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70s Scene – Final Render

Lesson by Ciro Sannino Official 5SRW study material

LESSON#13 – Final Settings (Step4)

HD VIDEO Narrated 5′

MAX FILES to download with all the V-Ray settings

what affect the dof

how to easily create dof effect;

exposure time compensation;

ho to change the focus point.

At the end of this lesson you’ll be able to produce these images

Final Render & Dof – Step 4

Let’s move on step 4 of the 5-Step Render Workflow® .

My idea is to it simply set it by eye. Actually this is a consequence of a mathematical relation.

Look at this short video and see how to compensate exposure with shutter speed


closer framing reduce the depth of field;

higher focal leght reduce the depth of field;

lower f numbers reduce the depth of field;

lower f numbers also increase the incoming light;

compensate with higher shutter speed values;

move the target the move the focus point;

use “specify focus” to determine the focus point with a distance from camera.

Here some simple slides to repeat the process. Click on the image below
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

DOWNLOAD here the spreadsheet “Photography Calculator“.

This excel file helps you to find the perfect correspondence to keep exposure constant.


For the final render the setting in 5SRW is really easy, especially if you saved the presets suggested in the
Lesson#2. If you didn’t yet I warmly suggest to create these useful presets to speed up your work!

So, load the “FINAL” preset then click render! The main ‘valve’ to control the overall definition of your
render is the Noise threshold. As suggested, in the Step-4 we modify it from 0,01 to 0,005. Notice the
difference in th floor’s grainy

In 5SRW 0,005 is indicated as good value for the final render.

In the Chos Group online guide, you can read that the suggested values for Noice Threshold are in a
range 0,005-0,003. Be carefull with this value because under 0,005 render time increases drammatically.


Create new shots, add dof effect, set up and run the final render.
Start downloading

Download “Photography Calculator“. spreadsheet

70s SCENE Exercise – START

TEXTURES (Put scene and textures in the same folder)

Use different objects as subjects for every new shot. Look at these examples
To verify your exercise, please downlad the final version

70s SCENE Exercise – FINAL

70s SCENE (more 4 shots)

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