Wgravity 5 3.06 kJ

We could have also calculated the work done by the person using the definition of work.
The bicyclist is traveling at a constant speed, and therefore has zero acceleration parallel
to the ramp. The magnitude of the force that the bicyclist applies is equal to the magnitude
of the component of gravity parallel to the ramp: Fperson 5 mg sin 1 10°2 . The force of
the person on the bike and the person’s displacement point in the same direction, so
Wperson 5 Fpersond 5 mgd sin 1 10°2 , which is the same result.

Set Up
A child slides down a hill with an initial speed of 1.00 m/s. After traveling a distance of
25.0 m, her speed is 4.00 m/s. The net work done on the child 1 sled system is equal to the
change in the kinetic energy of the system. The forces acting on the system are kinetic friction,
249 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 249

gravity, and the normal force. The normal force is perpendicular to the displacement, so the
work done by the normal force is zero. Kinetic friction has a magnitude that is one-fifth of the
weight of the system and acts antiparallel to the displacement. The angle between the force of
gravity and the displacement is equal to 1 90° 2 u 2 , where u is the angle the hill makes with the
DK 5 Wnet 5 Wfric 1 Wgravity 1 Wn

m 1 v 2f 2 v 2i 2 5 f kd cos 1 180° 2 1 wd cos 1 90° 2 u 2 1 0
1 mg
m 1 v 2 2 v 2 2 5 2a bd 1 1 mg sin 1 u 2 2 d
f i
2 5
1 1
sin 1 u 2 5 1 v 2f 2 v 2i 2 1
2gd 5

1 1 1 m 2 m 2 1
2 1 d 5 arcsin D
2 a a4.00
u 5 arcsin c 1v 2 vi 2 5 m b 2 a1.00 b b 1 T
2gd f 2a9.80 2 b 1 2.50 m 2 s s 5

5 13.3°
for a hill. In finding the work done by gravity
RefleCt component of the gravitational force that was parallel
This is a reasonable angle mg sin 1 u 2 2 d cos 1 0° 2 5 mgd sin 1 u 2 2 since the , we could
have also used the contribute to the work. to the hill
1 Wgravity 5 w d cos 1 0° 2 5 1
i perpendicular
component does not

Set Up
The coefficient of restitution e of a ball is defined as the speed of the ball after impact divided
by the speed of the ball just before impact. We can use conservation of mechanical energy to
determine these speeds in terms of the heights h and H. The kinetic energy of the ball at the
heights h and H is equal to zero since the ball is momentarily at rest.
Part a)
mgH 5 mv 2before
vbefore 5 "2gH
250 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 250

1 2
mv after 5 mgh

vafter 5 "2gh
Finding the coefficient of restitution:

vafter "2gh h
e5 5 5
vbefore "2gH ÄH
Part b)

h 60 cm 3
e5 5 5 5 0.87
Å H Å 80 cm Ä4
A coefficient of restitution of 1 refers to a completely elastic collision.

General Problems

Set Up at a constant velocity up a 33.0° ramp. The
You push a 20.0-kg crate and the ramp is 0.200. There are three nonconservative
coefficient of kinetic
friction between the cratepush, kinetic friction, and the normal force. forces
acting on the box—yourthe change in the crate’s mechanical energy. (The The work done by all of
these forces is equal to in this case, the net nonconservative work is change in the crate’s
kinetic energygravitational
is zero, so, potential energy.) Although the normal force equal to the change
in the crate’s calculate the magnitude of this force in order does no work on
the crate, we still need toFrom Newton’s second law and the fact that to calculate the work
done by kinetic friction. the crate is traveling
at a constant velocity up the ramp (that is, its acceleration is zero in all directions), we see
that the normal force is equal in magnitude to the component of the crate’s weight that acts
perpendicularly to the ramp.
Wnonconservative 5 Wpush 1 Wfric 1 Wn 5 DUgravity 1 DK

Wpush 1 fkd cos 1 180° 2 1 0 5 mgDy 1 0

Wpush 2 1 mkn 2 d 5 mg 1 d sin 1 33.0° 2 2

Wpush 5 mk 1 mg cos 1 33.0° 2 2 d 1 mgd sin 1 33.0° 2 5 mgd 1 mk cos 1 33.0° 2 1 sin 1 33.0° 2 2
5 1 20.0 kg 2 a9.80 2 b 1 2.00 m 2 1 1 0.200 2 cos 1 33.0° 2 1 sin 1 33.0° 2 2 5 279 J
251 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 251

We could have also solved for the magnitude of the push through Newton’s second law and
then found the work done by the push using the displacement.
252 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 252

Set Up
A 12.0-kg block is released from rest on a frictionless incline that makes an angle of 28.0°
with the horizontal. The block starts at some initial height h1. The block slides down the
ramp, comes into contact with a spring (k 5 13,500 N/m), and comes to rest once the spring
compresses a distance of 5.50 cm. Since there is no nonconservative work done on the block,
we can use conservation of mechanical energy. The block starts and ends at rest, which means
the kinetic energies are zero and the initial potential energy will equal the final potential
energy. Initially, the block is not in contact with the spring, so the initial potential energy is all
gravitational. If we define the height of the compressed spring to have a gravitational potential
energy of zero, the final potential energy is equal to the potential energy stored in the spring.
Setting these two equal, we can find the initial height of the block relative to its stopping
point. Trigonometry will allow us to find the distance that the block traveled down the ramp.

Figure 6-11 Problem 79

Ui 1 K i 5 Uf 1 K f

mgh i 1 0 5 kx 2 1 0
kx 2
hi 5
a13,500 b 1 0.0550 m 2 2
hi kx
2 m
d5 5 5 5 0.370 m
sin 1 28.0° 2 2mg sin 1 28.0° 2 m
2 1 12.0 kg 2 a9.80 b sin 1 28.0° 2

The block starts out a distance of 31.5 cm from the front of the uncompressed spring.

Set Up
A man on his luge (total mass m 5 88.0 kg) emerges onto a horizontal straight track with an
initial speed of v0x 5 28.0 m/s. The luge and rider slow at a rate of 2.80 m/s2 before coming
to a stop. In order to calculate the work done on the luge and rider by the force that slows
them, we need to know the magnitude of the force and the distance over which this force
acts. Assuming the slowing force is the only force acting on them in the horizontal direction,
the magnitude of this force will equal ma from Newton’s second law. We can calculate the
253 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 253

distance they travel before coming to rest from the constant acceleration kinematic equations.
The force will be antiparallel to the displacement of the luge and rider, which means the dot
product will be negative.
Stopping distance:
v 2x 5 v 0x
1 2ax 1 xf 2 xi 2
m 2
0 2 a28.0 b
v2 2 s
x 2 v 0x
Dx 5 5 5 140 m
2ax m
2a22.80 2 b
Work done by force:
W 5 Fdcosu 5 1 k ma x k 2 1 Dx 2 cos 1180°2 5 2m k ax k Dx 5 2188.0 kg 2 a2.80 b 1 140 m 2
5 23.45 3 104 J

From the work–kinetic energy theorem, we expect the net work done to be negative since the
luge and rider slow down.

Set Up
A dolphin jumps out of the water and reaches a height of 2.50 m above the surface. We can
use conservation of mechanical energy to calculate the dolphin’s initial speed. We’ll say the
dolphin has a gravitational potential energy of zero at the surface of the water.
Ui 1 K i 5 Uf 1 K f

0 1 mv 2i 5 mgy f 1 0
m m
vi 5 "2gyf 5 2a9.80 2 b 12.50 m 2 5 7.00 s
Å s

Our answer is independent of the weight or length of the dolphin.

Set Up
A block is released from rest at the top of a track consisting of two frictionless quarter circles
of radius R 5 2.00 m connected by a 7.00-m-long, straight, horizontal, rough surface. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the horizontal surface is mk 5 0.100.
The work done by kinetic friction is equal to the change in the block’s mechanical energy,
since kinetic friction is the only nonconservative force doing work on the block. We’ll define
254 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 254

the horizontal surface to have a gravitational potential energy of zero, so that the block starts
with an initial potential energy of mgR. When the block comes to rest, it will have a final
mechanical energy of 0. We can calculate the total effective distance over which kinetic
friction must act to bring the block to rest. If the distance required to stop the block is longer
than the actual length of the horizontal surface, it means that the block will make multiple
trips over the surface until it comes to rest.

x =0

Figure 6-12 Problem 82

W nonconservative 5 DU 1 DK 5 Uf 2 Ui 1 0 5 0 2 m gh i

Wnonconserva tive 5 Wfric 5 1 mkn 2 d cos 1 180° 2 5 2mk 1 mg 2 d 5 2mgR

R 2.00 m
d5 5 5 20.0 m
mk 0.100
The total distance necessary to stop the block is 20.0 m, but the straight, rough patch is only
7.00 m. This means the block will pass over the rough patch once from left to right, back
from right to left, and st op a distance of 6.00 m from x 5 0 .
Because the curved parts are frictionless, the block cannot come to rest on them and they
don’t affect our solution past the initial potential energy calculation. Due to the work done by
friction, the block will rise to lower and lower heights on the curved portions after traveling
over the rough surface.

Set Up
An object is released from rest on a frictionless ramp at a height of H1 5 12.0 m. The bottom
of this ramp merges smoothly with another frictionless ramp that makes an angle of u2 5 37.0°
with the horizontal. Because both ramps are frictionless, the mechanical energy of the object
is conserved. The block starts and ends at rest, which means the block will rise to the same
height on the second ramp regardless of the angle of the ramp. We can use trigonometry to
determine the distance the object travels up the second ramp. In part (b), the block starts from
rest at a height of H1 5 12.0 m; we can use conservation of mechanical energy to calculate its
speed at a height of H2 5 7.00 m.


q1 q2 H2

Figure 6-13 Problem 83

255 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 255

Part a)
H2 12.0 m
d2 5 5 5 19.9 m
sin 1 37.0° 2 sin 1 37.0° 2
Part b)
Ui 1 K i 5 Uf 1 K f

1 2
mgH1 1 0 5 mgH2 1 mv
2 f
m m
vf 5 "2g 1 H1 2 H2 2 5 2a9.80 2 b 1 1 12.0 m 2 2 17.00 m 2 2 5 9.90
Å s s

RefleCt ramp is not used because the ramp is frictionless

The angle of the first and mechanical energy
is conserved.

Set Up 3 1026 kg) can jump to a maximum
A froghopper (m 5 12.3 height above the horizontal. We can use of 0.290 m when its
takeoff angle is 58.0° conservation of mechanical energy to
calculate the initial speed vi of the froghopper considering only the vertical component of the
motion. From this initial speed, we can calculate the initial kinetic energy of the insect, which
is equal to the energy stored in its legs that is used for the jump.

Ui 1 K i 5 Uf 1 K f
0 1 1 mv i 5 mgh f 1 1 mv f
2 2 2 2
1 1
v2 2

5 gh f 1 1 vi cos 1 58.0° 2 2
2 2
2 a9.80 2 b 1 0.290 m 2
2gh s m
vi 5 5 5 2.81
Å 1 2 cos 158.0°2 ã 1 2 cos 58.0° 21 2 s
Since the conversion from the potential energy stored in the froghopper’s legs before the jump
to the kinetic energy at launch is most likely not 100%, the froghopper will need to store
more than 48 mJ in its legs for each jump.
256 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 256

Set Up
A 20.0-g object is placed against a spring (k 5 25.0 N/m) that has been compressed by a
distance d 5 0.100 m. The block is released, slides for another 1.25 m, falls off the table,
and lands 1.60 m from the edge of the table. In order to determine if the table is frictionless,
we can first calculate the ideal distance the object would travel past the table in the absence
of friction. First, we can use conservation of mechanical energy to calculate the speed of
the object when it leaves the table. Then we can use kinematics to determine the horizontal
distance that the object travels. If this ideal distance is larger than 1.60 m, then the table is not
frictionless. We need to calculate the change in the mechanical energy of the system and set
this equal to the work done by kinetic friction in order to calculate the coefficient of kinetic
friction between the object and the tabletop.
Conservation of energy:
Ui 1 K i 5 Uf 1 K f

1 2 1
kd 1 0 5 0 1 mv 2
2 2
v5 d
1 2
y 5 y0 1 v0yt 1 ayt
1 1
Dy 5 v0yt 1 ayt 2 5 0 2 gt 2
2 2
2 1 Dy 2
Å 2g
1 2
x 5 x0 1 v0xt 1
1 2
2 1 Dy 2 2k 1 Dy 2
Dx 5 v0xt 1 5 v0x 5d
Å 2g Å 2gm
2 N
2a25.0 b 1 21.00 m 2
5 1 0.100 m 2 5 1.60 m
2a9.80 2 b 1 0.0200 kg 2
ï s

Therefore, there is no friction between the object and the tabletop.

257 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 257

If there were friction, we would need to calculate the work done by kinetic friction over a
distance of 1.35 m to find the coefficient of kinetic friction.
258 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 258

Set Up
Two objects (m1 5 1.00 kg, m2 5 2.00 kg) are attached by a thread, which is passed over a
pulley. The objects start at the same height and are released from rest. We can use
conservation of mechanical energy to calculate the speed of the objects when they are
separated by a vertical distance of 1.00 m. The total mechanical energy of the system is equal
to the mechanical energy of the 1.00-kg object plus the mechanical energy of the 2.00-kg
object. The objects are released from rest, which means the initial kinetic energy of the system
is zero. To make the math easier, we will define y 5 0 to be the starting position of both
objects, which will cause the initial gravitational potential energy of the system to be zero
as well. Since the objects are attached and both start at the same location, they will move an
equal distance above and below the starting point with the same speed v. Therefore, if the
objects are separated by a vertical distance of 1.00 m, then the 1.00-kg object is 0.500 m
above the starting position and the 2.00-kg object is 0.500 m below the starting position.
Ui 1 K i 5 Uf 1 K f

0 1 0 5 Uf 1 K f

K f 5 2Uf

1 1 2
m1v 2 1 m2v 5 2 3 m1g 1 0.500 m 2 1 m2g 1 20.500 m 2 4
2 2
g 1 m2 2 m1 2
v2 5
1 m2 1 m1 2
m 22
g 1 m2 2 a9.80 2 b 1 1 2.00 kg 2 2 1 1.00 kg m
v5 m1 2 s 5 1.81
Å 1 m2 1 5 s
m1 2 ã 1 1 2.00 kg 2 1 1 1.00 kg 2 2
The final gravitational potential energy of the 2.0-kg block is negative because its final
location is below y 5 0. A speed of 1.81 m/s seems reasonable; we could double-check our
answer by performing a Newton’s second law analysis on the system. Using energy (rather
than forces and kinematics) to answer this question is much simpler.

Set Up
Runaway truck lanes are typically 35.0 m long and horizontal. We can use the work–kinetic
energy theorem to calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction between the gravel in the truck
lane and the truck’s tires. The only nonzero work is the work due to kinetic friction, which is
equal to the change in the truck’s kinetic energy.
259 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 259

Wnet 5 Wfric 1 Wgravity 1 Wn 5 DK

1 1
fkd cos 1180° 2 1 1 2DUgravity 2 1 0 5 mv f2 2 mv2i
2 2
1 2
21 mkn 2 d 2 10 2 5 0 2 mv
2 i
2mk 1 mg 2 d 5 2 mv i2
m 2
a24.6 b
v 2i s
mk 5 5 5 0.882
2gd m
2a9.80 2 b 1 35.0 m 2
coefficient of kinetic friction to be large in order
We would expect the to quickly stop a
careening tractor-trailer.

States produced 282 3 109 kWh of electrical energy
Set Up
average, each dam is 50.0 m high and is 90%
In one year the United from 4138
electrical energy. We can perform various unit
hydroelectric dams. On efficient in converting
mechanical energy into conversions in order to
answer the posed
Part a) 109 kWh 2 3.60 3 106 J 1y 1
1 282 3 d 1h
P5 3 3 3 3
11 y 2 14138 dams 2 1.00 kWh 365.25 d 24 h 3600 s

5 7.77 3 106 3 5 7.77
dam 6
10 W dam
Part b)

100% mechanical energy

Ugravity 5 282 3 109 kWh 3 5 3.13 3 1011 kWh
90% electrical energy

Ugravity 3.13 3 1011 kWh 3.60 3 106 J

m5 5 3 5 2.30 3 1015 kg
gh m 1.00 kWh
a9.80 2 b 1 50.0 m 2
260 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 260

Part c)
2.3 3 1015 kg kg 1 m3 m3
5 5.56 3 1011 3 3 5 5.56 3 108
4138 dams dam 10 kg dam
Part d)

3.60 3 10 6 J 1 gal 9
282 3 10 kWh 3 3 5 22.6 3 10 gal
1.00 kWh 45.0 3 10 J
An internal combustion engine is approximately 20% efficient.

Set Up
Gas jets on Mars, where gMars 5 3.7 m/s2, throw sand and dust about 75.0 m above the
surface. We can use conservation of mechanical energy to determine the speed of the material
as it leaves the surface. W e’ll define the gravitational potential energy of the material at
the surface to be zero. Before the gas leaves the jets, it is traveling underground at a speed of
160 km/h. The energy lost per kilogram of material is equal to the work done by the
nonconservative forces acting on it, which in turn is equal to the change in the material’s
mechanical energy. We’ll assume that the gas is traveling just below the surface of the planet,
so we can ignore the change in gravitational potential energy. Therefore, the energy lost is
related to the difference in kinetic energy underground and just at the surface, which is related
to our answer from part (a).
Part a)
Ui 1 K i 5 Uf 1 K f

0 1 mv 2i 5 mg Marsh 1 0
m m
vi 5 "2gMarsh 5 2a3.7 2 b 175.0 m 2 5 24
Å s s

Part b)
Converting km/h to m/s:
km 103 m 1h m
160 3 3 5 44.4
h 1 km 3600 s s
Nonconservative work:
1 2 2
Wnonconservative 5 DK 1 DU 5 m 1vf 2 vi 2 1 0
2 2
Wnc 1 2 2 1 m m 2 J
RefleCt 5 1 v f 2 v i 2 5 a a24 b
m 2 2 s
261 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 261

2 a44.4 b 5 27.0 3 10
s kg

A speed of 160 km/h is nearly 100 mph. On Earth, the sand and dust would only rise to a
height of 29 m since g is larger on Earth than on Mars.
262 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 262

Set Up
A block of mass m starts at the bottom of a ramp with an initial speed of 20.0 m/s. The ramp
makes an angle of 37.0° with the horizontal, and the coefficient of kinetic friction between
the block and the ramp is 0.500. The block will eventually come to a stop a distance d up the
ramp. The work done by kinetic friction is equal to the change in the mechanical energy of
the system; from this we can calculate d. The force of kinetic friction, which acts opposite to
the displacement of the block, has a magnitude of Fkf 5 mkN 5 mkmg cos 1 37.0° 2 . We’ll
define the bottom of the ramp to have a gravitational potential energy of zero.
Wnonconservative 5 DK 1 DU 5 m 1 v2f 2 v2i 2 1 mg 1 Dy 2
2 1 mkmg cos 1 37.0° 2 2 d 5 m 10 2 v 2i 2 1 mg 1 d sin 137.0°2 2 0 2
1 2
mkgd cos 1 37.0° 2 1 gd sin 1 37.0° 2 5 vi
m 2
a20.0 b
v i2 s
d5 5 5 20.4 m
2g 1 sin 1 37.0° 2 1 mk c os 137.0°2 2 2a9.80 m 1 sin 1 37.0° 2 1 1 0.500
b 2 cos 137.0°2 2

RefleCt the coefficient of static friction in this calculation

We did not need to use
reaches its maximum height. Static friction would since the block slides
up the ramp until it the ramp or starts to slide back down. tell us whether the
block stays at the top of

Set Up
A block of mass M is placed inside a frictionless loop of radius R. The block is released with
some speed vi from a height of R. We can use conservation of mechanical energy to calculate
the initial speed such that the block just barely makes it around the circle. This means the
block’s initial mechanical energy needs to equal its mechanical energy at rest at the top of the
ring (that is, a height of 2R).

Figure 6-14 Problem 91

263 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 263

Ui 1 K i 5 Uf 1 K f

MgR 1 Mv 2i 5 Mg 12R 2 1 0

vi 5 !2gR

If the block started at rest, we would need to launch it (somehow) from a height of 2R in
order to make it all the way around the loop.

Set Up
A 25.0-N object is placed on a horizontal, frictionless table in front of a spring with spring
constant k. The spring is compressed a distance d and released, hitting the object off the
table. When the object leaves the table, it becomes attached to a 3.00-m-long string and the
object travels in a circular path. The string will break when the tension in it reaches 200
N; this occurs when the spring is compressed by a distance d 5 1.00 m. We can use the
information about the string breaking to calculate the value of the spring constant k. First we
need to determine the speed of the object when it leaves the table in terms of k by applying
conservation of mechanical energy. All of the potential energy stored in the spring is converted
to the kinetic energy of the object. Assuming no air resistance, the speed of the object will
remain constant as it travels around the circular path, which means the object is undergoing
centripetal motion with an acceleration equal to , where R is the length of the string. The
maximum tension in the string will occur when the object is at the bottom of its path. We
can use Newton’s second law to relate the net force on the object to its speed; the only forces
acting on the object at the bottom of its swing is the tension acting upward and gravity acting

Figure 6-15 Problem 92

264 Chapter 6 Work and Energy Chapter 6 Work and Energy 264

Conservation of energy to find the speed of the ball:
Uspring 5 K
1 2 1 2
kd 5 mv
2 2

v2 5
Newton’s second law at the bottom of the circle:
a Fext,y 5 T 2 w 5 T 2 mg 5 may 5 m R
m kd 2 kd 2
T 2 mg 5 a b5
R m R
1 T 2 mg 2 R 1 1 200 N 2 2 1 25.0 N 2 2 1 3.00 m 2 N N
k5 2 11.00 m 2 2 5 500
d 5 5 525 m m

To save time and a energy portion since
calculation, we solved for v2 in the conservation of
we need v22 (not v) in the of 525 N/m is
reasonable for an Newton’s second law portion. A spring constant
everyday spring.

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