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Zenshaba Lightning/ Holy Gather: Ten no arashi (Heavenly Storm)

3 DEFLECT BOLT [LIGHTNING] Prerequisites: None Ability: Your zanpakutou gains

the ability to deflect ray or line effects as per the Deflect Arrow feat. Special: You can take this ability
multiple times; it allows an extra deflection each round.
3 HOLY FORM [HOLY] Prerequisites: None Ability: This changes the form of your
Zanpakutou's Attacks, changing it to divine energy. For example, Projectile-based Zanpakutou will now
do Divine damage, whereas Summon-Based Zanpakutou will now do Divine Damage with their
attacks. Lower any damage by one dice size if you apply Holy Form to it. Holy Blade may still be used
in conjunction with Holy Form.
3 REFLECT BOLT [LIGHTNING] Prerequisites: Deflect Bolt Ability: This allows you to
reflect a ray or line effects back at its caster. It can be used once per encounter. Special: You may take
this multiple times. Each time you do, you can use this ability once more per encounter. *
3 SUPERIOR REFLECTION [LIGHTNING] Prerequisites: Deflect Bolt, Reflect Bolt
Ability: You may ready an action to deflect or reflect any attack that targets you or includes you as a
target that deals direct hit point damage. Should others be in the same area as an attack that includes
you as a target, you absorb the attack negating the damage to the others in the same area. *
5 INFINITE REFLECTION [LIGHTNING] Prerequisites: Deflect Bolt, Reflect Bolt,
Improved Reflect Bolt Ability: You may absorb multiple attacks within your zanpakutou before firing
them back as long as the cumulative damage does not exceed your maximum total hit points. You may
take this multiple times. Each time this is taken increase the damage you can absorb by 25 points above
your maximum hit points. You do not have to fire back all your damage at once, and may split the
damage among multiple uses. *
5 HOLY BLADE [HOLY] Prerequisites: None Ability: This changes the form of your
Zanpakutou's Blade to pure divine energies, lowering it's damage one dice size and changing its
damage to Divine Damage. Holy Blade can still be used in conjunction with Holy Form *
5 HEAVEN'S BLADE [HOLY] Prerequisites: None Ability: As a move action, you can
cause your blade to glow with divine radiance. Your Zanpakutou now deals +1d4 Divine Damage.
Special: This may be taken multiple times. Each time your Zanpakutou deals +1d4 Divine Damage.
You may only take this 4 times total before Epic Levels *
6 EMPOWER BOLT [LIGHTNING] Prerequisites: Deflect Bolt, Reflect Bolt Ability:
When you reflect an attack back at a target, it deals 1d6 more damage than the original attack did.
Special: You may take this multiple times. It's effect stacks.

Zanpakutou Mystic/ Unholy Unleaseh: Fujōna senshi no seishin (Spirit of the unclean
1 UNHOLY BLADE [UNHOLY] Prerequisite: None Ability: This changes the form of the
Zanpakutou’s blade into pure profane energies, lowering it's damage one dice size and causing it to
inflict Profane Damage. Unholy Blade may still be used in conjunction with Unholy Form.
1 MYSTIC EMPOWERMENT [MYSTIC] Prerequisites: None Ability: Taking this ability grants
your character the Ki Infused Feat even while your release is sealed. While your Release is active, you
gain Improved Ki Infused as a bonus feat. In addition, you gain +1 Effective Reiatsu Level per Mystic
Type ability you possess. Special: You may take this multiple times, each time it is taken, you gain 1
additional Ki Ability to use outside of Release, and 2 to use while released.
1 SPIRIT BOOSTER [MYSTIC] Prerequisites: Mystic Empowerment Ability: While your release
is active, increase the bonus to you gain to your Reiatsu by +.5x multiplier and you gain one free
iteration of Mystic Slash. Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time, gain an
additional +.5x multiplier and a bonus +1 to damage per added [BW] from Mystic Slash. *
1 POWER BOOSTER [MYSTIC] Prerequisites: Mystic Empowerment, Spirit Booster Ability:
You gain an additional +1 statistic point to spend every 2 Mystic Type Abilities you possess while this
release is sealed. While released, double the points to spend. Once expended, the choice is permanent.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time gain 2 additional points when sealed, and 4
for the released state. *
3 MYSTIC SLASH [MYSTIC] Prerequisites: Mystic Empowerment Ability: As a move action,
you can empower your attacks by expending 25 Reiatsu per +1[BW] damage you wish to add. The
bonus lasts till the end of combat. You cannot go above 2 + 1 per time this ability is taken [BW]
Special: You may take this ability multiple times, each time it is taken, increase the maximum you can
empower your attacks by 1[BW] (As noted above), to a maximum of +6[BW] before epic levels
5 SPIRIT BOOSTER [MYSTIC] Prerequisites: Mystic Empowerment Ability: While your release
is active, increase the bonus to you gain to your Reiatsu by +.5x multiplier and you gain one free
iteration of Mystic Slash. Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time, gain an
additional +.5x multiplier and a bonus +1 to damage per added [BW] from Mystic Slash.
5 PROFANE BLADE [UNHOLY] Prerequisite: None Ability: As a move action, you can cause
your blade to darken with profane power. Your Zanpakutou now deals +1d4 Profane Damage. Special:
This may be taken multiple times. Each time your Zanpakutou deals +1d4 Profane Damage. You may
only take this 4 times total before Epic Levels *
5 PROFANE BLADE [UNHOLY] Prerequisite: None Ability: As a move action, you can cause
your blade to darken with profane power. Your Zanpakutou now deals +1d4 Profane Damage. Special:
This may be taken multiple times. Each time your Zanpakutou deals +1d4 Profane Damage. You may
only take this 4 times total before Epic Levels *
5 PAINFUL MARK [UNHOLY] Prerequisite: any 3 Unholy abilities Ability: Once a target is
struck and damaged, they become can become marked if they fail a Charisma Based Foritute Save. If
the target fails, the target now suffers half of any damage that affects you. Target must remain within a
number of feet equal to 10 x the number of Unholy abilities to suffer this curse. Special: You can select
this ability multiple times; each time grants you an additional target that you can apply this too. Each
will suffer the full amount of the damage shared. *
5 IMPROVED PAINFUL MARK [UNHOLY] Prerequisites: Painful Mark, 3 other Unholy
abilities Ability: While you have a target of your Painful Mark, you gain Fast Healing equal to the
number of Unholy abilities you have. *
6 ATTACK TYPE SPECIALIST [GENERIC] Prerequisites: None Ability: Choose Defense, Will,
Reflex, or Fortitude. Attacks made with Shikai/Bankai abilities requiring a save may be changed to
require the defense chosen. This choice is permanent, made for all your abilities when gaining this
ability or for any ability gained when you gain it. Special: You may take this ability multiple times;
each time selecting a new skill. You may freely choose between the skills chosen.

Elemental Merge:
Requires: One or more powers from two different elemental types.
The elements chosen are merged into a new single type, when a creature is hit by this new element, the
damage they take is the one they are weakest against. This may be taken multiple times, merging more
elements into one, or new ones.

ADAPTIVE ATTACK SPECIALIST [GENERIC] Prerequisites: Attack Type Specialist for all three
saves, 4 other Generic Type abilities Ability: This is a swift action that does not provoke an attack of
opportunity. When using any shikai ability that allows a save, you may activate this ability. The save
for the ability becomes the targets lowest save. You do not learn what save this is.
PENETRATING [GENERIC] Prerequisites: Any Shikai ability that requires a save. Ability: All your
DCs are raised by 1 for your Zanpakutou. Special: You may take this multiple times. It's effects stack.

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