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BLOODSILK SPIDER This Bloated spider as big as a wolf with thick, power age ‘and o heavy, red blistar of flesh on ts back BLoopsitk SpiDer Usually N Small magicsl beast Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft, temorsense 60 ft Listen +0, Spot +4 Languages — AC 16, touch 14, fafooted 73 (41 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural) hp lt (2H) Fort +3, Ref +6, will +0 Speed 30. (6 squares), climb 207. Melee bite «6 (145-1), Ranged blood web +6 ranged touch (entangle) Space 5 ft; Reach 5 ft Base Atk +2; Grp~3 Special Actions blood drain ‘Abilities Sir, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha Feats Weapon Finesse Skill Climb =11, Hide =124, Listen +0, Move Silently +34, ‘Spat +4 When a bleodsilk spider isin its web, its racial bonus ‘on Hide checks increases to +8, and ithas a +8 racial onus on Move Silently checks. ‘Advancement 3-4 HD (Srl): 5-8 HD (Mediurn} HO (Large) Blood Drain (Su) As a swift action each round, a bloodsilk ‘spider can command its webs to drill into ensnared creatures, drain their blood, and channel ito the spider. The spider must be in contact with its webs 10 use this ability. A bloodslk spider's webs deal 164 points of damage at the beginning of each round to fan opponent entangled in them. This ability does not affect elementals, plants, or creatures that lack a Constitution scare ‘A bloodsik spider gains temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt. Abloodsilk spider can gain no ‘more than 1 temporary hit points inthis fashion. These temporary hit points last for up to 24 hours. Blood Web {Ex) & bloodsilk spider can throw a blood-red web eight times per day, Ths is similar to an attack with net but has a maximum range of $0 feet, witha range increment of 10 feet, ad is effective against targets up to tone size category larger than the spider. The web anchors the target in place, a/ewing na movement. Attempts toescape of burst the webbing gain a +5 bonus ifthe trapped creature has something to walk on or grab wile pulling fee. ‘An entangled creature can escape vith a DC 1) Escape Artist check or burst the web with 2 DC 15 Strength check. Both are standard actions, The check Cs are Constilution-based, and the Strength check DC includes a +4 racial bonus. The web has 12 hit points and hardness 0, The blood that soaks it gives the web Immunity o fire damage, unlike ordinary Spider webs A bloodsik spider can create sheets of sticky webbing from 5 to 20 feet square. The webs are red with blood drained fromm its victims, and in some places they drip bload. The spider usually positions these sheets to sate fying creatures but ean also try to trap prey on the cR2 round. Approaching creatures must succeed on a DC 20, Spot check to notice a web; otherwise they stumble into itand become trapped as though by a successful web attack, Each 5-foat section of webbing has 12 hitpoints and damage reduction §/— A bloodsilk spider can move across its own web atts limb speed and can pinpoint the location of any creature touching ts web, Skills Bloodsilk spiders have a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks (except when in their webs; see above} and a +4 racial bonus on Spot checks. Abloodsilk spider has a +8 racial bonus on Climb ‘checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even ifrushed or threatened, It uses either its Strength or its Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, Whichever is higher Bloodsilk spiders, like eheir mundane cousins, are ambush predators that feed on the vital fnids of their prey. They lurk in reddened webs, which they use to drain blood from reaped creatures, STRATEGIES AND TACTICS Unlike mundane or even monstrous vermin, bloodsilk spi: ders possess a cunning intelligence. They artack any living thing for is blood, using their webs to catch and slay even sore prey. They ae not powerful individually, so they prefer toartak in numbers, usually groups of four to eight. One of the spiders leads off the atack witha blast of webbing, after ‘which the others charge any snared opponents. ‘lone bloodsill spider strings its webs etween two rees, rocks, or similar landmarks along a forest path, The spider Turks nearby, using its tremorsense ability to detect a foe's approach, Once a creature is trapped within the webs. the spider leaps toattack: les web soaks up the preys blood while the spider bites with its mandibles, Bloodsilk spiders fighting opponents larger than them selvesalways wait una they have slain some lesser prey (and thus gained temporary hit points) before eracking more dangerous foes “tt was on the third day that we encountered a pair of woodsmen with a tale of red webs. Prince Lumicn determined 1o sce these webs for himself anid ke persuaded the haly man Thx to accompany him. We did not see them again—not living” ‘Guldur of the Royal Gu SAMPLE ENCOUNTERS Bloodsilk spiders ae patient, cunning killers Individual (EL 2): 4 single bloodsilk spider uses hide- and-pounce tactics to surprise prey. Inaboutone in ten cases, alone bloodsilk spider has recently fed and has § temporary hhtpoints stored up ‘Cluster (EL 6-8): Clusters of four to eight bloodsilk spt ders ck in foliage or rubble, waiting for prey to pass by ‘Nest (EL 8-10): A bloodsilk spider nest can contain any where from eight 1o sixteen individuals, At least half the spiders in such nests have fed recently, each with 5 10 10 temporary hit points ed ECOLOGY Bloodsilk spiders live and reproduce much as orher spi ders do, They prefer areas of heavy foliage for their lairs particularly f the region contains plenty of animals to feed upon. When ic hes exhausted the local stock of prey, aspider moves on to another area ‘A bloodsilk spider might instead inbabie ruins if che local forest has @ significant number of giant wasps ot spider eaters—both of which are its deadly foes. Even other varieties of giant spider ae troublesome to bloodsilk: spiders if prey in the area is sc Environment: Bloodsilkspidersare found in warm and. ate forests and marshes, particularly amid larger tees or areas of chick undergrowth, where they can blend in mote easily. ‘Typical Physical Characteristics: A typical b spider is about 3 feet long and weighs 4010 50 Alignment: Bloodsilk spiders are predators and rarely take moral stances. Those inhabiting an area tainted by malice might tend toward evil TYPICAL TREASURE Like other monstrous spiders, bloodsilk spiders do not collect rreasure, bur there isa 50% chance thata bloodsilk spider nest contains some coins, goods, or items left over from its victims. Roll separately for each type of treasure. BLOODSILK SPIDERS IN EBERRON Bloodsilk spiders are among the many dangers that await adventurers who cravel through the Towering Wood of the Eldcen Reaches. An unwary explorer could easily wander {nto a nest of the beasts ifhe ignores the tell-tale web signs ofa bloodsilk brood, Large populations infest the Gleaming, Where their webs fade into the contintial dimmness of that to the edge of the wood, posing a threat to homesteaders of ed forest. Bloodsill spiders occasionally wander the Reaches BLOODSILK SPIDERS IN FAERUN In Faertin, bloodsilk spiders inhabie the great forests of the south, most notably within the Chondalwood, where exceptionally large spiders live among the dangerous lor Halfling rangers and druids elso occasionally masterto battle infestations within the Lluirwood, and nests of bloodsilk spiders can be found in many other forests nea the Shas, including Queth Forest and the Thornwood of the Border Kingdoms. Rumors hold that bloodsilk spiders were born of the Calishite sorcerer’ curse that poisoned the Qurth adly spider that bred true long after the sorcerers death LK SPIDER LORE Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) can learn more about bloodsilk spiders. When a character makes a successful Skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the inform tion from lower DCs, Knowledge (Arcana) Result Bloodsilk spiders are magical beasts named forthe bloodsred webs they spin. This result reveals all magical beast traits. Bloodsilk spider webs drain blood from trepped creatures by boring into the flesh. The spider consumes blood drained by its web, growing tougher inthe process. A bloodsilk spider is a patient and cunning hunter. ‘When hunting a creatute larger than itself it first feeds on smaller prey to gain vitality forthe fight. ‘A nest of bloodsilk spiders is especialy dangerous because those that have recently fed throw webs ‘over inteuders, rapping them to Feed the res. sone 64 son

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