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Volunteering is of the most important since it allows people to be able to help without the
need to receive anything in return, when people offer to volunteer, they can help other
people, support philanthropic causes, and provide assistance to their local community.
Being a volunteer has the goal that it has a benefit for everyone. This means that both the
people who are volunteers and the people they help have a posi>ve impact for both.

Some of the benefits of being a volunteer to promote good health in which volunteering
promotes and maintains posi>ve mental health, volunteering promotes increased
confidence because it provides a feeling of achievement. In the same way, he develops
interpersonal skills, this means that volunteering helps the individual develop interpersonal
skills. He establishes new contacts, but new people are concerned about the common
interest. It promotes happiness, volunteering brings joy and happiness to the individuals it
helps and finally discovers a professional career, volunteering provides new points of view
as experiences that are fundamental to discover their professional path.

I can conclude that being a volunteer is an aEtude, a form of ci>zen par>cipa>on and
commitment that promotes local and global change towards an environmentally friendly,
fair, and suppor>ve society. Through solidarity, altruism, solidarity because the volunteer
person has the interest in suppor>ng another person who needs it and altruism because it
comes from an ac>on that is made selfless.

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