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Diversity is Polyphony

If you’ll ask someone about diversity

They might say ethnicity
Beliefs,appearance and gender equality.
But it’s more than that
Diversity is a single word in dictionary
But it determines the continuity
Of generations finding harmony
Despite the heterogeneity.

You and I are different

Judgement is imminent
If we won’t open our hearts to be lenient

We were raised with different identities

The feeling of serenity in a home of homogeneity.
The world of diversity disrupts
the ideology of peaceful society
Diversity ? is it really an obstruction
or an art of connection.

Diversity divides the community ,

Members of society with same reasons
Sharing common interests
Where Beliefs and opinions are expressed

You are worthy

You are the notes that make up the melody
language , race ,religion and culture
the habitual basis of identity
the barrier of affinity
creates a tension between you and me

Diversity is affiliated with inclusion and equity

Cultural differences won’t lessen your dignity
Your inherent worth, your presence and personality
The life of living in community
Is Greatly affected by impartiality .
Everyone has an equal opportunity
Despite the disparity.

You are wonderfully made by God

We have responsibility
To maintain the world a better place
And peace for the human race

Diversity is Polyphony

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