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What's something that sucks about being a man?

I was walking in the park and a little girl, about 4 years old, was crying her eyes out at
the path next to the playground. No adults around, just her, sobbing her little heart out.

All I wanted to do is go up, lower myself to her level, give her a little hug and ask where
her mommy and daddy were… but I couldn’t. Modern society says that a man on his own
near a park, talking to children is a threat.

So, I had to keep my distance until I’d got the attention of a female walking her dog.

Society is broken when a man feels he can’t even comfort a crying child.

I understand it. But it truly sucks.

What is something movies always get wrong?

Digging a Grave

It happens so commonly in movies these days - someone kills someone else and in an
attempt to hide said body, they just go out and casually dig a 6′ deep grave roughly big
enough to fit a human with a shovel.

No. Goddamn. Chance.

Have any of these writers ever tried to dig a grave? You know what happens when you
get below like 8 inches of soil? Rocks. Clay. Shale. Very dense soil - you name it.

Very quickly you will find that your shovel is going to be utterly worthless.

At least show someone with a pick-axe because that is the bare-bones minimum you

need to dig a grave. And even with just that, it’s taking you hours and hours.

Think about this too - if you assume a grave is 6′ long x 3′ wide x 6′ deep - that’s 108 c.f.
of dirt. Dry dirt typically weighs about 75 pounds per cubic foot. So one grave is 8,000
pounds of dirt. 4 tons. Good luck feeling your arms after that.

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