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1] Dr. Sadao Hoki – A Japanese doctor. He studied medicine in America and

later returned to Japan.

2] Hana – His wife, Japanese. The two met in America, became friends and
married there legally.

3] Sadao’s father – A true, die-hard Japanese, blindly patriotic. He did not allow
any foreign articles at home.

4] The old General – Japan’s army General; Sadao’s patient. He was a cruel man
in his prime years.

5] Tom – An American soldier who got ashore near Sadao’s house following a
serious injury. Tom was treated by Sadao.

6] Yumi – Sadao’s maid, in charge of the babies. She was attached to the babies
So she is a baby sitter

7] Gardener – Sadao’s gardener, an old man, in service since Sadao’s father’s


8] The cook – Sadao’s cook, an old man, in service since Sadao’s father’s time.



10] Land lady - BY – PRAEM

Scene 1 : Sadao's father's concern about his Academics

NARRATOR : Sadao enters his house with his terrible results of his previous
SADAO : Yeah…. Escaped….
FATHER : Hey stop, where r u going and what is there in your hands.. Show
me ..
SADAO : Nothing dad …[Shivering]
FATHER : [ Snatched the paper ] Whaaaat?? Can u explain this ??
SADAO : dad…
FATHER : listen Sadao if u don’t perform well in next test I will send u to
SADAO : sorry dad, I wont repeat this here after
FATHER : its not the matter of sorry ,Sadao listen carefully….Education is
not a preparation of life education is itself a life, Education and knowledge
are the two key elements that makes an individual perfect ,Now it can be
hurting u but in future you wont suffer
SADAO : ok dad sure
FATHER : no no no…this wont work ill send u to America to pursue your
further studies ..
SADAO : but dad I want to be here with u
FATHER : do what I say [ Anger ]

NARRATOR : Sadao went to America To proceed his masters in surgery and

medicine meanwhile he met his soulmate Hana

Scene 2 : America

SADAO : Aargh… first I should look for a descent housing in this city
NARRATOR : Sadao enters into a housing complex where Hana lives and
also he met a old American landlady who annoys him.
SADAO : excuse me mam ,I saw tolet boards here
OLD LADY : Hey why u goofy Asian came here , Get out from my house
SADAO : Mam mind ur words I m an university student
OLD LADY : ohh student then u can reside temporarily in my house
SADAO :Thank you … [Walking very fast in anger and dashing Hana ]
HANA : Ouchh.. Are you okay
SADAO : yeah yeah ,
I had never seen such a angelic girl in my life
ohh …this is called as love at first sight ahh…

NARRATOR : Eventually Sadao and Hanna got married leagally upholding

their Japanese customs under their parents support and Sadao reached
Japan not only as a superspecial surgeon but also a famous scientist .

Scene 3 : Sadao’s family in Japan

arrival of Tom [Whiteman ]

NARRATOR : one fine evening Sadao and Hana saw something black
coming out of the mist ,It was a man
HANA : Who is that Sadao ?
SADAO : A fisherman perhaps
NARRATOR : they noticed him in a very bad condition where a bullet stitch
reopened and started bleeding
HANA : He is a Whiteman an American prisoner. how can we help him
sadao ? The best that we could do would be to put him back inside the sea
SADAO : Yes dear but the doctor instinct of me urges to help him
HANA : Ok fine then we will take him to home
SADAO : what about servants ?
HANA : I’ll tell them that we are going to handover him to the police

NARRATOR : They took him to their home and laid the man on a deeply
matted floor in Sadao's father’s room ,Then Sadao asked Hana to look after
the whiteman .

HANA : He is soo dirty

SADAO : If u fetch hot water then I will wash him .
HANA : Wait let me call Yumi …
Yumiiii….. Yumiii…. come here
YUMI : Yes maam
HANA : listen Yumi it may sound weird , but we have an injured American
prisoner whom you should wash and help please
YUMI : Mam what r u even saying , how can u let something to happen
like this, Americans are our greatest enemies . I cannot wash him.
HANA : You must obey me Yumi do what I say… [ ANGER ]
YUMI : I honor you mam but I never washed a Whiteman and will not
do it now also .
HANA : Then please , Return to your own work
Stupid Yumi [ ANGER ]
HANA : Ok now let me go and ask cook and the gardener
COOK : Holy mother of dragons !!! Never have I cooked for an
American and nor I will. What kind of Joke this is ?????
Gardener : I totally agree , but I will bury myself instead of serving an
HANA : [ went sadly ]

NARATOR : Hana bent down and untied the knotted rugs that covered
the man and started to wash him .


HANA : Sadao.. Sadao ….

SADAO : Yes Hana
HANA : Oh u decided to operate him ??
SADAO : Fetch some water and towels and give him anesthesia .
HANA : Where it is ? Wait I found it
SADAO: I could feel his pulse , he’ll soon regain his consciousness .
NARRATOR : After some hours Tom woke up from unconscious
TOM : where.. Where,.. I am ? What are you going to do with me ? Are
you going to handover me to police ? Or do you have something else in
your mind ????
SADAO : Don’t worry you’re safe here ..
TOM : Sorry for the inconvenience
NARRATOR : After a long conversation with tom., Sadao advised him to
take rest and get well soon because Hana and their Servants were soo
afraid of Tom .
TOM : Thank you sir for you help .

NARRATOR : Sadao meets the General and informs him about the events

GENERAL : How would you carry this surgery successfully if u didn’t care
about that fellow. Anyway u should not be arrested .
SADAO : Why Excellency ???
GENERAL : Let us assume that you are condemned to die before my
treatment then what will I do ?? [ LAUGHING ]
SADAO : There are other surgeons Excellency .
GENERAL : None I trust . Ok leave it ,I will send a secret force to arrest
Mr.Tom , the only thing u must do is open his room doors and windows.
SADAO : Ok Excellency

NARRATOR : Sadao waited for three days but still Mr. Tom was not
arrested feeling pity on him Sadao made a situation to send the soldier
safely back to his island , Sadao disguised him in Japanese clothes, covered
his blonde hair with black cloth and got him onto a boat . Tom shook his
head firmly with gratitude .
Sadao informs the chief that the prisoner has escaped , to put
an end to this ride.
The chief regretted that honestly he thought only about himself
and not about the country and its dignity …….

It is an awful experience for us to create a dramatization for

the first time and presenting before you all , hope you all enjoyed it and
thankyou for your wonderful opportunity sir .

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