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What is it like to play Dota 2?

One of my personal favorites:

A Gift with Strings Attached

1. Pick an invis hero like Riki or BH.

2. Buy Courier (don't use it)
3. Immediately proceed to enemy's safe lane.
4. Drop the courier item in the lane behind the enemy Tier 1 Tower (out of range
5. Wait for an opponent to come upon the dropped courier chest.
6. Watch them pick it up and open it (this is what you hope they will do anyway)
7. As they send it back to base kill it.
8. Profit!

Sure it cost you 120g for the courier but if you manage to kill it you've gained 150g for
every member of your team.

Obviously this isn't full-proof. Your opponents can either destroy it instead of picking it
up and using it or they can bring it back to their base before using. However, it's
amazing how many people will just pop that gift open right in lane.


I almost forgot. If you want to help cast aside suspicion you should portray that you're a
toxic player on your team in all-chat. Even better, get your allies to criticize you and
threaten to report you in all-chat. Claiming something like, "These noobs sniped my mid
hero. I'm throwing this shit show and playing for team Radiant/Dire (whichever is your
opponents team)." will set your opponents off-guard and make them less likely to
suspect that the shiny present you dropped in their lane is actually a ploy to get courier
gold for your team.

Well, let me be honest with you. If you can find your self a team of 5 play Dota 2. If you
are a lonely player looking into playing alone, don’t even bother, unless you are super
human and can play a game of Dota alone against 9 players. 4 of idiots in your team and
5 enemies in a team.

Dota is an fantastic game. Unfortunately that can not be said for the designer of the
MMR rating system. He is an PURE idiot. MMR rating is designed that way that teams will
eventually get MUCH better MMR. I am not talking small difference here. I am talking
HUGE difference, because they won’t be forced to play game with idiots as team mates.
Match making algorithm will start assigning you idiots and complete noobs for team
mates as soon as you start crossing 51% win rate and will not stop until it zeros you
out :D Not to mention having a troll in the game as supporter or Cary … and a huge
amount of Smurfs constantly harassing's lower MMR games. Cheating is easy as getting
your self a seater in some 4-th world country. He can spectate the game and warn you
about enemies approaching. Well, about anything…

Teams don’t have to worry about those HUGE problems. So, to be more precise. Dota is
a team game, and a false solo game that uses solo players as grinded meat to feed the
teams and Smurfs bored in their league.

To answer your question:

Its super cool if you have a team of 5

It borders masochisms if you try to play it alone. You can really enjoy it if you have secret
fantasies about being raped buy a team of 5 .

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