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How cyprus protected and set the standard for false accusations in rape cases around

the world-----------I am prompted to write to the human rights commission by a very

crucial area of human rights.... In the western world, their is a general medieval
ideaology when it comes to a fair trial and system.... which . totally departs from the
napoleon /justinian roman code that set the civil standard of euro nations that dictate a
man is innocent until proven guilty. their were reasons why the romans set this
standard because they knew how damaging false accusation was and how if one
allowed it to prevail would cause plenty of injustice.... In the anglo phile world their is
a disturbing trend to criminalize normal    disagreeing behaviour , as you know their
lacks in australia for example a bill of rights.... in separations, if a woman merely
expresses fear, but has an ulerior motive of vice and revenge to take the child from the
father, she would not be questioned why she was filing a violence order or making a
false accusation... The AVO is immediate in australia until proven otherwise.. eg a
provisional violence order is placed before a court determines whether injustice had
occurred and thus has caused ample damage in its pathway... i discovered that most
euro countries, only judges can    file violence orders and their is no witch trial culture
surrounding them eg spain has less crime than australia and never uses violence
orders.. however whenever a country deals with controversial issues by applying the
law accordingly and fairly, NGOS and the media politicise and decontextualize these
cases imposing ultra leftist feminst agenda.s.. specifically with the cyprus rape case,
cyprus upheld a crucial important standard to piunish false accusers with purgury---
and the english have shown their imperialistic hatred for sovereign countries to have
independent and sovereign practices of law.... the most arrogant is the english
representative still maintains he wants to take cyprus to the court even though the
cyprus police suspended the matter and let the girl go home..... the disgusting
behaviour of the english media was racist against cypriots and is disgusting.... it is
ashame that england choose not to join EU because    their people do not understand
the conduct of culture and civil custom of the europeans and tend to impose their
outlook through fake public relations spin doctored events that aim to subvert and take
advantage of legal processes around . the world in order to demonize them as not
meeting to the high standards of the anglo phile west. in summary purgery laws need
to upheld to prevent people making false accusations and their is a tendency in the
west to allow fake NGOS and marketing to shape the law that is in favour of medieval
ideas that men are biological evil and should be presumed guilty with a simple
accusation.. this disturbing trend has cited me to write to you.. please advice the
judges in this matter.. i am just a citizen of australia disgusted with how the media has
exploited the cyprus event to impose a standard that claims europeans should listen to
english law and not european law standards..
The cyprus rape scandal is a disgrace to the english media xenophobic and racist rant
fundamentally questioning police methods in this country.. something they would
never do to their own.... despite the tradition in the country that does not punish
woman for making false accusation which jeopardises a whole generation of men to
false accusation in the country so that lawyers can make extra money by sending
unnecessary cases to court...... the greek cypriots imposed a european standard of law
and order that fundamentally protected the interests of    tourists and citizens in the
country by ensuring and providing an example to those who ever consider making a
serious false accusation that could see an innocent person sent to jail they will be
charged for creating an offense... in europe this standard prevails.. but unfortunately a
fake astro turf public relations campaign which pays protestors to politicize    staged
"events is set in motion to paint sovereign nations legal system as outdated to the
western model, when the reality is that the English model presumes a person guilty
upon accusation... this incredible tenacity to criticise cyprus legal system    is
facilitated by a sophisticated spin doctored astro turf campaign media campaign    that
seeks to repackage medieval concepts of outdated law through the application and
promotion of progressive ideologies that seek to disguise the inherent injustice of a
system through their techniques of social engineering and conditioning that   
fundamentally jeopardizes    the civil rights of a person. if the english system imposed
itself on europe, they would want to reduce the honourable law to a consumer product
advertisement that seeks to identify new markets of exploitation by falsely
conditioning people to connontate normal behaviour protected by civil law as a
criminal offense..... we have not seen anything like in unprrecedented history since the
witch trials of medieval europe... but somehow marketing and conditioning is
associating this witch hunt with philanthropy, love and progress....... we need a
education program that allows people to discern between real and false information...
this is basic education in an age of ultra consumerism , the powers that be are reducing
this issue to a consumer disposable product and like a marketable product seeks to
find markets, seeks to promote and build awareness about a subject    when infact they
promote and narrate a certain premise of action and acceptable behaviour... we do not
want our legal systems privalized like soup, like baked beans, like cereal we buy from
the super market... we want transparent, accountable and honourable law systems that
are immune from fashionable fad    political lynching seasons that has swept
everywhere. we want legal systems that are not persuaded by the marketing ploys and
tactics of political correct agencies that seek to commotise the legal process for vested
interest by making us mere units of production in the machine.... .. we do not want the
law to be persuaded by political correctness but by objectivity and impartiality without
NGOS and other self righteous bodies playing god to impose their views by assuming
that sovereign nations of cyprus are second world and are incapable of justice..

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