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 Student name: Haneen Eyad Alsurkhi

 Student number: 0197465


Lentil Lens culinaris is a bushy, annual legume in the family Fabaceae grown for its
edible seeds.
Lentils are one of the staple crops grown in Jordan. They are typically cultivated in
the highlands and the northern regions. The time of planting and harvesting of
lentils in Jordan varies based on location, weather conditions, and planting type.

In Jordan, lentils are usually sown in late October or early November, and the
harvest typically takes place between May and July. Lentils can be grown using
both rain-fed and irrigated methods, though rain-fed cultivation is more common
in Jordan.

The planting method for lentils can vary depending on the region and soil type. In
some areas, the seeds are sown directly in rows using a drill planter, while in
others, they are planted using traditional methods such as broadcasting or
dibbling. Lentils require irrigation during the growing season and usually require
less water than other crops like wheat and barley.

Harvesting of lentils in Jordan is usually done manually with a sickle or by

handpicking the pods. The plants are then left to dry in the sun and then threshed
to separate the seeds.
The type of fertilizers used for lentils in Jordan may vary depending on the specific
soil conditions and the farmer's preferences. However, some of the commonly
used fertilizers for lentils in Jordan include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium
fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers are used to promote vegetative growth and
increase the yield of lentil plants. Phosphorus fertilizers are used to improve root
development and enhance the ability of lentil plants to absorb nutrients and
water from the soil. Potassium fertilizers are used to improve the overall health
and vigor of lentil plants, increase their resistance to diseases and pests, and
improve the quality of the lentil seeds. The timing of fertilizer application for
lentils in Jordan is also important. Generally, farmers apply fertilizers at different
stages of lentil growth to ensure optimal plant development and yield. For
example, nitrogen fertilizers are usually applied at the beginning of the growing
season to promote early plant growth. Phosphorus fertilizers are typically applied
during the early stages of lentil growth to support root development. Potassium
fertilizers are usually applied during the later stages of lentil growth to enhance
plant health and improve yield. It is important to note that the use of fertilizers
should be done in a responsible and sustainable manner to avoid soil degradation
and environmental pollution. Farmers should follow recommended application
rates and timings, and consider using organic fertilizers or other sustainable
farming practices to maintain soil health and fertility.

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