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Earth’s exists for 4, 543 billion. Existence of Earth is not possible but then, it
changed because there are factors that can support life.

Earth is considered as habitable because The planet have its temperature and

it can sustain life for consequential the temperature needs to be just right

period of time. To be able to support life.

The planet have water which is the most Earth planet have atmosphere which

important characteristic to support life provides insulation & protect us from

and it also function as solvent. Sun and in any radiation that’ll harm us.

Earth is on the right position from the Sun The energy of Earth is always available

and it benefits us because we are not harm and rich to have enough of sunlight to

by the amount of sunlight. support life.

We need nutrients, planets without a Planets need to sustain life to be called

system to support life is not possible, it as a habitable planet. We all do need

life can’t exist without gasses. Water, atmosphere, energy, nutrients,

and temperature to be able to live.

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