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Choose a topic and write at least 5 sentences.

1. Describe one of the following natural disasters and its effects: flood, tornado, drought, or
typhoon (hurricane)

Floods are temporary overflows of water onto land that is normally dry. Floods are the most common
type of natural disaster in the United States. Failure to vacate flooded areas or enter floodwaters can
cause injury or death.

Floods can:

- Occur because of rain, snow, coastal storms, storm surges, dam overflows, and other water
-Develop slowly or rapidly. Flash floods can occur without warning.
-Cause power outages, disrupt transportation, damage buildings, and create landslides.

In case of flooding take the following precautions:

-Seek safe shelter immediately.

-Don't walk, swim or drive through flood waters - turn around, don't drown!
-Remember, just six inches of moving water can knock you down while one foot of moving water can
sweep your vehicle away.
-Do not cross bridges over fast-moving water.
-Depending on the type of flooding:
Vacate if you are told to do so.
Move to higher ground or a higher floor.
Stay where you are.

2. What are some ways that people can prepare for an emergency?

Remain calm.

The most important role in an emergency is to remain calm. Protecting the children and elderly in
the house should be your first reaction; if nerves betray you, they may become more frightened.

Plan your evacuation routes.

Identify all the entrances and exits of your home, plan the most appropriate way to evacuate all
family members. Determine where you will go in case you cannot stay at home.
Develop a family response plan.

Set up a meeting with your family to discuss why you need to prepare for an emergency. Talk about
the types of emergencies that could happen, explain what to do in each case and the importance of
disaster prevention.

Prepare an emergency kit.

Always have a first aid kit, flashlights, radio, and batteries in a strategic and safe place. Also reserve
drinking water and some non-perishable food such as canned food and chocolates that will give you

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