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Unit 5 Vocabulary Worksheet 2


The Supernatural II

1 Mark the statements T (True) or F (False). Correct the false sentences.

0. Werewolves are half man, half wolf. T

1. People with clairvoyance can move objects with their minds.

2. UFO is short for unidentified falling object.

3. People who can communicate with their minds have telepathy.

4. Aliens come from other planets in outer space.

5. A zombie is a dead person’s spirit.

6. People with telekinesis can see things, people and events that are distant, both in space and time.

2 Read and complete the sentences.

0. Something bit my brother in the forest yesterday. It might have been a werewolf .
1. Last night I heard a loud BOO! It must have been a .
2. Last year I saw lights in the sky. It could have been a .
3. My mom said she moved a bottle without touching it. She must have been using .
4. My family once saw a woman reading a crystal ball. That woman must have been using .
5. Donna said she saw a movie about the undead. It might have been about .
6. Those little green could have come from Mars.

6 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 6.5.V2

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