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▪ Earth is round.

▪ boat going over the horizon the further and further it goes away til you only see a mast
▪ Eratosthenes showed the earth was round by measuring angle difference of sun between two
locations at the same time and used that difference to measure the circumference. So why the
sun did not shine directly over the well in Alexandria as opposed to the other city was
because the earth was angulating or curving
▪ at lunar eclipse shadows of the earth are cast and shows it is round.
▪ The only shape that can cast a shadow that is curved at any direction you put the light is a
▪ AXIS OF EVIL [challenges big bang and inflationary theory]Earth at the centre of the
universe. They tried to avoid tests. That show that the earth is at the centre of the universe.
Even Lawrence Krauss says so. There is an X marked patterns of cold and hot spots of
Microwave radiation which denies the capercican principle. Coby and w map projects
denied implications.
▪ Youtube video undebunkable microwave background proves intelligent design..
▪ Hot and cold spots line up around a axis. Why is their a special direction in space”
▪ This background radiation. should be isotropic , it should define no special direction in the
universe and certainly one not related to us
▪ These temperature disturbances were all pointing towards the earth. A preferred direction.
▪ strangest of alignment of cosmic microwave    background with the ecliptic and equinox
of earth. led    many cosmologists to believe that plant satellite mission to finally find these
missions findings to be a mistake.” x access    Iwarmly divides cold and hot sections
▪ the universe was made with a word..a rhythm and oscillation from a voice.
▪ hot and cold should be randomly distributed.
▪ multipoles to be aligned — maybe that's just random coincidence — but it's another for them to be associated
with our solar system. Hence the nickname "Axis of Evil,
▪ Second, the axis of evil aligns with the plane in which the earth and the other planets orbit the
▪ This Axis of Evil is aligned in astonishingly precise ways with:
▪ 1. The Galactic North Pole

▪ 2. The ecliptic plane

▪ 3. The equinoxes

▪ The complete ensemble of such orientations being unlikely to a combined degree of

approximately one in one hundred billion.

▪ Lawrence Krauss says matter comes out of nothing [string theory and vibrations.
▪ Michelson Morley experiment proves Earth is not moving.
▪ Special Relativity was invented to compensate to explain away Michelson Experiment.
▪ special relativity which is a mass contraction effect when something is moving close to the
speed of light. So they must contract in order to conform and avoid the scientific fact that the
earth is moving.
▪ He has shown that the Axis involves not only the CMB, but the polarization of light from
quasars- along the same Axis!
▪ How they invent and extend time with multi verse than somehow somewhere their is a model
somewhere to deny geocentric model.. This is equivalent to a child changing the board game
in order to ensure that he wins in the end and does not need to explain at the same time.
▪ The surmise science as a limitless array of possibilities that appeals to a child who has a un
natural fascination with comic book and mythological heroes.
▪ innate and inanimate unverse that created itself” is what they believe. Youtube 100% earth. Is
at the centre of the universe documentary
▪ all all planets discovered in universe, none have the conditions necessary f or life or have a
solar system compatible for life.

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