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Unit 5 Grammar Worksheet 1

Present Simple

1 Read and complete using the verbs in affirmative or negative.

0. Thomas doesn’t eat (not eat) breakfast at 6:30.
1. Joshua and Chrissy (play) volleyball after school.
2. My sister (not go) to the park on Sundays.
3. My parents (go) to bed at 9 p.m.
4. David (not eat) lunch at school.
5. Mary and I (not do) homework at night.

2 Look, complete and answer.

0 1 2

3 4 5

0. Does she play soccer?

Yes, she does.
1. Bob do his homework at night?

2. they go to school together in the morning?

3. Does Tammy to the park on Friday nights?

4. we watch soccer games on TV after school?

5. she up at six o’clock?

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