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APSY 1-3

1. Make a summary of the video content on the attached link.

The development of transmissible and replicable life is referred to

as the origin of life. Self-reproduction that evolves. The "Origin of Life" is
a tremendously complex and frequently contentious topic. Intelligent
design and creationism were two conflicting scientific hypotheses that
existed on this difficult issue for a long period. Transcriptions are one of
the events and formulations that occur within our bodies. Urey and
Stanley Miller developed The Miller-Urey Experiment in the 1950s. It is
to thoroughly investigate the case of organic compounds. Miller's work
efficiently validated A.I. theory. Oparin is regarded as the classic
experiment examining the hypothesis of abiogenesis.

According to the concept of abiogenesis, the formation of living

things from non-living things occurs naturally. The dominant explanation
for the origin of life has been replaced by this one, which stated that
nonliving chemical processes gave rise to life. Experiments conducted
by several scientists and immunology experts rejected this theory.
Haldane and Oparin postulated that the building blocks of life originated
from a "soup" of organic molecules on the early Earth.

2. Choose 1 among the several theories that attempt to explain the

origin of life on earth and explain your choice.

I chose the Miller-Urey Experiment because it somehow explains

the theory that has been mentioned in the video that simple
inorganic molecules could combine to form the organic building
blocks required for life as we know it. The Miller-Urey experiment
demonstrated that using only water, ammonia, hydrogen, and
methane and electric sparks to simulate lightning you could create
some of the protein components required for life on Earth. The goal
of Stanley Miller and Harold Urey was to reproduce the chemical
conditions of early Earth.

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