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‫كورس مهندس تخطيط‬

‫مستوى متوسط باللغة‬
‫م‪ /‬هاني إسماعيل‬
‫مدير قسم التخطيط والمتابعة – ماجستير إدارة المشروعات من‬
‫جامعة ليفربول ببريطانيا – مدير مشروع محترف‬

‫المحاضرة الثالثة‬
‫االنتاجية ‪Productivity‬‬
‫‪ PlanningEngineer.Net‬رابط الكورس‬

Productivity Rate Units of Productivity Rate

The amount of work produced in Unit/Hour
an hour of work
The number of hours required to Hour/Unit
produce a unit of work

‫ رابط الكورس‬PlanningEngineer.Net 2
Advantage of productivity rate

‫ رابط الكورس‬PlanningEngineer.Net 3
From where you can get
Productivity Rates

1- Historical Data
• From Your Company’s previous projects.
• Same project as earlier activities.

2- Expert judgment
• Project Manager.
• Construction Manager.
• Site Engineer.

3- Productivity Software
• Productivity by Activity.
• Activity information and Details.
• Productivity by BOQ Item.

‫ رابط الكورس‬PlanningEngineer.Net 4
This painter can paint 20 square meters per day (8 working hours)
Painter productivity equal
= 20/8 = 2. 5 square meters per hour
= 8/20 = 0.4 hours per square meter

How many hours are required to paint 300 square meters

using the painter’s productivity rate?
Should it be 300 * 2.5 or 0.4?

=300*0.4 = 120 hours

‫ رابط الكورس‬PlanningEngineer.Net

Hany Ismael

‫ رابط الكورس‬PlanningEngineer.Net

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