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Republic of the Philippines


Province of Rizal /
URS Tanay- Main Campus Tel: (02) 401-4900


(Prelim Lesson 3 & 4)
Name:______________________________________________________ Date:_____________________
Year and Course:___________________________ Score:____________________

1. What type of development consists of changes in the body, brain, sensory capacities and motor skills?
a. Intellectual Development
b. Physical Development
c. Social Development
d. Personality Development

2. What type of development is the changes in mental abilities such as learning, memory, reasoning, thinking and language?
a. Intellectual Development
b. Physical Development
c. Social Development
d. Personality Development

3. It is the branch of psychology that studies intraindividual changes and interindividual changes within these
intraindividual changes.

4. What principle states that during development, each number of a given pair of parts appears at about the same time and
develops at about the same rate as the corresponding member of the pair?
a. Cephalo-caudal Principle
b. Proximodistal Principle
c. The Bilateral principle
d. The Differentiation Principle
5. What principle states that the development of a new organ or subsystem begins with its growth as a relatively
undifferentiated mass which nevertheless is identifiable as a separate part of the organism, and then, once this mass has
grown, it differentiates into finer and more interrelated subparts?
a. Cephalo-caudal Principle
b. Proximodistal Principle
c. The Bilateral principle
d. The Differentiation Principle
6. What principle states that the structures in and around the head area develop first, and structures in and around the tail
area develop last?
a. Cephalo-caudal Principle
b. Proximodistal Principle
c. The Bilateral principle
d. The Differentiation Principle
7. What principle states that the brain and nervous system and the internal organs develop earlier than the extremities and the
physiological systems associated with them?
a. Cephalo-caudal Principle
b. Proximodistal Principle
c. The Bilateral principle
d. The Differentiation Principle
8. Who argued that children are born with innate knowledge of many concrete objects, such as animals and people, as well
with knowledge of abstractions such as courage, love, and goodness?
9. Who portrayed the human infant as a tabula rasa or “blank slate” and claimed that experience molds the infant, child,
adolescent, and adult into a unique individual?
10. Who believed that newborns are endowed with innate sense of justice and morality that unfolds naturally as children
11. Who startled the world with his suggestion that the experiences of early childhood seemed to account for patterns of
behavior in adulthood?
12. Who founded behaviorism and had begun to write and lecture on the importance or reward and punishment for child-
rearing practices?
13. Who argued that individuals within a species differ: some individuals are better adapted to a particular environment,
making them more likely to survive and to pass along their characteristics to future generations?
14. Who argued that individuals within a species differ: some individuals are better adapted to a particular environment,
making them more likely to survive and to pass along their characteristics to future generations?
15. What consequence of operant conditioning that decreases the future likelihood of the behavior that it follows?
16. What consequence that increases the future likelihood of the behavior that it follows?
17. What do you call a type of research method where children are observed as they behave spontaneously in some real-life
18. What do you call a type of research method where involves watching children and carefully recording what they do or
19. What do you call a type of research method where involves watching children and carefully recording what they do or
20. What is the scientific study of genes?
21. What do you call the process involving the mixture sperm and egg together in a laboratory dish and then placing several
fertilized eggs in a woman’s uterus?
22. What do you call the process in which the sperm and egg usually come from the prospective parents, but sometimes they
are provided by donors?
23. What fatal disease is characterized by progressive degeneration of the nervous system?
24. It is complex syndrome where individuals do not receive the normal complement of 46 chromosomes, wherein they are
born with extra, missing, or damaged chromosomes?
25. He introduced the 3 components of Personality, the Id, Ego and Superego.

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Part-Time Instructor

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