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Monday, February 01, 2021
HECSE3011T 12:00 Noon to 3:00 PM
3 hours
Full Marks : 80


• Of the questions attempted, the answers to only the first required number of questions (as stipulated
in the question paper) will be evaluated. So please do not attempt extra questions.

• Only HAND WRITTEN answer scripts (using black or blue ink) on A4 size sheets will be
• Answer in your own words as far as practicable.
• Save the scanned pages to a single PDF file and name the document accurately i.e. Roll No_Paper
Code.PDF (example: 147_HPHCR2032T).
• Students have to write legibly their answers on A4 size sheets, scanning them and sending the entire
answer script as one PDF file to the following email address within 30 minutes of the completion
of the examination:
• In the subject field of your email, please write “Answer Script – Roll No, Paper Code” (example:
“Answer Script – 147, HPHCR2032T”).
• The scanned answer scripts should have enough clarity to enable evaluation.
• On top of each page the following information should be entered by the student: Name, Roll
Number, Paper Code , Date, and Page Number
• No multiple submissions would be allowed.

The marks are given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

The question paper consists of 3 pages.

2021 1
Of the questions attempted, the answers to only the first required number of
questions (as stipulated in the question paper) will be evaluated.

Answer ANY FOUR questions. [4x15=60]

1. Distinguish between cross section, time series, pooled and panel data using suitable
examples. [15]

2. Distinguish between population census and sample surveys. Differentiate between

(ii) Multistage sampling and Stratified Sampling. [5+5+5]

3. For the two frequency distributions given below, the mean calculated from the first was
25.4 and that from the second was 32.5. Find the value of x and y.
Class Distribution I Distribution II
Frequency Frequency
10-20 20 4
20-30 15 8
30-40 10 4
40-50 x 2x
50-60 y y

4. In an MS Excel file perform the following:

(a) Find the product AB where
 1 0 −2   0 3 
   
A =  0 3 −1  B =  −2 −1 
   0 4 
 ;  .
(b) Solve for x, y, z.
1 4 
 
(c) Find the transpose of the matrix  2 5  [5+5+5]
3 6 
 

5. (a) Represent the following data by a suitable diagram in MS Excel

Items of Expenditure Family A(Income Rs. 500) Family B(Income Rs. 300)
Food 150 150
Clothing 125 60
Education 25 50
Miscellaneous 190 70
Saving or Deficit +10 -30

2021 2
(b) Draw histogram and frequency polygon for the following frequency distribution in MS Excel
Income 100-149 150-199 200-249 250-299 300-349 350-399 400-449 450-499
No. of 21 32 62 110 65 48 20 7
6. (a) The following table shows the area in millions of of oceans of the world. Draw
a pie diagram to represent the data in MS Excel
Ocean Area(million
Pacific 70.8
Atlantic 41.2
Indian 28.5
Antarctic 7.6
Artic 4.8

(b) Enumerate some important sources of economic data along with the nature of data
obtained from them. [7.5+7.5]

Answer ANY TWO questions. [2x10=20]

7. The mean of marks in Statistics of 100 students in a class was 72. The mean of marks of
boys was 75, while their number was 70. Find out the mean marks of girls in the class. [10]

8. For a group of 5000 workers, the hourly wages vary from Rs. 20 to Rs. 80. The wages of
4 percent of the workers are under Rs. 25 and those of 10 percent are under Rs. 30; 15
percent of the workers earn Rs. 60 and over and 5 percent of them get Rs. 70 over. The
quartile wages are Rs. 40 and Rs. 54 and the sixth decile is Rs. 50. Put this information
in the form of a frequency table. [10]

9. In an excel sheet,
(a) How can you sort a data set in an ascending/descending order?
(b) How can you find “Transpose” of a dataset?
(c) When do we use “Paste Special” instead of “Paste”?
(d) How will you find out natural logarithm of a number?
(e) How do you align texts in different cells in an excel sheet? [5x2]

10. In an excel sheet,

(a) Explain the importance of ‘fx’ in an excel sheet.
(b) How can you insert new excel sheets in an excel workbook?
(c) Explain the process of adding more rows between existing rows containing data.
(d) Consider 20 data points entered row wise. When and how will you use “Autosum”
option in such a data set?
(e) How can you remove duplicated values in a column of an excel sheet? [5x2]


2021 3

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