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Cabrera, Noelyn Kate O.

MM 3-B


1. What is the biggest “take away” for you- after having watched this movie?

Even before watching the movie I have already deemed the sales industry as a competitive
industry. But after watching the movie, I am fully convinced that it is not only competitive but
also very challenging that it pushes every salesman to go out of their comfort zone just to make

One of the most memorable lines in the movie is “A-B-C” an acronym made for “ALWAYS
BE CLOSING!” The popular phrase was meant to inspire salesmen to concentrate on what they
could succeed in closing a sale. This does not only apply in sales but in real life as we keep on
working hard to achieve our goals. Our mindset should always be focused on to our goal and
what step should we take to accomplish our set goals. Goals give us a direction in life and gives
us a sense of responsibility. Another thing I realized is that we don’t need to wait until we
finished our studies to hustle and be eager to succeed, instead at a very young age we should start
hustling and work not only hard but smart. If things don’t go our way, we should find ways make
it work instead of complaining and whining. We should never be lazy or complacent in life. As
the great Alec Baldwin said to the group of salesmen in their failure, “Get mad you son of a bitch.
Get MAD!”

In addition, one scene that caught my attention was when the salesmen where cold calling
prospects to set up an appointment for them to close the sale. But it was challenging since the
leads were old, reused and unreliable. So, the salesman kept complaining that it was impossible to
make a sale with those leads but then one of them took the initiative to find prospects amidst this
difficulty and eventually led to sale. Instead of complaining he challenged himself to find ways to
succeed. Being in sales industry tests your creativity and skill in communicating and connecting
with your prospects. So that when problems arise and the usual formula being used does not work
you get creative with the solution and find new and unique ways to solve the problem.

Lastly, the film taught me that whenever and wherever you are may be in sales industry or in
life, one must have integrity and honesty to earn another person’s trust. Without trust, you will
not have anyone to do business with that is why you must always build trust whether it be with a
client, a partner or whoever you meet. Be somebody who is seen as trustworthy because when
people trust you, you will find more doors open for you.

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