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Rusty Nails – Materials and Lens Effect

Lesson by Ciro Sannino | Official 5SRW study material

LESSON#17 – Materials and Post

HD VIDEO / Narrated / 5′

MAX FILES to download with all the V-Ray settings

Simulate rusty material

cutout filter for perfect bump effect

how to use V-Ray Lens Effect

How to correct images with levels/curve in VFB (V-Ray Frame Buffer)

This is the image you’ll be able to create at the end of this training:
V-Ray Materials – Step3


To create rusty material we need

A “rusty” texture for the diffuse channel – CLICK HERE TO SEE

Another texture to map reflections – CLICK HERE TO SEE

What is mapping reflections? If you just put a gray/white in the “reflect” box you’ll get an uniform
reflection. That’s good for new metals, but to simulate rusty we need mapped reflections: we will use a
white/black map. In this way we will get more and less reflection according to the whites and blacks in
the map.

TRICK: Use the same map in “Reflection” and “RGlossiness“, then reduce the value to control the effect. I
usually low the maps value around 50-70

Click here to see RUSTY MATERIAL, and see the effect in the images below:

I’m sure you’re thinking to use “rusty2-reflection.jpg” into the bump channel to get some relief. Right?
You can do it but the result will be a dotted surface: to avoid this problem we need to “simplify” this
texture. To do this we can use Cutout filter in Photoshop.

Open “rusty2-reflection.jpg” in photoshop and apply filter > artistic > cutout :
Check what a difference in bump, applying “rusty2-reflection.jpg”, BEFORE and AFTER cutout treatment:

I can’t say what image is better.

I just want to show you the way, you’ll choose what effect you prefer to simulate different kinds of rusty
Final & Post – Step 4-5

I will not spend time on step4 – Final Render: just load “FINAL” setup and click render. Even if the ground
is a little bit grainy there’s no problem, now we have to investigate Color Correction with VFB and V-Ray
Lens Effect.

When the render is complete we can do a lot of things with the V-Ray Frame Buffer (VFB):


CLICK HERE to see the Final Render / Balanced


To start correction enabe “Show corrections control”;

To make correction effective, enable levels, curves, exposure;

Add VRayLens Effect as effect, in the Environment panel;

Click “Update” to see how the image changes with Lens effect;

Use Color Balance for basic white balance in photoshop.

NOTE: Why sometimes, by clicking “update” the render starts again?

First of all remember to add VRayLensEffect before to launch the render. In oher cases is an error of 3ds
max related (not V-Ray) - For the future at Chaosgroup they are considering moving the lens effect to the


The main aspect of this lesson is creating rusty material. You can apply these techniques in many cases.
Just take care to use the right values with maps and bump. For this only your taste can helps you.

Download teh START file, ready with light and setting and create the rusty material:

Rusty Nails STEP5 – START (hdri and maps are included) (

To verify your exercise, please downlad the final version:

Rusty Nails STEP5 – FINAL (

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