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Thessaloniki, 9/11/2022

Groupwork on SM and Democracy

9:00-10:30 Task 1- The interviews

Watch the film and write an article (word text) for a radio program and for the school magazine (350-400 words)
presenting the main issues are dealt with.
Record the article.
Main points to stress:
Hashtags in the end of the article

Group 1- Greek film Group 2 Italian film Group 3 Spanish film Group 4 Swedish film
Arvid Kumlin Ohlström Emeli Olsson Ebba Wikman Kaj Schmidt
Rebecca Björk Davide Greco Caterina Nicoletta Emma Sforza
Niama Leghaf Agnese Sabato Pellegrino NEREA Baro
MICAELA Herrero DENNIS Fidalgo MARINA Ricote Aggeliki Kargopoulou
Maria Tsirou Despoina Papadima NATALIA Rabano Chrisostomos Tildis
Athanasia Matzari Christina Leontaki Michalis Lazaridis Markella Kampanou
Eleni Patra Elissavet Touloupi Savvina Drosaki Thomas Kalaitzidis
Ilias Mpotonis Anna Lampropoulou Fotini Karampatzaki
11:30-12:15 Task 2 – A guidebook
Watch the film and comment on how politicians use SM and suggestion how you as a citizen can use it to be active in
politics, by communicating with politicians. Include the information you got at the yesterday’s activities-visits
(University-Town Hall) as well.

12:30-13:30 Task 3 – The questionnaire

Compare the answers were given by the students of the partner schools an comment on them. Create a presentation.

Upload your work on
Subject on your post – group#, task # eg. Group 2 task 1

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