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Pentecostals may claim a existential experience but do not prescribe to the

understanding that only through purification and illumination in the struggle of the
faith one can become perfected with the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is not a dispensable object one claims to inhabit because of a
moments ecstasy it is a person in the holy trinity.
They deny the icons which are the real vessels of the Holy Spirit , the body is the
temple of the Holy Spirit and these persons have become deified in Christs name a
biblical reference to the saints.

One is not a saint simply for reciting gods name or a form of name worship that
assumes compliance of a deity for ones    material objectives.

god does not permit that a persons spiritual contribution is directly aligned to a
reward in this life time.. god may grant inner peace, love and fulfilment unseen
material pleasures but if god foresees money as a stumbling block to a persons
spiritual development he may not permit it

The icons reaffirm the paradigm and example of christ witnessed in apostolic
tradition and succession right down from the apostles to the early church and today
and is preserved in the Orthodox Church.

It encapsulates the christian idea that god has illuminated all of creation with the
Holy Spirit of which we can participate in however if habits a sinful disposition he
cannot be a pure vessel of the Holy Spirit especially through phenomena of ecstasy.

Evangelicals in America always acted under the principle of superstition that by

giving to god or the cult leader of a church somehow one will reap rewards. This is
outside the christian concept of charity that seeks nothing unto its own but gives
anonymously. The reward is not given in this life but in capitalistic protestant America
these concepts became the marketing call point to collect plenty of funds.
Evangelicals subordinate the notion of charity, virtue and goodness into the
categories of worldly perceptions of good since they believe charity is conducive in
exchange for materialistic pleasures and rewards that are in no way similar to the
unseen treasures of heaven.
Giving is an act within itself that recriprocates a feeling of happiness and goodness
in ones heart without the expectation to get something in return.. this relegates the
notion of virtue and charity as an exchangeable commodity not worth on its own
accord the sacrifice of giving and not expecting favour in return .
Ironically    penecost is the birth of the church when tongues of fire were received
until the apostles. This represents the church authority to bind and loosen on earth
as given to the apostles.

 Pentecostalism was founded by In 1900, Charles Parham, not Jesus


As we saw at the beginning of this report, Pentecostals generally trace their heritage to
CHARLES PARHAM'S Bethel Bible School in Topeka, Kansas, where Agnes Ozman began
to speak in "tongues" in 1901 when hands were laid on her. It was claimed (though not
credibly confirmed) that Ozman spoke in Chinese for three days, unable to speak English,
and on the second day she spoke in Bohemian. Soon, most of the others at the school were
speaking and singing "in tongues." Parham claimed that language professors and other
linguistically educated people confirmed that the tongues were languages, but this was not
confirmed outside of the movement. Newspaper reporters of the day described the
phenomenon merely as "gibberish." In 1914, Charles Shumway diligently sought evidence to
prove that early Pentecostal tongues were real languages. He failed to find even one person to
corroborate the claims which had been made (James Goff, Jr., Fields White Unto Harvest,
Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 1988, p. 76). "In his 1919 Ph.D. dissertation,
Shumway censured the local Houston Chronicle for credulous reporting and stated that
'letters are on hand from several men who were government interpreters in or near Houston at
the time [when Parham conducted a Bible school there], and they are unanimous in denying
all knowledge of the alleged facts'" (Goff, p. 98). Parham's Bible school students jotted down
strange writings which they claimed were the product of the gift of tongues. They claimed
these writings were foreign languages, such as Chinese, but when they were examined by
knowledgeable people, they were found to be mere indecipherable scratchings (Goff, p. 76).
The press called these writings "quaint and indistinguishable hieroglyphics" (Ibid., p. 80).

He adopted the false holiness doctrine of entire sanctification, believing that two "works of
grace" were required to save and cleanse a man. One had to be born again through faith in
Christ, but then one must subsequently be sanctified through a second work of grace.

Seymour visited Alma White's Pillar of Fire movement in Denver, Colorado. This group
taught sinless sanctification and believed the evidence of the same was dancing. Alma White
was not impressed with Seymour. She later described him as follows: "I had met all kinds of
religious fakers and tramps, but I felt he excelled them all."Seymour believed that the true
church was being restored in an end-times miracle revival.

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