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Unit 6 Test

Name ( /40)
1 Look and label the genre. ( / 7)

action animated autobiography children’s books

comedy fantasy romance science fiction


0 Action
CTR Photos /

11 Seconds Border Chaos Combat Stories

1 Summer Rose More Than Friends Above the Clouds

2 The Canyons of Sendylon The Ancient Crown Until the Sun’s Return

3 Tiny Adventure Princess Smith The New Students

Paul the Careful Stories from the Magic Drip, Drop, Rain,
Elephant Toothbrush Rain, Rain

My Life in Too Many My Half Century in I’ve Done It All

Words Hollywood (So You Don’t Have to)

How to Make Everyone Cry What You Can Learn

Andy Lidstone /

6 Shhh! I’m Sleeping!

(And Other Fun Tips) from Bad Books

7 The Eyes in the Stars A Dark Planet Mind Eraser

2 Read and complete the sentences. ( / 4)

0. I think science fiction is boring . It’s just the same story about spaceships and evil
empires over and over again.
1. Comedies are , of course! They always make me laugh.
2. A lot of autobiographies are . They make me want to do great things with
my life.
3. The most book I have ever read was a combination of science fiction,
comedy and romance. I couldn’t stop reading it!
4. Some romances are when the boy and the girl don’t end up together.
2 Unit
Unit 6 Test Plus
6 Standard Test D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 1
1 Read and circle the correct option. ( / 10)
0. Yesterday, my grandpa maked / made a delicious pizza.
1. J. R. R. Tolkien wrote / writed The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
2. I always wanted / went an alien friend.
3. William Shakespeare compose / composed more than 30 plays.
4. My mom worked / workt at a bank for many years.
5. Isaac Asimov published / publishd hundreds of books—many of them science fiction.
6. My grandparents meeted / met the president once.
7. A family friend finded / found Anne Frank’s diary and gave it to her father.
8. My teacher goes / went to Spain to study Spanish Literature.
9. You visited / visit New York last year.
10. That famous man knew he wanted to direct movies after he seed / saw the original King Kong.

2 Write sentences. ( /4)

0. Louis / play / the guitar in a band / last year
Louis played the guitar in a band last year.
1. My friend Emily / study / for her French test / last week

2. We / lose / our game / yesterday

3. Amanda and her mom / go / to the beach / last summer

4. I / start / a science fiction blog / a few months ago

3 Read and correct the paragraph. ( /5)

Last night I gone to the movies and saw a terrifying movie.
It was about zombies in an Italian city.

A scientist founded a medicine that makes the zombies

sleepy. The special effects was really scary. I want to close
my eyes.

At the end the human beings disappear from the Earth.

2 Unit
Unit 6 Test Plus
6 Standard Test D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 2
Listening and Reading
1 Listen and number 1 or 2. ( / 5)
0. Someone introduced two friends. 2
1. Someone made some unusual partners.
2. The main character wanted adventure.
3. A very cold country was part of a hard choice.
4. The movie is going to be released after spring.
5. The main character was surprised by an unexpected feeling.

2 Read and match. ( / 5)

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C.S. Lewis
GongTo /

Was the author of the famous children’s

fantasy series The Chronicles of Narnia .
He was born in Belfast, Ireland in 1898.
As a boy, he was interested in mythology,
fairy tales and all kinds of books. In 1914
though, World War I started and Lewis went to fight
for the UK. After that, he studied at Oxford University
before working there for many years. In 1926, he met
and became friends with J. R. R. Tolkien. For years, they
read and discussed each other’s stories. In 1950, Lewis
published The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe , the first
book in The Chronicles of Narnia . Lewis died in 1963,
but his stories remain some of the most popular in
the world.

0. C.S. Lewis was born… in 1950.

1. Lewis fought… in Ireland in 1898.
2. Lewis was interested… in the First World War.
3. Lewis studied and worked… at Oxford Univeristy in 1926.
4. Lewis published The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe… in literature and folklore.
5. Lewis met J. R. R. Tolkien… at Oxford University.
2 Unit
Unit 6 Test Plus
6 Standard Test D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 3

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