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Student Name: Haneen Eyad Alsurkhi

Student ID Num: 0197465


Corn, also known as maize, is an important crop in Jordan. It is mainly grown in

the northern parts of the country, particularly in the Jordan valley and the
highlands of ajloun, jerash, and irbid.
The planting time for corn in Jordan is typically between march and may,
depending on the location and weather conditions. Farmers usually prepare the
soil by plowing and harrowing before planting the seeds. The seeds are usually
planted in rows, and the spacing between the rows depends on the variety of
corn being grown.
Corn id usually harvested in Jordan between august and October, depending on
the variety and the time of planting. Harvesting methods vary, but most farmers
use mechanical harvesters to cut the corn stalks and collect the ears of corn. The
harvested corn is then transported to storage facilities or sold directly to markets
It is worth noting that the cultivation and harvesting of corn in Jordan is
influenced by various factors, including climate, soil type, and irrigation methods.
For instance, farmers in the Jordan valley rely on irrigation systems to grow corn,
while those in the highlands may rely on rainfall.
Corn crops require specific types of fertilizers to ensure optimal growth and yield.
The type and amount of fertilizer required can vary depending on soil type,
nutrient content, climate conditions, and other factors. However, in general, corn
crops require nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers, among others.

Nitrogen is the most important nutrient required by corn, and it is usually applied
in the form of urea or ammonium nitrate. Phosphorus is also important for root
development and flowering, while potassium is required for improving water
uptake and overall plant health.

In Jordan, corn crops are usually fertilized in three stages. The first stage is done
before planting, where a pre-plant fertilizer consisting of a mix of nitrogen,
phosphorus, and potassium is added to the soil. The second stage is done when
the corn plants reach their vegetative stage, which requires an application of
nitrogen fertilizer to promote growth. The third stage is done during the corn's
reproductive stage, which requires potassium fertilizers, and it helps to improve
kernel development.

To manage fertilizer, use efficiently, farmers in Jordan can use soil tests to
determine the exact nutrient needs of their crops. This will help farmers reduce
over-fertilization and minimize their impact on the environment. Additionally,
crop rotation practices and the use of organic fertilizers can help replenish
nutrients to the soil and reduce fertilizer requirements, leading to more
sustainable farming practices.

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