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Student Name: Haneen Eyad Alsurkhi

Student ID Num: 0197465


Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are cultivated in Jordan in the

highlands and the northern regions. The time of planting and harvesting chickpeas
in Jordan varies based on location, weather conditions, and planting type.
In Jordan, chickpeas are typically sown between October and November and
harvested between May and June. Chickpeas can be grown using both rain-fed
and irrigated methods, though rain-fed cultivation is more common in Jordan.
The planting method for chickpeas can vary depending on the region and soil
type. In some areas, the chickpeas are sown directly in rows using a drill planter,
while in others, they are planted using traditional methods such as broadcasting
or dibbling. Chickpeas require irrigation during the growing season and usually
require less water than other crops like wheat and barley.
Harvesting of chickpeas in Jordan is usually done manually with a sickle or by
handpicking the pods. The harvested plants are then left to dry in the sun, and the
pods are threshed to separate the seeds.
Like other legume crops, chickpeas have specific nutrient requirements that are
necessary for healthy plant growth and high yields in Jordan. Generally, chickpeas
require a balanced fertilizer formula that provides the necessary amounts of
nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as other micronutrients.
In Jordan, chickpea crops are typically fertilized in two main stages. The first
fertilizer application is done before sowing with a pre-planting fertilizer that's high
in phosphorus, which promotes root development and improves plant
establishment. The second fertilization is generally done 4-6 weeks after sowing
and is the primary source of nitrogen fertilization to support growth and
development. Many farmers use nitrogen fertilizer in the form of ammonium
sulfate, ammonium nitrate, or urea at this stage.
It's also important to note that the use of composted organic materials can be
beneficial in chickpea farming, as it provides additional nutrients and helps
improve soil structure, water holding capacity, and fertility. In general, farmers
should obtain soil tests to determine the exact nutrient needs of their chickpea
crop and make informed decisions regarding fertilizer selection, timing, and
application rates, to avoid the overuse of fertilizers that can cause environmental

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