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Egyptian Journal of Geology, v.53, 2009, p.




* Cairn University, Faculty of SCience, Geology Department
** .Hamash Misr for Gold Mines' ' .

The Hammash gold mine area is mainly occupied by ophiolitic melange and island ,arc rocks separated by fault
contacts. The ophiolitic melange rocks ~onsist of serpentinlteand-metagabbro a
blocks embedded In pervasively
deformed matrix of pelitic to psamrno-pelitlc schists. The'islal)d"arc" rocks include metabasalts., metaandesites
and metadacites as well as their metapyrocfastic derivatives. These two lithotectonic units are intruded by .
tonalites and quartz diorites. All of these rocks are intruded by younger leucogranites, trachyte plugs as well as
basic and acidicdike~. "" ,

" " .
Hammash gold mine" area lies in the southwestern part of the' ENE.orlented Idfu-Marsa Alam shear zone. The
ophiolitic melange and the island arc rocks are affected by, thrusting and folding of ENE orientation. These
compressional structures are related to subduction and. collision tectonics of the' Pan-African orogeny. Two
strike-slip faults of WNW orientation overlap and offset by an obtuse angle of about 150·. They resulted in the
formation of a major releasing bend with NW oriented normal faults as well as extension fracture swarms. The
extension zone facilitates the intrusio~ of the Hammash granite which resuited in the heating of the surrounding
ophiolitic melange country rocks and the development of hydrothermal convection cells. These convectfon cells
are responsible for the mobilization of gold from the source rocks [gold-rich ophiolitic serpentinites and island
arc volcanics) and its redeposition as vein-type ores within the granitic rocks.

Keywords: Precambrian rocks, releasing bend, strike-slip faults, Hammash gold mine, gold-bearing quartz veins
The area under study is located in the south Eastern De'sert between latitudes 24° 40' and 24° 44' and longitudes"
34° 00' and 34° 10'. It is considered as a part of the Egyptian basement rocks which have received great attention
by many authors (e.g. Hume, 1934, 1935; Ibrahim, 1941; Schurmann, 1953, 1955, 1966';""Amin, 1955; EI-Shazly,
1957, 1964; EI Ramly and Akaad, 1960; EI Ramly, 1972; Akaad and Nowier, 1969, 1980; EI Gaby et 01., 1984,2009;
Takla and Hussein, 1995; Takla, 2002). The geology and mineralization of the area was studied by some authors'
(e.g. Moustafa and Hilmy , 1958; Moustafa and Akaad, 1962; Ivanov and Hussein, 1972; Soliman, 198.2;Hilmy and'
Osman, 1989; Kaindl and Helmy, 1996; Hassanen and EI-Sayed, 1997).

The present study introduces, for the firsttime, a structural model for the structuralgroiNth and its effect on the
gold mineralization in the Hammash gold mine ~rea and its surrounding environs. This model also accounts for
the space problem for the intrusion of the Hammash granite which is considered by the present authors, as the
heat engine for the leaching of gold from the surrounding gold-r'ich older rocks (island arc volcanlcs and ophiolitic
serpentinites) and its deposition in the gold-bearing quartz veins in the mine. area.

Rocks cropping out in the area under consideration (Fig.l) can be grouped and arranged from old to young,
according to the classification of the Egyptian basement rocks proposed by Takla (2002), as follows: ophiolitic
melange rocks, island arc metavolcanic and metapvroclastlc rocks, tonalite and quartz diorites, leucogranites,
trachyte plugs, basic and acidic dikes.

Ophiolitic Melang,e Rocks ,

These rocks are mainly represented by serpentinite and metagabbro blocks embedded in pervasively deformed
matrix consists of pelitic to psammo-peliticschists. They are sporadically distributed allover the area" but
especially concentrated in the northeastern, central and southwestern parts.
88 SAKRAN, SH. M. et aL




Hnmmnsh gold mint'

EmU number
'l ,1{l.,J-
Elcvarinn points
Strike and dip cf fuliatlon
~'---""'-JI""~ Furm
Hue offntiutinn
~..•..., Inferred fault
24' ..JI"'"'" Nurmal f:1U11
40' ~ Strf kc-sllp r~ult
--\- Plulll,:ing anticlluv
.JI' Thrust Fault

o Trachyte plugs

r===::::':::~~2........J....o;;~=:a::!;2~~-L_~.....,,..-.:2:"""_-!...\lI':::::_-4 ...J.~_C~l
{@ Hammash 11.·IIl"ogn~lIil\'~
34" 00'
CQD TIJII~1iIe!! and quartz utorlrus

CiIJ rsland arc rock!'

~ Ophiolitic rnctnupc matr-ices

~ ~~~i~~il~~)~~~~kS(Srrpl'ntinih's ~lDd

"'"J=d D

Fig.I. Geological and structural map ofthe study area. (The geological units are modified after EI Ramly
and Hermina. 1978). The delineated area is the area of the releasinz
, bend.

Serpentinites are mainly found as elongated sheet-like bodies of E-W orientation embedded in the melange
matrix in the northern part of the study area (Fig.2a). They are extensively affected by shearing of NW, NNE, ENE
and E-W orientations. In some places, they are mainly invaded by granitic intrusion, in which they were taken as
xenoliths or roof pendants. Large, nearly vertical quartz-carbonate dike-like bodies up to 3 m thick, are found in
these serpentinites. These dike-like bodies have the attitude of the enclosing serpentinites (Fig.2b).

In the southwestern part of the study area, the dominant ophiolitic melange rocks are mainly gabbroic in
composition with subordinate amount of serpentinites and melange matrix. The pelitic to psammo-pelitic schists
of the melange rocks are mainly located in the northeastern and central parts of the 'study area showing well
developed preferred orientation striking NW-SE and E-W directions and mainly dipping N. They occupy the low
lands enclosing the large serpentinite masses.

Island Arc Metavolcanic and Metapyroclastic Rocks

These rocks, cover about 40% of the area under investigatlon. They are mainly concentrated in the northern and
Hammash Releasing Bend And Its Control Of Gold Mineralization, SED, Egypt 89

Fig. 2. a) Serpentinite block in melange matrix of Wadi Humer, Photo Looking S; b) Quartz -carbonate
dike-like body in serpentinites of Wadi Humer, Photo looking SW; c) Shearing in arc metavolcanics in
Wadi Hammash, Photo looking NE; d) Tonalites and quartz diorite blocks of Wadi Umm Hagalig,
Photo looking SW; e) Xenolith of arc metavolcanics (V) enclosed within Hammash granite.
90 SAKRAN, SH. M. -et al.

western parts ofthe study area. Within the major strike slip fault zones, these rocks show well developed
mylonitic and shear toliations striking NW-SE direction (Fig.2c). The island arc rocks include metabasalts,
metaandesites and metadacites as well as their equivalent metapyroclastics, Some examined samples-possess
well developed porphyritic texture with plagioclase phenocrysts. ,

Tonalites and Quartz Diorites

These rocks are maioly found in the central, southern and northwestern parts of the study area. They mainly
occur in the form oflarge elliptical intrusions exhibiting exfoliation (Fig.2d). They are leucocratic, coarse-grained,
with equigranular hypidiomorphic texture and composed of plagioclase, biotite and quartz. Some samples are
relatively poor In quartz, These rocks are cut by numerous dikes mainly of granitic composition but of more
alkaline nature.Tremendous amount of quartz veins are also observed dissecting these rocks in most localities,

Leucogranites (Hammash Granites)

Hamash granite is!y exposed in the west central part of the study area: It encloses numerous xenoliths
mainly Of the older island arc rocks and ophiolitic rocks (Fig,2d). Near the mine area, Hammash granite cuts
across the ophiolitic metagabbros in the south and the island arc metavolcanics in the north. In the mine site, the
quartz veins that cut across these granitic, rocks are set in pronounced alteration zones rich in gold and sulfides
and mostly stained with iron oxides. Granitic rocks of the same composition occur at the Barramiya gold mine
and are considered to be responsible fot the gold mineralization ~nthat mine area [Sakran et 01.; 2008).

Trachyte Plugs
Trachyte plugs are found mainly in the central part of the study area especially at the entrance of Wadi
Harnrnash from the south, They occur in the form of small plugs of creamy white color and high relief reaching
479m a.s.l. They represent the youngest volcanic phase in the study area. They are mainly trachytic in
composition and some show porphvrltictexture. Beyond the southern boundary of the study area, these rocks
form huge masses at Gabal Sufra (the highest peak in the surrounding environs) where they intruded the highly
sheared Shaitian granite.

Basic and Acidic Dikes

These dikes mainly cut across the arc metavolcanics and their related metapyroclastics as well as the Hammash
granites. The age relation between-these dikes and the trachyte plugs is impalpable due to the absence of any
direct relationship between them. They are found frequently in the granitic rocks in the mine area taking
different directions and mostly of vertical attitude.

The basic dikes are medium-grained, equlgranular and dark colored with greenish hues due to the sovereignty of
ferromagnesian minerals. The acidic dikes occur mainly in the mine a~ea. They are light colored with pinkish to
reddish tint indicating the predominance of alkali-feldspars. They are mainly fine grained and of rhyolitic
composition. The salient feature of these ,dikes is that most of them are highly jointed and these joints. are filled
with brownish red iron oxides.

According to the orientation o.f structures, the basement rocks in the Eastern Desert of Egypt can be classified
into a number of structural domain's distinguished by their contrasting structural grain, From north to south
these include, NW-SE trending domain followed by one of broadly east-west trend, including Wadi Hafafit
culmination. From Wadi Hafafit culmination and farther south, another domain of NW - SE grain is delimited
southward by a NW - SEtrending zone of Wadi Kharit - Wadi Hodein. South of this zone and towards the Allaqi
- Heiani belt is an area with variable orientations trending mainly E-W and N-S (Fig. 3)~

The study area is located in the southwestern part of the well known Idfu-Marsa Alam shear zone, which is a
major right-lateral shear zone trending mainly ENE to E-W directions namely by Sakran, 2005 as Wadi Bezah
shear zone. This shear zone crosses Pan-African ophiolitic melange rocks, island arc rocks and various intrusive
rocks to the east, and is difficult to be traced to the west because of the relatively thick sedimentary cover
Hamrnash Releasing Bend And Its Control Of Gold Mineralization, SED, Egypt 91

I:· : ~: . ",I Phanerozoic cover

[ ((] Pan-African ~ow grade


Gneissic units

t. -:-.----d .(': renticn-duminared domnln

~ Sll'i_kc-slip f~ult

~ Low-angle shear zone

(( Foliation, blinding

O~ __ ...;;;6C!::0===;;;l20klD

Fig. 3. Structural compilation map of the Pan-African basement in the Eastern Desert of Egypt
(after Greiling et al., 1994). The Wadi Bezah shear zone is compiled from Sakran (2005).
92 SAKRAN, SH. M. et al:

of Cretaceous Nubia sandstone. The right lateral sense of shear is mainly indicated by the remarkable horizontal
displacement (~ 1500m) of the huge Sheikh Salem perthitic leucogranite mass (Hamimi, I999). Some authors (e.g.
Salloum et 01., I989) considered Idfu-Marsa Alam shear zone as a major E-W deep seated fault, overprinted by a
number of thrusts and strike-slip faults having N-S, NE-SW and NW-SE directions. This shear zone affects more
than one of the old gold mines in the Eastern Desert especially the Barramiya and Hammash gold mines. In the
Barramiya gold mine (25° 04' 24"N - 3r 47' 15"E) this major shear zone reactivated older thrust faults of E-W
trend by convergent right-lateral movement (Said, 2006; Sakran et 01.,2008).

In Hammash area, it is believed by the authors that the major NW trending right-lateral strike slip faults (see
below) can be considered as the R-trend of the Idfu - Marsa Alam shear zone.

Main Structural Elements

It is obvious from the geological map and cross sections (Fig. 1) that one major fold extending for more 6 km can
be lucidly traced in the study area. This fold mainly affects the island arc metavolcanics (metabasalts,
metaandesites and metadacites) and their metapyroclastics (crystal metatuffs) that occur in the northwestern
part of the map area. It is an open asymmetrical plunging anticline with an axial plane striking NE and the limbs
dip steeply at about 70 and 60 NW and SE, respectively. This fold mainly plunges more than 80 to the S40° W
0 0 0

direction. At the closure of the fold, different foliation directions were recorded (Fig. 4a).

Thrust, strike-slip and normal faults are recorded in the study area. Five major thrust faults (three at the north
and two at the south) are observed mainly cutting across the ophiolitic melange rocks and the island arc rocks in
the eastern part of the area (Fig. 1). They trend ENE- WSW to E-W and dip steeply to the NW. From the north,
the first thrust fault consists of three segments which juxtapose the island arc rocks and the ophiolitic melange
rocks. The second one mainly cuts across the ophiolitic blocks and the ophiolitic melange matrix. The last one in
the northern part of the study area stretches between the ophiolitic melange matrix and the vast occurrence of
island arc rocks that cover the central part of the study area. The southern thrusts both extend between the
ophiolitic melange matrix and the ophiolitic blocks with moderate to steep dip. Other thrusts but smaller in
extension were frequently encountered in the southwestern part of the study area but can not be traced on map
scale (Fig. 4b). All thrusts in the study area are parallel to the axial plane of the major fold which occurs in the
northern part of the study area. Both structures appertain to early stages of subduction and collision tectonics
pending the formation of the ancient oceanic crust and volcanic island arcs.

Four main strike-slip faults are encountered in the study area. Each of the two western faults comprises a major
WNW-ESE trending right-lateral shear zone. The sense of movement along these faults is mainly indicated by
shear sense indicators which comprise S-Cfabric, sheath folding and asymmetric boudinaged quartz veins as well
as rotated clasts (Fig. 4c & d). The northern fault runs across the island arc rocks whereas the southern one cuts
across the ophiolitic blocks (mainly metagabbros and serpentinites) and extends farther to the south beyond the
study area. The other two faults located in the northeastern part of the study area trend mainly NW-SE asross
the island arc rocks. Their dextral sense of movement can be indicated easily by tracing the form line of foliation
within the island arc rocks. These two faults also dislocated the fold axis of the major plunging anticline
mentioned above.

Normal faults are found trending mainly NW to N-S {see Fig.I}. Wadi Umm Ara East, Wadi Umm Ara Middle and
Wadi Umm Ara West run parallel to the normal faults. It is also observed that the northern part of Wadi Umm
Ara West can be considered as a major graben between two NW-trending normal faults. Slickensides trending
SW and plunging 80 were measured along the NW trending normal fault dissecting the Hammash granite in the

mine area (Fig. 4e). Extension fractures and major gold-bearing quartz veins in the mine site trend mainly along
these normal faults (Fig. Sa & b). The quartz veins are of the milky type and range in thickness between 1.5- 2 m.
Hammash Releasing Bend And Its Control Of Gold Mineralization, SED, Egypt 93

Fig. 4. a) Different foliation trends at the fold closure in Wadi Hammash, Photo looking N; b)
Thrust fault between ophiolitic rocks in Wadi Hammash, Photo looking S; Note: SP = Serpentinites
and GB = Metagabbros; c) Asymmetrical boudinaged quartz veins in ophiolitic metagabbros,
Photo looking NE; d) Rotated clast in sheared island arc volcanic, Photo looking NNW; e) Vertical
slickensides in Hammash granite at Hammash gold mine, Photo looking NE.
94 SAKRAN, SH, M. et aL

J ..ros"3"1

\ ....
jf ;: "
1G' ".


+ +
"':p ...
+ +
'. +
1! + +
+ '.-,
-. + + + +-.~ .•+- + + +
+ +

+ + + I r I of vertical shckcnsides
Trend "lid plunge

IMY I Strik~ and dip

uf mlueralizcd zone

+ I~"I lnfcrrud fault

1'1 Normal rallll

+ + + +
[S] Miner-alized zone

+ +
+ ,+ +
E] Acldlc dike
+ + + + + + + -~.,+ \ LSJ-, Basic dike

+ + + + + + + +
.; + +--+ + + + + + +
fl:llmn:l .••
h ~nlllill'

+ +
+ + + + + D Island arc rttl"k:oo

+ + + + + +
"' \ M:
J·nIS"l4 34'0,'.19

Fig. Sa. Geological map of the Harnmash gold mine (modified after Bugrov and Titov, 2000).


Fig.5b. Equal area net for the normal faults in the study area (left) and the mineralization zones in
the Hammash gold mine site (right),
Hammash Releasing Bend And Its Control Of Gold Mineralization, SED, Egypt 95

Th'ey develop a very well pronouncedalterationzone; up to S.m, su-rrounding the veins. The alteration comprises
mainly ferrugination with the formation of clay minerals, and oxidation of the copper-rich minerals containing
, gold into green malachite staining. '

Dooley and McClay (1997) explained that bends or sidesteps (jogs) in the main strike-slip fault system generally
produce either zones of ei<tension(pull~apart basins) at releasing bends or sidesteps or, alternatively, regions of
compression (uplifts or pOP~!JPstructures) at restraining bends or restraining sidesteps (Fig, 6). They used a
~caled sandb6x~modeling to simulate the kinematic and geometric evolution of pull-apart basins. The model was
performed on dextral strike-slip faults laterally offset at angles ranging from 30· to 150· in increments of 15°. The
results of the experiment at offsef angles of 115-150· (as in the case of the two dextral WNW strike-slip faults in'
Fig.l) showed that the initial dextral strike-slip displacement of 1-2 em produced two dextral, oblique-slip Riedel
shears above the Jog in the basement faults (Fig.7a). As displacement increased, these faults (faults 1 and 2, Fig.
7b) accumulated vertical dip-slip displacement. Several Riedel 'shears propagate outward and- produce a

'Releasing stepover/sidestep


, ----

Fig. 6. General characteristics of strike-slip fault systems in plane view (after Dooley and McClay, 1997)
relatively broad deformation regionabove the basement fault's. Tlfese Ri'edel shear arrays form proto- principal
displacement zones (PDZ) and are flanked by uplifts generated along oblique-slip reverse-fault segments. Above
the basement Jog, the initial obllque-slip faults link and' form the sidewalls to, an incipient pull-apart structure,
These sid~wall faults become lncreaslnglvklnked with continuing displacement because they are back-rotated to
accommodate the development of a box-graben pull-apart structure (Fig. 7c). The basin floor is cut by a cross-
basin fault zone linking the offset PDZ (Fig.7d). After 5-6 em of displacement on the. basement faults, the pull-
apart basin is well established and consists of a box-graben bounded by oblique-extensional sidewall fault zones,
At 10 em of displacement, the pull-apart basin with an elongate box-graben geometry is fully developed, formed
by anastomoslngPlrz linked by highly kinked basin sidewall fault zones (Fig, 7e). The sidewall fault zones show
significant, vertical displacements and are linked by a cross-basin fault zone that divides the' floor of the pull-
apart basin into several fault blocks [Doolev and MCClay, 1997). '

It is clear from the map of the study area that there is an overlap between the southern end of the northern
, 'f
strike-slip fault (Fault F1 on the map) and the northern end of the southern strike-slip fault (Fault F2 on the map).
The offset angle between these faults matches with that proposed 'in the model discussed above (115·-
lsD·releasing sidestep), The overlap between these two faults resulted in the for~ation .
of a ...major
.,-~. releasing
bend (extension zone). The northern fault extends through the island arc rocks for about 8.S 'kif, whereas the
southern fault extends mainly through theophlolltic rocks for about 815min the studv area and continues to the
southeast outside the map area.

Faults geometry in the.overlap area (releasing bend) are completel~ consistent with the model, where nor¥al
faults trending NW:SE and N-S are recorded. The occurrence of the vertical slickenslde along 'the NW: trendIng
fault described above in the granitic rocks of the mine site may also be taken as a good match with the model.
96 SAKRAN, SH. M. et al.

(a) Releasing >


Fault ...............\
.;7 Modified Riedel
' .-dr;r ~She?lrs
,,y' " ,
~ ~~
•• ~ •• , •• , •• ,. ,.
~ • ~"~""""'<

t-cm Displacement 10 em
Basin sidew?1i1 tormation - basin

- "- ---... I
~-UP 1'~ ~~

s-cm Displacement

Throughgolng principal
PDZ displacement zones

Basin sidewall formation - , PDZ

a-om D;splaCement
fault zone

-, <,
-, <,

s-cm Displacement
PDZ-negative Highly kinked
flower structure ,.
,. , sidewall faults

-- Terraced


10-em Displacement
-- -,
flower structure

Fig. 7. Interpreted plan view evolution of experimental 1500 releasing sidestep carried out by Dooley and
McClay (1997).
Hammash Releasing Bend And Its Control Of Gold Mineralization, SED, Egypt 97

Most quartz veins and the alteration zones along such" quartz veins in the granitic rocks, of the mine have the
same trend of the extensional zone (NW-SE), Most of the studied veins Show open-space filling structures
indicating development in extensional, regime. ,

The present paper aims to study the impact of structures on the genesis of the gold mineralization in Hammash
gold mine. Two aspects must be considered, the first one is how Hammash granite that hosts the gold-bearing
quartz veins and' alteration zones was emplaced (the space .problem)? The second aspect considers how the gold
was introduced in the quartz veins and the, alteration' zones?

Regarding the first aspect, it is clear from the proposed structural model for the study area that the extensional
regime associated' with the formation of the releasing bend facilitates the intrusion of Hammash granite where it
created a dilatation zone for the intrusion. Formation of igneous intrusions by dilatational process is considered
as one of the methods by which magmas are emplaced within the crust (Park, 1983). It is important to point out
that the granitic rocks were intruded on successive phases and that intrusion was synchronous with the
extensional process and continued later on. In the earlier stages of the intrusion, stopping also has been
occurred where some xenoliths of the island arc rocks find the ophiolitic rocks are found enclosed within the
granitic intrusion.

Regarding the second aspect, it is believed by the present authors that the intrusion of Hammash granitic pluton
resulted in the heating up of the surrounding rocks associated with the development of hydrothermal convection
cells. These convection cells were res'ponslble for the. mobilization of gold from the source rocks comprising
ophiolitic serpentinites and island arc volcanics ..The gold was redeposited as vein-tvpe ores' within the granitic
rocks. Similar setting for gold niineralization in the Eastern Dese.rt of Egypt was proposed by many authors (e.g.
Takla et at, 1989; Bakhit, 2001; Said, 2006 and Sakran et 01,2008).

The authors greatly acknowledge the Hammash Misr for Gold Mines Company for the facilities provided during
the field work 01 the present study.

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