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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila | Lecturer: Ma’am Ranette Vargas, PTRP

College of Physical Therapy 1st semester (2020-2021) | Transcribed by: Samantha Erica C. Ruanes


 o  o Systems Physiology – study of mechanisms of
the different body systems
Week 1: INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGY o Cell physiology – study of mechanisms on the
TABLE OF CONTENTS cellular level
I. Introduction to Physiology o Pathophysiology – study of the nature of
disease on cellular or organ level; patho – means
 Definition
 Branches
o Immunophysiology – study of the different
 Levels of organization immune mechanisms of the body against disease
 Characteristic of life and disorders
II. Intracellular and extracellular environment* o Exercise physiology – study of the changes in
III. Homeostatic mechanisms of major functional the body during exercise
systems o Endocrinology
IV. Feedback systems/Control systems of the body o Neurophysiology
 Negative feedback o Cardiovascular physiology
 Positive feedback o Respiratory physiology
References: o Renal physiology – kidneys, bladders and
o Marieb, E. N., & Hoehn, K. (2013). Human anatomy & ureters
physiology. Boston: Pearson.
o Tortora, G. J., &; Derrickson, B. (2012). Principles of anatomy o Reproductive physiology – male and female
& physiology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley
o Martini, F., Nath, J. L., Bartholomew, E. F., Ober, W. C., Ober, LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION
C. E., Welch, K., . . . O'Keefe, R. A. (2015). Fundamentals of 1. Chemical level – atoms, molecules
anatomy & physiology. San Francisco, CA: Pearson.
o Hall, J. E. (2016). Guyton and Hall textbook of medical  Atoms could be C,H,O,N,P,Ca,S
physiology. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier. Ex. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen,
o Sherwood, L., & Ward, C. (2019). Human physiology: From phosphorus, Sulfur (elements)
cells to systems. Toronto, Ontario: Nelson.
 Molecules – collection of atoms
Ex. DNA, Glucose – molecule composed of
carbon atoms, Collagen – collection of
 Anatomy – body structures and relationships among
them amino acid molecules, lipids
 Physiology – science that seeks to explain the 2. Cellular level – organelles, cells
physical and chemical mechanism that are  Smallest unit of living things
responsible for the origin, development and  Recognizable building block of living things
progression of life  All matter have atoms and molecules, but
 How things work or different processes not all matter have organelles and cells
**Principle of complementarity of structure and function Ex. Of organelles are: Mitochondria,
 Structure and function of the body go hand lysosomes, ribosomes, vacuoles, centrioles
in hand  Organelles means little organs
 Structure of the different parts of the body 3. Tissue level – similar cells that perform a
will dictate the function for that part of the particular function
body  A collection of similarly performing cells
Ex. If a membrane or covering of the organ, that means
that perform similar functions
that covering is protective. Because, when something is
fibrous that means that covering is protective; fibrous ex. Epithelial cells has purpose to cover
means sturdy or matibay na connective tissue – defining surface of the body or form tissues, they
that it will hold the shape of an organ or protect organ group together to form epithelial tissue
against deformation.  Nerve cells serve as excitable cells that will
conduct electrical signals, they group
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila | Lecturer: Ma’am Ranette Vargas, PTRP
College of Physical Therapy 1st semester (2020-2021) | Transcribed by: Samantha Erica C. Ruanes

together to form nervous tissue, eventually  Transition from being an immature

forming different organs such as nervous generalize state of cells into mature
tissue of brain or spinal cord specialized state of cell
4. Organ level – different tissues that perform  Concept of stem cells; cells have no
common functions specified purpose yet (generalize state); used
5. System level – group of organs with a set of to replace injured cells like nerve cells and
functions epithelial cells; have potential to transform
6. Organism – network of structures all mutually to specialized state
dependent on one another o Reproduction = formation of new cells,
production of new individual
CHARACTERISTIC OF LIFE  Formation of new cells: development of
o Metabolism = chemical processes that occur in fertilized egg cells into a whole organism;
the body from two gametes transfer into somatic cells
1. Catabolism – breakdown processes (epithelial cells, muscle cell, nerve cells etc.)
 Ex. Digestion and eventually form different level of
2. Anabolism – build up organization = production of new individual
 Ex. Building up muscle after exercise
o Responsiveness = detect and respond to
(internal/external) changes
 Intracellular
 Ex. Increase and decrease of blood pressure,
- Includes the fluid inside all the cells of the body.
touching something that is hot, adjusting to - The cell membrane of the individual cells
cold weather is responsiveness] enclose the intracellular compartment, which
 One must sense a change in their consists of small compartments
environment and at the same time they know - 2/3 of all the water in the body is in the
how to respond or react to those different intracellular fluid.
changes.  Extracellular
o Movement - Includes all the fluid outside the cells.
 could be the literal sense from moving The extracellular fluid compartment contains:
position to one another, such as walking or 1. Interstitial fluid
moving from sitting to standing 2. Plasma within blood vessels
 Blood flow – allows body to distribute 3. Fluid in the lymphatic vessels
oxygen, nutrients, get rid of waste; there is - 1/3 of the total body water
- A small portion of the extracellular fluid volume
movement in organ level, cellular level and
is separated by membranes into
movement in organism level subcompartments.
o Growth = increase in size, increase in number Specialized fluid:
 Increase in size: Growth from child to adult 1. Aqueous humor & vitreous humor of the eye
 Increase in number: fertilized ovum up until 2. Cerebrospinal fluid
it become embryo or fetus; cells start from 2 3. Synovial fluid in the joint cavities
cells from egg and sperm cell and 4. Serous fluid body cavities
continually divide to form an organism 5. Fluids secretd by glands
 Increase in number: Growth increase of 6. Renal filtrate
bones because of increasing of number of 7. Urine in the bladder
bone cells
o Differentiation = immature, generalized state to
a mature, specialized state
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila | Lecturer: Ma’am Ranette Vargas, PTRP
College of Physical Therapy 1st semester (2020-2021) | Transcribed by: Samantha Erica C. Ruanes


 Homeostasis – existence and maintenance of a
balanced environment within the body
 Stasis – Stationary/steady
 Homeo – balanced
 We want a steady and balanced environment
 Function and processes in the body system
of a human being, as just a collection of
different cells, tissue, and organ systems that
constantly interact with each other to
maintain homeostasis
 constant interaction of the many
mechanisms or processes done by the Reference: (1) Marieb, E. N., & Hoehn, K. (2013). Human
different areas of the body just to maintain anatomy & physiology. Boston: Pearson.
 Homeostasis environment is the best set-up  To maintain balance, maintenance of the
for homeostasis (hindi kulang, hindi sobra, relationship between the stimulus and
ung tama lang) response, through your receptor, control
 In order to maintain homeostasis, we need 3 center and effector.
basic components, which are:  First there is a change in the stimulus –
o Receptor = receives; monitors changes and produces a change in variable (variable is
sends input like a factor; factor that will be changed by
 kung ano man yung narecieve nyang stimulus)
information, isesend nya yon to the control  Which will be detected by a receptor
center  Receptor will send an input containing
 Since receptor receive or detect, it can information along the afferent pathway
monitor changes as well towards the control center (Recall: afferent
o Control center = sets the normal values, is the one being affected by the change)
evaluates the input from receptors and  Control center will receive the input; it will
generates/decide output commands evaluate that input according to the normal
o Effector = received output and carry values that is set, then from that, it will
out/produce response/effect decide what output commands to generate
 According to the output commands carried  Whatever the control center decides to
out by the control center generate, it will send it out as an output or
 Is different to affector, and efferent is information sent along the efferent pathway
different to ifferent; towards the effector
 Effector is the one giving the effect and  Effector will be the one responsible to carry
produce the response; affector is the one out the output command in a form of
being affected response, to either reduce the effect of the
stimulus or sometimes produce the opposite
or same reaction towards the basic goal of
returning the factor or variable to the
homeostatic level or to regain balance.
 Kapag may kulang, dadagdagan ni response
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila | Lecturer: Ma’am Ranette Vargas, PTRP
College of Physical Therapy 1st semester (2020-2021) | Transcribed by: Samantha Erica C. Ruanes

FEEDBACK SYSTEMS  If there is increase blood pressure, there is

- These are feedback systems that the body uses to increase in the diameters of the blood
regain homeostasis vessels will stretch, hence detecting the
- Receptor, control centers and affectors will increase of blood pressure
interact with each other to regain homeostasis  Then will send input through nerve impulses
Reference: Tortora, G. J., &; Derrickson, B. (2012). Principles  And to the control center, which is your
of anatomy & physiology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley brain
 Brain will interpret the input and figure out
Negative Feedback what is the normal level of blood pressure
- Reverses a change and will send output commands necessary
 From high blood pressure into lower blood for the situation
pressure  In this case, we want to lower the blood
- Blood pressure regulation pressure, hence, control center will send
 Feedback – comments or information based output by sending out electrical signals or
on evaluation nerve impulses into affected organs
 Organs may react in response to change in
blood pressure is the heart (the more the
heart pumps blood, mas tinutulak ung blood,
then there is higher blood pressure)
 So heart will decrease heart rate to decrease
blood pressure and blood vessels (pathways
of the blood) will increase diameter or dilate
to lower blood pressure
 Eventually, opposite reactions will return to
homeostasis, according to the control
center’s normal values
 Another example is body temperature; when
there is high blood temperature when
exercising, the body sweats and we pant and
become thirsty, that’s because of the
function of our receptors as to sweat, pant as
a negative feedback for our body temp
become normal levels according to control
center (hypothalamus)
 Cold weather; receptor detects a drop of
temperature and need to increase body
temperature according to control center and
effectors will be the muscle tissue and react
by shivering, rub hands together, preserve
body heat to return to homeostasis of
bringing up body temperature that has

 Ex. Is blood pressure regulation

 The stimulus that disrupted homeostasis is
increased blood pressure
 Then be detected by baroreceptors (baro –
means pressure) and blood vessels (blood
vessels are tubes and are sensitive to stretch)
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila | Lecturer: Ma’am Ranette Vargas, PTRP
College of Physical Therapy 1st semester (2020-2021) | Transcribed by: Samantha Erica C. Ruanes

Positive Feedback  Brain will sense the change in pressure and

- Reinforce a change then it will interpret that change in pressure
- Giving birth – but brain (since matalino ang utak ng tao)
will interpret that we need that stretch for
the cervix to give birth
 Hence, the output command that it will give,
through hormone oxytocin, will make the
effectors, which is the muscle in walls of
uterus, to contract even more – reinforcing
the change
 The baby’s head or body will forced more
into the cervix, hence the body stretch the
cervix more; then the positive feedback is
increased stretching of cervix causes release
of more oxytocin (to trigger more stretch of
cervix); more oxytocin, more contraction of
 The cycle will end when the mother has
given birth; decreasing stretch of walls of
the cervix and breaking the positive
feedback cycle
 Another examples is blood clotting; protein
enzyme thrombin – encourages blood
clotting, produced when the body detects a
change in receptor; the body detects a break
in the blood vessel or tissue; then stimulate
production of thrombin (blood clotting);
brain continuously send signals the
production of thrombin when there is a
wound, hence, reinforcing the change which
is blood clotting

 Encourage change in the situation

 Giving birth: Stimulus is contraction of the
uterus to force a baby’s body into cervix;
contraction of uterus will cause a change
wherein there is stretching of the cervix –
something is increasing of pressure against
the cervix (head ng baby is tinutulak ung
walls ng cervix)
 There are nerve cells that are stretch
sensitive to the lining of cervix and there are
receptors and they will receive that
information of the stimulus and send that
input to the control center through nerve
impulses or electrical signals
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila | Lecturer: Ma’am Ranette Vargas, PTRP
College of Physical Therapy 1st semester (2020-2021) | Transcribed by: Samantha Erica C. Ruanes

 Manufacture of energy is for mitochondria

Week 1: INTRODUCTION TO (Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell)
PART 2: Content
I. Functional anatomy and organization of a cell
II. Functional systems of a cell
III. Ingestion by the cell
 Pinocytosis
 Phagocytosis
IV. Digestion of foreign substances in the cell
V. Synthesis and formation of cellular structures
by the endoplasmic reticulum and golgi apparatus
VI. Extraction of energy from nutrients
VII. Cellular locomotion
 Ameboid movement
 Cilia and ciliary movements


ORGANIZATION OF A CELL Reference: Tortora, G. J., &; Derrickson, B. (2012).
CELLULAR BIOLOGY Principles of anatomy &; physiology. Hoboken, NJ:
Functions Wiley.
Cells are capable of: PLASMA MEMBRANE
 Regulate protein synthesis and chemical - Encloses and supports the cell contents
reactions (covering)
 Cells especially those with mitochondria are - Separates 2 major fluid compartments
able to manufacture energy for basic life (Extracellular fluid and Intracellular fluid)
processes  Fluid mosaic model – moving sea of fluid with
 Cells provide ATP or energy processes of floating or fixed lipids that contains a mosaic
the body (that’s why cells are called the (mosaic – collection of materials made of
basic unit of the living body; when there is a something; phospholipids, glycolipids, proteins,
need for proteins synthesis or chemical cholesterol etc.) of many different proteins
reactions, you need energy)
 Manufacture energy for basic life processes
 Plasma membrane – flexible outer surface
separating cell’s internal environment from the
external environment
 Cytoplasm – intracellular fluid (cytosol) packed
with organelles (or mini organs)
 internal environment is composed of
 Nucleus – an organelle that controls cellular
 Nucleus dictates how will protein synthesis
and chemical reaction happen
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila | Lecturer: Ma’am Ranette Vargas, PTRP
College of Physical Therapy 1st semester (2020-2021) | Transcribed by: Samantha Erica C. Ruanes

 Lipid bilayer – double (bi- means 2) layer of

phospholipid molecules with a polar (charged) Total Body Water:
head and a nonpolar (uncharged) tail  Children (75%) > Adults (60%)
 Head (color blue) – has charge; hydrophilic;  Compartments:
water loving 1. Intracellular fluid (ICF)
 Tail (gray) – has no charge; hydrophobic; - 2/3 of Total Body Water
scared of water 2. Extracellular fluid (ECF)
 Follows the principle of ‘like seeks like’ - 1/3 of Total Body Water
- plasma (fluid component of blood is ECF) and
 Cells are able to carry out different function
ex. Ingestion, digestion, excretion, ion STRUCTURES
exchange like blood flow or brain (receive PROTEIN SYNTHESIS
input then output), gas exchange like  Step 1: Nucleic acids are organic compounds that
respiratory system, water balance, heat regulate protein synthesis; DNA and RNA; they will
exchange, motility – cell can move one dictate when to start to produce or make command
place to another like humans or make the blueprint; mRNA is the messenger of
the blueprint
 Step 2: mRNA will go outside of nucleus through
the nuclear pore and stick into ribosomes
(organelles that produce protein); ribosome will read
the blueprint
 Step 3: Free ribosomes are released for other cell or
organelles with specific functions to use; free
ribosomes on ICF or cytosol
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila | Lecturer: Ma’am Ranette Vargas, PTRP
College of Physical Therapy 1st semester (2020-2021) | Transcribed by: Samantha Erica C. Ruanes

 Step 4: Ribosomes that does not float on cytosol cisternae move towards the maturing (trans – means
will get the mRNA and in the rough endoplasmic opposite) face. Small transport vesicles return to
reticulum, protein will be synthesized; ribosomes resident golgi proteins to the forming cisface for
on RER will read the mRNA, producing proteins, reuse
and on the folds of RER, proteins will pass through  Step 8: Vesicle called Lysosome (are like – riders
for it to be processed sa lazada), contains digestive (in nature) enzyme
 Step 5: Proteins will be modified in RER, due also and carries proteins away from the modified Golgi
to the ribosomes with mRNA already connected to apparatus and distribute these proteins to other
RER, and ready for distribution or use by budding needed parts.
off or pinch off through transport vesicles with  Step 9: 2 other types of vesicles:
modified proteins and glycoproteins (Recall: 1. Secretory vesicles – they secrete something,
Glycoproteins are proteins with sugar) secrete something that is necessary (while excrete
means waste); secrete something to ECF by
exocytosis to places they are needed.
Ex. Hormone distributed to endocrine, brain,
reproductive system, blood regulation etc.
2. Membrane renewal vesicles – contains vesicles
that contain protein or lipids that could repair the
plasma membrane.

Reference: Martini, F., Nath, J. L., Bartholomew, E. F., Ober,

W. C., Ober, C. E., Welch, K., . . . O'Keefe, R. A. (2015).
Fundamentals of anatomy & physiology. San Francisco, CA:


- in protein synthesis, distribution of the end
products, which are your proteins are done by
vesicle transport
- mechanism or processes of distribution
1. Phagocytosis
- Cell engulfs some relatively large or solid
materials – such as bacteria, cellular debris or
some inanimate particles like glass or fibers of
asbestos and other pathogens or materials that
are seeking into a cell
 Step 6: Golgi Apparatus is the packaging and  Cell eater
modifying center; RER is like the seller (sa lazada), - Pseudopods form and flow around the particle
golgi apparatus is the shipping center, nucleus is the  Happens because a cell would engulf or
lazada app commanding the item, mRNA is the eat up through pseudopods
messages or email informing an item to be sent out  Pseudo – means false; Pods – means
with label or sticker (RER) and use boxes or feet; false feet that will flow around a
pouches with their own logos; golgi apparatus being particle; is surrounded by ECF
the packaging center; Transport vesicle from RER  Plasma membrane will created
will fuse with the cisfase (cis – means same; pseudopods and engulf the material, and
receiving side) of the golg iapparatus is it in engulfs,
 Step 7: Multiple transport vesicles combine to form  it will form a vesicle called phagosome
cisternae (layer cisternae of golgi apparatus) ; - Forms vesicle: phagosome
glycoprotein and packaging of protein will occur as
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila | Lecturer: Ma’am Ranette Vargas, PTRP
College of Physical Therapy 1st semester (2020-2021) | Transcribed by: Samantha Erica C. Ruanes

 Lysosome - a pouch or bag that contains 2. Pinocytosis

a material for lysis/breakdown/digestion, - Cell surrounds small volume of ECF with
while, phagosome - a pouch containing dissolved molecules
phagocytized or an eaten up material  When a cell, rather than eating the
- Fuses with a lysosome for digestion  material from ECF, this is cell drinking
exocytosis  It’s called cell drinking because the cell
 That phagosome may fuse with a surrounds a small volume of ECF with
lysosome (Recall: Contains enzymes dissolved molecules, both the fluid and
that will digest) the molecules are taken into the cell
 Ex. Material that being engulf taken in  It’s like drinking medicine, wherein we
through phagocytosis is a nutrient that take in the water without the tablet or
was not small enough and could not the pill
enter the cell through the usual transport - Fuses with lysosome for digestion or transfer to
process, so it meet a lysosome that will other side of the cell (transcytosis)
digest the product and expect that there  Same with phagocytosis, it will fuse
is some waste material that will need to with lysosome to transfer to opposite
be eliminated side of the cell (Transcytosis – trans –
 And the waste material will exit the cell means opposite, cytosis – means the
through exocytosis (exo- means outside; cell)
cytosis-means cell, exit outside the cell)  Ex. Blood vessels

3. Receptor-mediated endocytosis
 Endo - means inside, cytosis – means cell
 Instead of moving a material outside the cell,
this talks about moving a material into the cell
 Happens when some substances can only
interact through receptor proteins on the plasma
 At the lining of plasma membrane, there is
receptors that are sensitive to particular
substances that will allow entry of that
substances; once that substances is being
received by receptors, endocytosis will happen
wherein there is formation of plasma membrane
then being engulfed then taken into the cell
 The only difference is that it is receptor-
mediated; it is only sensitive to particular
substances or molecules that will interact with
special receptor surface of the plasma membrane
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila | Lecturer: Ma’am Ranette Vargas, PTRP
College of Physical Therapy 1st semester (2020-2021) | Transcribed by: Samantha Erica C. Ruanes

EXTRACTION OF ENERGY FROM NUTRIENTS - Provide enzymes for oxidation

ENERGY EXTRACTION (oxygen) of glucose and synthesis
 Recall: the mitochondria is the powerhouse of of fatty acids (extract fatty acids
the cell, it creates your energy currency or ATP from bigger forms of lipids or fats)
through cellular respiration 3. Fatty acids - Energy reserve; hunger suppressor
 Cellular respiration is like breathing; oxygen is (satiety – busog or satisfied)
involved here - Protection of vital organs (padding)
 Other materials included to produce ATP are and thermal insulation (body heat)
 Pyruvic acid – from process called - Transport medium for fat-soluble
glycolysis vitamins (Vitamin ADEK – fat
 Fatty acids – from adipose cells or soluble, Vitamin C- water-soluble)
 Amino acids – from protein  Glucose is the mainn source of energy
1) Glycolysis
- is an irreversible chemical reaction in the cytoplasm;
happens inside the cytoplasm, outside of the
- is the breakdown of glucose that goes through
different chemical reactions in order to produce
pyruvic acid
- ATP produce hydrogen and water
- Formula: Glucose + 2P + 2ADP + 2NAD 
2Pyruvate + 2ATP + 2 NADH +2H + 2H2O
NUTRIENTS IMPORTANT TO CREATE ENERGY (TOP 3)  NAD – protein derived from riboflavin; form of
In the form of Glucose (ready to use sugar) vitamin B
1. Carbohydrates
 FAD – derived from niacin
 glycogen (stored glucose) 2) Puyruvate decarboxylation
 Broken through glycolysis - 2 Pyruvate – can become lactic acid (byproduct
2. Protein Amino acid whenever energy production is anaerobic or does not
3. Lipids Fatty acids use oxygen), Alanine (is a protein; lactic acid is not
Reference: Marieb, E. N., & Hoehn, K. (2013). Human exactly bad because it causes muscle pain and
anatomy & physiology. Boston: Pearson. fatigue) and Oxaloacetate (important material for
1. Glucose - Circulated in blood, stored in TCA)
 Taken muscle and liver (glycogen – stored - Can become 2 Acetyl CoA to create more ATP (will
in form of sugar) be used in TCA)
from - Main source of energy – - Removing of carbon in pyruvate; get more hydrogen
food ions carried by NAD
carbohydrates is not an enemy;
3) Triboxylic acid cycle (also known as Kreb’s cycle
protein sparer – saves protein or Citric acid cycle)
(gluconeogenesis (neo – means - Oxaloacetate is involved
new; genesis – means create) : - Goal is to extract hydrogen from Acetyl CoA
protein → glucose) - NAD and FAD are transport substances (transports
- Prevents undue fatigue from energy hydrogen)
dependence on fat (fat is a source of - End products are more hydrogen carried by NAD and
enegy for the body but takes longer FAD and 2ATP
to process and takes even more 4) Electron transport chain
energy to the fat into energy)  Oxygen
- Part of the process of energy production (4th) wherein
2. Amino acids - 8 essential, 11 nonessential hydrogen carried by FAD and NAD passes through a
 Chain - Allow construction of a body protein complex or cluster of protein molecules and
of protein; Source for gluconeogenesis mixes with oxygen in the mitochondria
protein (neo – means new; genesis – means
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila | Lecturer: Ma’am Ranette Vargas, PTRP
College of Physical Therapy 1st semester (2020-2021) | Transcribed by: Samantha Erica C. Ruanes

- Hydrogen mixing with oxygen is a chemical reaction  Oxidative phosphorylation: Oxygen is an important
where it will create a difference in charge (exchange part of the process because it will combine with
of electrons an protons; electron transport chain) hydrogen
- As hydrogen passes through the proteins, to mix with  Total ATP produced : 36 to 38 ATP (in one single
oxygen in the mitochondria, there will be an molecule of glucose)
exchange of electron and protons creating a charge,  That is the process of extracting energy from
this charge produced in the process, will be creating nutrients, particularly, the main concern is glucose;
energy (kapag may charge, may energy), and this glucose can come from carbohydrates, proteins or
energy is used to combine any available P lipids
(Phosphorus) + ADP (Adenosine phosphate) = ATP
- Oxygen is used to phosphorylate ADP; the energy
from the interaction from hydrogen and oxygen is
used to add phosphate to create ATP; End product is
34 ATP
- Other by-products (products other than the main
product) are CO2 and heat

1) Glucose broken down into pyruvate
2) Pyruvate becoming lactic acid, alanine, oxoaloacetate,
but mainly Acetyl CoA
3) Acetyl CoA needed from Kreb’s cycle or TCA to
mainly extract hydrogen carried by NAD and FAD
(from vitamins riboflavin and niacin)
4) And let hydrogens participate in Electron transport
chain; create an exchange of electron and proton to
create a charge; 2ADP + 2Pi through phosphorylation
to produce ATP
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila | Lecturer: Ma’am Ranette Vargas, PTRP
College of Physical Therapy 1st semester (2020-2021) | Transcribed by: Samantha Erica C. Ruanes

CELLULAR LOCOMOTION Receptor proteins Flagella beat in Kidney tubules

- How cells move of exocytotic a wavelike -expansion,
AMEBOID CILIARY – extension of the cell vesicle (vesicles fashion (cork process off getting
MOTILE NONMOTILE exposed to the screw) different iron in
Pseudopodium Cilia (perform “Sensory outer surface of the -back and forth the tubules like
secures itself in power strokes antennae” cell) attach to wipping motion salt from formed
anew tissue area - or rest strokes) - Signal receivers ligands (chemical) to keep fluid or urine; it helps pick
“crawling” motion “beat” rather then move in the surrounding secretions through different
rhythmically to tissues across the cells materials to get rid
move fluids or - Ligands will be (pinapagpag of through
secretions recognized by the ung fluid; urination or
across the receptor of the cell swimming supposed to be
surface and allow it to motion to move kept in the body.
attach and dettach water around
Formation of new Respiratory (ex. Sensitive to you)
cell membrane at nasal mucus; chemical and Ex. Ex. Only cell in
leading edge mucus from mechanical (such WBC – covering the human body
(parang worm) → phlegm; are as touch or prick up a pathogen or that contains
absorption in mid moist areas sensation in sharp bacteria; receptors flagella is
and rear parts of because there objects) Sensation material that will Sperm cell
the cell are surrounding (heat etc.), signal identify the foreign -A single cell
fluids, the cilia transduction material and get rid with a single
in respiratory (electrical signals of it, phagocytized extension
tract will move from nearby it and destroy it. moving a wave-
through the neuron) , and cell like or cork
fluid or mucus growth (sensitive Fertilized ovum – screw or
inside the resp. to stretch) in the fallopian twisting pattern
tract back and tube, once the egg to move the
forth, whether is fertilized by the sperm cell, as it
for phlegm or sperm cell, near or travel to
essential fluid inside the fallopian fertilized the
that will tube, the surface of ovum .
moisturize the ovum will crawl
pathway of air) along the surface of
Reproductive the uterus until it
tracts – linings will attach to the
of the repro uterus to grow or
tract for develop into a
gametes or egg fetus.
cell, are lined
with cilia so that
it could
facilitate the
flow for the
development of
the fertilized
ovum; moist
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila | Lecturer: Ma’am Ranette Vargas, PTRP
College of Physical Therapy 1st semester (2020-2021) | Transcribed by: Samantha Erica C. Ruanes


 Cilium
- Cilium that produce that beating fashion in order
to move fluid against its surface; power stroke and
rest stroke

- Constant deformation of the surface

- The leading edge has interaction of tissue crawling
against through receptors
 Flagella
- Ligands that will bind through receptors, helping it
- Singular extension of the cell that creates this
crawl along the surface of the tissue
cork screw twisting motion to allow the cell to
- There is also constant absorption of the end or rear
move forward, pushing against the ECF (like a
or middle part of the tissue because it deforms
propeller of submarine of ship)
continuously until the leading edge gets longer and
- While your fluid motion is like hands when you’re
swimming when pushing against the water


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