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File: FullSizeRender-12.jpg (81 KB, 480x640)

Graham Hancock Anonymous (ID: 3+h3HK54 ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:41:03

How legit is this guy? Is he another well poisoner in the new-age fringe
history/archaeology? My rule of thumb is that if he's featured on Joe Rogan
and the Gaia website, there's more to the story than we're told and there is
some sort of agenda being pushed. Not to mention he has given talks at
Masonic lodges. I also can't stand his fanbase which consists of a bunch of
woah mannn weedfags.

He is arguing that there were advanced civilizations predating Mesopotamia,

perhaps a massive flood, and that the Egyptians for example are a
continuation of a much more ancient legacy of human societies. I think this
is very likely, but do you think he's omitting other information? I've read a lot
about lost civilizations, like Hyperborea and Atlantis, and I want to believe
Graham is legit but I don't even know what to believe anymore.

Anonymous (ID: Om8QBp1/ ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:42:32 No.257321461

>>257321315 (OP) #
the best truth is mixed with disinfo. if you want a real redpill research the scythians.

Anonymous (ID: mMNIRMCq ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:43:24 No.257321551

>>257321315 (OP) #
>How legit is this guy?
about 50%

Anonymous (ID: tkAz0Ilh ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:44:42 No.257321684

>>257321315 (OP) #
Discernment is a very important virtue, OP.

Anonymous (ID: Fbcv3PPu ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:46:29 No.257321881

Dunno but Smithsonian regularly destroys evidence of things to support their world view. This crackpot
might have 5% of his wacky claims be true.
Anonymous (ID: FPvAqQvL ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:47:27 No.257321978

Hes a freemason, so are his buddies. He knows more than hes giving up now

Anonymous (ID: Pqvvuw5n ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:49:02 No.257322140

>>257321315 (OP) #
retarded conspiracy theorist which is why he appeals to americans

Anonymous (ID: 5vgX+BFW ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:49:06 No.257322146

>>257321315 (OP) #
Take aliens and the paranormal out of his studies and he is a good source of cool forgotten ancient

Anonymous (ID: N7rJiGqc ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:50:59 No.257322357

>>257321315 (OP) #
Very interesting guy but he suffers from a severe persecution complex thinking all of academia is after
him because he doesn't have enough evidence to support his theories.

Anonymous (ID: pmq8Sz/4 ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:51:24 No.257322400

He seems pretty legit

I think he's right about ancient civs

Anonymous (ID: FPvAqQvL ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:51:42 No.257322438

>>257321978 #
Check out
Magical egypt - john Anthony west
Mystery babylon - bill cooper
Atlantis tapes - manly p hall

Honestly pol needs to more of this and less bullshit nazi larping

Anonymous (ID: 951UaSpZ ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:53:15 No.257322608

>>257321315 (OP) #
Fallen angel worshipper.

Anonymous (ID: pTQB06us ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:54:03 No.257322701

>>257321315 (OP) #
he's alright.

Anonymous (ID: GomQahSF ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:54:19 No.257322725

>>257321978 #
>Hes a freemason, so are his buddies
This. Sometimes he lets other people or organizations use his channel and they sometimes have typical
masonic symbols in their logos.

Anonymous (ID: Fbcv3PPu ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:54:44 No.257322773

>>257322438 #
We have /x/ and /his/ for a reason. Go to your containment board so we don't have to hear retard
pseudoscience like manly p hall.

Anonymous (ID: AqEjmCDz ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:55:02 No.257322804
>>257321315 (OP) #
Drug pusher. Most likely glows like all the other drug pushers starting with Leary.

Anonymous (ID: Kr5A6kyG ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:56:23 No.257322944

Global cataclysms every 12,000 years due to coronal mass ejections are legit.

Suspicious Observers is on point fyi

Anonymous (ID: kS8T7eA6 ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:56:58 No.257322995

>>257321315 (OP) #
He unironically thinks a race of super advanced pre-deluvian abbos gave the gift of civilization to the
world by giving them psychedelics. That said he's probably right about the sphinx.

Anonymous (ID: pmq8Sz/4 ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:57:03 No.257323002

What's wrong with freemasons?

Seems like it'd be fun to be a part of a secrect club.

Anonymous (ID: GomQahSF ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:58:30 No.257323161
File: Screenshot_20200513-145624.png (732 KB, 1080x1920)

>>257321978 #
>Hes a freemason

Anonymous (ID: FPvAqQvL ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:58:43 No.257323193

>>257322773 #
Butthurt nazi larper detected
Go back to antarctica

Anonymous (ID: zHsrn0Ff ) 05/13/20(Wed)13:59:52 No.257323317

He's somewhat legit, but uses "of the gods" hype to sell books because a lot of people apparently like
that stuff.

Anonymous (ID: GomQahSF ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:00:09 No.257323354
File: 47cb1d37239b34435537df5c6(...).jpg (53 KB, 474x429)

>>257323002 #
>What's wrong with freemasons?
synagogue of satan.

Anonymous (ID: kS8T7eA6 ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:01:20 No.257323472

>>257323193 #
Shitskin spotted

Anonymous (ID: pmq8Sz/4 ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:01:31 No.257323492

>>257323354 #
Anonymous (ID: zCereKmS ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:02:23 No.257323603
File: 6277fdb7d5dbd27cd83b7fa63(...).jpg (47 KB, 564x400)

>>257321315 (OP) #
graham hancunt is an anti-racist anti-god globohomo crypto kike FAGGOT who
thinks all of the worlds problems can be solved by consuming copious amounts of

Anonymous (ID: YeV0Y5TR ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:03:05 No.257323681

>>257323492 #
Jews use money to make satan

Anonymous (ID: cbWsiZzq ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:03:08 No.257323686

>>257321315 (OP) #
>How legit is this guy?
not legit whatsoever.

Anonymous (ID: Eg4FuRPn ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:03:34 No.257323732

>>257321315 (OP) #
Race mixer.

Anonymous (ID: kS8T7eA6 ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:04:23 No.257323817

>>257323681 #
Do you not know what elaborate means?

Anonymous (ID: GomQahSF ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:05:30 No.257323929

>>257323492 #
look into king solomon, his temple, the rebuilding of it, baal worship/child sacrifice/blood drinking, and
the mystery schools.

Anonymous (ID: M7S5dEhg ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:08:25 No.257324236

>>257321315 (OP) #
I heard his entire Joe Rogan podcast. I firmly believe that there are a great many archeological secrets
still left to discover. But I found his shit to be 50% logically believable, 50% woaaah mannn tripping.

I've had a lifelong fascination with the Amazon (I still like to open up Google Maps and trace the path of
the river) and I'm inclined to believe him when he says there were advanced civilizations in the
Amazonian rainforest.

But that's about as far as I'll go with Hancock

Anonymous (ID: TMPwFBVu ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:12:24 No.257324666
File: 1555277104954.png (313 KB, 700x819)

>>257324236 #
>I firmly believe that there are a great many archeological secrets
still left to discover.

They have already been discovered anon, but the truth is being kept
from us.

Anonymous (ID: 1oEoSwz+ ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:13:37 No.257324791
File: Randall Carlson.png (629 KB, 750x491)
>>257321315 (OP) #
Graham Hancock and his pal (pic related) are based and have done more for the
Truth than most of us.

Anonymous (ID: FPvAqQvL ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:14:40 No.257324900

>>257323492 #
Bill coopers mystery babylon has more than you ever wanted to know! Masons, templars, the origins of
communism, agenda for the future, it's all there and more. Cooper predicted 911 would occur and be
blamed on bin laden that summer, they killed him shortly after

Anonymous (ID: GomQahSF ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:16:12 No.257325061

>>257324900 #
this. Bill covers all the things I mentioned. The Templars being zionists blew my mind.

Anonymous (ID: cGhs6KWV ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:16:26 No.257325087

>>257321461 #

Anonymous (ID: uX8neSSi ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:18:41 No.257325358
File: blackpepe.jpg (7 KB, 225x225)

>>257321315 (OP) #
I like him, but I hated it when he went on joe rogan to give this weird "dude weed"
rant, kinda made him untrustworthy
I smoked weed but i don't think its such a big deal

Anonymous (ID: 3+h3HK54 ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:21:34 No.257325700

>>257322438 #
I'll check it out but even all of those I will take with a grain of salt. West is also a JRE-tier new-ager.

Anonymous (ID: 3+h3HK54 ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:22:07 No.257325763

>>257322357 #
Fuck of Michael Shermer, you're just as much of a faggot.

Anonymous (ID: GomQahSF ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:24:06 No.257325965

>>257321461 #
>research the scythians
>>257325087 #
jewtube purged this

Anonymous (ID: N7rJiGqc ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:27:41 No.257326344

>>257325763 #
t. graham "gobekli tepli is proof of superhumans travelling the world and teaching monolith construction
to hunter-gatherers" hancock

Anonymous (ID: FPvAqQvL ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:29:58 No.257326599

>>257325700 #
If you watch the Mystery babylon series and then John A West/Magical egypt again, you will start
shouting at your TV
>contempt for the profane public
>muh esoteric symbolism
>those who know, those who can see
>familiar with the ancient this or that

its god damn surreal

Anonymous (ID: xoY/9i4X ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:31:00 No.257326719

>>257321315 (OP) #

/x/ is over there, sperg ------>

Anonymous (ID: uX8neSSi ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:32:02 No.257326836

>>257326719 #
fuck off, go to your jogger threads

Anonymous (ID: RyRUwn21 ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:33:04 No.257326950
File: yo dude.png (678 KB, 853x739)

>>257321315 (OP) #
>make pyramids
>with your breain

Anonymous (ID: LsfhSORh ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:33:24 No.257326995

>>257321315 (OP) #

He's not the only one who theorizes the things he theorizes. He's simply built on the work of others. Few
of this theories are his own.

Anonymous (ID: GomQahSF ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:33:35 No.257327033

>>>257321461 #
>>research the scythians
>>>257325087 #
oops here the one

Anonymous (ID: 1oEoSwz+ ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:37:03 No.257327452

>>257326344 #
>gobekli tepli is proof of superhumans travelling the world and teaching monolith construction to hunter-
Gobekli Tepe makes no sense in (((current historical paradigm))) tho.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:38:06 No.257327585
File: Topography Of The Atlanti(...).jpg (598 KB, 1428x856)

>>257321315 (OP) #
Atland / Atlantis was in the Atlantic Ocean (the name of the ocean itself comes
directly from Atland) and Atland's remains exist still to this day above water, it's
called Azores Islands, which are literally mountaintops of part of ante-deluvian
Atland. It had an island archipelago stretching all the way to the North America and
quiet few to north all the way to IceLand. People of Atland were what we today call Cro-Magnon or
"Germanic" / Nordic" type of people. Have you ever thought about how come Nordic peoples were living
in primitive huts and longhouses in Scandinavia, considering the fact they are very intelligent and have
high civilization-potential? It's because their original homeland, Atland was destroyed and submerged
due to changes of orbits of celestial objects and they had to scatter and search for refuge, so all these
primitive huts you all see in threads about ancient Mediterranean civilizations mocking Nordics, keep in
mind that the reason they lived in primitive huts was because they were displaced and forced to start
from zero. Before their homeland Atland / Atlantis was destroyed, it was like today USA is, it was a
central hub of the highest civilization world-wide and ancient civilizations like Greek and Egyptian were
founded by group of refugees from Atland who used local populations to build a new nations, that's why
so many first pharaohs and Greek leaders were tall, white-skinned, square-jawed, blonde and blue-eyed-
classic Cro-Magnon (from Atland) people. Some of refugees from Atland established themselves in
North America, hence R1b Y-DNA was present there in elite members before Columbus and hordes of
migrants from Western Europe. That's also why cultures of Egypt and American were so similar, even
building techniques were the same, pyramids, religions and much more were very similar or exactly the

On attached image between NA and Europe that triangle was Atland.

P.S. Guanches were remaining Atlanteans.

Anonymous (ID: E040Ub0+ ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:43:04 No.257328162

>>257326719 #
Endless shill threads and you felt the need to post this. Eat a bagel faggot.

Anonymous (ID: DogxYQmV ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:45:40 No.257328447

>>257323354 #
No, nigger. We even still segregate.
>Prince Hall

Anonymous (ID: sSB/pS/o ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:46:10 No.257328508

>>257322438 #
>nazi larping
Hitler did more for hidden history than anyone who came before and after him.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:49:17 No.257328851
File: Magogins-Scythians-Tartar(...).png (372 KB, 550x666)

>>257321461 #
>>257325965 #
Today's peoples who are descended from Scythians are Eastern Europeans, also
known as Slavs.

People today called Slavs, before that were called TartArians, before that Scythians,
before that Magogins. These people first lived in eastern part of Asia, but catastrophes
forced them to migrate and spread westward all the way up to Hungary, which they

Page 9 and 10 in book from 1860 titled "The Archer And The Steppe Or The Empires Of Scythia." by
Graham F.R. clearly states, that Tartaria was asiatic part of Scythia:

Another source, a book from 1659 titled "The History Of The World Or An Account of Time." by Denis
Petau on page 77 states: "TARTARIA, (known of old by the name of Scythia, from their first king Scythus
and who were at first called Magogins, from Magog, Japhet's son…":

There are many other sources, read old books and study old maps and you will see.

More in reply to this post.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:49:54 No.257328924
File: Magogins-Scythians-Tartar(...).png (413 KB, 415x610)

Here is another source proving my previous claims. In his book from 1621 titled
"Microcosmus Or A little Description Of The Great World.", Peter Heylen on page 341
states, that: "TARTARIA is bounded on the east with Eastern Ocean, on the west with
Muscovie, and Moldavia; on the north with the Scythick or frozen ocean; and on the south
with Mare Caspium, the hill Taurus, and the wall of China. This country extends itself from
east to west 5400 miles, and from north to south 3600 miles. This country was of old
known by the name of SCYTHIA, whose inhabitants were the prosterity of MAGOG, the son
of Japhet, called MAGOGINS, afterwards SCYTHES from SCYTHIA their first king. This
name also SCYTHIA extended itself into Europe, even unto all regions laying north of
Danubins, called also SARMATIA, and SCYTHIA EUROPEA…":

Again, like I stated before here:

>>257328851 #
>People today called Slavs, before that were called Tartarians, before that Scythians, before that
Magogins. These people first lived in eastern part of Asia, but catastrophes forced them to migrate and
spread westward all the way up to Hungary, which they founded.

Magogins became Scythians then Tartarians and then Slavs / Eastern Europeans. They are the same
people, just re-branded in western historical writings over time.

Anonymous (ID: HVevBbEZ ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:53:07 No.257329279

>>257321315 (OP) #
I met him once at earthkeeper 2012. He's unable to entertain the idea of who the descendants of this
lost civilization really are.

Anonymous (ID: FPvAqQvL ) 05/13/20(Wed)14:56:40 No.257329638

>>257327585 #
got any sauce? Most of this is what i have heard also, specifically the name Atland
>we wuz atlanteans
maybe, but that sounds a little self-serving

Anonymous (ID: 1unUQ7Cl ) 05/13/20(Wed)15:01:41 No.257330154

He is definitely on the right path. And yes, the academia has an agenda. That much is true. And if you
don't jive with them they ostracize you like high school.

Anonymous (ID: S/zOA0F5 ) 05/13/20(Wed)15:03:18 No.257330320

>>257321315 (OP) #

Useful idiot. Serves the god of this world. Will burn in Hell for eternity unless he accepts Jesus Christ as
his personal saviour.

Anonymous (ID: PKoo/P1K ) 05/13/20(Wed)15:12:32 No.257331342
File: 54944378.png (47 KB, 1194x603)

>>257328851 #
>>257328924 #
this vid is the best summary for all this and how all this peoples are considered
totally different but in actuallity they are the same kin

4:45 [Open]

"Irish historian Geoffrey Keating outright claims the Scythian 's were of noah and his progeny and claims
that the Sumerians were descended from them, epifanio's of Salamis states that the Scythian 's were the
ones who built the Tower of Babel and that the ancient Sumerians themselves were their descendants
and goes on to state the Scythian monarchy began soon after the flood and continued to the captivity of
babylon he further states quote that the laws customs and manners of the Scythian were received by
other nations as the standard of policy civility and polite learning and that they were the first after the
flood who attempted to reform and kind into the notions of courtesy into the art of government and the
practice of good government..."

historian marcus justinius:

" the Scythians were always regarded as very ancient though there was a long dispute between them and
the Egyptians concerning the antiquity of their respective races the Egyptians being confounded by these
arguments the Scythians were always accounted as the more ancient"
"horse domestication/riding starts here (with the scythians)"
5:20 [Open]

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)15:14:20 No.257331552
File: Atland.jpg (490 KB, 2287x795)

>>257329638 #
>>257327585 #
Atland is the name its inhabitants called their country. There is a reason why in
Americas some natives named things after Atland. Mayan texts Popol Vuh claims that ancestors sailed
through eastern ocean to settle in Central America. Don't forget, that "atl" means water. Atlantoi, Atlantes,
Atland, Aztlan etc. There is a reason why Mayan and Egyptian cultures were so similar.

Anonymous (ID: XYY0YkdS ) 05/13/20(Wed)15:16:34 No.257331794
File: e7d695325d7c5a299b3f1ee21(...).jpg (154 KB, 500x455)

>>257321315 (OP) #
Graham is definitely a bit of a sperg. You can sense his autistic rage simmering
beneath the surface. He is also a leftist hippie fag. I do believe he is correct that
there existed far older civilizations whose remnants have been destroyed by ice and
sea level.

Joe Rogan Experience #360 - Graham Hancock [Open]

Joe Rogan Experience #417 - Graham Hancock [Open]

Joe Rogan Experience #501 - Randall Carlson [Open]

Joe Rogan Experience #551 - Graham Hancock [Open]

~~~Great Episode~~~
Joe Rogan Experience #725 - Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson [Open]

Joe Rogan Experience #852 - John Anthony West [Open]

~~~Best Episode~~~
Joe Rogan Experience #872 - Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson [Open]

"Debate" where you can see how gay skeptics are and how spergy Graham is.
Joe Rogan Experience #961 - Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson & Michael Shermer [Open]

Joe Rogan Experience #1124 - Robert Schoch [Open]

Anonymous (ID: PKoo/P1K ) 05/13/20(Wed)15:18:28 No.257332021

>>257331342 #
the first vid should be this: [Open]

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)15:21:46 No.257332410
File: Etemenanki.jpg (184 KB, 1182x504)

>>257331342 #
>Tower of Babel

"Tower of Babel" is based on a real building and its history. "Tower of Babel" was a
real building, it was called back then Etemenanki and it didn't look like a tower, but more like a ziggurat
and it was really destroyed by an act of "god", but that "god" was in reality a celestial object, which was
responsible, among other things, for electrical discharge on Earth and because that "tower" was the
highest point, a "bolt" (an electrical discharge) of colossal scale has hit it and destroyed, and that's also
why people's language was "confused" when they were en-masse electro-shocked from a planetary
electric discharge. We know it was rebuilt by Nebuchadnezzar II as a show of power and splendor of
Babylon and dedicated to "god" Marduk, which was planet Jupiter and ironically it (Marduk - planet
Jupiter) was most likely responsible for the electrical discharge between it and Earth, that hit
Etemenanki, which is today known as the Tower of Babel.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)15:44:39 No.257334946

>>257324236 #
That's true.

Anonymous (ID: 56oTJdQx ) 05/13/20(Wed)15:46:41 No.257335152

I like Graham Hancock and the podcasts he does with Rogan. I also like Schoch and Randal Carlson and
Anthony West.

I am all in on this kind of thing desu

Anonymous (ID: v7wWA3a5 ) 05/13/20(Wed)15:54:42 No.257335996

>>257322773 #
>zoomer newfag

Anonymous (ID: YNoIVlW/ ) 05/13/20(Wed)15:56:45 No.257336222

>>257321461 #
7th century bc? Please.

Sumerian kings list starts at 200kbc

Anonymous (ID: HvloAY+P ) 05/13/20(Wed)16:11:08 No.257337867
File: a-ordet.jpg (254 KB, 1125x631)

>>257327585 #
0GWqhMhY&t=4949s [Open]

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)16:11:18 No.257337890
File: Binary-Star System.jpg (1.85 MB, 5184x3168)

>>257322944 #
There are reoccurring world-wide civilization collapsing disasters, because we are
living in a binary star system (there is another sun like ours and they orbit around
each other) and that's responsible for the almost 26 thousand-years-long "Great
Year" or precession of the equinoxes and great disasters happen when our current
sun (Sol) gets closer to the other sun due to gravitational and electro-magnetic anomalies. Suddenly fish
start to beach themselves en masse, suddenly birds start to fall off the sky en masse (because both fish
and birds use electro-magnetic forces as kind of natural GPS - that's how they know where to migrate),
suddenly volcanoes erupt en masse, suddenly earthquakes and tsunamis show up all over the world etc.,
and this kind of disaster happens over and over again and our intellectual elite has been preparing
themselves for the next global disaster by diverting money from mostly Pentagon - over 21 trillion is
currently missing:
uncle-sam-cant-account-for-21-trillion - and that money has been most likely used in "another-world"
economy - probably to build DUMBS and entire cities inside our Earth, where a breakup civilization has
been created there (starting with the Third Reich) as a kind of a backup if ours, here on the surface would
be totally decimated by the next disaster.

Here is a little info about our binary-star system:

5. [Open]

Also, our previous "sun" was Saturn, and before that most likely Uranus.

Anonymous (ID: mlDHrWqJ ) 05/13/20(Wed)16:12:23 No.257338020
File: 1a572e652b1e678f9da343357(...).jpg (55 KB, 468x600)

Real redpill:

Civilization was reset by natural disaster no more than a few hundred years ago
the Roman Empire fell in the 1600s
there was no such thing as the "dark ages", it was all made up to artificially distance the
new era from recent history.
Most of the old buildings said to be built in the 1800s or early 1900s were already there
from much, much older civilizations and were simply occupied by the current races and
rulers after they found them and dug them out of the mud.
The race to "colonize" America was simply a race to reclaim the ruins first, and it's the same story around
the world

Anonymous (ID: HvloAY+P ) 05/13/20(Wed)16:14:02 No.257338207
File: Diagram-summarizing-Lateg(...).png (81 KB, 850x600)

cant be many people still NOT believing the cataclysm hypothesis. 12,8k and 11,6 k
years ago we were hit. 1000´s of cultures stories speak of this.

Anonymous (ID: HScdE1c3 ) 05/13/20(Wed)16:15:25 No.257338352

>>257321315 (OP) #
He's not, but I listen to his stuff because of the novelty value. Also, try looking into the REAL conspiracy;
you know the one.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)16:15:43 No.257338393
File: Atland City-Grid.jpg (390 KB, 1040x726)

>>257337867 #
>>257327585 #
>>257331552 #
>>257329638 #
Attached image is from the Atlantic Ocean, what looks like a city-grid of Altand. I adjusted exposure,
sharpness, contrast and saturation so it's easier to see.
Coordinates in Google Earth:


Anonymous (ID: NiBSx1SI ) 05/13/20(Wed)16:22:18 No.257339060

>>257324791 #
agree most of what he comes out with is logical and reasonable, sans some of his extrapolations

>>257334946 #
LIDAR is showing all kinds of civilization in the amazon and sahara

>>257336222 #
based trips

Anonymous (ID: Yb2sT8sQ ) 05/13/20(Wed)16:27:50 No.257339656
File: 91811172_1556517711169943(...).jpg (133 KB, 957x960)

>>257331794 #
Based links. Danke
Grahams a bretty good guy. He is a speculative investigator and leaves room to
make up your own mind. His degeneracy is wrote most of his earlier books high on
the pot though he has since quit. He's not /our guy/ but he's not like Its Ayyliums or
everyone who has power that I dont like is a Reptillian

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)16:40:47 No.257341089
File: Richat Structure - Eye Of(...).jpg (1.82 MB, 3130x2953)

>>257329638 #
>>257327585 #
Also, if anybody still thinks that Richat Structure / The Eye Of Sahara is Atlantis, then you better read this:

Richat Structure / Eye Of Sahara is 100% naturally created in seconds through a discharge from an
electric arch, most likely from a celestial object, perhaps Jupiter. To see how it was created, watch at 35
minutes and 28 seconds this video: [Open]

Look at attached image, then look closely around it and especially the left side and you will literally see
patterns of electric discharge, that might to some misleadingly look like rivers, however rivers don't flow
upright, and these electric patterns go from more or less center to outer ring, which is higher.

Electric discharges of celestial object origin also created for example Grand Canyon and English Channel
plus much more, including on other planets.

To learn about true location of Atland / Atlantis, read here:

>>257327585 #
>>257331552 #
>>257338393 #

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)16:54:54 No.257342651

>>257334946 #
>>257339060 #

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:04:32 No.257343660
File: Comet In 1456.jpg (85 KB, 636x502)

>>257338020 #
There was a series of catastrophes of cosmological origin, mainly changes of
planetary orbits and their effects just few centuries ago. Massive earthquakes,
volcano eruptions, tsunamis, oceans water level rose, debris from comets was
falling and they themselves scorched the Earth, creating the Sahara, and Earth was
a victim of tremendous electrical discharge (Grand Canyon was created by one of
these discharges as well as the The Richat Structure etc), most likely of celestial
origin. Before that disaster, Sahara was green and full of cities. After that disaster, world-wide
civilizations descended into chaos, and reset took at least 4-5 generations, during which newly created
Catholic Church emerged as the leader of new power-structures and they artificially injected into official
historical chronology around 1000 phantom years (that's why there is supposed 1000 years of the Dark
Ages - claim that Europe was stuck in the same place), to cover up catastrophes. The word "Bishop"
itself means "the one who knows the stars/sky/heavens". The "Renaissance" was in reality just re-
building of pre-disaster (disaster means "falling star" [comet]) Roman civilization, which ended in around
5th century AD, when disaster happened world-wide destroying existing power-structures of the world
reducing people to savagery and leading to most of them becoming illiterate after few generations, and
then when situation stabilized, the rebuilding started. Look at work of Piranesi, study old maps and
books, it's all there. We went from around 5th century AD straight to 15th AD with 1000 years that never
existed. Pompeii was still existing just five centuries ago, as well Pliny the Elder that was killed when he
went so see himself the Vesuvius eruption, that destroyed Pompeii. Even the culture and clothes during
the end of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance were very similar and right before the Renaissance
pagan Roman "gods" and their icons were still dominating.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:05:19 No.257343745
File: 1592 Prioris Hemisphaerii.jpg (1.65 MB, 4000x2577)

>>257343660 #
There is a lot of evidence of changes on planetary scale in around 14th/15th
century (and later, but much less), including descriptions of what happened where
and when such as etchings, images in books, oral history of indigenous peoples,
mythology, symbology (a lot of symbols are astronomy / planets related) and even
official western documents they overlooked when they were re-writing and censoring history. They even
made a lot of contradictions. Study Piranesi etchings and old maps/books. World-wide there are stone
buildings to this day partially buried, often covering the whole first story. Laymen call that "mudfood", but
reality is much more complicated. Pompeii was on maps until 1631 AD (Gregorian Calendar) and right
after that maps showed Pompeii in ruins and Vesuvius after eruption and then no more Pompeii on
newer maps. Medical instruments found in ruins of Pompeii were very similar to ones used in 16th and
17th century, so surgical progress was stuck for 1500 years? Right. https://mtvesuvius-oliviasolia.weeb There are many maps from just 4-5 centuries ago showing the area
where now is Sahara, green with cities, lakes, animals and rivers. It was full of cities, and newer maps
show less and less of them (some are still shown as destroyed), until it's just Sahara as we know it
today-empty-no more lakes or cities. The "ancient" texts official narrative bases their chronology on are
what they claim "copies" (no originals), which in reality are forged or/and allowed by the Jesuits and
Catholic Church, starting with Joseph Scaliger re-writing history as they wanted to suit their agendas.
The "ancient" statues of Rome, Greece and Egypt were just "discovered" after 14-15th century AD, when
the rebuilding happened just few generations after the series of world-wide disasters, which are
described as being triggered by celestial phenomena, especially comets that were linked to sudden
plague outbreaks.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:05:54 No.257343797
File: Nuremberg 1561.jpg (74 KB, 500x342)

>>257343660 #
>>257343745 #
After global disasters to stabilize socio-political situation and to regain control over
society, ruling class was burning books and killing people branded heretics or
witches in order to censor and re-write history, creating new version with
chronology deliberately stretched out in which they made up 1000 phantom years
which they had to fill in with something, so they made up and copied events and personas to fill in these
made up 1000 years, that's why they say, that "history repeats itself" and claim European Dark Ages
lasted 1000 years and many other historical anomalies lasting 1000 or around 1000 years, such as
Polynesian "Long Pause" in exploring that official version of history claims lasted 1000 years. Jesuits
starting with Joseph Scaliger were responsible for most of censorship and re-writing of history. The
amount of events that supposedly happened during these phantom 1000 years (between 5th to 15th
centuries on Gregorian calendar) is suspiciously extremely low for a 1000 years period, and they are
mostly either the same or very similar to events that happened before that period. The 1000 years
between 5th and 15th century (Gregorian calendar) simply never happened and were invented partially
as a cover up for disasters.

Few examples:

1. Charlemagne was not a real person, but one of the phantom individuals Catholic Church made up to
fill in their phantom 1000 years and "Charlemagne" is based on a real-life man known as Odoacer.
2. Plato and Gemistus Plethon were one and the same.
3. Genghis Khan and Attila The Hun were the same person.
4. Black Plague / Great Plague / Black Death / Bubonic Plague (it's a copy to fill in the phantom 1000
years of supposed "Dark Ages") is exactly the same event as the Justinian Plague (which really
happened) and it was triggered by electrically charged comets, back then called "wandering stars".

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:06:45 No.257343896
File: Comet And Earthquake In I(...).jpg (359 KB, 1497x1165)

>>257343660 #
>>257343745 #
>>257343797 #
When catastrophes happened civilizations collapsed and in ensuing chaos rapidly
regressed to primitive state in which over generations most knowledge has been
lost among average people (like in Bronze Age Collapse) and people become
illiterate. At the same time, soon after Roman Empire collapsed (both Western and
Eastern) new power structures formed and eventually a leader, Catholic Church emerges and
immediately starts their campaign of censorship through mass book-burnings and killing-off people who
still possessed and spread detrimental to Catholic Church knowledge of real history, (especially
catastrophes that happened recently) by branding them as "heretics" and "witches", while at the same
time using brainwashing techniques (like today's media does) to spread Catholic propaganda. Their
invention of "confessions" was an intelligence-gathering operation disguised as important part of
religion that every catholic must do if they don't want to go to hell for eternity. Catholic Church is heavily
inter-winded with Jesuits, and they are a military order and in their hierarchy the head of Jesuits is
literally titled "Superior General". When Church sent their men after catastrophes to check the situation in
North America, what did they decided to do? Burn natives' books, destroy their cultures and impose on
them Catholicism by force. Word "catholic" itself is from greek word katholikos, which means universal,
and indeed Catholic Church is a mix of different religious cults, because they had to unite people with
polytheistic beliefs, which were a majority in pre-disaster Roman Empire. Even when you look at statues,
icons etc. right before Renaissance you will see, that people still worshiped pagan Roman "gods", not
Jesus or Mary, because 1000 years between 5th and 15th century AD (Gregorian Calendar) never

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:07:48 No.257344011
File: Disasters In Augsburg.png (2.4 MB, 1234x1024)

>>257343660 #
>>257343745 #
>>257343797 #
>>257343896 #
These disasters are inevitable and will happen no matter what (that's why there is a
push to create outposts on other planets, especially Mars), and when they will
happen, collapse of civilization will be imminent. When that happens, people will
turn into savages, most will die, some will survive and will fight between each other in small, little gangs
with no plan for anything, because they will be busy with basic survival and humanity would be probably
stuck in that phase for a very long time and would take huge amount of time to recover and get to the
level we are now. That's very simplified summary of what would most likely happen. Do you understand
now why we need as much centralized power? United One World Government would prevent what I just
described above. Since we can't take everybody to safe places during disasters, and we want the most
intelligent and capable people to survive to be able to rebuild and re-start civilization, intellectual elite will
prepare themselves for that and go to their bunkers without telling peasants what will happen and when,
so that when it will happen and will be over, the elite will emerge from the bunkers with all their
technology and knowledge to reestablish civilization and impose the order on the savages. That
happened repeatedly and that's why there are so many legends all over the world telling about white
skinned, blue eyed, blonde-haired "gods" who gave knowledge and civilization to natives.

Anonymous (ID: hocBWJIF ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:08:02 No.257344034

He's pretty good at the ancient aliens alternate history stories

But his entire foundation is that Egyptians had telekinesis or something

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:08:26 No.257344073

>>257343660 #
>>257343745 #
>>257343797 #
>>257343896 #
>>257344011 #
World-wide civilization-decimating events happen over and over again and are mostly of cosmological
origin. There is a reason for why ancient civilizations, no matter how primitive, usually had astronomical
observatories and knowledge, even little tribes invested heavily into studying of the sky, especially
heavens, because ancient sky was much more active and a source of many disasters, hence astrology
(prediction of future based on positions of celestial objects) was very important and legitimate scientific
field, because celestial objects affect Earth in many ways, often being responsible for volcano eruptions,
tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes, sudden extreme climate changes leading to collapsing of
civilizations, mass famine and many others. This is often covered-up and not many books talk about it,
because of how extremely devastating it is, and ruling elite cannot do anything when next event like that
will happen and there will be many signs before it happens, for example birds falling en-masse off the
sky and fish beaching themselves en-masse due to changes in Earth's electromagnetic field - birds and
fish use electromagnetic forces as a kind of natural GPS and celestial objects with large enough mass
can affect it. There is nothing more dangerous to human civilization than celestial objects and cosmos
itself. Just few centuries ago we had a world-wide collapse of civilization and the most centralized
powers of that time did such a great job at rebuilding and uniting different groups, that most people
today have absolutely no idea that it even happened. Next event like that is always on the horizon and for
the greater good humanity needs a highly centralized United One World Government.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:09:17 No.257344173
File: Electro-Magnetic Field In(...).png (756 KB, 1720x591)

>>257343660 #
>>257343745 #
>>257343797 #
>>257343896 #
>>257344011 #
>>257344073 #
There were many catastrophes of cosmological origins that could transform Earth in very short period of
time. For example celestial objects were responsible for tremendous electric discharges on Earth,
creating for example Grand Canyon and Richat Structure / The Eye Of Sahara and others.

Look at Grand Canyon from space and you will see electric patterns:

Look at Richat Structure / The Eye Of Sahara from above and you will see electric patterns often
mistaken for riverbeds:

There are entire ancient cities all over the world with capabilities to house thousands of people
(Derinkuyu in Turkey could house 20-thousand), because each time catastrophes like ones I described
before happen, intellectual elite goes there during that time and later re-emerge on surface as "gods"
with all their knowledge and then they re-establish themselves and go all over the world to kick-start

When the next catastrophe happens, due to changes of electromagnetic field, most people (who won't be
hiding in shielded bunkers for elite) will probably turn into psychopathic cannibals (read attached image
to understand why and how) and our elite knows that, that's probably why "zombies" are part of popular
culture and Pentagon even created a plan for "zombie apocalypse".

Anonymous (ID: Ul+M2Aas ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:09:33 No.257344198

fraudster 100%

Anonymous (ID: Z5s223vJ ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:09:41 No.257344208

>>257324666 #
sea level has risen 150 meters since 10k years ago there will be hundreds of cities below the waves to
be discovered

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:10:02 No.257344268
File: Greek-Made Terracotta Arm(...).jpg (168 KB, 1200x798)

>>257343660 #
>>257343745 #
>>257343797 #
>>257343896 #
>>257344011 #
>>257344073 #
>>257344173 #
Unusual cosmological activity caused extreme disasters on a global scale, destroying and resetting
civilization and that's why things like I have presented are possible. World was as much connected
before catastrophes as our is now. Examples below:

The famous "Chinese Terracotta Army" was created by Greek artisans:


Roman coins found outside of it's Empire:


"Ancient" Egyptian mummies were found to have traces of cocaine and tobacco:


Anonymous (ID: DX1a/5MB ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:11:31 No.257344428
File: 1584296246577s.jpg (5 KB, 250x250)
>>257322146 #
NOPE. try again retard.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:13:27 No.257344639
File: Oera Linda.png (2.52 MB, 1038x2157)

>>257321315 (OP) #
>>257322944 #
>>257330154 #
>>257331794 #
>>257338020 #
Here are few books for a start you might want to acquaintance yourself with, if you want to
know the truth about history and cataclysms:

1. "The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended", a historical chronology analysis work of Sir Isaac

2. Oera Linda, a text from Frisian people who migrated from their island of FriesLand (it existed just few
hundred years ago and was still on maps right next to IceLand before it was submerged when oceans
water levels rose due to climate change brought on by catastrophes) to where today north-western
Germany is. Take a look at attached image and compare it to modern alphabet and numerals, that
official narrative calls "arabic". Oera Linda talks about history and world-wide catastrophes. This text
when it emerged in public was hated and fiercely fought against by elites, because it survived their
censorship attempts over centuries when they burned non-approved books, especially historical: [Open] [Embed]

3. The Kolbrin, a group of texts telling a very different account of history compared to modern official
narrative, and it supports my claims of world-wide catastrophes from my previous posts here:
>>257343660 #
>>257343745 #
>>257343797 #
>>257343896 #
>>257344011 #
>>257337890 #
>>257344073 #
>>257344173 #
>>257344268 #

Link to The Kolbrin:

4. A book censored, sanitized and then declassified by CIA - The Adam And Eve Story by Chan Thomas:

Anonymous (ID: 0pzLvvZZ ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:14:21 No.257344736

>>257321315 (OP) #
>muh ayahuasca
>muh weed

Anonymous (ID: PxV2ebqy ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:14:54 No.257344792

>>257323354 #

>John Birch Society "memery"

Anonymous (ID: FSotMD0Z ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:15:48 No.257344889
he takes money from retards which can be a good thing!

Anonymous (ID: RcqIGm/C ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:16:36 No.257344962

>>257321315 (OP) #
Gatekeeper. Diverts is away from Mudflood and flat earth reality.

Anonymous (ID: 0pzLvvZZ ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:17:07 No.257345005

>>257344639 #
Based german bro

Anonymous (ID: p4uw4u/M ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:22:18 No.257345581
File: Copper from Michigan in t(...).jpg (3.87 MB, 1891x2643)

>>257321315 (OP) #
There certainly was advanced civilizations dating into the ice age. How advanced were
they? Hard to say. Could be a maritime copper culture or something so advanced its hard
to even understand. Could be both at different times. [Open]

I mean there is scientific evidence from egyptian tool marks/drill cores that the tools they
were using had capabilities we lack even today.

Hancock is right about some stuff and likely wrong about others. I dont think hes an intentional well
poisoner but this is truly what he believes and his passion with no evil intention though hes likely not
right about everything. He is new agey in that he thinks a change in culture with widespread adoption of
use of psychedelics will help create a society/culture that lives more in harmony with each other and
nature...and to an extent hes right about that too.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:35:13 No.257346918
File: TRUTH.jpg (4 KB, 250x227)

>>257345005 #
I'm United Nations poster, not German
one, but thank you.

Anonymous (ID: yOEWj+NT ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:48:23 No.257348219
File: maxresdefault.jpg (80 KB, 1280x720)

>wizard UNanon is also red pilled on Tartaria/Scythians

Can you give us the quick rundown on bloodlines and Mormons? Also I'm curious
what you think of the words Amaru'khan and Is(is)-Ra-El(ohim). Don't hold your
power level back or anything.

Anonymous (ID: doA0lxl6 ) 05/13/20(Wed)17:54:56 No.257348937
File: 1482904581715.png (21 KB, 900x900)

>>257343660 #
>>257343745 #
I remember reading not too long ago that the shroud of turin
was dated in the ~1400s

what the fuck, that would actually make sense

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)18:08:59 No.257350444
File: Grande-Tartarie.jpg (62 KB, 800x516)
>>257348219 #
I'm at the knowledge-level now, that average people often treat me as crazy when I
point out the truth. Only when I present them the evidence, they start to take me
seriously and tell me I must be either some kind of an "insider" or that I must "be
gifted" to notice all that.

For those who don't know about TartAria, Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan was one and the same
person. He was the first and greatest ruler of a country back then called TartAria, Tartary or Grande
TartArie. His country was multi-ethnic and multi-cultural and so extremely powerful, that western powers
had to use divide-and-conquer (nationalism) strategy and rewrite official history just to be able to survive
and not be fully conquered by Tartaria. Their ruling class were majority Caucasians and Genghis Khan
had blue eyes, no epicanthic fold and possibly red hair and/or beard. Later depictions of Genghis Khan
as an Asian are fictitious and a part of rewriting history. It was the unity, that was responsible for
numerous victorious conquests and expansion of TartAria.

What happened to TartArians? Read here:

>>257328851 #
>>257328924 #

I am just a messenger and post for few worthy ones who want to know the worst, ugliest and most
uncomfortable truth, instead of the best, sweetest and most comforting lie that's preferred by mindless

When searching for the truth, remember:

1."It is a mark of an educated mind to entertain an idea without accepting it."

2."All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is
accepted as self-evident."
3."History is a lie agreed upon."
4."The truth is out there."
5."Search and ye shall find."
6."The truth is stranger than fiction."

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)18:23:01 No.257352044

>>257348219 #
The name "America" is just a bastardized version of original one, and it comes from AmaruGa (a
variation of what you wrote as "Amaru'khan", which may also mean Amaru-name and Khan-a title
meaning something like king) and it means "The Land Of The Feathered / Plumed Serpent" - the name
that natives called America. Official narrative claims it comes from the name of Italian explorer Amerigo
Vespucci, but that's false, like most of what's official western narrative claims.

Anonymous (ID: v5VE9xqc ) 05/13/20(Wed)18:23:15 No.257352075
File: 1.jpg (248 KB, 899x1200)

>>257321315 (OP) #
There was an ancient race before modern homosapien. They are the builder race,
our parent race, and spoken of in many ancient texts - Sons of god, Igigi, Watchers, Fallen
Angels, Nagas, etc...
They are the ancient Serpent tribe, the O negative bloodline, Red/Blonde haired, Blue
eyed, and Pale skin.
They bred with hominids to create a slave race, the "Adamus" ("black headed ones"),
modern homosapien.
Then they bred with the Adamus, passing more of their genes off to a hybrid race between them and the
Adamus. This is the white race - Light hair, blue eyes, and Rh negative blood.
Really long story short. Graham Hancock is helping people to open their eyes to our ancient past.
The problem is this - He will NEVER say who these people are/were. He will let other races, and maybe
even encourage them, to claim "muh ancestors".
He is a Liberal Multicultural Cuck who is doing a massive disservice to Europeans by not using his fame
to tell the truth, a truth that has been buried.
>Dark hair
>Most Powerful man at one point
>Sends Archeologists around the world
>Learns the truth
>Tells the world
>Blonde haired, Blue eyed, Aryans
Pic related - Parent race of all humans Rh blood the Serpent bloodline aka Royal blood

Anonymous (ID: 12EIB43e ) 05/13/20(Wed)18:25:07 No.257352271

>>257326344 #
gobekli tepli was a 4-star neolithic restaurant

Anonymous (ID: v5VE9xqc ) 05/13/20(Wed)18:26:53 No.257352473
File: 20200512_170827.jpg (252 KB, 786x798)

>>257322438 #
>Pol needs more of this and less Nazi larping
I agr...
Fuck faggot.
That shit too, has its place. WW2 and Nazi discussions are filled with massive
Redpills, Repills everyone should take. They are some of the most lied about people
in all of history.

Anonymous (ID: PxV2ebqy ) 05/13/20(Wed)18:30:20 No.257352844

>>257352075 #

>neo Nazi (Robert Sepehr) appropriating mythologization and associative tarring of budding emergence
of the "alternative" to existing control structures and paradigms

Anonymous (ID: yOEWj+NT ) 05/13/20(Wed)18:31:55 No.257353022

>>257350444 #
You're not crazy, you're a wizard Harry and you likely have the Gift of Visions.

Anonymous (ID: v5VE9xqc ) 05/13/20(Wed)18:32:44 No.257353116
File: unnamed.png (154 KB, 512x285)

>>257322944 #
Ancient solar system was a different place. The period of cataclysms in the past will not happen again.
We are in a new solar system alignment.
Earth, at one time, revolved around Saturn and even Jupiter.
Hence the Saturn Gods
- Kronus
- Amun Ra
- An
- Anu
- YHWH aka EL
And the Jupiter gods
- Zues
- Baal
- Jehovah
- Enlil

Anonymous (ID: NNCnEOB7 ) 05/13/20(Wed)18:35:05 No.257353378

>>257321315 (OP) #
He invents stuff to make you dense.
Don't listen to his gibberish

Anonymous (ID: lFuzTINz ) 05/13/20(Wed)18:38:30 No.257353752

>>257352075 #
[Open] [Open]

Anonymous (ID: yYpLFU1P ) 05/13/20(Wed)18:39:41 No.257353903

>>257321315 (OP) #
>Niggers didn't build it, aliens did
Definitely /POL/s man, and thus too legit to quit.

Anonymous (ID: v5VE9xqc ) 05/13/20(Wed)18:41:26 No.257354098
File: 1567957937731.jpg (153 KB, 1024x733)

>>257327585 #
The problem with this theory, and I like it and used to believe something like this, is
that something like this supposedly happened prior to 10,000 b.c.
The issue being that Pale skin, Light hair, and Blue eyes all show up around the
exact same time - 8,000 years ago.

This is why I have started leaning towards a different species of human, specifically those with European
type genes.
The Elongated skull beings have a very ancient European DNA and they are not homosapien. They also
have Red/Blonde hair, and most likely blue eyes, and pale skin.
Coincidentally, their DNA can be traced back to the Caucasus Mountains, the same region where "white
people" originate.

Anonymous (ID: E7Nws/yQ ) 05/13/20(Wed)18:41:38 No.257354126

>>257321315 (OP) #
Read his books. He provides plenty of reasonable evidence that the most ancient societies of the world
worshipped similar gods, had similar inventions and referenced each other. Just go off the evidence he
provides nothing more.

Anonymous (ID: J4QzZRgN ) 05/13/20(Wed)18:43:50 No.257354341
File: Img-1588368709098.jpg (533 KB, 1271x648)

Graham Hancock is a Mason piece of shit.

Mary and Jesus

Ma and son

The only truth that matters will never be found in a book.

We are eternal.

Our loving creator is the Sun.

We get vitamin D from the Sun.
When we die Dmt is released.
Dmt = taking the VR goggles off.
Dmt takes us HOME.

The entire point of this "great awakening" is to reconnect us with our creator and get things back to the
way they used to be. NO FEAR of any kind.

All religions are made up. People go to church on SUNDAY to mock our loving creator. It was all done on
purpose. That should piss you off.


This world is fake. It's a broken VR game / matrix. That's how we became disconnected from our real
It was caused by a cataclysm.

"Elites" are actually NPCs that took advantage of the situation. They are parasites who need to be

God's chosen people = fake god's chosen NPCs.

"Elites" need us for their own survival.


They are Agent Smiths who don't exist outside of the matrix.

We are Neo.
Also most people on this board are CIA / Mossad puppets for the "elites."

Trump is Q+ the fake Messiah

Some other moron is fake Q
Real Q is our creator the Sun

Anonymous (ID: v5VE9xqc ) 05/13/20(Wed)18:45:43 No.257354566
File: blue-eyes-mummy-blonde-ha(...).jpg (83 KB, 640x267)

>>257352844 #
What the fuck are you getting at?
And what the fuck does Robert Sepehr have to do
with anything I just said.
He's too busy pushing "muh Cro Magnons".

Anonymous (ID: v5VE9xqc ) 05/13/20(Wed)18:49:30 No.257355023
File: astrotheology.jpg (239 KB, 1024x768)

>>257354341 #
Something like This.

Anonymous (ID: G6tp8fy9 ) 05/13/20(Wed)18:54:43 No.257355640

>>257331794 #
Giving graham a platform to speak is really the only reason I tolerate rogan.

Graham’s ideas are fucking spot on in my opinion.

Simplistic and naive to think that nothing has happened with people for 100,000 years but suddenly in
the last 2,000 we went to the moon.

Realistically there were probably multiple civilizations equivalent to Rome that were submerged below
the sea level

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:03:06 No.257356572
File: Jacob Rothschild And Shim(...).jpg (100 KB, 666x546)

>>257352075 #
Mostly agree. Attached image shows on the left Jacob Rothschild, a member of the
world-wide famous Rothschild dynasty who controls ~ 2 TRILLION dollars in

In South America there were many skulls found with that kind of shape. Notice, that
their skulls are much bigger at the back, which is where the part of the brain is that
is responsible for visuo-spatial IQ. Jacob Rothschild and his family built their dynasty on banking, which
would definitely use mostly visuo-spatial (mathematical) capabilities.

Check Paracas skulls for more information. Similar-shaped skulls were found in Russia. These type of
skulls is 100% genetic, not a result of head-binding. People who saw these long-headed "gods" who were
rules tried to imitate them by head-binding, but it doesn't increase total brain volume at all, just
misshapens the skull, while the original ones had much more space inside for brain and their skulls had
also thicker bone.

>>257353022 #
Well, I was moved to higher grades, twice, so maybe there is something to it.

Anonymous (ID: gVwypId+ ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:04:05 No.257356681

>>257328924 #
What in TarNation! excellent. Tartaria is super interesting, was just reading about. Thanks for the effort

Anonymous (ID: 1slYvEzF ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:04:39 No.257356755

>>257355640 #
Him and Randal Carlson on I think 3 podcasts? Can't think of better podcasts he's done, and what are
they on now 1500?

Anonymous (ID: VAor7mqO ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:06:13 No.257356909

>>257321315 (OP) #
Hancock's primary purpose is to distract you from the Phantom Dark Age thesis. Consult Emmet Scott's
work on it if you're curious.

Anonymous (ID: 1slYvEzF ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:07:08 No.257357000

>>257356572 #
The really weird elongated skulls are the ones with missing sutures. Super weird.

Anonymous (ID: bYN1jYN5 ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:08:54 No.257357159

>>257323002 #
Freemasonry is Judaism for goyim. It tries to teach goyim the very basics of networking, nepotism and
working as a cohesive unit, just like Jews.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:14:36 No.257357747
File: Peru Skulls.jpg (282 KB, 1100x736)

>>257357000 #
>>257356572 #
>>257352075 #
Yes, which proves they are 100% genetic. Head-
binding couldn't do that.
>>257356681 #
You are welcome.

Anonymous (ID: 1slYvEzF ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:17:36 No.257358051

>>257357747 #
Last I knew, someone was in the process of getting these things genetically tested, and was having
trouble getting labs to agree to do it. You know anything about that?

Anonymous (ID: PxV2ebqy ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:24:49 No.257358835
File: queens-guard-royal-guard-(...).jpg (131 KB, 813x1390)

>>257356572 #
Anonymous (ID: FPvAqQvL ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:34:14 No.257359838
File: pikeww.png (273 KB, 630x630)

>>257352473 #
>WW2 and Nazi discussions
Nothing wrong with banter of course, but the biggest nazi lie, repeated often on pol,
is that they were anything other than another head of the hydra. A puppet on the
stage, playing its part to advance the plot of the world to the next act: Phony Cold

They always control both sides

Anonymous (ID: whl3/WKZ ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:36:47 No.257360088
File: 1565175166219.png (110 KB, 326x326)

>>257359838 #
Looks completely legit that pic

Anonymous (ID: ZLiZndNh ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:37:40 No.257360182

If there were super ancient civilisations we would have uncovered something by now. People used to
stumble on dino bones, human stuff should be all over .
>Great flood washed everything away
How convenient.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:44:20 No.257360882
File: Elongated Skulls - Details.jpg (150 KB, 1090x587)

>>257358051 #
>>257357747 #
>>257357000 #
>>257356572 #
>>257352075 #
If I remember correctly, they found these skulls to belong to human, but rare haplogroup X, which has
hots-pots in ancient populations on both sides of Atlantic Ocean and some TB2, which was found in
North America on east coast among some "natives" of elite bloodline and some in ancients around the
Middle East, but don't quote me on that. They definitely have rare markers in their DNA.

There was even found a baby in Peru near Cusco in fetus-position with that same huge head, which was
almost as big as 1/3 of the entire body and the eye-sockets were huge also.

>>257359838 #
Hitler himself was a grandson of Solomon Rothschild (father of Alois Schicklgruber, father of Adolf
Hitler), a member of the Rothschild dynasty, and Hitler's famous book titled "Mein Kampf" was written by
Catholc priest named Bernhard Stempfle.

There is a reason why Hitler was financed by Wall Street bankers. Even Rockefeller family was
sponsoring Third Reich and selling them oil, which was crucial for LuftWaffe (German AirForce) to fly.
Prescott Bush, father and grandfather of both Presidents Bushes was aiding them, too.


Ever heard about "The Business Plot"?

Bankers are seriously underestimated. They always fund and play both sides, that's why they always stay
at the top, no matter who wins.

Anonymous (ID: 1slYvEzF ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:49:06 No.257361370

>>257360882 #
Blew my mind when a couple years after 9/11 I learned that the Bushes and the Bin Ladens were on
friendly terms, and were in business together. Oh wow what are the fucking odds. Shit never ends.

Anonymous (ID: PxV2ebqy ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:51:01 No.257361552

>>257359838 #

>post picture of a quote written by William Guy Carr that was from a non-existent letter that a Catholic
cardinal told him about (to negatively promote his ideology through "black propaganda")

>John Birch Society and Q-Anon-levels of "conspiracizing" status quo socio-poltics through a contrived,
diametrically one-dimensional "hidden enemy"

Anonymous (ID: b8UFtPvB ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:51:57 No.257361662

>>257321315 (OP) #
Look up a picture of his wife.

Anonymous (ID: FPvAqQvL ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:53:21 No.257361824
File: pike masonry.jpg (191 KB, 1183x920)

>>257360088 #
>irrelevant comment, contributes
smoothbrain detected

Anonymous (ID: TZKT8Z3Q ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:55:11 No.257361998

>>257324236 #

Anonymous (ID: h0P1MQGj ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:55:56 No.257362067

>>257321315 (OP) #
hancock? farce
maxwell? farce
jones? farce
icke? farce
cooper? dead

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:56:10 No.257362106
File: Hitler Heritage.png (2.24 MB, 6000x7950)

>>257361370 #
Leonard Cohen, who was an insider has a great song about how the system works, titled
"Everybody Knows": [Open]


"Everybody knows that the dice are loaded

Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That's how it goes
Everybody knows

Everybody knows that the boat is leaking

Everybody knows the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died

Everybody talking to their pockets

Everybody wants a box of chocolates
And a long stem rose
Everybody knows"

Research Jesuits. They and banking go hand-in-hand together.

Attached image is of a newspaper from 1931 and it states Hitler was of Jewish heritage, like I stated

>>257360882 #
>Hitler himself was a grandson of Solomon Rothschild (father of Alois Schicklgruber, father of Adolf
Hitler), a member of the Rothschild dynasty, and Hitler's famous book titled "Mein Kampf" was written by
Catholc priest named Bernhard Stempfle.

Anonymous (ID: 5O1jPex8 ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:56:30 No.257362136

His books are interesting but it's largely a collation of earlier exisiting works like Hamlet's Mill etc. The
guy is a thorn in the side of (((mainstream history))) but needs to chill with the 'DUDE WEED!' shit.
Saying that the bags in the Assyrian Apkallu relief were full of DMT is ridiculous and cringe.

Anonymous (ID: 1slYvEzF ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:57:12 No.257362208
File: the-colossi-of-memnon-the(...).jpg (87 KB, 900x622)

>>257361662 #
Is she black? She's in this infamous
video. [Open]

Anonymous (ID: M66B4vsd ) 05/13/20(Wed)19:59:36 No.257362475

>>257321315 (OP) #
Yeah he's legit, or, at least he means no harm and genuinely believes in his stuff.

Look up the vid of him arguing with the egyptologist gatekeeper. Hancock makes it clear that he's a
bitch, probably some shabbos goyim tasked with keeping prying eyes away from the obvious places to
look next. Remember that team that sent a little robot down into the bowels of the GP and hit a small
stone slab which prevented them from going further? They were shut down immediately by the same
dude Hancock is arguing with. Ah, Zahi Awass or something like that, that's the gatekeeper faggot's
name, probably misspelled.

Anonymous (ID: 1slYvEzF ) 05/13/20(Wed)20:03:37 No.257362859

>>257362106 #
Makes sense I guess.
I never understood wtf the Jesuits were. I somehow filed it away as weird mangling of Jewish and
Christian combined.

Anonymous (ID: 1slYvEzF ) 05/13/20(Wed)20:04:31 No.257362950
>>257362475 #
>>257362208 #
Vid here

Anonymous (ID: q35D4vl3 ) 05/13/20(Wed)20:04:51 No.257362992
File: 1565277187361.png (1.57 MB, 1229x820)

Cataclysmic pole shift. The crust of the earth slips. Humanity is regularly reset. We
live on an unstable planet. Younger Dryas wasn't an impact. It's about to happen
again. As our dipole is destabilized and our magnetic field weaken (we've lost 20%
of its strength in 150 years and it's accelerating), we're more exposed to solar and cosmic radiation.
More earthquakes. More volcanic eruptions. And then eventually, rapid crustal displacement.

Anonymous (ID: RohIajcb ) 05/13/20(Wed)20:06:46 No.257363183

>>257323002 #
Free Masons are a kike proxy.
Some of them are unaware of it.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)20:15:36 No.257364061
File: Jesuits Ruled Third Reich.jpg (211 KB, 1120x700)

>>257362859 #
It's difficult to find somebody as powerful as Jesuits as far as organizations go.
They were expelled out of 83 countries over and over again since their beginning.
Even Rothschilds were banking for them and Catholic Church. Jesuits are a military
order and in their hierarchy, a top leader is literally titled "Superior General". Jesuits
use other organizations as proxies. Their members come from all walks of life, but every single one of
them is very intelligent and dedicated to the organization. For example. Shimon Peres, a Jew of Poland
who later became President Of Israel, back in Poland as a child went to private Jesuit school.

Anonymous (ID: 1slYvEzF ) 05/13/20(Wed)20:16:55 No.257364177
File: colossi-memnon-1200x800.jpg (565 KB, 1200x800)

>>257362992 #
Why would a magnetic pole shift result in crystal displacement? The physics
of that is lost on me.

Anonymous (ID: 1slYvEzF ) 05/13/20(Wed)20:22:21 No.257364689

>>257364061 #
I had a childhood friend growing up in MA, that moved to CA when we were in high school. Ended up
attending a Jesuit high school. No recollection of him saying anything about it being any different than a
public high school. Would later learn he did come from money, got a massive chunk of money that he
just lives on, doesn't have to work for the rest of his life. Hmmm. It's a bit of an assumption because I
don't have any details but some puzzle pieces may've just fallen into place. Fuck.

Anonymous (ID: 4okOi0UY ) 05/13/20(Wed)20:29:41 No.257365470

>>257359838 #
>wrote the word Nazism in 1871

Anonymous (ID: q35D4vl3 ) 05/13/20(Wed)20:32:59 No.257365791

>>257364177 #
Magnetohydrodynamics in the asthenosphere (connecting the solid lithosphere crust to the mantle

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)20:35:05 No.257366021
File: Saturn Configuration.jpg (83 KB, 1000x600)

>>257353116 #
Back then there was no solar system as we have it today and there will be
catastrophes, read here: >>257337890 #

There were only three celestial objects visible in the sky: Saturn, Venus and Mars all
in one line. Saturn was back then a brown-dwarf and due to it's plasma sheath nothing else was visible
except these three celestial objects, everywhere else was just purple hue all the time. There was no day /
night cycle, no seasons or stars. Earth was just rotating on its own axis and Saturn's hexagonal
cymatics-driven storm on its pole was visible from Earth, that's why ancient cultures worshiped it and
hexagon as "godly". In front of it was Venus in its beginning stage of evolutionary life as a celestial
object, a comet, which gave light, and in front of it was Mars. It looked like a giant "eye" of "God" looking
at people all the time. Then Venus changed a little its position and as a result 5 (and then more) "streaks"
suddenly appeared in the sky, which is from where king's crown have spikes. When it had 5 "streaks" it
looked like a hand with the "eye" in the middle, hence existence of Hamsa, "the evil eye". This planetary
configuration underwent many changes and as a result many visible signs showed up in the sky,
resulting in spawning of "gods" and new religions, that's why polytheism was practiced everywhere,
because people thought these celestial objects and signs were literally "gods". There were many of
them. Fast forward new player comes to the neighborhood and destroys the old order, the Sol (our
current sun) and it creates new rules according to which every other celestial objects must abide. That's
when Earth was ripped from Saturn's grip and its plasma sheath and that's when "God said: Let there be
light. And there was light", that's when suddenly we could see all these stars and the day / night cycle
appeared along with the seasons. This subject is rather complicated and many events happened, so this
is very simplified.

eco-chad (ID: uJ7C2dez ) 05/13/20(Wed)20:38:01 No.257366325

a lot of it is good stuff. CIvilization is much older than we are told. thats a damn sure.

Anonymous (ID: jYYrTZRc ) 05/13/20(Wed)20:38:41 No.257366401

>>257324791 #
Hm and Hancock on JRE debating some skeptics was a weird one. Seemed as it went on Carlson
distanced himself from Graham as he realised lots of the dude weed bro analogies of Hancocks were
half baked where what he bought was imperical evidence.
At least my take, I kinda stopped listening to Hancock after that.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)20:54:35 No.257367838

>>257364689 #
The ones who have real power are in the organization for decades. Most of low-level ones are essentially
used for PR to show the world how good people they are, it's like in Mormon religion, these low-level
people who go to your home and help you clean your dishes after dinner while talking about their cult,
but the high-level Mormons are active behind the scenes.

Jesuits have their agents world-wide. For example Napoleon Bonaparte was one of them. They used him
for what they wanted and later wanted to get rid of him, so he turned on them. There were many such

Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit.

"In 1720, Michael Angelo Tamburini, then General of the Jesuits, said to the Duke of Brancas, “See, my
lord, from this room—from this room I govern not only Paris, but China: not only China, but the whole
world, without any one knowing how ‘tis managed."

Anonymous (ID: d1biVkCJ ) 05/13/20(Wed)20:55:44 No.257367927

>>257321315 (OP) #
He's a pussy liberal fag that hates European history.
Look up Robert Sepehr instead.

Anonymous (ID: SbpDisXP ) 05/13/20(Wed)20:56:17 No.257367979
File: 1589158447975.jpg (235 KB, 865x1024)
>>257321315 (OP) #
Graham and Randall are super based.
Everyone not realising this did not do their research, and are little grown up kids who
can't face that reality is way more complicated than it seems and ancient civz existed,
you've been lied to your whole life, and now you realise.

Cognitive dissonance is a bitch anon.

Anonymous (ID: HbhNLMVx ) 05/13/20(Wed)20:59:48 No.257368322

>>257337890 #
>>257366021 #
anon, elaborate on these posts. You say it's simplified and more complicated, can you show us more
links and/or books? I want to read more on this.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:04:05 No.257368726
File: Saturn Configuration - Bi(...).jpg (110 KB, 600x785)

>>257368322 #
"Ask and ye shall be given."

Prepare a little time for yourself, because it will take many hours to go through all of this
I have here for you:

1. [Open]
2. [Open]
3. [Open]
4. [Open]
5. [Open]
6. [Open]
7. [Open]
8. [Open]
9. [Open]

>>257337890 #
>>257366021 #

Anonymous (ID: d1biVkCJ ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:06:37 No.257368960

>>257368726 #
wow cool posts

Anonymous (ID: hysLVs9F ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:10:52 No.257369322

>>257321315 (OP) #

Married to a shitskin. Complete retarded faggot cuck on the jewish question (wherever/whenever he
mentions anything related).

Obviously a lot of his research is valid and interesting.

Also, he was (by his own admission) a ravenous dope feind/pot head, which was slightly unexpected.

Anonymous (ID: heZlD6BJ ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:12:18 No.257369437
File: Temporal Recon.jpg (14 KB, 213x236)

>>257321315 (OP) #
He's actually a disinfo shill for the left.

He hides much, and his aim is to keep the real truth just out of reach for most leftists.
His views often also dissuade those on the right to a certain extent.
If you want to know the actual truth though, there has been many high tech seemingly
global civilizations on this planet.
This all goes back to the planet Malduk (what most of you currently know as the
asteroid belt).
It's an eternal war between men and women, good and evil, logic and illogical.
It never ends anon, and as it continues, the more complex and interesting it will

Anonymous (ID: hysLVs9F ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:13:31 No.257369528

>>257322804 #

Get a flag, niggerfaggot.

Anonymous (ID: 6cOHR6Iu ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:14:19 No.257369599

>>257322773 #
fellow traveler detected

Anonymous (ID: heZlD6BJ ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:17:22 No.257369867

>>257354341 #
I have no idea how you went so far off the mark, but at least it's something.

This is a game, and it isn't broken.

Sun worship is completely wrong.

The sun is merely the way the "ladder" is reset, which is about to cleanse this earth in about 26 years.

Anonymous (ID: hysLVs9F ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:19:37 No.257370075

>>257367927 #

Robert Sepehr is a shifty jew fuck!

Anonymous (ID: hysLVs9F ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:21:14 No.257370227

>>257346918 #

Get a flag, niggerfaggot.

Anonymous (ID: d1biVkCJ ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:23:09 No.257370406

>>257370075 #
What's his problem?
I take a lot of what he says with a grain of salt, but it's fun to listen to.
Some of it sounds probable.

Anonymous (ID: hysLVs9F ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:24:37 No.257370543

>>257362208 #

Hawass is such a stupid fucking nigger.

Anonymous (ID: 1slYvEzF ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:30:29 No.257371084
File: colossus1.jpg (592 KB, 1920x2679)

>>257370543 #
He must've been doing something right. Kinda high up the position of Kang of Antiquities
or whatever his title was.
But to claim you've never heard of Gobekli Tepe in fucking 2015? Blatant and very bad
Anonymous (ID: dz+vqAMr ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:30:44 No.257371104

>>257321315 (OP) #
he has enough integrity to move around intellectually. therefore, it honestly doesn't matter what he
thinks. if you make a convincing argument, he'll adopt it. there aren't a lot of people like him, and he's
politically typical. he's really only redpilled on the factualized history writing program and scholastic
institutional corruption.

Anonymous (ID: ggJQv67u ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:34:05 No.257371409

>>257321315 (OP) #
I don't like the fact that I caught a mormon co-worker shilling this guy 17 years ago
because he felt like it proved that mormons were the ancient Israelites

Anonymous (ID: fLyLvF/p ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:39:16 No.257371890
File: 1589165917926.jpg (24 KB, 640x448)

>>257321315 (OP) #
Pretty legit. I personally enjoy the 'kosmographia'
podcast by Randall carlson

Anonymous (ID: OAOaewaV ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:42:40 No.257372186
File: 1587174744187.jpg (54 KB, 692x960)

>>257368726 #
I have read your posts and i don't believe a single thing of what you say. I have researched
this before, but also researched further without this dogma which Hancock and the
Ancient Aliens, including Fomenko is preaching. It's like you mix every possible theory
and try to make something out of it, while at the same time you completely ignore indo-
european and early european history. It is a reason they burnt all texts depicting what
happened before the 1500s, it's because indo-europeans was in charge and ruling the
earth, while now, the anglo-judean retards wants to push this narrative making you doubt
every single aspect of history. It's such a mess of deluded non-sense, muddying the waters to an
extreme. The world was ARYAN and Indo-european until the jews took over, they are now trying to delete
our great history, our symbols, our heritage and achievements.

Anonymous (ID: fLyLvF/p ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:43:41 No.257372281

>>257372186 #
Madlibs spammer

Anonymous (ID: PxV2ebqy ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:48:29 No.257372720

>>257372186 #

>muh white history

Anonymous (ID: d1biVkCJ ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:50:16 No.257372904

>>257372720 #
Have seen 2 people saying robert sepehr is wrong but neither have posted why.

Anonymous (ID: wZvGcH4o ) 05/13/20(Wed)21:59:31 No.257373735
>>257372904 #
Robert Sepehr is also required viewing. Jews will naturally try to shut him down.

Anonymous (ID: w1o5RtMp ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:03:36 No.257374125

>>257344639 #
I'm Frisian, and this is really weirding me out. Explains many family mysteries.

Anonymous (ID: d1biVkCJ ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:03:52 No.257374153

>>257373735 #
Why did your post get deleted?
The documentary on lost history.

Anonymous (ID: wZvGcH4o ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:06:43 No.257374420

>>257374153 #
>Why did your post get deleted?
got threads mixed up, sorry. post I replied to was here >>257332021 #
definitely required viewing

Anonymous (ID: Er2POKaA ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:07:26 No.257374497

>>257322438 #
>Honestly pol needs to more of this and less bullshit nazi larping

At this point in time, I couldn't agree more.

Anonymous (ID: PxV2ebqy ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:09:32 No.257374670

>>257372904 #

Rehashed alternative history, surface level esotercism, and preexistent, circulated "fringe" speculation
concluded with "the white man did it", and aggregating various, non-alt right content under and into his
channel/brand to associatively shoe-horn it in and aggrandize the "conclusions" (that his devoted
viewerbase already "knows").

Anonymous (ID: wZvGcH4o ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:12:31 No.257374939

>>257374670 #
>surface level esotercism,
because you know the deep stuff from inside sources, right

Anonymous (ID: fykXFIE1 ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:15:35 No.257375244

>>257369322 #
>Also, he was (by his own admission) a ravenous dope feind/pot head, which was slightly unexpected.
Ha yeah. He's one of the more energetic and functional potheads though by tee sound of things, scuba
diving all over the world looking at ruins and stuff.

Anonymous (ID: PxV2ebqy ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:18:09 No.257375484

>>257374939 #
>because you know the deep stuff from inside sources, right

Outside of the Schwarz Sonne anus.

Anonymous (ID: PKoo/P1K ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:18:17 No.257375492
File: Konya-Whirling-Dervishes[1].jpg (122 KB, 1280x720)

>>257372904 #
the "bad thing" is that he doesn't care about about presenting something that is
jewish or islamic or "brown", he just presents what he thinks is important , for
example in one of his latest vids he put like 10 minutes of brown arabs dancing...
obviously this is "not so aryan" so its bad from that perpective...but that vid helped
me undertand that many of the "occult practices" "or sexual magic" are in reality
just a way to get dizzy or "light-headed" and the idea is to let the mind be in
tranquility and many times the music accentuates the experience of dizziness and feeling like "floating"
this is the mystical experience that would get you closer to "Goddly experience".

I kinda agree with this anon >>257372186 #

fomenko is a whole "trip" on his own... although coincidentally the shroud of turin was dated to the time
fomenko said were the "Christ years" (circa1000 AD) but I'm not sure if he took that test date as a
reference, the shroud is still a mistery if it is a fake its a masterpiece just the same because the process
to make that impression is very peculiar it is not a tint its more like an emission of something that left a
very superficial image on the fibers of the cloth, like a "burn". some people sujest that it was made using
a source of extermely high intensity light...

Anonymous (ID: KbgqI5Zk ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:20:39 No.257375709

>>257332410 #
Imagine an entire generation of people going deaf all at the same time, caused by an unimaginably loud,
thunderous clap that bursts the eardrums. Lightning bolts on a planetary scale.
I wonder what that would do to a common language? The next generation of people that could hear had
to deal and learn language from deaf people.

Anonymous (ID: p8S6Qwu+ ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:21:26 No.257375786

>>257325965 #
>jewtube purged this
Its right there on his channel actually

Anonymous (ID: 99o8ChGg ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:23:11 No.257375964

>>257321315 (OP) #
>Is he another well poisoner in the new-age fringe history/archaeology?
He seems to provide good information about archaeology and geology on most of his videos. Anything
else he mixes in that is total garbage, like his mushroom crap.

Anonymous (ID: HGMJYsQb ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:26:40 No.257376311

>>257350444 #
They lived 700 years apart.

Anonymous (ID: d1biVkCJ ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:28:50 No.257376543

>>257375492 #
I just enjoy what he presents and his style of presenting it.
I never felt he was pulling an angle.

I think the dance and unison movements are a way to merge with the consciousness of the group
kind of like these exercises [Open]
It makes the unit better, or with dance it can play on another archetype of the community

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:36:18 No.257377294
File: J714.jpg (202 KB, 975x651)

>>257376311 #
"Genghis Khan" was not a real person. It was one of the phantom individuals
created by Catholic Church and Jesuits to fill in the phantom 1000 years on
Gregorian calendar (from 5th to 15th century) and "Genghis Khan" is based on a
real-life person known as Attila The Hun. It's the same deal as with Odoacer /
Charlemagne and Plato / Gemistus Plethon.

Genghis Khan means literally "great ruler".

For a start you can compare what is known about Attila The Hun and what is known about Genghis Khan,
and the compare Plato and Gemistus Plethon, then research Odoacer and Charlemagne. Perhaps you
will start seeing things you didn't see before and start connecting the dots.

There were world-wide disasters / catastrophes just 5 centuries ago brought on by changes of orbits of
celestial objects and they resulted in total collapse of civilizations, and when situation stabilized after at
least few generations, new power-structures formed (Catholic Church and Jesuits) and they created new
version of "history" that included phantom 1000 years injected into it. They exploited the way printing
machines worked and differences in calendars, turning letters J/I/l in front of the three-number dates
into "1" (one) making it look lie a letter in front of the three-number date meant 1 (one) effectively fooling
people into thinking there were additional 1000 years in the chronological "history". I attached a picture
as an example. Official historical chronology is not real. It has injected into it ~1000 phantom years.
Read here:

>>257343660 #
>>257343745 #
>>257343797 #
>>257343896 #
>>257344011 #
>>257344073 #
>>257337890 #
>>257344173 #
>>257344268 #
>>257344639 #

Anonymous (ID: h5DDkoHu ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:37:33 No.257377423
File: Where is it.jpg (237 KB, 598x792)

>>257372720 #
>>257372281 #
>their arguments; none.

Anonymous (ID: h5DDkoHu ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:38:31 No.257377512
File: 1517354605799.jpg (51 KB, 1020x511)

>>257376543 #
>I just enjoy what he presents and his
style of presenting it.
>I never felt he was pulling an angle.
That's the point.

Anonymous (ID: oyvsahJR ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:41:29 No.257377809
File: 43513513543515185.jpg (66 KB, 490x599)

>>257321315 (OP) #
As a writer he's probably fine and he apparently travels a lot but most of his writing is
just a light buffet of things other people have a deeper knowledge of.

>knows nothing about Egyptology. Nothing

>is flat out wrong about the sphinx
>knows little or nothing about archaeology
>knows zero ancient languages
>doesn't understand constellations
>hasn't done the math on Randall Carlson's sacred geometry

Egypt is 3,000 years of history, it lasted so long Egypt forgot its own history and mythologized it, made
religions around shit they didn't understand. If you really think some dude on Rogan somehow
understands even more than people who spend their lives digging in the sands then you're dumber than
the bastard offspring of Graham Hancock and Erik Von Daniken

Anonymous (ID: d1biVkCJ ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:42:00 No.257377857
>>257377512 #
Then he's a good presenter lol
Why are shills attacking him?

Convincing people 1488 in your lifetime isn't practical.

What we can do is gain wealth and power and have children who are wise enough to continue the

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:43:47 No.257378030

>>257375709 #
In modern day scientists, especially CIA-run programs were looking into how to erase people's memories
and they found, that you can do that through an electric-shock. What is also worth to point out, is the fact
they could erase specifically their memories of language if they wanted, too.

Anonymous (ID: 6AmegxNr ) 05/13/20(Wed)22:50:31 No.257378688

>>257377809 #
Judging by the strata studies that have been done over the decades, human development of the Nile
basin regions (Antiquity Egypt, as it were) is more like 8 thousand years old.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)23:03:19 No.257379902
File: Map By Nicolo Zeno 1558.jpg (167 KB, 1024x858)

>>257374125 #
Learn about history of FriesLand. It had very high civilization there. It was close to
IceLand. There is a reason why your people have different language. Read Oera
Linda, a book about your people's history:

>>257344639 #

After catastrophes and its disappearance under water, ruling power had to somehow explain how come
FriesLand was on previous maps, yet doesn't exist in the present, so they simply lied and said
cartographers put it on maps as a "phantom island" to "fill in the empty space".

Anonymous (ID: HGMJYsQb ) 05/13/20(Wed)23:04:03 No.257379967

>>257377294 #
We can carbon date things. Some things fall within that 1,000 year timescale.
But if you don't believe the mad scientists, consider the whole world. All over the world, cultures account
for those thousand years. The Catholic Church wasn't in Maya, and yet the calendar exists.
There is no phantom 1,000 years.

Anonymous (ID: wZvGcH4o ) 05/13/20(Wed)23:10:34 No.257380528

>>257379967 #
>We can carbon date things.
No "we" can't. Some people carbon date things, which you have never personally done.

Anonymous (ID: 5gmfL5WL ) 05/13/20(Wed)23:15:10 No.257380947

>>257321315 (OP) #
He is a romantic British hippie obsessed with atlantis. I read his books and very much enjoyed them. He
has some good ideas about civilizations lost during the younger dryas. He even has some proof to
substantiate his ideas.

He isnt a good scientist or historian though. He is just a big thinker who was right. Half of his ideas are
silly ( gravity being weaker and using flutes to melt stone) and the other half are brilliant. If you read
Joseph Campbell's Hero with 1000 Faces and G.H. you'll feel like you've stumbled on the first hint at a
big secret. Life is more fun like that.
Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)23:17:10 No.257381121
File: J695.jpg (142 KB, 975x634)

>>257379967 #
You know there are differences in calendars, right? They do not count from the
same event.
All you have to do is just refute my statements, step-by-step. Otherwise you admit
defeat. I attached another picture as an example. There are many like that in
documents, maps, coins, tombstones etc. There is a reason for why the younger the
three-number dates with the letter in front of them the later Gregorian calendar was introduced in the

Archeological findings are dated by the strata they were found in, culture they belonged to and C14
(carbon-dating) which assumes many thing like steady rate of decay (half-life) which is affected by
environment, therefore making it unreliable.

Radio-Carbon dating is like asking a local hobo to tell you how old (when it died) specific remains are.

Also, there is a phenomenon called electric fossilization, which after a living thing gets hit with huge
amount of electric current becomes instantly fossilized / petrified. Sometimes that happens to trees
when they get electrocuted from power lines and when
C14-dated, it would show them to be thousands years old. That's how it is possible for ancient texts,
including bible telling the truth when they talk about people suddenly being turned into stone.

Anonymous (ID: wZvGcH4o ) 05/13/20(Wed)23:26:54 No.257381913

>>257381121 #
you should check out this channel if you're into that stuff
>The Celtic Tartarian Channel.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)23:40:22 No.257383020
File: Akkadian God Shamash (Pla(...).jpg (186 KB, 908x700)

>>257368960 #
>>257368322 #
>>257368726 #
>>257366021 #
>>257353116 #
Here is Akkadian "god" Shamash, which is made up of three planets: Saturn in the
background, then Venus (in its beginning stages of life as a comet - it gave light
back then) and in front of it was Mars.

"...Shamash, as the SOLAR deity, exercised the power of light..."

Look in reply to this post for another image showing how it might have looked like.

Anonymous (ID: RdhKSk3M ) 05/13/20(Wed)23:43:15 No.257383244
File: planet_tilts.jpg (1.02 MB, 2100x4350)

Nothing makes sense if you don't consider the movement of planets throughout the last 12k
years in a much more active solar system.

All myth and religion relates to it. Human DNA changes relate to it.

Anonymous (ID: h5DDkoHu ) 05/13/20(Wed)23:43:22 No.257383250
File: 1487679659881.jpg (279 KB, 800x1664)
>>257377857 #
Nobody is attacking him.

>Then he's a good presenter lol

That's what should worry you.

He has added multiple topics and narrates it Visually, the Visualization becomes the evidence
as the Narration provides the mortar to otherwise not related topics which is what the Pirate
and Norway Anon called out.
>>257375492 #
>>257372186 #

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/13/20(Wed)23:47:56 No.257383602
File: Saturn Configuration - Sa(...).jpg (54 KB, 899x600)

>>257383020 #

Anonymous (ID: ydw7lAfe ) 05/13/20(Wed)23:54:49 No.257384082

>>257321315 (OP) #
He basically repackages common archeological views pre-1940 but erases all mention of race and
LARPs like its all his brilliant idea. He is an absolute genius for drug-addled retards who don't read and
don't know any better.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/14/20(Thu)00:03:02 No.257384776

>>257383250 #
Most people simply want to be spoon-fed, instead of doing the work and research themselves, and even
when they are spoon-fed, they still complain they didn't get what they wanted and as much as they
>>257381913 #
Thanks for the link.

Anonymous (ID: RdhKSk3M ) 05/14/20(Thu)00:03:15 No.257384792
File: 6351448.jpg (26 KB, 459x296)

Everyone ignoring the biggest changes around the world that triggered ancient
behavior wont ever get near the real story!

It will never make complete sense.

Thus Graham digs around pieces he connects by virtue of his fantasy.

That's why people will notice that something is missing with his portrayal.

Anonymous (ID: YoiLhi9o ) 05/14/20(Thu)00:03:52 No.257384844

>>257356755 #
1473 as of today. 15 more til the magic number.

Anonymous (ID: aCCpMs+O ) 05/14/20(Thu)00:07:01 No.257385069

>>257384082 #
>There is nothing new under the sun

Anonymous (ID: RdhKSk3M ) 05/14/20(Thu)00:10:27 No.257385343
File: 4490665.jpg (16 KB, 465x303)
A lot happened.
Earth and the solar system as it is, is in this place
only since ~2000 BC

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/14/20(Thu)00:20:12 No.257386119
File: Saturn As Brown Dwarf.jpg (43 KB, 446x310)

>>257385343 #
Disagree. It's much more recent. Current solar system only stabilized itself just 5
centuries ago, hence world-wide catastrophes I talked about in earlier posts here:
>>257343660 #
>>257343745 #
>>257343797 #
>>257343896 #
>>257344011 #
>>257344073 #
>>257344173 #
>>257344268 #
>>257344639 #

There is a reason why Copernicus only 5 centuries ago created a model of current solar system. All of
this happened recently. Just go and search for Sol and Luna in ancient civilizations and you won't find it,
but they knew Saturn, Venus and Mars. Also, Pelasgians were said to be people who pre-dated Luna,
which also is a new celestial object near Earth. It wasn't there always. There are even celestial maps
from 6 centuries ago with Sol between orbits of other current planets.

That's why people back then thought that Earth was the center of cosmos. Earth was in Saturn's
BirkeLand current Z-Pinch. There were no stars visible due to Saturn's plasma sheath, as explained here:
>>257366021 #

>>257384792 #
I talked about this here:

>>257368726 #
>>257383020 #
>>257383602 #
>>257337890 #

Anonymous (ID: 51mmkgwb ) 05/14/20(Thu)00:23:24 No.257386368

>>257321315 (OP) #
when are you fags going to learn, the only people who are not part of the agenda are those who publicly
confess Jesus is lord, and believe in the constitution and first and second amendments... every one else
is shilling

Anonymous (ID: j7eUzBjU ) 05/14/20(Thu)00:32:18 No.257387064

>>257321315 (OP) #
looks genetically Jewish and talks like one aswell

Anonymous (ID: vdZQUKv+ ) 05/14/20(Thu)00:39:30 No.257387653

>>257321551 #
>that man knows his DMT
respect his committment to research tho

Anonymous (ID: vdZQUKv+ ) 05/14/20(Thu)00:41:35 No.257387824
File: 87percentdisgust.png (608 KB, 870x1020)

>>257323603 #
Anonymous (ID: RdhKSk3M ) 05/14/20(Thu)00:53:01 No.257388787

>>257386119 #

Yes several smaller events in comparison happened, but big in comparison to our calm skies.

Interesting how you used a lot of good stuff and then added the dumb 1000 years conspiracy into it.

Not much logic to your reasoning for it. Faulty maps were always around.

You seem intelligent. Read what you wrote about it and challenge yourself if this is enough evidence and
makes sense.

Anonymous (ID: aB7Tvr6N ) 05/14/20(Thu)00:58:46 No.257389249

>>257358835 #

that caught me off guard

Anonymous (ID: ARlkJL3W ) 05/14/20(Thu)00:59:04 No.257389284
File: CLOWN.png (38 KB, 230x230)

>>257368726 #
>"Ask and ye shall be given."

get a rope
hang it up high
reach that badboy
neck yourself



Anonymous (ID: 9J4gypyr ) 05/14/20(Thu)01:08:12 No.257390036

>>257321315 (OP) #
Admitted former 16-hr / day pothead non-scientist

Anonymous (ID: HbhNLMVx ) 05/14/20(Thu)01:11:49 No.257390324

>>257386119 #
>>257368726 #
>>257383020 #
>>257383602 #
>>257337890 #
Tons of 'interesting' stuff to read in this thread.

If all of this happened five centuries ago, are you saying all of recorded history has been literally
compressed or even faked? Have we really been tricked and lied to by Jesuits? That's a pretty fucking
hard thing to sell. How were the inner solar system planets released from their gravity? Because of the
Sun? If we formed as a satellite of Saturn, wouldn't switching from Proto-Saturn aka a simulated brown
dwarf as these theories claim, to our Sun, just destroy our entire planet? I read a lot of weird shit, but this
is pretty far out there anon

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/14/20(Thu)01:13:49 No.257390485
File: Jesus is Jupiter.jpg (687 KB, 1062x778)

>>257386368 #
If you are a serious believer in "Jesus", then I'm sorry, but I have to burst your bubble
and expose you to the truth, no matter how ugly it might be to you. You may very
well start to suffer from cognitive dissonance after reading below text, so discretion
is advised if you are happy with your religious beliefs.

"Jesus" is just deified personification of planet today known as Jupiter. Read below for explanation and
take a look at attached images in both posts.

Post 1/2:

Christianity was just one big organization, which united other, smaller religious cults that worshiped the
same "god", planet Jupiter. Jesus was just one name of many and a personification of planet Jupiter.
Jesus is Zeus (Greek) is Jupiter (Roman) is Perun (Slavic) is Thor (Nordic) is Perkunas (Baltic) is Indra
(Hindu) is Taranis (Celtic) and many others. It was all different names in different cultures for the same
celestial object. Planets had different orbits and specific planet "ruled" the heaven at specific time,
sometimes "fighting" between each other. Ever wondered why in the past people believed in planets
being "gods" and why all cultures were worshiping at the specific time the same specific planet as "god"?
Whenever there are changes of planetary orbits, which happens relatively often, what follows is
earthquakes, tsunamis, volcano eruptions and other civilization-threatening disasters. Another example
is planet Saturn / Cronus etc., that in the past was Earth's "sun" (Earth was tidally locked with Saturn's
north pole, that to this day has a cymatic-driven hexagon-shaped storm, similarly today Earth's Moon is
tidally locked to Earth) and ruled the "heavens" and as a result many human-sacrificing cults were
created such as Baal, Moloch, El etc. - it was all about planet Saturn. Head-dresses / crowns / helmets
etc. were also influenced by what could be seen while looking in the sky, or "heavens".

Continuation of this post (Post 1/2) can be found in the reply to this.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/14/20(Thu)01:15:21 No.257390610
File: Jesus Zeus.jpg (1.31 MB, 1920x1080)

Continuation from here: >>257390485 #

Post 2/2:

At this time, when planet Jupiter "ruled" the sky, all European cultures (and others)
worshiped the same celestial "god" just in different, local cults and it was just easier and better for
everyone to unite under the same organization and that's why Christianity became the state religion of
the Roman Empire - for easier control of the population. Roman Empire led by Jewish intellectual elite
united European religious cults under one organized religion of Christianity, otherwise European tribes
would probably fight to this day between each other in cultist wars, while worshiping the same natural
forces (planet Jupiter) as "god". Then Christianity was hijacked for political purposes. Just like "Jesus"
was in reality planet Jupiter, "Mary" similarly was planet Venus.

For more information about celestial objects and their personified deification, look here:

>>257366021 #
>>257383020 #
>>257383602 #
>>257337890 #

Anonymous (ID: SVlv6UUT ) 05/14/20(Thu)01:18:26 No.257390862

>>257323603 #
>thinks all of the worlds problems can be solved by consuming copious amounts of DMT
They literally can you dumb faggot. The solution to all of humanities problems is a psychedelic kick in
the ass.

Anonymous (ID: IbeC4eHM ) 05/14/20(Thu)01:19:40 No.257390967

>>257386119 #
How do you explain ancient depictions of constellations?

Anonymous (ID: +F580QP7 ) 05/14/20(Thu)01:20:25 No.257391018

>>257321315 (OP) #
he’s the most legit alien dude. but that’s not saying much.

Anonymous (ID: 51mmkgwb ) 05/14/20(Thu)01:21:52 No.257391140

>>257390485 #
well you are sort of correct but there is more to it, yes peple used to think planets where god, just as they
thought other idols are gods, you miss the point, the teacings of the bible is that there is one god and he
is outside of time and space not a planet etc.. the thing is to understand the concept you have to use
words and at the time in greek zues or hezues was the word for God. you look at it from the wrong angle.
mankind was miss lead and slowly we have become more consciously aware of the truth of god

Anonymous (ID: ofYPG2b9 ) 05/14/20(Thu)01:23:38 No.257391274


Anonymous (ID: 51mmkgwb ) 05/14/20(Thu)01:25:15 No.257391393

>>257390324 #
all of your attempt t discredit the teachings of christ lead you to nothing , the God of the bible teaches
dont be a degenerate, dont murder, dont steal, dont lie, dont commit abortion, dont worship idols (ie
planets) dont commit adultery, dond be a fag, etc etc etc by denying the standards of God you choose
degeneracy and for that you will burn in hell, along with the rest of mankind. well done degenerate

Anonymous (ID: w1o5RtMp ) 05/14/20(Thu)01:36:38 No.257392237

>>257379902 #
We have no family history before 1700 like it was deleted somehow.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/14/20(Thu)01:46:35 No.257393001
File: Planets.gif (1.83 MB, 750x375)

>>257390324 #
What I meant by that, is that the stabilization of solar system happened just 6
centuries ago, not that all these events happened at the same time 6 centuries ago.
It was happening gradually but suddenly over certain period of time, many, many
generations. Like I stated before:

>>257386119 #
>There is a reason why Copernicus only 5 centuries ago created a model of current solar system. All of
this happened recently. Just go and search for Sol and Luna in ancient civilizations and you won't find it,
but they knew Saturn, Venus and Mars. Also, Pelasgians were said to be people who pre-dated Luna,
which also is a new celestial object near Earth. It wasn't there always. There are even celestial maps
from 6 centuries ago with Sol between orbits of other current planets.

If you don't believe, then simply go and search for Luna or Sol in ancient civilizations and you won't find
them. They are new additions. Look at attached .gif, notice anything? Do you get it now?

Also, there are certain clues that suggest before Saturn had Earth in its BirkeLand current Z-Pinch, Earth
was either in orbit of Uranus or close to it.

Additionally, there is no "gravity" as we are being told, it's rather a force similar to electro-magnetism and
it can be manipulated. Electro-magnetism and plasma both play a huge role in the entire Universe.
Anonymous (ID: TzHQ7bhV ) 05/14/20(Thu)01:48:53 No.257393159

>>257325087 #

.. (ID: WItatKIU ) 05/14/20(Thu)01:51:38 No.257393338

>>257322438 #
>pol needs to more of this and less bullshit nazi larping

Tell that to the glow-niggers. 95% of all nazi larping on the internet is CounterIntel spooks.

>"There are 'nazis' out there etc!"

Anonymous (ID: YR+Etafx ) 05/14/20(Thu)01:53:51 No.257393494

>>257322438 #
Late night heterodox history threads are some of the highest quality threads on /pol/.

Anonymous (ID: lK1eUeZI ) 05/14/20(Thu)01:57:31 No.257393742

>>257393001 #
Your thoughts on eastern orthodox christanity before the catholic church was established

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/14/20(Thu)01:58:32 No.257393817
File: FriesLand Island.jpg (734 KB, 625x820)

>>257392237 #
FriesLand existed on maps until 1680 when it became submerged. That's why. Your
ancestors were refugees from sinking FriesLand island.

Anonymous (ID: hfJwsiLY ) 05/14/20(Thu)02:05:51 No.257394352

Damn.... if this 5th-15th century thing is true... damn

Im doing all sort of research and reading from different sources. This theory answers several questions
and holes I’ve had for years of being a history nerd... and certain legends of history match up with

Fuck fuck fuckkkkkk this medicine may be too spicy and red at first, time to buckle in for a long night

Anonymous (ID: FnLHqIwv ) 05/14/20(Thu)02:09:16 No.257394610

>>257322438 # [Open]

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/14/20(Thu)02:09:22 No.257394623
File: J625.jpg (68 KB, 800x500)

>>257388787 #
What can I say, I am an "outlier" and try to be at the forefront of the research based
on publicly available data, hence not everything I write is known to others and might
seem like wild theories. I just have the ability to "see" that, which most people can't.
I can connect the dots most don't even know exist. Perhaps I'm not 100% right,
maybe I'm missing something. You can believe or not believe in whatever you want. You have a right to it
and I absolutely respect that and won't attempt to convince you otherwise. I just made statements I'm
sure at this time are true based on my currently possessed knowledge.
Hopefully history will judge me and treat in the future like we today treat "heretics" who ripped us out
from the grip of the tyranny and propelled us all into the Age Of An Enlightenment. I am just doing my

If you don't agree with any of my statement, then try and refute it. Perhaps I will be able to refute your
rebuttal. If not, then I will learn something I didn't know yet and you will correct me, which I will take into
consideration and apply it to my existing worldview.

P.S. Another picture attached as an example further proving my previous statements regarding additional
1000 years.

Like I stated before:

>>257350444 #
>I am just a messenger and post for few worthy ones who want to know the worst, ugliest and most
uncomfortable truth, instead of the best, sweetest and most comforting lie that's preferred by mindless

>When searching for the truth, remember:

>1."It is a mark of an educated mind to entertain an idea without accepting it."
>2."All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is
accepted as self-evident."
>3."History is a lie agreed upon."
>4."The truth is out there."
>5."Search and ye shall find."
>6."The truth is stranger than fiction."

>>257394352 #
See? I'm not "crazy". I just can notice "holes" in official narrative and connect the dots others can't.

Anonymous (ID: wZvGcH4o ) 05/14/20(Thu)02:11:29 No.257394759

>>257394352 #
the missing 1000 years + mud flood fucked up my perception of reality more than any other theory. there
was pretty clearly a global civilization at one point.

Anonymous (ID: TiFP3HTL ) 05/14/20(Thu)02:15:25 No.257394998

took me a while to recognise this as the mud flood schizo samefag and then he just revealed himself at
the end: >>257394759 #

this is just the same guy samefagging with vpns, for anyone legimitely confused why there's an entire
thread of seemingly different people genuinely discussing the idea that the solar system has radically
shifted only 500 years ago, because its not. its the one schizo canadian and a vpn.

Anonymous (ID: 5Yqd1Mmu ) 05/14/20(Thu)02:17:26 No.257395143

>>257346918 #
Share blue faggot

Anonymous (ID: dtbhyZmS ) 05/14/20(Thu)02:18:43 No.257395239

>>257392237 #
Sorry for your lost

Anonymous (ID: wZvGcH4o ) 05/14/20(Thu)02:25:35 No.257395703
File: 1583198026426.jpg (26 KB, 646x335)

>>257394998 #
shit you got me

Anonymous (ID: i+MsxeLr ) 05/14/20(Thu)02:28:35 No.257395940
>>257390324 #
The interesting thing is that hardcore atheists, kikes and christcucks agree that history begins 6000
years ago. Weird huh?

Anonymous (ID: vhCVakdq ) 05/14/20(Thu)02:33:00 No.257396224

The Wright brothers did not have a degree in physics. A few years of highschool, really. And yet they were
able to revolutionize the world with their invention. Thats what the best people used to do in their leisure
time, break moulds and paradigms to usher in new eras of prosperity for the less productive 99%.

So look at the evidence and conclusions supporting and opposing whatever you are interested in. If you
have learned anything from lurking here and reading history, you will know that (((expert opinions))) are
not automatically the best answer and are often wrong for many reasons and incentives.

Anonymous (ID: VXoLSD1R ) 05/14/20(Thu)02:36:53 No.257396457

>>257354098 #
>Caucasus Mountains
Same place as the landing sight of Noah and his three sons after the Flood.

But was it three sons, or three Races?

Was it a flood of water, or was it a Flood of Space ships?

There is no missing link. You will find no such thing. All the fossils found are of test runs, planted here by
our ancestors, with the purpose of breeding with them later, when the place becomes habitable enough.
Neanderthals were the most successful of them.

The ancient humans terraformed the place we now know as "Earth". But this place was not the whole
planet, for the whole planet is so vast and huge, that our small patch of land looks flat.

The Sun you see is artificial, the Moon as well. The artificial Sun was used to melt the ice of the north

Anonymous (ID: VXoLSD1R ) 05/14/20(Thu)02:37:58 No.257396532

>>257362067 #
Brien Foerster?

Anonymous (ID: 3HYCyw3E ) 05/14/20(Thu)02:47:14 No.257397128

what the fuck is this schizo thread

Anonymous (ID: mvwKEQQs ) 05/14/20(Thu)02:47:48 No.257397172

>>257331552 #

Sea levels during peak ice age were 120 meters lower than today. That is not significant lower
considering that the average ocean depth is > 3000 meters. -120 meters would matter on the continental
sockets but not elsewhere, and the mid atlantic ridge is far far too deep to be exposed by 120 meters
lower ocean levels.

Anonymous (ID: VXoLSD1R ) 05/14/20(Thu)02:48:09 No.257397194

>>257391274 #
Oldest Homo Sapiens in Europe was found in Bulgaria.

Anonymous (ID: jiNLVFwH ) 05/14/20(Thu)02:49:15 No.257397256

Atlantis was the first white only continent and was technologically advanced due to alien information

Anonymous (ID: VXoLSD1R ) 05/14/20(Thu)02:51:37 No.257397412
>>257397256 #
There are no aliens. Just advanced humans, who settled here.

Anonymous (ID: 2MSYLgWY ) 05/14/20(Thu)02:58:14 No.257397859

Remember when skeptic made a video trying to debunk Tartaria just ended up introducing people to it?

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:03:46 No.257398209
File: Atlantis.gif (35 KB, 595x395)

>>257397172 #
I already took that into account and have an explanation for it. It's easy. Really.

All the ice that was at poles had so much weight, that it essentially "pinched" Earth
between these two point, as a result the asthenosphere significantly bulged
outwards around them, so when the ice melted, that bulge isostatically adjusted
back down, plus add to this the effect of withdrawal and resurgence of the trapped water. That's why it
was possible for Atland to be above waters.

Mystery solved.

>>257327585 #
>>257331552 #
>>257338393 #
>>257341089 #

Anonymous (ID: mvwKEQQs ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:06:06 No.257398347

>>257337890 #
>(there is another sun like ours and they orbit around each other)

Another sun-mass celestial body would be easily spotted by the enormous influence it would have on
planetary orbits.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:07:39 No.257398439
File: Earth In A Saturn Configu(...).jpg (56 KB, 541x439)

>>257390967 #
Constellations and everything else became visible as soon as Saturn's plasma
sheath disappeared when it came close enough to Sol (it was still very far away),
while dragging Earth with it. Then for a while that same existing planetary
configuration continued, sans plasma sheath, then Jupiter came closer and
disrupted the planetary system, then they came very close to Sol and it ripped them
all apart from each-other and absorbed them all into its solar system and after
period of stabilization now we have it as it is.

>>257366021 #
>>257368726 #
>>257383020 #
>>257383602 #
>>257386119 #
>>257337890 #

Anonymous (ID: laZxKqGf ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:07:59 No.257398460
File: Sacred Mysteries Maya Cha(...).jpg (526 KB, 1251x995)

>>257321978 #
Probably. What he talks about lines up
with their ideology.

Anonymous (ID: fRLVFNN9 ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:09:23 No.257398528
>>257321315 (OP) #
100% mentally retarded

Anonymous (ID: mvwKEQQs ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:11:51 No.257398685

>>257356572 #

The conehead skulls does not have human skull seams and rotschild/peres skulls are more african in
outlook than european, that is why they are so sloped. Notice that peres have no overhang at the back,
typical of mixed race middle easterners.

Anonymous (ID: J/ungriP ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:16:22 No.257398975
File: Screenshot from 2020-05-0(...).png (666 KB, 915x520)

>>257321315 (OP) #
Jew shill, sold out, like Joe Rogan...

100% for sure he will say what Jews

would like him to say

Anonymous (ID: Kh0lwcAH ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:20:45 No.257399266

>>257393001 #
How did the angle of Uranus get so fucked?

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:24:27 No.257399518

>>257398347 #
Did you even check links in that post? You just came here and appear to repeat old official narrative
points as soon as you get exposed to information contradicting what you have been taught, like in your
previous post about Atlantis, which I already refuted and proved my statements, here: >>257398209 #

You have ignored proof presented:

>>257337890 #
>Here is a little info about our binary-star system:
>5. [Open]

Try and refute it with supporting, impeccable and irrefutable proof. You can't just ignore presented
evidence without refuting it and explaining it somehow.

There are countless sources (even mainstream) telling you that there must be some "unknown" celestial
object out there, because it's "gravity" affects Earth. They just call it different names each time, yet
always it is "unknown". Just go and search and you will see.

Read here and update your outdated knowledge regarding physics and astronomy:

Anonymous (ID: xocAyPvi ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:26:16 No.257399632

>>257321315 (OP) #
>He is arguing that there were advanced civilizations
Not one of these people discusses what they mean by "advanced." The person who throws shit by
slingshot is technically more advanced than those who throw shit by hand. There were no flying cars in
>the Egyptians for example are a continuation of a much more ancient legacy of human societies
Not that much of a stretch. If someone shows indoor plumbing to mud-hut people then they'd be
considered gods.
Graham has done some things such as diving off Japan, taking drugs, gone other places. I guess he's
more legit than those who make up shit in studios or on some ranch in Arizona.
Anonymous (ID: vhCVakdq ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:38:03 No.257400353

>>257356572 #
>have rothschild head shape
>dads family emigrated from Germany in 1930s
>his mom has the nose

Am I (((one)))? Also blonde/blue and not hairy. Is it a one drop thing or am I no longer chosen for being a

Anonymous (ID: hLzKY8n+ ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:39:49 No.257400473

>>257321315 (OP) #

He's like Varg, loves the smell of his own shit.

Anonymous (ID: VXoLSD1R ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:45:18 No.257400805

>>257399266 #
It was us, humans. We fucked the whole solar system up.

Anonymous (ID: J/ungriP ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:45:42 No.257400830
File: jew remembrance day.jpg (55 KB, 400x337)

>>257362992 #
We all was told, that we fly around sun on the ball and in a opposite side of sun
after 6 month we still can see anti-Semitic truth
seasons-outer-space.jpg =Oo what? is that means, that we do not flying any where
? So how it is anti-Semitic?
Can we observe that earth is flat? Yes.
Can we measure ? Yes, but only those who have technical awareness how to do that.
Commercial airplanes fly laser straight lines, according to the tool gyroscope, that keeps drift from rigid
point in space, that confirms flat ground under all over from Europe to Australia.
So earth is continents surrounded by flat surface of water? Yes.
Observe able ? Yes.
Measurable? not by every baboon, but yes.
Ok. lets check the Ball. It is observable ? No
Can we measure if "curvature" is correct ? No, no one have find yet any curvature = no ball sorry
CGI pictures and fake videos are real. Take your time to see.
Fire work rockets real and $19.4 billion from tax payers pockets real.
But how about "space" ? As real as Godzilla we all sow it on the screen, right? =O) [Open]

Submarines vs. ISS [Open]

Anonymous (ID: VXoLSD1R ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:47:50 No.257400961

>>257400353 #
"jews are coneheads" is a shill narrative.
Elongated skulls are some of our ancestors, as a whole, not just jews'.

Anonymous (ID: /0rltxqq ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:48:33 No.257401010

>>257321315 (OP) #
It's not an argument, there's proof.

Anonymous (ID: 0ciOuLz5 ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:49:52 No.257401089

>>257321315 (OP) #
Hes a gatekeeper for the masonic cover up of history.
>>257387653 #
Ill never try DMT because of the amount of cringe new age faggot hippies Ive seen talking about it. I
would rather shoot krokodil into my taint that take that gay Joe Rogan bath salts DMT shit.

Anonymous (ID: /0rltxqq ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:52:10 No.257401229

>>257324900 #
bill "it's not the jews you racist!" cooper.

Anonymous (ID: BLe1Hfhx ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:56:19 No.257401488

>>257321461 #
Based and Sephr pilled

Anonymous (ID: J/ungriP ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:57:37 No.257401569
File: groner.jpg (54 KB, 720x360)

>>257345581 #
ha ha ha that is a lie masonic misleading suggestion to imagine (lie)

I use "ancient" stone tool to shape stone it is vibration.... You grown up bamboozled
in shool stupid, that miss understanding of simple things gives you "wow" or rather you try to make"
wow" to get clicks for money stupid idiot, shit of humanity lying shill....

.... it just not truth ....

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/14/20(Thu)03:59:06 No.257401654
File: Man With Elongated Head.png (264 KB, 475x475)

>>257400353 #
Do a genetic test to learn who you are and what is your heritage. People with
genetically elongated heads were found in many places in the world and their
descendants live not only among the elite, however there is quiet few of them
centered in the highest levels of world finance and some military. For example on
attached picture there is an average man, who supposedly is Basque.

>>257398685 #
I already talked about that here:

>>257357747 #
>>257360882 #

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/14/20(Thu)04:11:45 No.257402373
File: Torus 3D.gif (935 KB, 582x431)

>>257400830 #
"Flat Earth" is literally a DisInformation PsyOp.

Earth is torus-shaped and partially hollow with openings to the inside on both north
and south poles. There is human breakaway civilization there created by German
Third Reich. Their government relocated to the inside and created
NeuSchwabenLand. That's where these "anti-gravity" "UFOs" come from. They are German.

For more, read replies to this post.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/14/20(Thu)04:12:29 No.257402416
File: Instruction To Entrance T(...).jpg (777 KB, 2232x1256)

>>257402373 #
UFOs are combination of human breakaway civilization from inside Earth and a
result of black-budget-programs and reverse-engineering of crashed / downed craft
created by breakaway civilization. It all originated first from the Third Reich and the
NeuSchwabenLand bases under miles of ice in the Antarctic and the inside of the
Earth. Vril, Haunebu, letter from Admiral Karl Donitz, Admiral Byrd, Foo-Fighters, Operation HighJump -
read about that and connect the dots - they all lead to the same conclusion - German elite before WWII,
during and after went to the inside of the Earth and created there a breakaway civilization and they are
the source of the "anti-gravity" (there is no "gravity" as we are told, it is a force similar to
electromagnetism and it can be manipulated) UFOs in many different shapes such as saucer, bell, cigar,
triangle etc. It is a fact, that there are openings to the inside of Earth at both poles. Admiral Byrd is not
the only one who went there.

Interview with Admiral Byrd: [Open]

The Smoky God by Willis George Emerson: [Open]

There is also this one big issue with "UFOs turning American nukes on and off":
It was Germans from the NeuSchwabenLand in the inside of the Earth who did that as a technological
show of power. Also remember when few high-profile people like Orthodox Church Patriarch Kiril, Buzz
Aldrin, John Kerry, Minister of Defense of New Zealand, Prince Harry of Great Britain, King Juan Carlos of
Spain, Tom Hanks and possibly Barack Obama went to Antarctica? It was a diplomatic meeting with the
government of NeuSchwabenLand Germans. Nothing is as it seems. Truth is stranger than fiction.

Also, interest in Lake Vostok in Antarctica is more of a military, than "scientific" nature:

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/14/20(Thu)04:13:06 No.257402449
File: Hollow Earth Openings.jpg (1024 KB, 2143x1883)

>>257402373 #
>>257402416 #
There was a eugenically-selected population that was shipped there. There is a
reason for why hundreds of thousands of children with blue eyes, blonde hair who
were taller than their peers went missing during the war. Also Lebensborn was
designed with a specific goal in mind. They own entire inner-world and can come
from both boles to the outer world.

In Operation HighJump they smoked americans so hard that they were forced to fall back and run away
like spooked dogs with tails between their legs, that's why this "scientific" expedition was cut short and
suddenly they went back home while crying about Foo-Fighters and "enemy" planes "harassing" them.

"Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection
against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. The
admiral explained that he was not trying to scare anyone, but the cruel reality is that in case of a new war,
the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or both poles. This statement was made as
part of a recapitulation of his own polar experience, in an exclusive interview with International News
Service. Talking about the recently completed expedition, Byrd said that the most important result of his
observations and discoveries is the potential effect that they have in relation to the security of the United
States. The fantastic speed with which the world is shrinking – recalled the admiral – is one of the most
important lessons learned during his recent Antarctic exploration. I have to warn my compatriots that the
time has ended when we were able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that the
distances, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety." - El Mercurio, March 5, 1947.

Anonymous (ID: qqQ2ELsY ) 05/14/20(Thu)04:13:34 No.257402481

>>257321978 #
he is not a freemason, he states this emphatically on JRE

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/14/20(Thu)04:14:05 No.257402515

>>257402373 #
>>257402416 #
>>257402449 #
People living inside the Earth were first eugenically-selected from ones living on the surface and shipped
to the inside. They are mostly having classic Cro-Magnon traits, such as blond hair, blue eyes, tall stature,
square jaws, high IQ, empathy and extremely high civilization-building potential. Now their descendants
continue the mission their ancestors were tasked with. It was all planned and done to create a
breakaway civilization inside Earth as a kind of a backup if ours here on the surface will be totally
decimated by the next global catastrophes of cosmological origin. It's all part of a greater big-
picture.They will emerge after world-wide civilization decimating disasters on the surface to repopulate
the earth and rebuild civilization as gods. Have you ever wondered why there are so many legends all
over the world, where natives claim that blond haired, blue eyed, tall, white skinned gods gave them
knowledge and created civilization? Maybe elites know something is coming and they have been
preparing for some inevitable event of cosmological origin that would collapse civilization. Meanwhile
inner-world population's purpose from elites' point of view is to have "the unknown enemy" that they
control as a boogeymen and elites that control both outer and inner world are just staging these events
for economical and other reasons. A perpetual cold war-like situation would be a great thing for
humanity as a whole as long as it's planned, because that is great for economy and technological
progress. There is a reason why western governments were deliberately leaking tech to Soviets. Also,
wars are literally needed for the greater good, otherwise civilization would collapse on its own, there
must be always at least two sides fighting between each other, so artificial conflicts are preferred where
both sides are controlled by the same group. There is a great book on that topic, titled The Report From
The Iron Mountain.

Anonymous (ID: qqQ2ELsY ) 05/14/20(Thu)04:14:10 No.257402521

>>257322146 #
he doesn't actually believe in Aliens, he states this emphatically on JRE

Anonymous (ID: VXoLSD1R ) 05/14/20(Thu)04:14:50 No.257402569

>>257402373 #
>>257396457 #

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/14/20(Thu)04:15:36 No.257402613
File: Flying Saucers Over White(...).jpg (148 KB, 1190x560)

>>257402373 #
>>257402416 #
>>257402449 #
>>257402515 #

NeuSchwabenLand Germans from the inside of the Earth flew their "UFOs" over White House in 1952 as
a show of power and confidence.,_D.C._UFO_incident [Open] [Open]

Similar situation happened in 1942 in LA, known as "Battle Of Los Angeles".

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/14/20(Thu)04:16:45 No.257402668
File: Opening To The Hollow Ear(...).jpg (70 KB, 768x728)

>>257402373 #
>>257402416 #
>>257402449 #
>>257402515 #
>>257402613 #
On the north pole an ocean flows inwards, to the inside of the Earth and you won't
see it from the perspective of a boat or plane due to scale, because of how huge it
is, it's hundreds and hundreds of miles in circumference. You would have to be
partially inside to notice it by looking upwards and you would see ocean's water and the farther you
would go, the less and less sky and more water over your head until you go to the other side and will
start seeing less and less water over your head and more and more inner atmosphere "sky".

There is a reason why millions of animals migrate towards the north when cold and why there are aurora
borealis and why colorful pollen can be found on snow and ice in the Arctic and why frozen animals and
plants can be found in fresh-water glaciers in the north pole. They come from the inside.

Electromagnetic field affects the size of an organism, that's why there is a phenomenon called "polar
gigantism" where genetically same organisms grow bigger in weaker electromagnetic fields, compared
to their counterparts living in normal electromagnetic field and that's due to Earth being partly hollow
and its openings to the inside on both poles, which makes it torus-shaped and that's why
electromagnetic field is weaker at poles and the reason for why planes nor satellites fly over poles.

Anonymous (ID: GVsjyRmC ) 05/14/20(Thu)04:19:23 No.257402814
File: German Third Reich Vril _(...).png (1.47 MB, 1600x975)

>>257402373 #
>>257402416 #
>>257402449 #
>>257402515 #
>>257402613 #
>>257402668 #
Only the elite of the elite was allowed to go inside the Earth to populate NeuSchwabenLand and most of
them didn't want, because they would have to leave their families behind, hence only those who were
childless and without a spouse were taken ther, that's why they kidnapped hundreds of thousands of
children from occupied territories that had blue eyes, blond hair, were taller than their peers and had no
psychological / physical undesirable traits and they took them via submarines to their new city inside the
Earth. Lebensborn program was very important for that mission.

Many German Third Reich officials and scientists were captured by CIA in Operation Paperclip, some
were captured by Soviets and a lot of them had some kind of undesirable traits or were deemed
untrustworthy / not dedicated enough.

There is a reason tons of red mercury was shipped to Antarctica during the war. Red mercury was crucial
component used in "anti-gravity" technology used in their "UFO" crafts.

Cold-war was not what it was presented to the public. Soviets and western govts cooperated hand-in-
hand. Western governments were even deliberately leaking their technology to Soviets.

Anonymous (ID: K05Grby7 ) 05/14/20(Thu)04:20:10 No.257402860

>>257338020 #
This really makes me think about the American revolutionary war.. very interesting stuff itt

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