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Emergent Themes Description

Disappointment over Unjust The emotional reaction of employees when they observe/deal with
circumstance/Situations unfavorable.
The reward for speaking up Idea generation/voicing has no rewards; silencing has no punishments.
Vocal employees become Silent. Employees, once very expressive, became very silent, even over their
genuine concerns.
Feedback mechanism for upward Communication at Universities is always from top to Bottom, and there is no
communication such system for suggestion and concerns communication.
Post and Position of the Employee Opinions of employees working in various sections and working against
different positions are dealt with differently.
Access to authorities It signifies access to decision-making authorities, i.e., VC and Syndicate.

Forms of communication This theme describes the forms of communication such as manual, digital,
verbal, and written.

Rules and regulations This theme describes the constructions of the participants where rules send
regulations hindered their voicing behavior.

Descriptive Theme Description

Role of top management This them presents the construction of administrative officers regarding the
attitudes, behavior and treatment of top management
Role of immediate boss This theme represents the accounts the way immediate bosses’ treatment when
voice was raised.
Organizational culture This theme represents how being silent or speaking is viewed in organization.
Victimization for speaking This theme presents an account of participants been punished or have seen
others being punished for speaking up.
Fear This theme presents the construction of administrative officers being fearful of
speaking up.
Social Anxiety This theme tells about the how environmental pressure shape their voice and
An exhibit of non-pragmatic This theme presents the accounts of administrative officers where they were
silence silent non strategically.

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