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Introduction to Physical Science

14th Edition Shipman

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5 is an important chapter because temperature and heat are two of the most common
physical concepts that students experience. In general, temperature measurements are given, and
we say that heat is a form of energy. Hence it is important that a basic understanding and
distinction of temperature and heat is obtained.
In large part, the chapter is concerned with the measurement of macroscopic quantities of
heat, such as specific heat and latent heat. The general trend is to express these heats in joules (J).
However, calculations will be done primarily in kilocalories (kcal) because of the difficulty of
adding numbers expressed in powers of 10, which is necessary when using joules. Calculations
are much easier when done in kilocalories, and the results can be converted to joules if so desired.
Because heat transfer has many applications in daily life, this is an important and
interesting topic that should be covered in some detail. The chapter contains interesting
Highlights: Freezing from the Top Down, and Hot Gases: Aerosol Cans and Popcorn. Finally,
the basics of thermodynamics are discussed in Section 5.7.

A thermometer may be calibrated in class by using boiling water for the steam point and
ice water for the ice point. Uncalibrated thermometers are available, and students find it
interesting and obtain a grasp for temperature scales when the interval between the ice and steam
points is divided into degrees. (How should it be done?) Also, have a calibrated thermometer on
hand so that you can check and see how accurate your calibration is.
The bulb of one of two thermometers may be painted black and exposed to sunlight or a
heat lamp to show the difference in radiation absorption.


a. 21 b. 19 c . 6 d. 22 e. 17 f. 9 g. 15 h. 25 i. 4 j. 11 k. 2 l. 16 m. 7
n. 5 o. 13 p. 20 q. 18 r. 3 s. 24 t. 1 u. 12 v. 23 w. 14 x. 8 y. 10


1. c 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. a 8. b 9. c 10. c 11. c 12. b


1. greater 2. temperature 3. 1000 4. J/ kg •  C 5. seven 6. pressure
7. conduction 8. gas 9. Kelvin (absolute) 10. inversely 11. direction 12. pump


1. Fahrenheit

2. Celsius or Kelvin
3. Alcohol, low; mercury, high
4. Because of the thermal expansion of the bimetallic coil on which it sits.
5. Heat is energy in transit
6. Cold in, hot out
7. No

8. It is a measure of J/ kg g C  for a particular substance and is characteristic of or specific for

that substance.
9. Water in the filling has high specific heat
10. Half the water for the double temperature change
11. Condensation of moisture

12. Specific heat, c = J/ kg g C  ; latent heat, J/kg. The latent heat process occurs at a particular
temperature, hence there is no temperature change.
13. Thermal conductors: silver, copper, aluminum (metals). Thermal insulators: cloth,
Styrofoam, wood. A difference in electron mobility and air space.
14. The tile floor which has a greater thermal conductivity.
15. Cold air underneath causes freezing
16. Loose fitting gives air insulation. Some have loose knitting for air spaces.
17. Temperature and pressure.
18. Solid: definite shape and volume. Liquid: definite volume, assumes shape of container. Gas:
no definite shape or volume. (Volume may be restricted to a rigid container.)
19. (a) Sublimation. (b) Deposition.
20. Consists of molecules moving independently at high speeds in all directions.
21. A gas made up of point particles that interact only by collisions.
22. When the pressure is such that the space between molecules is small relative to the size of the
molecules or the temperature drops to where attractions among the molecules are significant.
23. Molecular collisions with the walls of the gas container.
24. Frequent collisions exert a steady average force per unit area on the inside of the ball.
25. Heat is removed from the system (balloon), and negative work is done as the balloon
26. First law: Energy is conserved in thermodynamic processes. Second law: The direction of a
process and whether or not a process will take place spontaneously.

27. First law (conservation of energy) and second law (entropy increases in every natural
28. It may be reduced by energy input, which requires a similar increase of entropy, so never
29. It never decreases—the universe is the largest closed system of which we can think.
30. No, according to the third law of thermodynamics.
31. Zero.


(a) deposition, (b) sublimation, (c) melting, (d) freezing, (e) condensation,
(f) vaporization


1. Hot air flows out by convection.
2. When steam condenses, latent heat is given up.
3. No, there is conduction (by coolant and through metal) and convection (by fan).
4. Initially the glass expands making the bore slightly larger.
5. Hole becomes larger. Would behave as circular cut out piece.
6. In a sense, the Earth absorbs energy (sunlight) and which does work (processes) in the
7. No. Although there is more order and less entropy in the ice tray system, there is more
disorder and a bigger increase in entropy somewhere else in the universe.
8. Answers may vary depending on approximations. Check and see how close.

1. TF = (9/5)Tc + 32 = (9/5)17° + 32 = 63°F
2. (a) 245oF because of smaller degrees. (b) 375oF (200oC = 392oF)
3. TC = 5/9 (TF – 32) = 5/9(68° – 32) = 20°C
4. TC = 5/9 (TF – 32) = 5/9(103° – 32) = 39oC
5. (a) TC = 5/9(– 40° – 32) = – 40°C (b) TK = TC + 273 = 233 K
6. (a) TC = TK – 273 = 3 – 273 = –270 K (b) TF = (9/5)(–270) + 32 = –454°F
7. 100 kcal/h (4186 J/kcal) = 4.2 x 105 J/h = 420 kJ/h
8. 250 kJ (1 kcal/4.2 x 103 kJ) = 6.0 x 10-2 kcal
9. 0.45 Cal/ h·lb (8 h)(150 lb) = 540 Cal
10. 3500 Cal / (0.45 Cal/h) = 7.8  103 h (approx. 324 days, almost a year).
11. 3500 Cal / (325 Cal/h) = 11 h
12. 4.0 mi/h  11 h = 44 mi
13. H = mc  T = (0.50 kg)(1.0 kcal/ kg∙oC )(10OC) = 5.0 kcal 14. H = mc  T = (1.0
kg)(4186 kg∙oC )(100C°) = 4.2  105 J
15. (a) H = mc  T = (1.0 kg)(1.0 kcal/ kg∙oC ) (80 C°) = 80 kcal
(b) (80 kcal) (0.00116 kWh/kcal)(12¢/kWh) = 1.1¢
16. . H = mc  T. With H and m equal,
 Ti/  Tal = cal/ci = (0.22 kcal/kg-oC)/(0.105 kcal/kg-oC) = 2.l.
So iron will have the higher temperature, 2.1 times higher.
17. HL = mc  T = (0.500 kg)(0.50 kcal/ kg∙oC )(10 C°) = 2.5 kcal H2 = mLf = (0.500
kg)(80 kcal/kg) = 40.0 kcal, H3 = (0.500)(1.00 kcal/ kg∙oC )(20 C°) = 10.0 kcal Total=
52.5 kcal
18. H1 = (0.200 kg)(0.50 kcal/ kg∙oC )(10 C°) = 1.0 kcal
H2= (0.200 kg)(540 kcal/kg) = 108 kcal
H3 = (0.200 kg)(1.0 kcal/ kg∙oC ) (100 C°) = 20 kcal H4 = (0.200 kg)(80 kcal/kg) =
16 kcal
Total = 145 kcal
19. With V2 = 4 Vij p2 = (V1/V2) p1 = (1/4) p1
20. p2 = (T2/T1) p2 = (1.2) p1
21. T1 = 20° + 273 = 293 K, T2 = 40° + 273 = 313 K
p2 = (T2/T1) p1 = (313 K/293 K) p1 = (1.07) p1
22. T1 = 20° + 273 = 293 K
T2 = (p2/p1) T1 = (1.5)293 K = 440 K; 440 K – 273 = 167°C
23. p2 = (V1/V2) p1 = (0.500 m3/0.150 m3)(200 Pa) = 667 Pa
24. T1 = 20° + 273 = 293 K
T2 = (V2/V1) T1 = (0.600 m3)/0.500 m3)(293 K) = 352 K; 352 K – 273 = 79°C

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