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Effluent water treatment plant is a system designed for treating effluent or wastewater released by
industries, farms or households. It is important to ensure that the effluent discharged into the
environment is free from harmful pollutants that could have negative effects on aquatic life and public
health. This report aims to provide a detailed overview of my internship experience at an effluent water
treatment plant.

Objectives of the internship

The objectives of my internship were to gain hands-on experience in the operation and maintenance of
an effluent water treatment plant. Additionally, I was to learn about the different processes involved in
the treatment of effluent and the vital role of monitoring and controlling parameters such as pH,
temperature, dissolved oxygen levels, and suspended solids.

Location of the plant

The plant where I got my internship was located in a rural area, approximately 40 kilometers from the
city center. The plant was strategically situated close to several industries that generated a significant
amount of wastewater.

The plant's layout and design

The plant was designed and built with the aim of treating a maximum flow of 25 cubic meters per day of
industrial effluent from the surrounding industries. The plant had several components, including a
primary aeration tank, a secondary clarifier, and sand filters.

The primary aeration tank was the initial stage of the treatment process, where aeration occurred,
creating conditions for the growth of aerobic microorganisms that break down organic compounds in
the wastewater. The aerated wastewater was then transferred to the secondary clarifier, where the
settling of suspended solids took place. The clarified water was then gravity-fed to the sand filters. Here,
the water passed through several layers of sand, which helped remove any remaining suspended solids,
further reducing the concentration of impurities.

The final stage of the process involved disinfection through the use of chlorine to destroy any remaining
pathogens present in the water. After that, the water was released into a nearby stream, which was
monitored regularly by the Environmental Conservation Authority (ECA) to ensure compliance with the
effluent discharge standards.

Roles and responsibilities during my internship

During my internship, my main role was to assist the team of technicians in charge of operating and
maintaining the effluent water treatment plant. Specifically, I was tasked with:

1. Conducting regular checks on various components of the plant, including the primary aeration tank,
secondary clarifier, and sand filters, to ensure that they were functioning optimally.

2. Analyzing samples of wastewater at specific intervals to monitor changes in the pH, temperature,
dissolved oxygen levels, and suspended solids, among others.

3. Assisting with the cleaning and maintenance of equipment such as pumps, blowers, and mixers,
among others.

4. Recording data on the plant's performance and progress towards attaining the permissible effluent
discharge standards.

5. Carrying out laboratory tests on various water parameters such as BOD (biochemical oxygen demand),
COD (chemical oxygen demand), and TSS (total suspended solids), among others.

Challenges faced during the internship

One of the significant challenges during my internship was learning how to operate and maintain the
different equipment in the plant effectively. Specifically, I had difficulty understanding how to adjust the
aeration levels in the primary tank and determine the optimal chemical dose for treating the

Another challenge was the occasional breakdown of equipment, which would disrupt the plant's routine
operations. During such times, we had to promptly diagnose and rectify any issues to avoid significant
damage to the plant's components.


Overall, my internship experience was valuable in helping me gain a better understanding of how
effluent water treatment plants work. Through hands-on experience, I learned about the different
treatment stages involved in the effluent treatment process and the significance of monitoring and
controlling the quality of the effluent discharged into the environment.

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