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Name: Moderately positive

<Files\\ekmal fauzan> - § 26 references coded [11.36% Coverage]

Reference 1 - 0.38% Coverage

if it succeeds in helping in production then all companies are advised to purchase the machine.

Reference 2 - 0.29% Coverage

The pilot scale was successful, he did an experiment at sime darby @Labu.

Reference 3 - 0.14% Coverage

With low pressure, safety is better.

Reference 4 - 0.62% Coverage

In Sarawak, they wanted to test and in Negeri Sembilan does not have a lot of water sources so
they want to reduce the ppm to safeguard their water sources.

Reference 5 - 0.51% Coverage

Sometimes the temperature level will increase a bit but still within the acceptable environmental
quality level under clean air.

Reference 6 - 0.40% Coverage

we maintain the machine, reduce friction and our machine can work more efficiently, and reduce

Reference 7 - 0.34% Coverage

When the machine is at its optimum, the advantage is that we will get quality product.

Reference 8 - 0.38% Coverage

When a machine does not run at optimum, the input we pun in will not result in quality output.

Reference 9 - 0.43% Coverage

Like in Kota Bahagia mill, our capacity is low, so sometimes we only yield a profit of 1-2 million
per year.

Reference 10 - 0.31% Coverage

The barriers to introduce sophisticated cleaner production techniques are: 1.

Reference 11 - 0.44% Coverage

SO they will have problems to man the sophisticated machine maintenance because they don't
have the experience.

Reference 12 - 0.34% Coverage

Majority of them have experience doing their current jobs and not based on knowledge.

Reference 13 - 0.75% Coverage

For operators with certificates (qualification), they may not have much problem to follow, but for
SPM/PMR leavers, they have never learnt these before so it will take them longer to learn.

Reference 14 - 0.67% Coverage

THP in semenanjung alhamdulillah we use 100% local staff, while in sabah its 60(local):40 and
sarawak there is directive from the state government to take 70 (local):30.

Reference 15 - 0.27% Coverage

Foreign workers are more resilient and able to do harvesting tasks.

Reference 16 - 0.51% Coverage

We will accept all harvests from these sources but we have grading, we will grade the fruits
according to the quality we require.

Reference 17 - 0.55% Coverage

IF their size is too small we will usually advice them to merge so that payment can be made
easily and can be distributed to them smoothly.

Reference 18 - 0.67% Coverage

Previously,, the big players like sime, lam soon, etc have their own SOPs and they abide by those
SOPs, However, the smallholders were not accountable for their actions.

Reference 19 - 0.36% Coverage

So the payment will take some time but the contractors are aware and ok with the situation.

Reference 20 - 0.34% Coverage

The best about cleaner production is we will be able to take care of the environment.

Reference 21 - 0.28% Coverage

We may not see the direct connection but we can achieve cost savings.

Reference 22 - 0.58% Coverage

My suggestion is for the DOE, MITI, CIDB for construction, they should introduce course to
help industry players - especially the top management.

Reference 23 - 0.46% Coverage

They only want to know that the company makes profits and doesn't make losses - the rest are not
important to them.

Reference 24 - 0.34% Coverage

DOE is trying to do this actually, at the mills level -as well as the top management.

Reference 25 - 0.67% Coverage

The monitoring of cost reduction for me is only apparent to the operation level, because to the
top management any reduction of RM5-10 thousand is insignificant to them.

Reference 26 - 0.30% Coverage

It is only significant to us, the operation level, in terms of savings made.

<Files\\En Muhammad Murshid translated> - § 6 references coded [2.61% Coverage]

Reference 1 - 0.24% Coverage

We will stop production and rectified the problem.

Reference 2 - 0.65% Coverage

But for companies, if MSPO is gazzetted as a standard to be implemented and is accepted by the world
consumer, we need to be committed.

Reference 3 - 0.61% Coverage

But for MSPO, even though we have a lot of cost to get MSPO certification, we still can't sell our
product at a premium price.

Reference 4 - 0.35% Coverage

The Overhead affects revenue when the cost rises - it will affect profit.

Reference 5 - 0.33% Coverage

The top management will not be happy because of the affected profit.

Reference 6 - 0.43% Coverage

It's a new construction, capital expenditure with very high technology capital build-up.

<Files\\Tn Kamar> - § 9 references coded [5.34% Coverage]

Reference 1 - 0.65% Coverage

Previously I moved many places but still under TH, Pahang, Sabah, has jumped many times, now in

Reference 2 - 0.65% Coverage

So like fiber and shell, we usually make it as fuel for generate steam using turbine for generate

Reference 3 - 0.56% Coverage

Oil palm trees are available in malaysia but they are planted in different types of soil.

Reference 4 - 0.88% Coverage

In terms of new technologies, energy and expertise I can say Malaysia is among the pioneer in the
industry and from most of our technologies.

Reference 5 - 0.64% Coverage

Some parts of our machinery uses the latest Technology, we upgrade some of the operations of our mill.

Reference 6 - 0.35% Coverage

I am also involved in technology, no problem in back up.

Reference 7 - 0.62% Coverage

Its not that I don't want to employ Indonesian workers but we want to provide opportunity to local.

Reference 8 - 0.34% Coverage

If we concentrate and monitor stringently, it is safe.

Reference 9 - 0.66% Coverage

Nonetheless, i agree that these changes are beneficial in terms of environmental sustainability and care.


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