You are on page 1of 29




e!d rhis )'rar wirh an issue full of engttgi'18 and
ng ruril'illcr 10 SPilIt. ruriosily, know/ruse, interesr
,.,. ,~

~'S5pU ; d
..: "IUI8inariol! in your slUdt'1lrs. J.J.;
md Ihis YfIlr III mlT',!!/ anlicipariOli of Ihe 11eX1.
1<=", n('W clulllffl8eS and OUT rommillnem 10 excel ,.,. 27
~ 10 bmrg you USl'ful and. !!pdUled rnalenals.
imd Ihis)'fUr sending you aU OUT MlII-'ishes for lhe
II:Ib1ay SffiSOn and a peareful and. SlJIisfying New Yew,
rro//y look foru'Ul'd 10 rneering you nex! R!brtUU)'! ,.,.6
A .......
Mo;5'Hj ..~ SUf'O" P' of..sst.c-Ji9-......
~~ ,.,.",
'Tt.4. Tu&..b-'S

".,.... ,
p",," 2

V;S;1 1VU"" and teU

us )'QIJ need. Your
suggt'l>liorlS ~nd requests will be
considered in tht' contents 01
next ~ar's ,ssues, 001"1 miss
this rnaOCt' to maJuo tht'
~magv.lne mQT1' dOSt'ly \'OURS!

EJtaJ ,ociaJ del Club EJ)JM recfbfra. muy
pronto en JU domlclllo un premlo AorpreJa
iii ........... Nota /nh. Sum" Syfnna. Ooato. . . ~ a....t;,o Som f. Drt IlJlIt Ur Cou=
.. lMtr, Ana/ill. AIsGcIas. o\fiUonn. • &wi. NBiJJJ2 B..mtz. """"""" - .
Sanm>, SIma Mana. Godoy ou:. McuJqm. .~ IlrwlkL _ ViRII. Comm,ts.
Btmanl,,,,. Kanlill G<zt>Ma, Vi/h! UuIa< AI;,. 0lnI000. • CGrmsm. Lo.= ArJdIMCor>Iodm> RI.-.....
... ~ Mari<o Altjand,,". 8tlpuno, CiwMd ~ <If &. N. • l""'~ Cintio: Uvmll, Os""/· eo.

- -
~bout ~

",,,", tlq'

just bri~
$M\t.I tr1e III

Yfty , . . tIw stu6fnu

wtII til: ~ in tIw
""" "'~houl ....uIS<'"
Ihry ~ ... n-rio:w... ~
~ ~nd - ' .... ,1.'1
they II.IYf ~.amt IJuou&hout
~ Pft'H"tl.. tIw MOfY fOIl
nuy ~Ik Itwv ru.--.c.y ~nd
.mJ4IItwion sItowInc thnn tlw
URIs OM' by IKIII' ..... ",ktlrc thnn 10 ""~tc
~ MOfY th""'«h q""'ions .... ""',ng
'n ........ tho:or own
This pnXf<lu ... .01 clt.Jllf'1ql<' thnn 10 ",,"lie
pKdicclons ~bout tlw following pictw-r and
tI~ tnd of tlw 1I0fY. ~ (.In all ronfirm or
pmv~ "'I'\)nll''- predktlons OIIC(' you h.avt>
,hown th~m ~II of the pictu~ .... p~lIle.l
tht ttxt.
You IIUY ,tltk the n,.,
canl "" ' he ho.:tnl J nd
J llow crlllugh lime for )"Our 'lUd~"I ! '" have
l look ,11 It lnd UT, dersldnd w liM I, goi"l: Oil
For higher kvell you may w ,lIlI 10 divide
Ihem Inw gro"p' J lld Jsk Ihem W disc" " the
Ilrst pMt of the 110<),. Yo uliser si udem. wi ll
net<! your 8u ldJn(c which yO !! may provide
lltro~h lilt following qu<'Stionl: /, Santa
/WPl'Y1 (No. ht' l,n'/II. ht sadl (No. ht
1111"1 • Is ht' 1Iwntd'? (\n. hi ... / Why is he
r""4'd! (J/~ has,! " gf!I his sh'iJ:h,) Wlrrn' is Iw look/'lI:
~I (IIr', lookin.t; m'a 1M oornU/lJrld",1 Ih,'
lV4rl;Ialll a{ Ihr wind""'I"'1 ,"" roo{.) Can fit' find
*WI' (No, hf raIl".)
1tere is Santa 's sleigh !

..... -
tb<Io SUld("fl1S cia 1M pI('S$II'I3 Jrod MGUCI wI'Inr hiJ
;,: h IlNJ)' br alllcJrn<"'R/ 1M .<laIIonIUI {runl 0{

)'0\1 Wf'ftr rhn:q:h ~

P"'ft'.iI ~ISIOII of
~ "rod 1M InIIn tho:y Illll!'ft.lIO pr,octiw• .odd
SOI'C'Ond pialm' .and lolloW' IhI' u_ proo.dll.."
auy .1St ~1I'Ins IiU Whm' lS ScUltIi nocrr
's II~ ~ W7Iat <Itt' ,My ~, Ozn ,.,..
_ s.mt1l·S Wqhl~"" IS IM,q Mrf<II&/ (I "",,',

R1tat about Rudolph , the red-nosed

r~Ihin! uRI on 1M bo.;ird "rod It'IIIK' Sludml. &ly why
~ pIl CJn- IMJI SJnlJ.
IS fuo 10 bUS)'1 Wh ...., i$ Poor Santa! He 's
• SCl
Sltmdl'lS' ls /1(' SIJ'IIIS "",i loomed!
/ is I,,·
pI/III/II< (JIl l (II/s
.o:nm) Wh~n'l. he 11011'1(/ AJJ lh" nf1h CJrd.nd "',
is I,.' Iill<'lIillj; III/ WI"U
I the " ud en": II'ha/lS.s.:..
Sama ',- , ilyilllli 0 ", ra" .<11' think;,,/; of? Wh y IIIl" If!,(
oC.'UQ 's '11'i~1I11r.'n'l rl<ililrerr crylngl Ha, .. /Yr
gf!I Chrtsrma5 prtSt'lUJ •
Santa's at !/OlIIe W/ult is Salllll SOfr.g w.M
ioUllh ~Jrd hri'IgS ~houl
. . . 8u('$$il\l, Whn I, Sail/II Santa looks
...,u:~ ImM D«s 1M n:u relieved!
- IInythlll&l (II bob II~ an
~",,~/a-') ,. San/II "'"~ With 1M w-lh thor
pkwnJl W/wl,$ Samll', SludtntJ ...iD rnd :!w -.:II
III)'ins' (I """ " boott·!)
... rod .lIS _ of thor ,.,on-.
it ....u u... ~ b.arP'I';.;:,.~
~!b"S<uwI /qfIiII&. ..:.":::rt~":'~ ~
slritJrl N'l"llwdlildtm "'""' 10 lifo ItiJWf __ ;~¥

115 ~ ......-up, disu1bur.. copon of phoI~ . . . .

on . , . 9 .-I .1St mn. 10 toM rl 01' wriH' thor JIIlI'Y
gJ<lUpS.. 10 -..I<ot lho$ .K'IiYllJ IROn' ~ you . . .
cui tbr IdI off .mel pw, thrm only Ilw picluns

For the little ones

$bow your $IudtmlS Ih ..
piclu~ J S )'O\I1l'.Jd tht
story. Rl>po:'allh<' $lory sotvff.o.l
times u mil lM chUdren un
provid~ 1h~ rhyming won'" by
Then giv~ Ihem the
p h01ocopialM on p,lg~ 9. You
can ,-u l lh~ piclures OUt ~ Tl d
hJve the children PUI lh l-m
into 1he righl ordtr Jnd colDur
1I,~m whj)~ Ihey Il'pN tthf


il1(1 in poster 2 lots of cure elves, which you can II is always lun 10 beeo",e someo ne c1"" for J while:
use .. s pan of Ih ose Christmas activ ities that
childn..., love doing. A: Hi' M~ Mme'! Peter, the good ell. wltars your name?
B: Hi! I' m Sim.
Cut Out ..nih.. pieoes and glue around tIM> edges of A: How old ~re you. SilO?

~~~ '::':::.ic'~b':;"""':i·~'
~ bolO";.II
8 : l'm~ .
a pockO"t.lor
!be lop and use J"ftIthO"
~ ribbon
You awy rompl('le !be deoor;otion 01 I\sk IbfflI to cb.onge mI6 ~Dd ~t !be ~ ~
tbfst. finger puppets by writing your SUidents' rwmes in glue and times with ~ diffl'l"ftlt !Ollie.
SDCkint! glin.... of dlll"""'l colours to rIM> glu..... il"ul t...rn child
will II.3ve l~r own puppe1 to Idke IIome as a gill. A: I[i' [ 'm SOny, the good <:if... 1>.'1 do you wish fori
B: [wish for a n<'W bicy<:I ../s k.tlcllo.1rdjvidt-o game. etc_
It Is a great idea to uSe Ihese fi'~('1 puppets to perlo"" small plays. A: Are you naughty or nice!
Dislribu te th e e lves and have the chi ld1"l'n put J finSer thmugllthe 8 : I'm nice!
pocke1 you have left open or put ~ sk("Wer through lOT Ihem \0
Iwndle it beuer. The elves wiU corne 10 lile and everybody will be A: Whal ~re you Wl"aringl
~.ady for !be perforrrwlce. 8 , Tl"ousen. ~ jacI<cI and boots.
/I.: What roIour if your jad<rl l
You CUI IIIo1kc up ~ 510ry IOf 1M duldren to JIft1"ortQ Of B: II"s blue.
ru-,.., lbem ~isf sbon ~ misin& Whol they
tw:e ~.arnt throughout 1M )'NT- You only have to P05sibilitin _ !imi!les;s. 'Ibu juK
givt' your pldy a name. open Ihe cun.uns and Ie< b.lw to lilke ;rdvanuce of tIH-
<native fun btginl children's enlhusi.Jrsm ;md

Ask the children to IlJme their elves. Hav~ puppets.

them introduce lileir puppet to lile rest (ask
uch other's name) and gr("('t ~ach other
(U)' hello/ good morning/Afternoon).
~ Ihe finger puppels in Ihe act ivities dcscritx'<l a i)(we,
:»cbild ren to help you de.:orale a nice Cilristmas tret' for the
i!o-~~. E" ery ch ild Can share in the dewralion hy hanging
dt on the bra nches a nd add ing colourful garlands. On Ihe
:::.J"I' brlore Christmas. they can lake their ,oU puppet hO llw JS

As J varian\, you m.,y p.1sle a Chri stmas·tn", shape cut out of

undula1ed green colrdboa rd on painrl-d constrUC1ion p~per. Ask rhe
children to glue small candl~ holde~ on rhe {",e. They can also
make small white b all ' of crumpled tissue or crepe P" pN 10
decorate 1he trcc. Then add little red bows to finish decorating up.

Th make this de,krop Christmas "e<' you will nE'("(! two pieces of
thin plywood. green and brown sackcloth and some yellow paint.
Using a template, cuI two iden tical tree shapes and open a S101
along the centre 01 one of them. keeping the shape together by the
tip , Co-'er the shapes with srren sackcloth and the trunk wilh some
brown sackcloth; open the slor in th e centre and assem ble it.
FoUow the same procedure lor the s tar and pa inr i1 in yellow.

Christmas tree you will
: red construction paper.
h a hUll, cork, J hean ·

st ar. glue a nd

!he heart·shaped Cllner. cut

,.,,;~ out of Eva foam. You may
. . children write !heir names
R hearls, PJste them on rcd
~~;';ion paper in a triangJ~,
• pol made of cork for the
111 the 1ree aod add a red bow
""'.o1e .
.!dd J gold star on top and
:at ChriSl m.>s Iree on Ihe
_ ...~, Or wall.
KmlM is ~ WOIldcIfuIume for~" ft>OkJf-y...,.
gmM' 10 test S1udmts' gn>er.d ~ on
M""t'f.lltopics. Srudenlscm shaw bow much tbry
" - ~nd ~ fun .>l the> same ~,
On PJICIeS 1lJ 10 24 )'UtI will fInd a ..t of cuds 'or
tlus ~~ CUI OOI.mel 1ami.... , .. .1$ ""'II)' SftS of
c.mIs .>S groups 10 pb)-

Th .. Te.lCher·s MJg.u.J1"Ie SUI""" TrivIa Gam" consistS of 36
qu.,,;uon cards d,v,lk'd in two $<!IS: One incl udes tile wl!-(jues'lOns
Wh<ll/WI!,cl!' - Wlwl - Wh<'JII. and the Othe,- 5<'1 includes the wI!
queSliol1$ Whcn:1 - WI,y l- lIow, n,is multiple choice trivia &,m~
oflers Qu estio n, on ,I v:tri~t y of interesting and fun topics lor
ch ild .... " 01 a ll dges. ~'or e.ldl question . lour J rI $W~rs JrI! given. Ihe
right option is in bold type_

Objective of the game

~ winner ill the l<:"dln Wlth !DOH' points soom:l once JJlthe c~rd.
h.ove ~ ~.od

How to play
~ get w groups. 01 SUI dlvi<kd IlIto IWO te.:uns oflhrft
(Opriotwl; tWO Lup: 1<"....., compere ~ each Ollk'f).

f..Icb group em w-Ifa ~ p.noa 10 I"1'<:Of"d 1M srorrs and lI"IO<luor
All !he c.ord:s ~ poin! f.x~ down on the table.
~ in e.oc:h group t .... f IU1m 10 pidc up a c.u-d and n:o.>d the
thn:"e quesbom ~nd tM four opIions Ior ...odt question 10 tlw
otbo-r Ie...". (Nne ..: the III •..., q,,",-ions Oft !he card ~ 10 JMo Il'aci
.and.ans>o"t'fni.oo pl.lyers c:.l1ll1Ol oms ...... i>efoIl' lisIminI: 10 the
four opIIOnS fIrsI.)
~ get .... po"" lor e.odl ro<rect ~ns.....- .md 6 .... in touJ If
thty '"'" . . . 10 MISWCI the thrff qursOOns on the c.u-d COI1"tUly_
All CMds used MI" dosurdni,o lhe -DiscanI Pile--.
Tearns 00WI1 potms Tbt Ie.", with the highesl fuW ~ is lhe
Where is Santa's sleigh? >








So Santa sat in He ilsked Rudolph, The day before ,,

misery thinking the red-nosed Christm",s, Santa •
of the children reirKie«, but he was couldn't find his f
who were waiting very busy and sleigh. It had to
forthel. presents. didn't he,,', OilIppear someway! ,


Have you seen my

Suddenly, he hei!lrd II He asked his elves,
sleigh, my wife loud laugh behind " Where's my sleighr
so dear?" "We don 't know,"
: "No, l!woven't."
his back; the elve$
they ilnswered
• had hidden the sletgh
said Mrs Claus
i• lo ud and dear.
in II huge grey S«td str"ilight away.

~----------------- --------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ------------ ---




8) Read tM _wen .. nd ,uk a bout ~ glrt'slene •.

1) How ,.. __ ,..... ", ..... __________________________ ___ .... " ..... ",."_",,...

3)WMI " ...... " ..... 1 Natural xie-nces.
4 , WhO! ",... 1 Skating.

51 ~If ..... " .... ", ..... _ ___ .. ..... " "... ", ..... ", .... "" .... .. ( C6rdQba.
l WO~ .... ~ _ _ «~..- ",,""'j ~ ~ ......., (. ~ ~ ..,..,...1 ....... _ It
;J ~""" '! PI" - . I' ~ ....... HI! q .......... 1. " 'I! (t< ~ h ' "" (0 1 '" (' :'''1'_'<1 ( l ''1 19 """ (Ii ..... It """ It "" I. ",•• (L IV '-'ox
~ ........................................................ _................• _....... _-----_ .. _-----------

:• IlEVISIOl'l CAIU> 2

••• •

Q Look M eM ptcturft and wmp6ete tt.. Hnt_es

witt. tt.. - ' " to be 01" '""'" got..

•• -_ ... l ) liM _ 9<X big feet>


l llhnd C _~ _ _
4J C _
-===:;;:;;,""" .......
sho<t ...:I $11m. 41Hu _ gee ~ts?
~ Iong ...... -
5J 0 Ind A •... _ .. _. _ _ ._.. __ . thin. (hey 51 A'I:_ and D tiln?
.................. " ..........••. qui!.. f~t .
61f illhf' Ch, ll\mi' A .", ................... a~ 61 H.lVe Band C got sOOri be~rd$l
~.. of glfn.

-_._--------_ _._--_
H. .......... .. ..... "" .... . .. an I:mpty bag.

.. ............... _----------_._------- ...-- ...... ---- --- --------------------- - --~ '

~UojI ..... ~ '... ~ ...~ (li Vlj ....... (. '
""' .. ...~ (f "' .....A R:,...... .....~ It (O ->06~~ ...... ~~ (I ~ ~( • .,.,r;_ K ~_ (l _~_ 1& D "'"
"'--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------

E) Wl"lat can father Christmas do? Write senl"nce. using conkon't.
















•o• ,
• -ii--_. _----------------------------------- - --- - ------------------------------------------- -- - -------- - -- ~.
-"", or "..,." (9 '>1;Q"""'" • ","' 1,"", "" IS :",0" q"'!f' " " "" I~ '"f'<'"O> "H I. ,... "'i' "" '''' l ,U"." 1< :)"J"ru "'''''' (t (~:.\.~ ,
~---------------------- ---------- ------------------------- -------------- --------------------- ----------
FI Now complele m e ..,nleMItS in !he HI look .."he verb!; in ue<dSt F. Complett me .pelling •

PrltS,nr ContillUO<lS , ...... rulH for ...tding -ing 10 " "rb. ••
1) A dog

"... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (to!ki}on dwicecanying

.. b.>g fuI of prtItIIU.

2) When ~

3) .o.nd when ..
..,mend<in ",', _. _ __
vern I'1'ds with eonsoNRI--'-'on..,.,..nt.
3 ) filherChristrnM, _ _ __ _ (ro~lnlheSN.

_. . . =====-===_~ (lo~J"'"
t J He _ (tocimtlJlln!e.
~ (to~~m

" ..... _--

" ... _ _ (to rick} .. 1'I'IOIOfbib.

61 He ... _ _
_ _ _ ______ . (10 aoshJ
_____________ trojumpJ over .. f...ce.
inlo" C<lI'.
>IN" _________
3) decor~te ____ _
O) w
91 dinct
4) grYe _ ... ____________ _ 10) drinIt _ .. ___________ _
11 ) _ _._ _ _ _
G) T.",,,foom ..... ten<H "bo... into 1M ~jw .nd 51 to.a ... _
iIIr~for ..... 6) p~ ._ _______________________ . 12) dn... .... _ ..... ___________ _

~ ... ----- ......-------..... ---- - - --- - .....--- ......... -- ........---- ... ....... ---- ........ ---- ......... ---.~

J) Wllit do you usually do .. t (h ri<lma, and on New K)Writt sentence, about what you do/do,,'r do a '
Year's day? Answe.theseque<tion< and Ih"n compar. (hrillmas. Use Ihe ve rb. in tht box.
th e anlWen with your friend.'.
dffor"'e ~"r .~"d lighr"" wrire mer buy help

2 ) Do)'OU buy new clolhel. 100- !he ce"'brations?

Do )'OU WNr Mly speciaII clothe.? "
2) ,, ______

3 ) Do)'OU fI"IM: relatives? 3J ______ _ _ _ __

4)WhMdo)'OU~""I '
6 ) Do)'OU 9" dMIcing? "'- - - - - - - - - - -- -
- ------ - - - 0)

v{) .
J 0 0
-_ .... -.-----_ .. _-----_ .. _-----_._----------------------_._------_._-----------------------_._-----.....". i
-.-"...' _ 1. '_0' .'''''''''''S If .,;....".., It< It I :&I!_ IO( ·'6upuop It """'., I' -.
~~ ~ (I II ~ (0 ~ If ""'-" I' I. '60.0 _ p<Of'"""""'" _ ..., _ If
~"'_II :11<••",,,, 1'1'" _ ...,do.., If
<!kJ( ~
<!kJ( """ It IH ;'_" _ ...... r.>u>J ' (...oodwNl"'! Otl It ~.,.,,""" 60"""" ... ~ ",., 0". ~ lVl!'" '<O¥Q""""" 0;.,.,.. ... ~
-_ _'" 6oIPlll"'l'" IS~ ............. ~ ""'!I"-' ~ Wppn>o ....... .--. " .." . 6uoquJP ... ~ ro"'" ~ l"'l Otl I. ~"'~ """"'uoI
_ _ .... ,..... ~~..- <1JOII' >W<>S".......' "I~"" _<\Ill) _ j 'If'N<"'Il"l .... "!~'" LVI! ""''''''Il_l!' ~'-
_ .. ""6ap.I( !!I~~ .. ~~'!(l'~~>"lo :60_ a~_,..."" . '.
6u!J,uo, all ..... 1100...,.. ... " ~"FI 6oq.~,.,." ..... 110 60. . "-"" ... !f ~""""IAO_j ~",... IIf'IO!W>'UO_J
I(~~!~ ~ .. (.y~
..-, > -' •
L) What were they doing when Falher Christmas came in through Ihl'! chimney?
Look at the p icture and make sentences.

M) The<e senlences are wrong! Can you correcl th em? N) Ask and anSwer questions about the picture .
Make negative ... nlences.
') The girl/donee?
') Granddad wa, sleeping_
2) A boy/look out ofthe window?

2 ) Mum wo, cooking. 3) Two bo)"lploy the guito"

4 ) Granddadl,,,,d the newspaper?

3 ) The g irl was danc ing.
5) M umll~y the table?

6) Dad/ ' it on the Hoor'

4) D3d wo, W{7fking on hi, computer.

7) The boys/open presents?

5) The dog wa s playing with a ba ll.

8) The dog/bark?

6) The boY' were ploying compu\cr gomes.

10) It/snow?
ft tree
rull of
Playa lot.
Draw happiness.
Meet interesting people.
Wal k barefoot on the wet sand.
Paint the afternoon s with bright colours.
Start each day with the biggest smile in the world.
Dance and laugh. Stretch your arms and legs to touch the stars.
Build bridges between friends. Imagine kites of wishes that come true.
Press tightly handfuls of hope. Invite peace to join in all your meetings.
Draw roads of trust. Listen attentively to the sounds t he morni ng brings about.
Climb hig h slides of hope and faith . Find th e magic hidden in your closest people.
Travel far, far awa y in your imagi nation . Dream of a garden full of trees in blossom.
Treat all the an imals with love and respect. Fee l the wind in you r face, hands and feet.
Give away long trains fu ll of smiles and kisses. Sing tha t song th at makes you feel really g reat.
Read your favourite book once again. Be aware that you ca n go even beyond you r wi ldest dreams.
Celebrate \::::-"]>'"'_ ::--:'"
Christmas 1
with joy
and love.
Cui .Iong the oute.. IInK.ond glue both part .. len;ng • podIet for tIM children'. fing .....

• • o(
10 ,
~~/ J :

~" ' -" ""' - ""-- - "- -" -- " - """"' - ""------------------------ ----------------------------------~


- - --

<1 . .-

1\ . .'

• ____ ______ _______ ___ ___ _. ___ ••• ____________________ •••• -------------------- •• ----- •• • --_. _------ ---------- -1

Gin9e.rbread maD template. (Sft pag".18and25)


.Jc"'------------------------------------------------_ ... --_ .... - ... __ ...... _-------------------------------.-,
"'---------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------~





- a,sc..,t'S
Dougl> Royall(lng
340grams plain Hou r 1 egg white
1 tea.poon bicarbonate of soda 200 gram. icing .ugar (apP'Qximale!yl
25 teaspoons grour'ld glr>ge-<
110 9rarm bulter
170 gram. light btown lU9"r
1 e'99 - beaten
4 tablespoons COIn syrup


rnixtufe mixing ~ 10 ""'" ~ cIoug/L

Now ~ fun begirtI.I
(9 ). .. ~ OUI on .. ftourO'd ..,rlxe 10 ;>bout 3 mm l hick, IIwn ( 101 -C-~_
using .. cun~ or a I~,e, (11 1 .... _ ... ___ ~ __ onto a lightly 9rNsed Of lined ~ Il~.

(12) _ ... _.~ ... _ .. _ for approxirNle/)Il0 to 15 minlfl'" depending on size of biscuit.
When they are cook~ ~~ on I~ baking sheet for " few minulM, m.:n tranlf.,. to .. cooling •
rMk. and """~ to (U) ...... _ ... __ .... _ ...... com~I~_ Meanwhile. pr<'pare the royal Iclng_
lightly (14) .,__ ... " ...... " ...... ...... the e-gg white. in • bowl. .Iowty (1 S) ....... .. ...................... in the icing ••
\ugar 10 ma ke a firm peaking icing. (II will look whfte and g los<y.) ••
With the icing (16) ..... .... ...... ...... ... ...... the bi.cuits in any w~y)'<Ju w3nl. You can also use colOured
\W""'\ as e XI ra decoralion. ••

Now (11) ....... and en)oyl
~ A~"'"

....-.......-----.-.--------.--_._------------------------------- .. -.------ -------,;;.-.;;;.;;.;;.;;;;:;;;;.(;~'
~ 'ti" ..;' _It':.oo» In "'-111 '>nd (II "'" (01 "'" If, _ !t:"""u ..... ~ _41; ..... It:do<p It",. II: ~ II ~
( Nam,.: _ )

Fo llow Ih,. pMh a nd write the WQ.d • .

~indu-r stocking Christmas !Tee misr/etoe !>ell candle manger gift<

I(~ I

!- 1" . . .

I ...


'" .. '" .. , " .



I" · '" , .. .



II One,. you .rt ~ into grouP>. ~S>ign ""'"

mernbft of eao::h tNm the task 01 k~ng m., """"'_
2 ) Put the ards fao::e doom 00 ~ 1<01*_
3) A me-rnbe< 01 II team picU up a card and a>ks lhe
otJ1,e.- Icam each 0I11le questions 00 lho! card with its <~ing
opt""'.. They must an' ..... lho! q",",lion aft .... liS!l'fling 10 its opt"""
41 The le.m will gel one poont 10< c"ct, cOIrect an,we, and fove poinll
in 10lal if Ihey .nlw.... the thrcc quest""" on the GIrd (Olrectt;o.
SI (l;Kard the c, rd _
6) Next ch"nge rote,
7) The winner Is Ihc t c~ m with more points'


mTlw:U>tdd~""" _ illtoe"""""'

t.} $ , '... d _ .. """"""

_ of 1M foIowing pb-. don no! )


WIIo w.> Mo,w"

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0011'961 111 ' _ eI''''' ~ 1990

_ MIlK !.onuo a.u. ""'~ gifts for


b l 000"11 tho Jo'''Nc_ bl ln 1912 <I", I904S d lln 1'I6\l

dI L>wiolg "'_~

111"'- <1_ 011'-_

o.I :r!1 Moy. IO'. t]4AoO)',''''

"'4""-" 114S
<I " S" _ , II"
.01"'_ 1111901 d"'''''' . 10'91'

_wn~ ""'IimOl)'rropinlwldl J [ ~ ] -- iotho~~1 J

I " ......--'-.-.~.-'.'----------------------------'"
o.IAlri<a ~I _ _• <1_-" eII!_

.)1 1 b ,3!;S <)85 dl12 bi N <I 2() d l15

(~] WhYdOZ"""" or>dl~.""""mipMl )

. )10',.,.....,.... .. _ _ _ b/ Tolloolp ........ _ o.ITo _ _ k_ """'" bi ro IIOI/fldy to.,..
<lTo"", ' ' ' - d )Tob<uod\'~ In ""_. <llo~~ d)To .. ,,,,,,,,,
Whe,. is U,,, colde st pi",c on \1>0 Earth'
Where? Where;, the woM', biggest "okano.
How? Why? How?WI!y? ,he Milu,,", Loo, ,i\U.,odl


Hew? Why? How many st." ... tiler. in the Mdky Wayl ~~,

How? Why?
How do bats ori..... ' t "",,<~tws; n the o.,\o:l

., >.boot 500 bl A_, 50,000 ~I They "~ ,...-. ''''" . <:J ,.....,. b) no.,. .." on KboJoca"""
<I About )00 ",,1IOln d}Abo<I' .00 bllliOil <I 1"" " '" ,",",~, dl They us< tfl<ir 'p"""

How? Why?
0} To9<t,)d otg<rm. "odd"" bl To<j<t mo<~ o'Y9<" . , •• _ _ _ ..... "''''-',... . .- . . . b ] To "'''''' _ , ,,...,,,,'"

..,, <I To '1'" W""",

, - ---- - _......
d lTo ".01«1 "'" ~,or • <I TO "")«<.. _ ~""''''''"'''
-------------------------------------- ----------- _... -. - -- ----- - - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - _...
d) To _ '''' "",'" .,,

,, Where? Where?
,, How? Why? W M~W" Tk lordof,n"Ringstrilogy lilmed ' How?Why'? Whe .... w., Chri1lopil<!r Co/umbu; lxlml
d) Poot<J<)oI
,, .'I'~""
,, Where? How much doe> ~ ad ult huma n b ,ain weigh!
Where? How ma ny ve rb, are ,her. in t hi, >en t~ n ( e '
,, Iklw? Why? How?Why? My bro' M ,. 11<>.00 sings . 11 dayl
., 800 g b)llOO g
." ," ."
:• r::::::~--------,
WIU'f~? Where?

i,,::"::.::;"; .'~l:::::::::--::::::::::::::::::------.1

H w? W.....,

~How."')'QU" P
Why do fOOstc<> crow at dayl ight '

blTo <.l>owthoy ..~ ""","ry

How? Why?

. 1 r~ .... d '" """ _ _ motHoo, ..",,, bl ' 0""","", ''''''' """' _

: <I T~ dofMd tMi".";t~ry dl To " ' ''' , ... ...." up < lT o~ ,"" w""'''. dlTo ..,.., ' ... .........
~ ---- - -------------------- - - ---- ------ ------ -- -------,------------ -------- -- --- -------- --- ----------- ------ .

Whe<.? Where?
Hew? Why? Wh. r. do<>< m., Americ.n p ~ nt li. e' How? Why? Wl>et. ;, the,mo l"'" tJ,oM in m., body'

~) r ... .... ~ , ~, p~~ bin.:, ~ """"" Hoo",

<I SuclO,q..,m P_. d) T1I. whit< ""u,. blH,nd
How? Why? How o ld j, tho un;•• ",, ' )

." ." <l , 1 dl ' 5

0) ~ bout 1()O,OCl(1 ",,,, old
<I ~bou, 10 m' _ Y"'" old
bl ~ boot =,000
d)About !J ,.mo.Y<'"
,,,,,, old

Why d o c.meI, ha"" hump,1 ) How? Why? Why did tho dino .. u" boecome extirKt l

0) To d<fffid f""" 0' ''''' , ....... ', bJT~"oufat OJ'''''''''''''''''' ""'" , _, _ ••_ .... m«""' .. ......
<0"' _ _ _ _
'"' " .. Urth
< . ~...- ., . """""-'_

dHo w" !".....

,,~ - ---- ------ --- - - -- ----------------- -- - --- -------- ---+- ------- --- - - - - ---- --- - ----- ------ - - -- ---- ------ - - - -,
How? Why? ]
Wh .... do or~nge,grCIW' ) Wile,. ?
How? Why?
Whe .. doe, the !)u:aing sound 01 in>ect,
come from!

,, Where?
,.)1_T"""''''' .
in.<ct', wM$>
""'" ,~
b) _ "'«<t',
dl Th< " «et'"o' = -

How many oon<'> are tr.e,e;n .n itJIult', body? 110.0 old ;, t .... foaional cha 'oct~ ' s" n S;mp>On?
HOw?Wlty7 How?Wlty?

bJ A,oot>d , 50

•• u_Where?
.. n~.... Whyi,.Mmoor\l", ca lledahambu rg",? HWhere?
w?Wh' Why doc, chopping ooion< ma , e u< cry'
: ,.-,:,",:,,. ""':''''';.~L.~~____~__~____~~__~__:-____J o. y. :
.) Th«e" 'Mm I " ~ b) - - . . " "Q.",-.JhlHombw9-Gc<m.>ny 01_",.,.. _ _ _ ..... .... ............ ,8oau>o,.,. . ...,,., . . = :
.J clA .,.,,,,,, , . '!ed Kombu' g",-,' <d;' <1""'_ ,""" .... .".". dl 8ocoo.o><.....,. ...... ,."..."""
dl""''''''''''' :
----------------------------------------------------"-------------------------------------------------"" /
"'- -------------------------------------------------,----------------------------------------------------- r
( H:;~ ] he... c\oe; . ~ 11V"?) : ,.";~:-: .:,;:;,;';.,;'..'-____W
W _"_._.._"_-__._"_~_"_'_'_'_"_"_'_._"_'_"_.._'_'J
b) ,up''''''''''' <I "'''''''

How? Why?
How mooy boob make up
of /'lam ia'
How? Why?
How ",<><-h of (he E."h', ,"tt.,. i, "," cr<>d
by w,lWl (percent. ge)

." ." <110 o1 61'!E> b! 7/ 10 <18 ' " d I9 ' ''''

How? Why?

0) To~ ' "" <ffip«<>< "J To~ C""",', bonI.,,/mm ,.vad." blToget '<l ofnie< cJ To h.". .Mi._1<> cooJ
<) To u,. ~ . . . t"",l;t
~ -- ---------.-----
dITo d i.<Io Cf> .. ;"' 0 tw<I """", ,
.. .. ------------------------------- ~ ----- .--- ------------------------ -- -------------- ..
dI To p«><""' ........ '"
Wh""e? Wh.r. ""'" the /iaion;I1 ct.,,' acter
Hew? Why? HomefSimpson woot'

.JA" .. _ ,.JJ,.th. o_........

. ., __ ,
~JAt """""'-""' Scho<>

d) A.,..,.,.._
.) e'....

Wh ..e? Where?
How ffiil ny <"",inco" ~rc t he", i n the world' Holol io<Ig ;, • Men'. NBA ba, ko,b,,11 ga"",'
"ow' Why? How? Why?

." dl l O ~I Two .... """ 0110 ,,', "'0""

<) '0<" '1"<""" 01 10 min"""
bl"'",q",,"'" of ,) m."'-"
dJ rwo~ of 2 ' m i OtJ ' ...

"ow? Why? Why do we ; hi ... when we are coi(jl
Where? ]
[ _ How? Why? _
WIly do bee> pfOduc~ hOOey?)
.}To k"p 11> """" ,,
<l To keep vituse< . wa,
dJ To,.!oJ< 00' m.." ' .... <I To ""'" it .,;, " 01'" ""'"",,,
r----------------------------------------------------,-------------- --- -----------------------------.------<'
[ W".,'
How? Why?
J • ,~::::::
How? Why?
.... ------------------------------------,
Whrrr do<, Spong. 80!> Ii",,'

.II~. "",.." pi, ""d"tIl,-, 0) Und .. . ,0<. ,"'Oo <.>nd

,II • ' ''H dl l OH'V," nd • ,ho "'

Whe<e? How 1""9 ogo did a~ d ~" go .",in<t Where?

How? Why? How? Why? How many ' ",,' n do moM adult dog, hav~'
on'~E ... h'

• J ' 5(1 '''''''''''''')'N'1_ b} 65 muoo" "....,0</ •

<) " " rnil lioo >"''' _ d ) ,5(1 billiQn Y"'" '9"
~122 bl ,5
How? Why?
Why o id the Egyptian, ltu ild pyram id,? Why do <t3r'twinkl~?)
oj Tob"?, "'<" "",",ooh. b l To"", ,hem" .... _ pl.xO'l ~!k<C"'*o/th , m<YV<m<n,<>I_ b) _ ti'>e)'.,....,. d;""",
, <) To <tore food dl To ....., _ ... work , <I S«""" 10ej> ~ the ",...""",
01) ""'''''''' '""" ,oIIc<1 tt.e moooIq/11
~ ------------------- . - -------- ----------------------- _l --- - - - - - ----------- ------ --- ------ ------------------ -,
, '

!l [ ;~~ J
How. n .. , .
Whr .... j, Hollywood? J

Whr ,r i< Oi<ney W<)(\(I? )

,,: .1 10 s,y, Diogo

<110 Sao1 f,aoc i«o dl " Ook ~oo
.)lM/odd_ <)loT .... '
Where? Where? How d id poeopl~ cleil n thei, l""th OOfo re
Ho .. many pbyen a ", I""'" in. ,oIleyball l""m' How?Why? too1h b ru;~ _ e invon1ed1
How? Why?

: .)' b! 6 <) 8 d l 10 . 1 TIMy "sed ""'II' '" "'<" f"'ll<" blThey u><d >ai,

!,, I.~::::::".--------------------\' [..--.<:';':""':;];.~:::.:-

Whyd"",A!od<lin w'n11obe<:ome.prirK;c' ,: Whore?
. ............ Whydobi,d "ing'
i _ .A
Huw, Why.

: ." .. "y .
glngerore.>d m.m ~ ~ lHocu,l ~llJpN like J mJn Ingredients
willllhe drm . oUl5lreH:hed Jnll chI.' legs 51181111y
"""'dl~ . Thi, "JdllionJI WIUj)eJn recipt' Is
11 • F' J r>CI' and [ngland
plnin {/Dur
biol/rollal.. of .run
bllll ....
/q:lI/ broil," suga.
~ """
''/:I> ,,>/ill..
lfIVt",d gillgn ..,," Iflltg $''811.

.l1l.I h • 1..1:"1 '1 Th I""""nI Ihl.' new vucOlbodJry. usi,,! ,,'alia is a I:OOd option.
Om. Show I"" utensils SJylnc thl.'or IIJIII('$ ~nd mJkin& ~Udl"fW.5
'""I""it. "f1won you un pock thfom one by or.... ~lId .-Ilrillheir
Aclion.s (verbs in the impemtive (onn ) rwnes. or show Sl.llIk"ntJ OM (III_ ulensils .mll m.lke questIOnS
lib:: t. thi .... InlSj:)OOfI or. I~f I Which of 1""-' is J

an.olso mirno-liw ~1oN Jnd Ak ",,,,,",,,,10 guess. or

'J\)u tIM'
pklrun (II d", ... ,"&1 CNI I~ boJfd.

II you do noIlww 1M 1.K!l.un 10 m.:.U-,,,,,, hisarits". school.

Kitchell utensils you .,... cuI gingLl b."';! met! 0111 of brown toRSIlUCflOtl 1Up<.'!".
...., 1M tempLoll.' OIl. P-'S" 16 ... nd ~ chlldrnl decorale lhem.
il.hey......., ,..,...1 biKuilS.

,,!hid, •

.', •

.p1\#.IIo H rI -... noll.... (;f700 dD _Ita"", ~3

.. /9~ ..... OIIICT. 700 nm 1ISt" .. If"lRpltHl.'
end ~ nil 1M 00utJ0 u.uh .. bilk}

mDli1l& racl: ..
• •

ec rt .....
W;"I"" S" ls li£e (l l New Yea r's Eve (3 1 IX'c<'moer)
J.)ff<.>ml>erj AI midnight, '''''e'T)'body
"So lstice " COI11 e'' ' fro m t h~ eeldll \'I~' tll~ ,>,\(I of O,l!' y~ ."
1; ,1 ;" words ,vi (' " II) ." ,,1 Jnu tlw beginn in): of the nexi
siSler'1! (to st.m d); ~o Winter There ,we differc'nt ways of
o.ol<t ic.~ m~,"" ' ,"n r<'Cei ving th,' New Year aro und
slanding still in wimer ", Ih t' world. In Londo n, for
When Ihl' Ilorlh£rn in< T,"'c~. thert' i3 " fi r~work
hem isphp.r<' of rhe r~lf!h is dis l)IJy owr tilt' Th" m"" i" ' t .lfter Ihe llig Ikn chime, are
tiI!...:! away irom the Sun . it rc'C(,ives k'"
sllnl~;hl a, the Sun h,,,,,'d twd ,'c limes,
~ the low.,,;! point in thl' s ky. For this "''' 50n, tll " ", "re
obon~r ddyS J ll d IOll ger lIiglo ls. Aro llnd 22 ~" m h" r. tl'" World A IDS Day (1 December)
v.-,ru~r 50lsl ice <JlJ rh l h~ short~'S( dJY of file yCJr J nd the Th~ 1'11'1'0'<: of this s]Jed"l d~y is to cre'ilTe' giolMl
IJ.og<nniIlg of ,il,' winler ,;"" , on. conscionsness ~OOU I IIlV ,"1( 1 I" 11J')V i,l ~ " 'P I"'fI
lO p<-'<J ple infC'C!l'd wil h HIV/ AIDS . This year, tile
Christ"" .. D~y (Ilank Ilolid"y / , log.", 3"YS ' "SlOp flIDS. K,'ep tbe Pro,nise_'
I'u blic l1olid ay) (25 December)
Dll ih is dJY Christialls ,'dd".,le Ilw I nt er,, ~Ho,, ~1 D.Jy "I
birt h of J~lIs . II is one of file most Di,"'ol~,1 Pe.-sons (3
,'xd ling days of the ye." for c h ild r~n. D,'<:~ ml>er)
oc,<:au;" f" IIIili,-, ge'! IO;;l·t h~ r ,"'d r1lis ye.u 's Iheme' is
£xch-\l lS~ gins u i1 (le r Ilw C hr iSTm .lS · COI ' '''·IIl io '' Oil Ihe
1,,-,,', Ri):hts oi Persons
witil D i s ab i li l i ~s :

•. H.,nu k ka h (21 J)ecemocr - 2~ Dign iTy .", ,) JLLst ice

[M ember)
· lllliLU ,
Thi s hot i d~y com('S from tlw tim€ when
J Ud,lh reclaimed ~ lemple from Sy rian
for all of us .. II i, J
ti TTl e 10 ma k ~ . l
"'''n m it lll~ nt to these principi<'s ,lTl d to ens ue(> the Rights of

, .
King AllIiochus IV. When Judah a" oJ his
f()l l "w~r s w.'''' prep."ing tlw temple for
rededication dndthey we're L'oin ~ to
r<"ligbt UI<' ~~"ddJ b r" (M ~n"r,'hJ. they
r~.I lj , ,,, l t h .' 1 I h ~fe W,lS enough oil 10
Persons wit h Oi,,, hil ili,,,,_

International Itu",~" Righl S P .l Y

(10 Ik~e "' l,...J
all Ihi3 dJ te in 1918, Ihe Un i t (~ l
bum for only on ~ day. Mirac ulo us ly. N~t io1l 3 J dOp ll'<1Ii1 l' U " ive,~ ,,1
m..tii nle oi l lJ sted <'ighl d,'ys u,*l they fo"nd more oiL Dc'CI ,II·" l iOl ' " f HlJm.'" Right s in
"i;) ron> n>~,,,or" t~ H.lIl llkbh (I'<'tledication), Jewish fJmi lie"S res pon se to the' horrors of W"r1d
Irg!:: a candle e~ ch of Ihe eigh l d;,ys , I Il~y prep ,, "'," <jlK i,ll food W,,, II. All hum,In being, .ue
Inrd in de"!) oil tlla l rq)r~r n \S the oil thJ t lJ 3ted for so many ~" l i l l "lt o hdsic rir) n . ~nd
~ Jnd chi ltlren rece ive gifts each night. frce<lom •. Ih e ri" hl In l if~ .,,,,1
litx'rt y, in,,',1olll of expression Jnd
Boxill g D., y (Ila n k lIol iday) (l 6 " lll,' lity before Ihe lilw, tlK' rigilt 10
[)ff~m bcr) pan ic i p'l\~ ill (:I ,Ii ",,' , Ill<' , igh l to gel food, the' right 10 wor k
Th,· (I" y " fl ~r Ch ri' tm.lS i. ,1 pUhlic " ,,(I Ihe ri ght to r",.- civ" (~lu e" l i(l ll
holid.lY in the Unite'<l Ki!l~doI!1 , CJlla(1it.
New Zealand and Aus! r" li.,- Tr.Hlition .,lIy.
Ihis <I.IY W.1S ~ ('VOIPd to hel p Ihe poor by Sm.-tN
giving them som,' gifl . ins ide a COII I" ille r I", I"I!><".<1'_ "IX>1ian,j'itl"'" '''''' .s"! •. "1f"'-"m"Vf'~1 " ""'/J,'<'<"'/>.'" Mm
~ of wood or cla)', c~ l ied Ine "Cll ri' !I1l Js Ixrx·_ NOW,' ~.,ys ,
IU ' p;(/1<."" ,_1."1"1,,,,," ""/d",,,"kill!(
IlIlp.!/<>'.".,. <ip,,1ia,"'11'" k ./N..... , ,,>If
_ Ir.odition ~oJ1l i '""" ;'s " "'l'ioye", giw .1 L'hri >l ma s bonus III 'PH~'U'tV_"" .«IV"""'"V""','1-'1m/
~ employees_ " " pH"" ""_ w ,.Oft! JiSdbilir ["Metm.lI,"'1"",,';'1 - L! ~ J~d - 109
<"f\'is. wolldcrful idU lor thc MY' ""fore school • lnvile J mum. dad Dr oIh ... (.lmlly membt-r 10 rome ;,- .::~
holid~flI . tan. TIli" "lippy-Holiday sign is a c1Jssou(Om .,,, ,llmprise the (hIMrfn. Th,"), (an ,ing J sor:~ ,,,... "-
col o LITful dl,<:orJ1io n lor t he' d""groo m .1ll d il c~" siory. d r,,",' u p .IS ,1
lx' Uj<'<J ,os" ~.ll rnd,lr a. w~ I L 1I 0w Is t! L1d, dow n . elc, (TI.i' .'Cliv ily

~~~~~:~::~'~:::":,~ a nd <'xo;l;,.",lliOfl
shouW bt- mark ...""",,,fI{,
14 schoola
will h .. ",· In I", ",.-pared

j iKlivity 51JU",1 in "",va""".)
.. P"'JId'" ~ bcaUlofol
Chrimna. gifllO like
CWIM len..... MWI lhoP acLomation nuf1c ofthi' sign 001 of f.V~
him or c.mlbo.lrd 01' diff........ ' ooIooB. You CoIn' lhoem 10 • M~k a hi; Christ ......
mate !hem LosIlong« ~nd ~ them as rtwll)' tin .... .u)'OlJ rll'Cd. W"'JIII and d«or~I" II ...
\!~kl- ]4 spcci~1 orn.lf'l'Wnts R"Iat"<l 10 ChriS!m •• ~nd New Year"' • Pup IJOpcorn .11111 plJY

h~~ns . • tJr;. doves. JIII\"I •. dC __ .nti h,., . • uch JS cach of J g.Hne lor,l'lhl'f.
litem iro m.1 d i lfcrl' I1 I I" I I~r .1n ~ exc lJ rT1 Jtio n mark with 5()",~ • IMorJ le lug.'l hN.l h ig
ribbon'" threa d. T hitlK of a fun act ivily 10 do in cl" ~5 du ring box fo r i\~ " " 10 ~Iw
1h('S<' 14 dd)" lx-fore the OCginning of tile ho!i<iays, w,;t~ d simplc aWJy, PI.)C(' i, ",mi.'Wh.·~
IIlSlrUClion on d "i~ of I'<'pt', ,111<1 Slick it ~l th .. b.M:k of Ndl visihl .. in Ihe school for
om.unl'l1l. l'W'f}'body 10 contrihom-".

~ dJy N ~ different ... uoJ"n.

...Jut llw .lCIivity is
~bou! ~nd
t" dcI.Jd1.on onumenL ElpLlin
.... !hc.-n• ....;or 1"'-'rnK'Ivt"S.lS Iht-y
'rou C.&Il .. I ... include ~n
ouldoor .ocr;Yi,y, '<Jell ... ';g lhe childrrn 10 ,Iw park c;
erNm shop. and in'-;Il· 1....... 'lS 10 go ~kmg wi,h )'OU.
Below ~,~ ..,me ",~jo'" [oi CQUrsc II'><' :.cIivi!i"", will Ik""r1<l Older 'lUd"m~ (.m do 01"'-" ....,,,.ilit':s Ih.Il demand 'hp "--....
o n Ihl' children', "'to...', I... el .. nd inlerdl$, ,md also on Ih~ .,.,... ila blc fI.'.lIling Jnd woillnr" I ll"'~ ., .... some ideas;
f.d Ii1i,-" ,) :
ill \Vrile, 1 ('lI~r 1() SJ llIa l i" i "~ I h~ IhlnG' yo" wi ~h 10 r.~''-~ '-'!OdI
.. Draw a nd colo(Or Wlldl Chri,unas meJn. !O you , III,' lfo.'O!. You mUSI """m'ince ~IlIJ Ih,l( )'<'" have N't'n ni, .. J..:.:
• Dr~w your fa mily on holid a ys. II....-rve Ih<= gillS!
*' CUI (JOlI while dov<'S 10 decora".. II ... """"'room . .. Make ChrisHnas ~nd 1>1...... 'feJ",
.. Ilraw. d(ororale Oul..mus-rt>i.ue<i Of""nll'fll l. • u.·Jrn ~nd 51118 Chrislm.tS ""rolf.
.. Uscrn 10 a ChrlSlIlloU >t."..,._ ... M.. ked big noIkdxwd and wrilf' II"",... New , ...... ,·s
.. ~ ~ biJ; Christll\.lS u~ 10 d<owr;Ile lhe classroom. l'flOIu,ion$.
• Dr~ .. ~ big sc .. , "nd p..s!C sm.>11 crumpll'd pifaos of p.I""" on il. • Wril" dboo.U your pLons for tho: ~I holid.Jys.
*' Cook some yummy ChrislfNS biscui15. • Watch .. Chrisun.lS mov ....
41\ S"'8 J Chrislma, 5Ong. .. Rl'le-ilihe 1n.>C SI01'Y of Chri.,mJ ..

o o

IdN. are e nd less , Ld Y" !J f imdC;" Jl ion n\, .. n d tx- C"'dh"~
Child",,, will su""y h~ve fun doing Ihese activillf'S and;, _
gredl wol}' '0 mark down 'he Wys onlillh~ long-.. w.lil~ .. ""1
\0 o
cc Schools,)J't' org.mis.1I1ons which n...-d 10
gu.or~m,." 11I.I11<'nrlrm&.OO iro17nr.,o: Mr
goirq; on.oo when f~milk-s d«i<Jto 10 ""

o c tIK'ir ch,k\ml1O 011(' JOO 00II. 10 .100lhl'f.•

is two:....... IIwy hclk'vt> ,hal instituuon ..-:
.-dd 10 the pi'I'5OR.lI and soci.lI.-.lucotion
Ih.1I S1aned off ~t """"'" 'it's! F~milie5
n:lurolr on 1lIl/1/JI'$ .111" _ ~ 01l"'1Hiunf;
011 Iht'nI and lrom! SlIme lilDl' oJgO I he.l"!
CIl.lIIM 11" millennium was 1hE'= of
snvul'. Isn't il l(XI risky th"" 10 .....
td..allrOlr JS Olle! II I. probdbly "as;.,,-, 00
doub!, slott )'01.1 are b.Isically IrJII~felri ng
your own l'I.osponsibilities 10 ulh ..... hul lhe
r""ull' will d~'finitely be far from po.ilke
bl"CJU:it' tlw s.. ' of ~.11u"" will not depend

),,'",. "fl ~" wondered why

o on Ihe family's belief. bUI on th .. schooh
Or ,"\I,'" Ih" I~Jch~f'.
lli p ,prof,'S,;"" is
•• I thin k th,'re M,' ~('n,' ill things tha i CJn ll<'
den" tu res<;\ ,e til e (C,]Clling profcossion
lro m KoinS dow I\ to the drains, W,· lilsll)'
m n<.'e<llo IJiu' ~ prof~ ssi o n al ~lt itude. Ha\'~
~ AI,..., Jt r.lndom, Yl>U ill you :K'\'" huw often p..1wnts com,' 10 Idlus
numbolr of $ludl'nl~ who are inl",,-..I,'d WI' shuuld do III the d~,,,oom .
- ~otmg lh~lr 1ivt'S 10 INching )M' Wh,'fC WI' ",,,,,Ito s il lhpjr kids and CVl'f\
drtR-~ consil.l,'r~bly J,~I:!Q has th~ stwre Wilh US techlliqu"" ami 'lrdl~es un
r~ .. ,at .. at 1M tond of I'V<'TY .KiMl.. mic group handling: No w~y! Why i<- it thai
....... AI this p.JC\'. in tlfty Y"'.lrs from now. the5<' Urn" ""...."s dll IlOl go 10 a doctor
~ ...'ill f')U\eo" ",",VI1l<' ..xtinct or be in .. lid Ielilhem what ItK'dicine their children
~ of nllnction. Ill'ed 1O!.I1<c when tlwy are ill, Iww oft ....
o tlwy ~ 10 tuve blood lest.<; done or
~MlS"'~. I iIfl'''''t. lit'S In $OCirty.:to .. wMn they Iu"t' 1u corne b.od lu _ Ihtom'
...........'h). is l1!1w wnw,' 'i ..... .JgO our Tbrir JtUludr IOWJrds them is diffnmL I
F-.ndpdmJU hIshlr .... Pf'C'!~ ,eolClwr5 1m Ilk>}'.ut highly rcspMed beo:.,)~ tM'
~~. bt>I,,"\'<!'d they ~ 1M ones SHIll to know what tMy , ... doing.. Wrll
..-taa .ould bclp IbN child,.... d.>veIop the tllm. if thl$ 1$ lhe ColSI'; this is what we
pmm.ll. and doC~Ic.Jdlls!bey should do.lS wclJ • 1M way ..... ~pproach
-.»d to SUoI:'M."d In 1if~ Whd! h.Js them should .... profO/Wona!.
&iit>PtDtd 10 OUI ~Y"~ 'hKI Uul we
U. b«omf no mor'f' lMn ru.nnies who 1l!.Kh and monitor your s,.,denl5' progrnl
..... .n.r ChiLdren. enl('f1~ln [Mm. ke<."Jl on a WIly 1Msls. This is your ilm and
__ bus--.iJ1d teoKh ,II..", d co""t .. of foremost concern_

~ ~ ~nd Ih~r .. "mong .l.l1lh"lriv;~1 Ik pollie and r\'Sf)t'Clful.11 all times. but do
~ ...'t' .IT.. """. JSkc'd to dol Schools ~ allow ,\ usual relaliulI,iIil'.
~ b«om.. WJ .... hOOSH wh"", child"", lkIIave fo.mall)'. If I",,,,n" Ill'ed lu talk 10
_dumped uri)' In the m(>rning ~"d you. du ,\01 do Ita, {he door.
..a.dr~"71 in the Jftl'moon. Most parents<! .l proper al'poil!lm~nt Jnd record
_ ..~ ~UCJ1" I twi, ch il dren, til")' WhJI i, diKu~st'\I .
......., OIh"rs!O do Ihe job for t h~ '" "" d if Study, .' Ilend workshops, analy~
..,....,.ruct of thdl procl'S~ is not good hihli og r.lphy: plufe.~ion J li s m is d ynJ mic
- . . . . II Ii .. tWJ}" ~.\iI;er to '''''. an" I},.e Jnd it i~ ,."senti"l {II be updaled with lh~
.-:I udCt' OIllers thJn 10 "'I\",lIy go over n ~w conven1ions,
_ . _-.n dl'Caion~ , Iwlse them and ,pOt Show you CJn' fOI the student and lhe
_ thro," ..~m wrol18. individual in your class.
to rl.-scribe bt'havlOUf ,lud .Kh,",~1
but.wood LobfI~ng "nd PJ5';ng
:X!~, . SI.IWSI OIhn COOnes 01
rtxm.. InvolVl' the p,l1'C'lllS '" 1I1ri.
childn:n's cdOCJOOn.

o •
F...."OU. prof~1 ewer afft:.ctlVl'
Ul''O/1It.'mt'I1t. ~mber IIui. for 1M
~ to be salislactory the wU.... n«ds 10
he pan of it.
Work ..... pOOsibly - you need 10 mod ....
comJin JII'ludes Jnd valu,", lor)"VUf
illIdenl.: elfon. punctuality. onI ..........pecI.
and mannen. ,unollg others.
I'm proud uf I);;;IlS a t".}Ch"" and the
moment you "Of! feeling Ih .. joy and
pl easu.e le,lehlng J lesson giv{'S, quit - do
'IOm",hinc cI~'i which have n""cr been pm!",rly prep.1m1.
Set limils. Chol~ such n. slicking glvlng stUdl'lIlS ",,;v ili.., ! h~y i n v~m ~I 'hf
inV il,lI ions to bi rt hdJY ~"rt i('S . bl' in ~ Ihe
go ·OCIWl'<.'n .' "IUIll! pJ 'l" lIS ()r providing
'tuMm. wil it SII I'<!I! of PJper J Ild ""Ilei is ()
( .pur 01 Ille moment . corn'Cling copybooks
a nd ! ~SIS whil e sl ude' nt, 'i t dow n Jllilen
plJcl'$ Jnd ,"", it for Ih~", or ",ke Ih~ s~ m~
" n.' not ynur rf'!lponsiltililil'$.

Secondly. it would b<.' impon~m to try to

!<I ke .-.etioo, \\ie 1lCt'd to be """n in J new
o •
old. yellowislt I'icrul\' year a fter year.
I\>rlurmins ",,,l1l111'an. doing Ihe .,.,lrd'
clau Jctivities J$ pmfessionally as rhe
actuallCJching Jnd in Old"" 10 do so, paid
llghl and tltlS b;t,ic~lly dt>(l<'<>ds on u •. lime Is csscmiJI. Socict¥ needs ru
lLlV(" you t'\'ff wondered wlty lit., most undcnwnd IIII$!
p .....,ig.o..."B in lown iOO1>ll"
:~rllng jobs undt>!' IIw!- Ul1'gllfY of Fln.!IIy.1 would Itke to pOint 00'
......i<n ~nd not under prof..ssionals! If
uo..rning "Ad IcJrnillll are PJ'amol).mt. wby
IS II that o:UssH JI'I' ~ if iIJ<.ot"e is
c somc'Ih,,,& tlt~1 n ... y ~ qul1~ dl.'hn.ble-
1M If.w:!llng prof<!'SSion is {n, - il is"
fH'lm,. not only J;oo. I h,),,,, often h ~J..-d
DO Walei' or I~ ct'fllrJI MAing is out of roIlc",ues .... ho .odmll b.Mng ~
order. or if _ _ _ 10 ~nmd I•.lining 'exhEn b«"U5C lhey .... W Iong1>r rulIllDf<
count'S wlticlt J~ no mon' than ~ to Iw:tIidays. ~ ca n 5poond lhe win,.". brrn
5-""" tlut sorrK'tiun& (Cod kno1ws Wlul) IS ,._ _ wllh ltwir own chlldrm or they bdiel·t iI
bring dono:! I wmr\,me5 wooder whot! Is the ide.ll p.lINunt';ob beu.- 11 is
~ing our siudems l1ll""ns figluing for highly f\aibif. T"beH R'.15Ons ..... not
.utd d~ing tbar Ifssons twoc.a ..... tMy S1i!'fious enough, they ~ not valid '
..... p.uamounl. ,i!"lCe lhey Iu"" the right to " Whert' i5 the 1'.......... '" - Ihe magic 01
~ laugltl on J daily b.lsis. le.tdli,,& Jnd leJming - in th .... d«ision'"
I wonder. Unlmlun.liely, nowhere to be
H:gItly qu.llifled professlonali.m invulv..s found and Ihus lhe joy, Ihe ""'sic, the
rMnunera,.,j ,i~ inside and oulside lit" miracle lhJI C'X" on in ",,~ry l =n
das.sroom. ,o.I><I't from Ih .. actual leaching, "am5hes intu thin ~ir. Only IhOS<.'" Il.'ach..."
hdve many olher rl'$ponslhilili<"S which who ,lr~ lucky "nough ru {'YeT ha"" iel'
DO'<'d 10 be JlIunll'lf. If !hut of our job as Jny ollhl.,.., C."' IJ ndersland Whdl I me.lll
...ache" involv('$ pre-p,l ring le .. on •. when I invile you all 1\1 1\1<1" for
;gn ing malerl.ll or activ ities, (Ull sulting professionalism ,111 d giv~ rhe geneT~rio".
liography. kccpi !lS uIKl .ll e<! willt the to collie the 11O... ihil il y of h,wing Itighly
_ trend s ;"'J COlrf'Ctl ng exorci se's, QUJ li fil.'<llC.1Chcrs fn ,he'ir d"$s~s in .. e~J o' her eXlra·!l'$W!' dul i.... Ihis lim e of .!"'akit\8 "oou' Ihem as pro[""io"ol.
Id ~ fu •. In order to make ('nds whu hJv~ h,',:oml' exline!.
. s"nw rollugues work two or t'VeIl
.h,f.. and "nd ullleaching I=n. .11> M an;' Lidia C.ompotJV
2007 2008

Tr .. ')2 .I"",' "orr "",,, '; Ce'<brJt;n!" CI.l!Sloorn l.lJl,f;tl-lg" lu ll' 5, V,1>,ld II",· u " I,,,, ~, g, f ,
Nutrit"n. div=ity. kffi.- ,"ki n~ rnn L:',",m"".·,,' ". , "",,"1 ''';gh ' ,,,f1<,,hl,
Wd , om<, w'n',,! l'<»Ior!, '-""<'io; "[, 1"""1",,, >1"".- $...,, ;,, ~ ·"·".1" .....
~ I")W ,
'10,'00, , h, w ,,,,, . , , ,, " ,," ... ,Ill, ''', ",h ",""liM.
TIM N" ,07 O<tol>«

Nu""''''g ,'x- I..I, XQI'I c., Lffi<j.,. Who!" ,; "",;
M.,' ;"S &'''''' ","'
of T"~ TI" NO % 0<,_, Po<<<t], 1<)}S Cllo:-o>J.l"
"', wi,,,,,[,,,,," N>xy Tb<.· <of
in fFL te.l( h i"~ [l'drt !1 Pos"" 1, CI." """ n g' "~ <k" " g' T''''''' h"!:
L b~. y<'" l ~ (>o; , S'' ''''y ~~, ,, ,,,.,, . Moody I,VlgI}>g<, \WIcomo. CI, ,,room m,n'f.O'!n<nt ' l1ck T.x' The' fo,
w,·h' 'S- . . I,'''' I}" "y H, 'I0",,,.,, Art '1''''' ' "fYi, ,1 of ,"" ""-'/)' ".'''
W UlVJCt iront.1 F1 ~' 01 ,he world ITM N' ,(1(] M.",h lI.'" r;""" ,' ,,-, " " lIow"",,, ! Lot" ;.;oro
Ank lo.
r,oOO ,,,,,.'
W~.1t " "'~ c,," TI", Iuf'" "," ;w "',, S"'g"'g So ''S> e ll - Ju,,'''' 'I""';" ~ "e>, >00 n<! """"' !
" ' k ",~ , co..! ,m ' " f T 'C, ' pro ,,1r,oit'on H ," ,~, ' O " ",;e "", 51'00')' lolli'"
',_'''''e,.. 1,'- ""').,"g
H"L ;" ' H " '"d ,;,,<; I'M 61' The "'1J',i, i"1. OOIl--"or ""'i.iti ,,: IRI ', m,,,,, 11' ri"i F.,"JII \' f),\"
Mm.., w,,~ !,O tool, ;o u ' ",-~' oj rI,"
Ent:,);, h ,1000, 11 O"" ,I "~ , [.• ", I},,,,-,
.",' k" ,," , 0"""'il y. Th>ch«> S~''''' Worki n~ 1 ,\~l>.lS" ",,,,.,, 11.· ti m." F~ ""lo m of N,";" ,
wllh 1i[('f .U ,,'" r"." lhe Wh•• i, l J\-;Jh], 1 ""',~, Z: v<'"
"10 De-, l'<op\<"l in 'h< Am<""...
rrM 'J.< J"lf 1007 ;n,;,k """"-known Ty»("< of ~")j"" , C" ",I, ',-'; L,,, ,·,',,,,;o<Ui
1<""''' wi", vern. u f "ori.. w;, h . !Wi" Whoco ,!ox>< i, """'" T'M N· I",' '"Iy 1 ....
'!~""" """"
I"'fC <,\xion. """e,' I , '1., t.', In." n; ')1", ,,'" 01 , ~, rixt~
,m",,,,1;,,,, K-Sl ', r, mily. CU I.; CooO<nt , 00
,Olio July, IJ" I'I'" 1"" ,,<1', ",,'e< 1, Spooky Pr<><'"","' Leo ', pl,y wl,h l.l,~uW' ""''1:'''''"
",,. ,""",,,,'r>, M_ y I),"")', A f\<lm,,, n,yinr, wi, ~ '000<,' L-,-,",,\u'1l,
I ' l"l i" ~ ~·; t h ...,,,O(!,, C",... ,oJ Llt;n roo" fl "",' ,. " ,, " I ,I ,, ~ ,k",c W."k"'g , " ,. ,~ "'"
Mu,k 'Q yt}ur ""'. TIM N· 97 ~O"<Oh""r ~I\C ; n . "",,,, CI.I I., C.. ,,,·,,, .". 1 ",,,",w
Rot"iv< prono un, " oJ ,~
," All(:'
~ '," , ,, y t ,", J'<;'''' ''~' ,,,"W.,,. . Ll<.'. '; Il~ w;,,, ,,,-,"<liet. A
, ," "'10.< ,,,', S""" i>o!;J.'Y'! 100 u",lul ti[" lor LcIDl;"I', ",bool ,nod;"HOff ~ ro j «!

SUI'" r En Lm " i " """" SOory : l ul ;" n·, ho li<l ',~ , , o.x ~ o " ,-".' ,', [0 you " " .J I,, .h'W '" fI'.' " 21
1\i,j, 0Il;.< C'Jll'_ Tr,,,,,lIi"l;- Sl "", ,,~ " "'&' SJ~"" " " " ",'I:"
,_,., I, '1'1,,' ,",Ie',"" u,...
t,,', .""

00 . ,how wi' li , ','rw ""H<I"I" "h"on, H,oo>-<XI ","'"CO 01 "J""mnp- ItI,IShw d,
Ihi, ~" " " I I . " ,, ~·' 1'1 ", UN MiU, n nium """eT , S'd< A: TIle , ,,iv iti« , The m'f)e of Post .. 1: Tic~ T.>d<,TO<'
MJ""r, 1:00'1 "", 0 1 TIC>
in m. «>c hing (PJrt l ),
[)e,. "",m,''''
lV I>,
C",]s [or ' u' ''';''; o\ ~ nu n ",uv ""'1:"'-' ;' '''
"otor if; ",,,,,,,,,,1100 ..,
fu , c'>"<" YUO'"" I" """ )
_ _ til, numb<f, j "'" "'"I o f the E<lgl ~h
i'i,-" Ho" w i",,·ft Wl i' ; " ~ .l l"-" "".i,,-' le'" '", 'Su "~c lJT N
; "'~ '" i n HI""".
n,..,.'''·'' ,Iu,,,
Te••<1",,, >I",," '" .ki "S
""(k",, oo[ orr
""",, I sid,· ", s ,, ' ~; ,, ~ ;u'y', " ,,-;"1 01.. " " ,-
T'-M N " lOll Nm','''' ''''

Sons>, _ . , " K'5l'> l, ,,,lly, 1.001;, 00 '1"-" "

Co", ,,,,,,,",,I, ."" h'"t e,,,',,;..,,, Ii "'... [fil" 0)[ """or ~, AI\C i" ""..,,, i'o>s(Or 1 , 1I.l'o 0..,.,,,..,,,,,, ,,, "",",0
""'to, [, Idiom, with ,~w ...t c,ni, If,OOl ,_ t<l 0 ) "'""~ h I" & .t""", L
w d " u f 1""" 1>1;0" K""'"'1I"""'" ,.'-' F.oo 'of'ye" fc lM" and
''''''« 1, f',,"~' ."n ""''' '­
~' ]..\l i w 1 ~""OOJl> ., ><I
"'& ,";,.. rn" " , "{",,,,'
6th NCNomb<f: iJ.l)' of
TIM N' 10 ' ~ 1.. ;1 'OM
TW<l , ide> 0/ tb" som,
cit, : 1'.l".loo j>L'=-rlt
TIM N" '05 A" S" ,.

C,;mo , oJ ,"" '''y, "oct

gi r" ,
'0 N , ~' ""hoc, T""Woon

TIM 9-1 A"g"" lOO/

~rg<n t i fl(' N" ion, ' P" k<
Poo" ," ], liuli<" U ~
The ,I,,,,' m" hlno' Our
ciL, um ,I", '0""
1\1 ,- 1<0 CI" ,
" I ,, ~ )',,"'," .l"",-'"
~ oJ ' o f yo,,-, pl.)'
,;" ","y', ,\1 , "1 ,' ,"-"',
TIl<' r~~h . our hen" ).I]I ""'" I"m ,.0.<1, fa, P"",'h ool, L,, ', 1\"1 100 ,, ,;,;[.,,"', A "~"" ,,)('('i,,1 ]';tn<: (,,'" it",''''''' ,"
~ . 'XI " "dl ' .. 17
.".m " f.>e' """8 ,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,, c"''' I"" Y' ,I,,,,,,, ,n ,11,.'
""""P'<.! ,... info=< .
~ ' ~ 'Y' "1,,, no l ~ ,;,h, "",,·,1, Ju';' "', ''u rnp i' up ! ': nh"lK ;n~
",It,,,,,,,,,,, TIl, word, 01 (0""-'<1" ~ "" (', ,,,,,, , ' , "lff'"
Olino. 1M SUP') "''''''.
TIk' in"fU o< i' o ' OXl,
Iloli" ,)" I(,ppV
I 'o' ol.l)" , A L ~ ;I" .. ,,-~'i.l l ol.l"..
Stor that trullyinr, '
k .. "" i,,;; S< i,-' ",-~' ; n ,hc'
" :.. 'or', L<-A , no
,1, kinr, ~ood " "" 01 TIC, AliC in "", 100, lin , d,,, ,,,,,.,k'
i" ER Le'.lchi"" (I'''' ')' lTM N' Y" '-'"""ml.,, H"." '"'' "'''''',",' " ",,\ "'"" "'''UK''''
".b ,,,
" '""h" " ,I""" A 1'1,,)' u "
">,,••, w","
,,.,iv;';,',, L... ', m" k" th,
(,0 ",,,,, " ' " ", ' I~,,' ru m ,
(0"'''''' ","I»
Pv;,.,], C ri n~' ,It,,' ,, ~,
,"'""" (),., I
J""" moo' p"M ,'
p romr>t',
~ " ".k ( 0,,,, .. ; "'"",', A>!(; ,!006, ' n'<ln" io",, 1 YO,1 [ ci'y,
""',.. I: TI" "" ),)u ' ''''I of l.l l lf,u ~ es "",",00' 2 : Me<! M r No 'TM N" '0') '-'.,,,"mb.,,
mJn"''''''ming 1"0<",,"", Ch,i""",,,;mo fun H.lW)' -",im.ll·, [)oy' Uu,', ,,~

Po<l<r 2: P, ,,i,,, vo<~, N" I, I[y",'no ,>0.".,I Th,,, ,,"'~ ur Whe'e i, s.",,, ', ' '''igh!
I , lb, " "'!""~,
Supe, >h",h' • ..J , ~, ' rho· '''''''''OY<' I,'X' ,j",, , "' ~' <i')" 1',,,, ,,,,, I 'T" N" Uk, Sc"lemL.,. A lun W.l)' to u!<
~, (h,,,,,. tb<>
"" ,. ,1 "", st.,,,,, " o w '0 ",,,,,, ,,t. AflC in ,'''io n ,~

TIM N' % $<'""'00' _" I'Ul up . , I.,w. ""',.,.~: l OOt3, l<\', l,'" G e'-'!:-"' L ~ ' y. " "" ~'''''
The '''' '' ', M,'g,,,'n•
....- . . AuxiliJJY ,,,,b ,~
Leo ', pl,y f ••'"""" '1\[",,,,to,,,,1 l'c\lf of T"" Unio " II.>g, Sup'-" Trivi, C. """
W<'Icom<, Spring ! OuT wi, h", for f"'
f:"" l.l '\f,uog<'S , ABC ><1oon TI>< UK lyou "" I' JlDefS I ,
& ..""0 ;n ,,,,, El1. C,,,"
Ch rl"",-" Cookiog
s.,xomt..'f " , It'" ,',,,I, (1m"", " , Z) 'k " " mho~ ', """;' 1 '"" ....
' 007
L,,, ," ,, ,,, ;",,, I D.,y "I
''''''e, " 5,,, It.'.'' wm k ' Ahw u , "" ,I Coo "',,"...-n to t tl<
All ">g<·, I.·, w.. ",,"",1, (1m w;, '"'' 1m T'-M S · 102 ... y ".,,, "'1"""'1.-,", ;",,,,",,,",,,,1 ,ummcr oolioi.lys
c,n m""" he" " w",1d ' h' New -..," N" ",' ;t y P,,,,,hoo'; H,,'Y Pi" " e, ,,,,,,-; ,,1.1."" ~ w,," ,..
C<!.t>,,,'iIlj; di ''''-' i l Y ;c, n<, A ~a"", : Pi,,,,,,' '''''', AII",tiv, L.!''lI" ''lo'" I'ml,·,.." ,.,1;,,,,
W, 1l I ], l """ riDinp- ''''''1''0', TO""""" S ~ ,1 f(" Th<' Te ,>{ hinr-' T he h um.m
Th<' 1\>",,,,,,', M'gJzino
' pp<'.lf,Hl"', l.exi'" ~ PI'rwc ~ into b<ing _ in<! '~e """"
nH' '''''''''''i," to.. 2008 " .>cti,"', WID:' "p' W,k, up!
2007 coo'en",
11", , !\, -,,' t..~ ' , , ,,,&>,",0'
Ik-Ip,ng y"'" , ,,,,,,.,,,,
~ Wh ,,! ,,,',, ,,,,, Spri ng is h<""
',n,"""",,, ,,
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