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Software Programming


1. Introduction

Muhammad Ahsan Zamee, Ph.D.

Content Copyright:
Choonwoo Ryu, Ph.D.
This course is….
▀ SW Programming course
➢ Python programming language
➢ designed for the students who have no experience of any
programming languages

▀ Outcomes
➢ Proficient in (Python) procedural programming
• Use assignments, conditionals, & loops
• Create Python modules & programs
➢ Understand object-oriented programming
• Recognize and use objects and classes
➢ Can solve small size programming problems using Python

This course is….
▀ Assessment
Midterm exam Assignments Attendance Final exam Others Total

15 % 10 % 10 % 55 % 10 % 100%

▀ Date and times

➢ Mon.10.30-12.00 PM, Wed. 15:00 ~ 16:30 PM
➢ Office Hours: Thursday: 11.00-13.00 AM

▀ I-Class(
➢ Lecture notes
➢ Assignments, etc.

This course is….
▀ Instructor
➢ Muhammad Ahsan Zamee, Ph.D.
➢ Post Doctoral Researcher at industry-academia cooperation
➢ Inha Power System Laboratory at INHA University
➢ Over 11 years of industry-academia experiences in power system,
artificial intelligence, control and industrial engineering area.
➢ Research interests: power system, control system, artificial intelligence

▀ E-mail address:

▀ Office: Room 628 @ High-tech Center

Class Materials
▀ Textbook
➢ Think Python, 2nd ed. by Allen Downey
➢ Available for free as PDF or eBook
➢ You can buy the paper book as well

▀ Other supplementary materials

➢ Will be provided in the class as needed

▀ Lecture notes will be provided

Why Python?
▀ Low overhead
➢ Little to learn before you start “doing”
➢ Easier for beginners
➢ Designed with “rapid prototyping” in mind

▀ Highly relevant to non-CS majors

➢ NumPy and SciPy heavily used by scientists
➢ Good for data processing

▀ Python is popular

Why Python?
▀ Big Name Companies Use Python
➢ Uber, PayPal, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Dropbox, and
Reddit all use Python in their development and testing

▀ Machine Learning with Python

➢ Many deep learning frameworks support Python
➢ Google TensorFlow

▀ Python is Free!
➢ Open Source and GPL compatible

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