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Professional Education Mock Board Exam August 12-13, 2023

Directions: Answer the questions correctly, every wrong answer is equivalent to 1 kiss.

1. At the end of periodical examination, Teacher R administered a summative test in Filipino. After
scoring the test papers she assigned grades to each test score such as 95, 90, 85, 80 etc. What process
did Teacher R use?

A. Ranking

B. Computation

C. Measurement

D. Evaluation

2. It is the study of man’s prehistory through the buried remains of ancient culture, skeletal remnants of
human beings.

A. Anthropology B. Archeology C. Ethnology D. Ethnography

3. Teacher D claims: "If I have to give reinforcement, it has to be given immediately after the response."
Which theory supports Teacher D?

A. operant conditioning theory

B. social cognitive theory

C. cognitive theory

D. humanist theory

4. Visual imagery helps people store information in their memory more effectively. Which is one
teaching implication of this principle?

A. You will not object when your students daydream in class.

B. Instruct students to take notes while you lecture.

C. Encourage your students to imagine the characters and situations when reading a story.

D. Tell them to read more illustrated comics.

5. Which is essential in the cognitive development of a person according to Vygotsky?

A. independent thinking

B. social interaction

C. individual mental work

D. scientific thinking
6. The design of the 2002 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) is based on the principles that the main
sources for contemporary basic education are the expert systems of knowledge and the learner's
experience in their context.

This shows that the BEC is _____ in orientation.

I. constructivist

II. behaviorist

III. essentialist

A. I and III

B. III only

C. I only

D. I, II, and III

7. Which assessment tool shows evidence of student’s writing skills?

A. project B. portfolio C. critiquing sessions D. daily journal

8. Ask to do a learning task, Joe hesitates and says "Mahirap. Ayaw ko. 'Di ko kaya!" (It's difficult. I don't
like it. I can't do it.) To which problem does the case of the student allude?

I. Unmotivated students

II. Uncaring teachers

III. Extremely difficult learning tasks

IV. incompetent teachers

A. I and III B. I and II C. II and III D. I, II, and III

9. Teacher S wants to determine immediately the learning difficulties of her students. Which of the
following do you expect her to undertake?

A. Require her students to prepare a portfolio.

B. Administer an achievement test.

C. Administer a diagnostic test.

D. Interview her students directly.

10. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set mastery level. This means that NSAT and NEAT fall
under __________.

A. intelligence test B. aptitude test

C. criterion-referenced test D. norm-referenced test

11. A teacher's summary of a lesson serves the following functions, EXCEPT

A. it links the parts of the lesson

B. lt brings together the information that has been discussed

C. it makes provisions for full participation of students.

D. it clinches the basic ideas or concepts of the lesson.

12. All of the following describe the development of children aged eleven to thirteen EXCEPT

A. they shift from impulsivity to adaptive ability

B. sex differences in IQ becomes more evident

C. they exhibit increase objectivity in thinking

D. they show abstract thinking and judgement

13. Teacher T taught a lesson denoting ownership by means of possessives. He first introduced the rule,
then gave examples, followed by class exercises, then back to the rule before he moved into the second
rule. Which presenting technique did he use?

A. Combinatorial

B. Comparative

C. Part-whole

D. Sequence

14. "In the light of the facts presented, what is most likely to happen when?" is a sample thought
question on

A. inferring

B. generalizing

C. synthesizing

D. justifying

15. Teacher E discussed how electricity flows through wires and what generates the electric charge.
Then she gave the students wires, bulbs, switches, and dry cells and told the class to create a circuit that
will increase the brightness of each bulb. Which one best describes the approach used?

A. It used a taxonomy of basic thinking skills

B. It was constructivist

C. It helped students understand scientific methodology

D. It used cooperative learning

16. Teacher B uses the direct instruction strategy. Which sequence of steps will she follow?

I. Independent practice

II. Feedback and correctiveness

III. Guided student practice

IV. Presenting and structuring

V. Reviewing the previous day's work





17. Which are direct measures of competence?

A. Personality tests

B. Performance tests

C. Paper-and-pencil tests

D. Standardized test

18. Under which program were students who were not accommodated in public elementary and
secondary schools because of lack of classroom, teachers, and instructional materials, were enrolled in
private schools in their respective communities at the government's expense?

A. Government Assistance Program

B. Study Now-Pay Later

C. Educational Service Contract System

D. National Scholarship Program

19. Which activity should a teacher have more for his students if he wants them to develop logical-
mathematical thinking?

A. Problem solving

B. Choral reading

C. Drama

D. Storytelling
20. An effective classroom manager uses low-profile classroom control. Which is a low-profile classroom

A. Note to parents

B. After-school detention

C. Withdrawal of privileges

D. Raising the pitch of the voice

21. Teacher Soong Jong Ki class is engage in problem solving activity which in a way is a reflection of the
personal and social experiences. The purpose of this activity is for the students to acquire the skills that
can help them in solving their own real-life problems. What philosophy can best described this ?

A. Existentialism

B. Progressivism

C. Idealism

D. Realism

22. In his class, Teacher Goong Yu always presents principles and values so as to encourage his students
to examine them and decide for themselves whether to accept it or not . What kind of philosophy does
Teacher Goong Yu practice?

A. Idealism

B. Existentialism

C. Humanism

D. Essentialism

23. Teacher Kim Woo Bin is an inspiration to almost all of his students. His efficiency and effectiveness in
the profession is truly outstanding. Which of the following describes this attitude of the students toward
him ?

A. Existentialism

B. Naturalism

C. Progressivism

D. Idealism

24. If a teacher states that "specialization is knowing more and more about less and less, hence it is
better to be a generalist". What kind of philosophy does they uphold?

A. Progressivism B. Essentialism

C. Naturalism D. Perennialism
25. In social trends, his do you call those who are for the revival of the classics ?

A. Progressivist

B. Essentialist

C. Humanist

D. Behaviorist

26. A teacher puts emphasis on making her students master the rules of multiplying fractions, and not so
much on the strategies and execution. This is an illustration of _______?

A. Existentialism

B. Progressivism

C. Essentialism

D. Naturalism

27. Students are the product of their environment. To which philosophy does this statement belong ?

A. Naturalism

B. Essentialism

C. Behaviorism

D. Existentialism

28. What philosophy possess that a social teacher is a revered person, central to the educative process
and therefore must be excellent mentally and morally in personally conduct and conviction ?

A. Idealism

B. Progressivism

C. Realism

D. Essentialism

29. This philosophy emphasizes the teaching of controversial issues to prepare students for a
progressive structuring of the social order.

A. Progressivism B. Social Experimentation

C. Behaviorism D. Reconstructionism

30. The philosophy contends that truth is universal an unchanging and therefore a good education is
also universal and constant.

A. Existentialism B. Essentialism

C. Perennialism D. Progressivism
31. In the recent years there has been an increasing emphasis on non-formal education. What is the
major concern of non-formal education in the Philippine context?

A. Acquisition of appropriate vocational and technical skills

B. Dislike of white collar jobs

C. Eradication of illiteracy

D. Love of arts in all forms

32. The Philippine Education Act of 1982 defines the areas of concern of the three levels of the
educational system. Which is the mission of elementary education?

A. An enlightened, disciplined, creative and productive citizen

B. Modern and up-to-date methods and materials

C. An effective and efficient teacher

D. Relevant and quality curriculum

33. Which of the following is the value thrust of the New Elementary Education?

A. Pursuit of higher intellectual and moral values

B. extension and deepening of social concerns

C. Development of a sense of nationhood

D. Preservation of democratic values

34. Socrates: Idealism:___________: Pragmatism

A. Plato C. Dewey

B. Confucius D. Locke

35. Rochelle brings all her books to school because she wants to please the teacher and get good grades.

To which of the following levels of morality according to Kohlberg does she belong?

A. Conventional B. Preconventional

C. Postconventional D. Either preconventional or conventional

36. Following Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, Mrs. de Leon provides her students varied
activities that enable them to classify objects according to more than one variable, rank order items in
logical series and understand that amounts of mass or liquid do not change because their shape does.
The development tasks can be expected to be performed by

A. elementary school children B. high school students

C. college students D. preschoolers

37. The nature-nurture controversy gave rise to conflicting theories of human development. Mrs. Gloria,
a grade school teacher, however believes that both heredity and environment interact to facilitate the
total development of her pupils. Therefore, Mrs. Gloria is likely to support which of the following

A. Intelligence is entirely hereditable

B. intelligence is a function of 50% heredity and 50% environment

C. Intelligence is more influenced by environmental than hereditary factors

D. Intelligence can be improved by exposing a child to a stimulating environment

38. Ms. Lagdameo a high school teacher, is aware of the fact that puberty brings new feelings about the
self, as well as new attitudes in other people who relate to the maturing child adolescent. How may she
best help her high school students develop positive attitudes towards self and others?

a. Orient them on the typical characteristics of adolescents

b. Ask them to write their own perceptions of themselves and others

c. Encourage a seminar on personality development among adolescents

d. Organize a seminar on personally development among adolescents

39. In inquiry, the teacher asks opening questions to invite responses from children which require great
range of cognitive skills. Which opening is most fitted for inquiry lesson?

A. What is the name of the movable part of an airplane wing?

B. How many legs does a grasshopper have?

C. Why do birds fly south in the winter?

D. Which planet is closest to the sun?

40. Miss Tengco taped one of the “Sesame Street’ series and slowed this to class. Which of the following
generalization under which the utilization of “Sesame Street” as an instructional materials was

a. Children learn by observing and imitating

b. Instruction should be reduced to entertainment

c. The TV teacher is accepted by younger children

d. Indirect method should be used to teach cognitive skills

41. Michelle has been reported buy her teacher to be habitual absentee and consequently a poor
achiever in the class. What initial step should she take?

A. Report her to the discipline officer for appropriate action

B. Talk with her and encourage her to unload her problems

C. Recommend her to transfer to another school

D. Call her parents to a case conference

42. There are indications that Shaina is an autistic child, what should Mrs. Abella her teacher, do to help

A. Recommend a tutor for Shaina

B. Tell her parents to transfer her to another school

C. Ask Shaina to stay to stay and give her extra care and attention

D. Advise her parents to take her to a specialist for diagnosis

43. Ms. Revilla, a classroom teacher is aware that she is also expected to perform guidance function. She
has been helping her pupils in their personal and academic problems. What must do if there are cases
which she finds difficulty to handle?

A. Refer them to the guidance counselor who has the professional competence to handle such cases

B. Try to solve them. There are practical solutions to every problem

C. Bring them to the attention of the school principal

D. make referrals to outside agencies

44. For quite some time, Joseph, a Grade VI pupil has been displaying unusual behaviors which have
adversely affected his performance. How may Ms. Ramos, his teacher, best given the necessary help?

A. seek the advice of child psychologist

B. Refer the pupil to a psychiatrist

C. Arrange for a case conference

D. Conduct a case study

45. Margaret, a Grade V pupil, can hardly expressed her inner feelings to the guidance counselor. What
guidance technique may be utilized so that she may unload herself and be given the necessary help/

A. personality test

B. projective technique

C. sociometric test

D. autobiography
46. At the beginning of the school year, Ms. Mina wants to acquaint herself with the personal
background of her Grade VI pupils particularly their needs, interest and characteristics. what is the most
practical thing that she must do?

A. Give them a series of psychological test

B. Ask them to fill up personal data sheets

C. Send a questionnaire to their parents

D. Interview them one by one

47. What is the focus of developmental guidance?

A. Developing the varied interest, abilities and needs of students, individually and collectively

B. providing students with ample opportunities to develop their innate talents

C. Identify students with personality and behavior problems

D. Facilitating the total development of the students

48. Charlene, a graduating high school student is confused about what course to take in college. She
seems to be torn between teaching and accountancy. How would you help her?

A. Persuade her to follow your step as a teacher

B. Tell her to heed the advice of her parent

C. Refer her to a college guidance counselor

D. Ask her to take an aptitude test

49. Valerie’s parents often times complains about her low grades in the report card. Despite the
explanations of her teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Cariño insist that Valeria deserves higher ratings. What is the
proper thing for her teacher to do?

A. Change Valerie’s grade to please her parents

B. Request the principal to talk with Valerie’s parents

C. Show to the parents the actual computation of Valerie’s grade

D. Ignore Valerie’s parents. The would not listen to explanations anyway

50. The cognitive process refers to the realization that even if things change in physical appearance,
certain attributes are constant. This is________

A. reservation C. integration

B. construction D. conservation

Answer Key:

1. B
2. B

3. A

4. C

5. A

6. A

7. D

8. A

9. C

10. C

11. B

12. A

13. C

14. A

15. C

16. C

17. D

18. D

19. A

20. D

21. B

22. B

23. D

24. B

25. C

26. C

27. C

28. A

29. D

30. C
31. A

32. A

33. B

34. C

35. C

36. A

37. B

38. A

39. C

40. A

41. D

42. D

43. A

44. B

45. B

46. B

47. A

48. D

49. C

50. B

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