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Unit 5 Grammar Worksheet 2


Must or Might

1 Look and circle the correct answers.

Name: Stonehenge
Height of tallest stones: 9 m
Weight of biggest stones: 25 tons
Location: Wiltshire, England
Secrets: ancient burial ground?
rs ago
Built: between 4,000 and 5,000 yea

0. Stonehenge must have / might have been built many years ago.
1. They might not have / must not have used machines to build it.
2. It’s so big! You might have / must have been able to see it from a distance.
3. It must have / might have been a burial ground.
4. There might not have / must not have been much protection from the weather.
5. It might have / must have been built by aliens from another planet.

2 Read and use the words in parentheses to write sentences with must (not) have and might (not) have.
0. The phone rang but I didn’t hear it. (I / asleep)
I must have been asleep.
1. My friend Andrea walked past me at school without speaking to me. (She / see / me)

2. The boots you bought are very good quality. (They / very expensive)

3. My mom can’t find her umbrella. (She / leave / it in the restaurant last night)

4. Joe passed the exam without studying for it. (The exam / very difficult)

5. When I woke up this morning, the light was on. (I / forget / to turn it off)

6. The traffic light was red, but the car didn’t stop. (The driver / see / the red light)

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