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Modern family in a Changing World NOVEMBER 11, 2017

4give 1another “Be gentle with one another, sensitive.

Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as
Four reasons and another one.
God in Christ forgave you.”
Four helpful attitudes and another one.
Ephesians 4:32


Relevance of the topic of
forgiveness to the theme and in
Opening Prayer &
5 min today’s family dynamics. Facilitator PPT
Present statistics, current
events and objectives.
By groups of eight, each will
write on a meta card what in
Meta Cards
GRAB: their opinion is the major reason
Facilitator and Group Markers
10 min What makes it difficult of difficulty to forgive. Then
Leaders Masking Tape
to forgive? share their answers to the
group. The facilitator will
process their answers.

Four Best Reasons to Forgive:

1. We are all offenders.
2. We are all hostages.
3. We all have rough edges.
4. We all need help.
GRASP: Another One PPT
20 min 4 best reasons to 1. We are all forgiven. Facilitator {Video}
forgive and another 1
This principles will be discussed
through various references
including the Bible and
Psychological articles. This also
serves as a spring board for
Gospel Presentation.

Four Helpful Attitudes:

1. Gentleness
2. Introspectiveness
3. Vulnerability (in a good way)
4. Empathy
Another One
After a brief discussion, the PPT
4 Helpful Attitudes to
participants will go back to their Facilitator and Group Meta Cards
20 min form a forgiving
groups and share what they Leaders Markers
environment and
think will be their struggle in Masking Tape
another 1
applying the principles. There
the group leaders must be able
to direct them to the truth that
all these are possible only by
God’s grace.
Then on meta cards they will
think of practical ways they can
do at home in response to the
This will challenge the
participants to:
Acknowledge that they all
missed the standards of God. Special Papers
GRAFT: Acknowledge what Christ has Special Envelopes
15 min Facilitator
Letter to God done to give us solution. Pens
Acknowledge God’s promise of Response Slip
a new life with Him.
Commit themselves to the Lord
and start living life to the full.
Conclusion &
5 min Facilitator
Closing Prayer

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