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Final Exam

Professor Bates
December 18 2017
Haruno Hiroshima

Part Ⅰ
1. Now know what subjects the class covered--what concept or subject should have been
added to the list? Why do you say so?
In this quarter, I tool other communication class I learned “theory of relational development.”
There are 10 intimacy in all human’s relationship. Start with 3 “coming together stage”,
initiating, experimenting, and intensifying, 4 stages of “maintenance” stages, integrating,
bonding, differentiating and circumscribing, lastly, 3”coming apart” stage, stagnating avoiding
and terminating. There are key factors in every single stages which mean we can recognize
which stages we are at. We learned the 5 circle of conflicts and approaches of conflicts. Then we
combine these two concepts with 10 intimacy stages, I believe we can avoid or solve conflicts
more efficiently. For example, while we are in initiating stage, it’s better to listen and follow
what partner said, so compromise is good approach. But once our relationship grade up, and in
maintenance stage, its better to express our feeling as much as we can and try to win-win
relationship. To analyze our relationship more clearly is important to avoided unnecessary
conflict. That is why I recommended to learn stage of intimacy is important.

3. Priests sometimes derive power from controlling their own sexual urges, or the sexual
urges of other people. Politicians do, too. Select a third profession where this is true, and
explain why you think so.

I believe doctor is one of profession whom should control own or other people’s sexual urge.
Especially Obstetrics and Gynecology. During the checking patient’s body or doing surgery,
doctors should check patients’s body with taking off their clothes and sometime make them
naked. For example, when doctor check whether one female have blast cancer or not, they have
to grasp female’s boobs to check there are nothing wrong with her blast. Even though exposure
of skin or touching body cause their sexual arousal, they must control their own sexual urges
because they must help or cure patients as professional doctors. That is their critical role, thus
doctors have to separate their own private sexual desire and their mission to be a professional
doctors and save patients. On the other hand, doctors can control other patients’ sexual usage.
They may have enough chance too control and touch patients’ body as one of the therapy or
necessary treatment. Patients probably do not have enough medical knowledge as much as
doctors have, thus, they are likely to follow their instruction and believe what doctors said as one
of solution. I do not believe some doctors do sexual harassment with using their status and
profession, however, it is not impossible to happen.

7. Of all the readings we have done this quarter, which one was most useful? Why?
So far, I found that most informative and useful reading is “The Evolution Of Anxiety.” This is
an article about the relationship of anxiety and evolution of human brain. There are two kind of
environment: immediate return environment(IRE), our actions deliver benefit immediately.
Another one is delayed return environment (DRE), most of our action does not bring any
benefits. Our brain level have adopted to IRE and used to live in presence solvable problem.
However, our society drastically change worth in 100 years due to advancement of technology
and its changed as DRE. This is the reason why people consistently worried about future events
because our brain still not adopts to have unsolvable problem even our immediate action.
Foe example, people are worrying about their future success, marriage, salaries, grades and
some other many things. I am one of them and kept worried about the things not happened yet.
However, this reading provides solutions to reduce our anxiety. The key solution is measure and
keep track what we are doing. For example, I have been wanted to lose my weight but it seems
difficult so I did not try or did something but gave on the way because I worried whether my
effort is making a progress or not. Then I started to count how many days not eat anything sweet
(especially chocolate) and check the mark on calendar. Measuring gave me a confidence that I
am moving forward little by little and reduced my anxiety for future outcome. After that, I
realize i did not eat anything sweet for 2 month and lose 5lb. Thus reading definitely improve
and change myself and it’ll work any circumstance when we embrace anxiety.

6. Select one of the following statements:

a. Every time I watch "Stranger Things," I feel anxious the next day
b. This coin has come up heads 12 times in ah. row; that means it's due to come up
tails at least four or five times in a row
c. Whenever I drink coffee before an exam, I get a better grade
d. I always do best in classes with tall professors

Does your chosen statement reflect the Narrative Fallacy? Why do you say so?

First of all, narrative fallacy is having a wrong correlation addresses our limited ability to look at
sequences of facts without weaving an explanation into them. From this concept, I believe that
“d” reflect the narrative fallacy. Because there are no relationship between professors’ height and
our grades. The ways we get good grade in the lecture include how professor motive us,
encourage to study and teach more interestingly, thus I can clearly say the influence of professor
is huge and that definitely relate to our studying performance. However, I could not find the
relationship between professors’ height and our grade. Therefore, this example illustrate we are
holding wrong and fallacy in our lives.


use any three of the course concepts listed above to analyze your selection. Note that each
numbered item counts as one course concept.

I selected the third choice, movie from pretty women. In this movie, we clearly find the
illustration of concepts what we learn in the COMM 116 class. First of all, in reading, “Slut!
Slut! Insult!” explain the same concern to being prostitutes as this female in the movie. In article,
explain the double bind of women, to be a “good” girl or enjoy having sex because to be called
as “slut” is the biggest fear for female and if individuals are recognized as slut, they are
humiliated by the society. Whereas boys enjoy having a sex with multiple times and its
confirmed to be necessary reaction to become adult. This movie, the female earn money with
having sex with rich men, was bashed and discriminated by people in public, she was in hotel
with rich man, but after he left, she could not get in. She did not cause any trouble but working
on prostitutes industry, being slut was judged as “shamed female” by people. In addition, thus
movie also reflect the idea of “HOW IS A STREET PROSTITUTE LIKE A DEPARTMENT-
STORE SANTA?.” Santa and prostitutes gives instant and stimulus pleasure to customer. And if
female are attractive and have enough skill to make man pleasure, they can earn huge money in
short term. Like in movie, the female will go trip with rich man and she will get $3,000. Both
article and movie illustrate how working on prostitutes is lucrative and efficient than other job.
Lastly, I found the verbal exercise of powder. Both store stuff and hotel stuff rejected the
prostitutes female’s enter. They were assertive and said “This is not the place you come. Get
away,” this is one of “direct statement” because they said what they want. Also they implied “I
don’t think we have what you want” ironically, this is one of “Moral Appeals.” These two factors
make their suggestion to the prostitutes more powerful.


This class is entitled "Communication and Conflict in Couples and Families." Select a
situation from your life that matches that description--it can be a situation you are party to,
or merely one that you have witnessed. Then, use three concepts from the list above to
analyze that situation and how it might have been (or might be) handled differently/better.
You must use three different concepts than the ones you used in Part II. As with part II,
you are also free to use course readings as concepts. This part of the exam is worth 30
points. Note that you are not required to write this in essay form, but if you choose not to
do so, be careful not to fall into the trap of being too brief.

My friend, Karen and I went to club in weekend. We watched “gossip girl” together and long to
meet good-looking guy and Karen want to have initial dating. Karen is definitely attractive
female and I could figured out the reason in my class. Because she has tight waist with large
boobs and symmetrically face. These traits show how her gene is superior and healthy that’s why
male love her. Additionally, when she smiles, there are obvious eye wrinkle in side of her eyes
and it looks her smile more natural and charming. During that time, she and me met two guys
and both of them are friendly, thus we became closer immediately. We exchange our contacts
and try to keep in touch each other. After that, Karen and one guy felt in love and slept together
within one weeks. I thought she must be really happy because this is what she dreamed like a
heroine of drama, meet handsome love and falling love with passion. However, Karen and I
hanged out few weeks later and she was really upset. She told me about the night she and he
went out for the date and tried to have a sex. During the intercourse, the guy’s penis did not erect
at all and they could not have a satisfied sex. Regarding of his behavior, she mad and sad at him
because she believes the reason his penis did not erect is lack of her attractiveness. Also she hold
a fallacy that male should have huge desire to having sex, and should lead the sex and make
female feel pleasure with powerful penis. However, I learned in this class that male’s penis
erectile depend on the situation and sexual performance and I learned this information fro the
reading, “pills and power tool”. Therefore, we should not expect consistency powerful sexual
performance to male because they are human too and also unconditional. However, Karen
misunderstood about masculinity of sex. Regarding to the sex compatibility , their relationship
was pretty bad because they really don’t know each other, they just stayed together with initial
reaction and finally it end due to sex performance in a short period. Because this love is
categorized as “Passionate love” and Karen was literally influenced what is the romantic and
passionate love by her favorite drama. This is the concept we’re learn in class “One size does not
fit all.” Media portrays the romantic love more dramatic even though its fake or unreal. These
her experience contain lot of concepts in this class.

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